“Deactivated”: Columbia Reportedly Blocks Jewish Professor from Access to Campus

Professor Shai Davidai, an assistant professor at Columbia Business School, was reportedly denied access to the main campus on Friday as his school ID was “deactivated” during the recent protests over the Israeli-Gaza conflict. What was equally concerning is that the university did so for his own protection out of concern that, as an outspoken Jewish faculty member, he could not walk around the campus safely. It was reminiscent of the recent controversy of a man in London threatened with arrest because being “quite openly Jewish” would trigger pro-Palestinian protesters.

Davidai said that the university told him they banned him from campus because they could not ensure his safety. This followed a Columbia rabbi telling Jewish students to leave campus for their own safety.

The most basic obligation of a university is to ensure the safety of its faculty and students from physical assaults. If there is a problem on campus, it is found in those students or faculty who would threaten a Jewish professor if he were to walk on campus.

This is not part of the debate over what language is considered a threat or hateful rhetoric. This is barring a professor because his status alone makes his presence inflammatory or dangerous. I cannot imagine how the solution was barring the potential victim of religious-based bigotry and violence.

We have not heard from Columbia University on the “deactivation.” Unless Professor Davidai is lying, someone cut off his access in the university. The university owes him and the Columbia community an immediate explanation. Indeed, University President Nemat “Minouche” Shafik should have issued a statement yesterday.

There are calls for Shafik to resign. That position is not helped by the silence on the barring of a faculty member. If the accounts are untrue, Shafik needs to say so. If they are true, she needs to explain the basis for this extraordinary action. I cannot imagine the basis for such a deactivation since Shafik has not been accused of any threatening conduct himself.

As major donors like Robert Kraft pull their financial support from Columbia, the school will need to respond more quickly and transparently to such controversies. That can start by reactivating the card of Professor Davidai and supplying whatever security is needed to allow him and others to walk around campus without fear of assault.

367 thoughts on ““Deactivated”: Columbia Reportedly Blocks Jewish Professor from Access to Campus”

  1. Of course our surveillance-state already knew what these anti-Israel/anti-American protestors have been planning, and nothing was prevented. The Regime needs this type of disruption to sow fear across the country. That level of fear eventually leads to a demand for action. At that point, people become willing to sacrifice liberty for security.

    Game. Set. Match.

  2. The UniParty’s Day of Infamy, Part 1

    The clusterf*ck in the US House of Representatives this weekend is surely the final straw. The dreadful grip of the UniParty on national security policy has finally produced sheer madness in a single package. … [a good read]
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    [The ‘Whales’ running the Show- Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos,…]

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  3. How long would a protest by a college conservative group last if they were protesting the rainbow crowd and burning rainbow flags? How many would be charged with HATE CRIMES

    1. Yes, and it’s clear why: the Biden cabal had unleashed the hounds of hell … which also explains other phenomena such as child genital mutilation and the spirit of lawlessness abroad in the land.

      1. OldManFromKS,
        The Democrat party has become the party of evil. They are for the hyper-sexualization of children, pornography in elementary schools, child genital mutilation, chemical castration, soft on crime, defund the police, prosecute victims protect criminals, anti-law and order, pro-Hamas and anti-semities.
        How can anyone vote for them is beyond me.

        1. Upstate, I think what you say is beyond dispute. As I’ve long maintained, The Dems are the party of evil, while the GOP is the party of stupid.

  4. EVERYONE ignore Robert Browning!!!!!
    He(?) is trying to provoke, incite, cause problems for this blogsite. Clearly has ulterior motives.
    Don’t fall for it, just ignore him!

    1. Yes, Yes…and everybody but your hands over your ears and close your eyes, and pray for Moshiach to take care of Browning. Come on Moshiach. BAHA

      Moshiach already has kyke, he has given the eyes to see you as Christ saw you, unfit and undeserving of the blessings of God.

    2. Anonymous, I replied to him early this morning before I realized what a lunatic troll he was, I will not read one more comment from this oddball.

      1. HullBobby,
        Personally I think it is our resident loser, Bug boy. Notice since this “Robert” has shown up, Bug is absent?

        –Darren, this loser needs to be banned liked Bug boy or if he is the same person.

        1. It is bug for sure. I identified him on his very first post. If he were sincere, he would have responded to the several bible verses that i quoted to demonstrate his ignorance.

        2. @Upstate

          I think so too, and the very much transparent attempt at switching online personalities very much makes me think Elvis whatever the eff is almost certainly paid and part of a troll farm, likely funded by Act Blue or similar. The posts are a caricature, not unlike the FBI’s ‘Patriot Front’, and wow, amongst thinking people – talk about *bad* money after bad. 🙄

      2. @hullbobby

        Total lunatic. He is either a paid troll or seriously off (or maybe on) his meds. His level of insanity makes it tough to say.

  5. Is Biden’s IRS Meddling In The IG Investigation Of Hunter Biden Whistleblowers?

    For the IRS chief counsel to communicate with Special Counsel Weiss about a potential ongoing investigation into the whistleblowers is particularly concerning.
    By: Margot Cleveland ~ April 22, 2024

    ‘Nothing more than a transparent attempt to delay’: Special counsel excoriates Hunter Biden’s gun trial gambit, repeatedly calls appeal of judge’s rejection ‘frivolous’

    Special counsel David Weiss urged the judge overseeing the Delaware-based federal gun case against Hunter Biden not to allow the defense to delay proceedings in a pointed motion filed late Friday.
    On Wednesday, attorneys for President Joe Biden’s son asked to indefinitely stay proceedings pending the outcome of an appeal with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit — imploring U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika not to “plow ahead in scheduling a trial.”
    In that request, the younger Biden characterized the government’s efforts to move forward with the case as “unlawful and illogical.”
    By: Colin Kalmbacher ~ Apr 20th, 2024

  6. The only thing extreme left and right agree on is Jew hatred. That tells you there is a spiritual dimension to what is happening in the world right now with this outpouring of anti-Semitism in the wake of the brutal slaughter of Jews on 10/7. It is a dark Sauron like force animating the mobs at Columbia, NYU, and elsewhere. That force was described in the book of Isaiah:

    For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north.’

    1. The Jews persecute and torment the weak and the innocent and this need to persecute is a condition of Jew blood. They deserve to be hated. Christ, the Palestinians the unborn, do math.

        1. Why? because I protect and defend the weak and the innocent, is that why Christ killer? Are you capable of telling me why you hate the innocent, are you Christ killer?

          1. Are you in Gaza fighting?? NO, you are on a comment page commenting. You aren’t doing anything to protect anybody. YOU are part of the division and hate that is putting the world in Chaos. You are disgusting. Shame on you.

            1. I hate the blood of those who persecute and torment the weak and the innocent and I hate your fzxcvking guts you Goddamned Christ killer, do you understand me you fzxcking Jew retard?

          2. Christ may have been innocent, but he was not weak, you fvcktard. He died voluntarily.

            And you are just as responsible for his death as any Jew, moron.

            Purchase a Bible and read it.

            1. He is a symbol of the jew hatred of the innocent. And you do hate the innocent, 15,000 dead Palestinian kids are proof. Hater show your face hater.

  7. Turley,

    We already know the University’s response.

    They felt that they couldn’t keep him or other Jews on Campus safe therefore they chose to block him from campus rather than remove the protesters.

    What you have is a clear Title VI violation.

    The delay and lack of actual response or addressing this suggest that a change in administration is in order.

    Look at Harvard. They shut things down before they could start.
    (Seems someone learned the lesson and avoided the mistakes of their prior administration.)

    These students crossed the line and their actions violated the student code of conduct. Something that is very similar at most universities where they do not tolerate the threat or intimidation of others. Calling for the death and destruction of Jews… is a clear violation. These students should be arrested. Identified and then expelled from the Universities (Yale, MIT, etc…) and this should be made public. They also violated Federal Hate Crime law(s) and should be charged w a felony. While I don’t think that they should be treated and spend time in prison like the J6… let them plead guilty to a felony and do community service.

    Now watch them try to get a job. Or get into graduate programs like medicine, law, etc… Or get jobs as a licensed professional.

    Maybe then they’ll learn that actions have consequences.


  8. A Farmer walked through his field one cold winter morning. On the ground lay a Snake, stiff and frozen with the cold. The Farmer knew how deadly the Snake could be, and yet he picked it up and put it in his bosom to warm it back to life.

    The Snake soon revived, and when it had enough strength, bit the man who had been so kind to it. The bite was deadly and the Farmer felt that he must die. As he drew his last breath, he said to those standing around:

    Learn from my fate not to take pity on a scoundrel.

    We have foolishly welcomed our enemies into our country. What is the remedy? Is surrender the only option?

  9. It is clear American Universities have become bastions of fascist thought. Time to END Federal Aid and backing of student loans.
    Let Democrats fund their OWN FASCISM!

    1. But the fascisms, and capitalisms and the communisms all revolve under the sphere of money, nothing to do with morality, the third rail the Jews do not wish to touch, right kyke?

      1. You calling others vile names doesn’t help your hateful cause. Go fight in Gaza with Hamas. That is where you and the other Progressives belong.

        1. My hatful cause is the protection and defense of the weak and the innocent, those you and your predatory kind seek to harm, do you understand me you morally crippled Jew retard?

  10. BTW nothing in the Constitution allows THREATENING, shout people down, block access protesting. You want to go to a park and speak your position…fine.
    You want to occupy private land, occupy offices, or THREATEN and BLOCK people from home, business, their free movement…that is a FULL ON CRIME. Process the criminals and drop them off in Potsdam NY or better yet one of the Aleutians.

    1. Bull, death threats are protected speech. As long as you do not hurt anybody you can say anything you want. I hate your fzxckiung guts you lying sack of crap.

        1. You do not have a morality, so you mock, but your defects are as plain to see as the nose on your face.

        1. The Jews persecute and torment the weak and the innocent and this is a condition of Jew blood, how are you Jew friends better than me, they have more money?? Is that it Christ killer? Is that the measure of the man, you fzxcvking jew retard?

        1. The Shapiro chair needs a call, are you going to light a fire underneath the Shapiro chairs arse?

  11. Welcome to 1930’s European Fascism
    Every vote for a Democrat is one goose step forward!

    1. You hate the innocent Christ killer, do history right, go to the time you nailed the innocent son of God to the cross. Some things never change right Christ killer?

  12. The Ivy’s, universities as a whole have created these ignorant mobs.” From the river to the sea”. When the Students, at an Ivy league school are asked, what river, to what sea. they are suddenly struck dumb. These are the same know nothing that show up for antifa riots. They get to anonymously threaten and assault others, with immunity. The leftist prosecutors giving them a free pass. They are just stupid. They lack the intellectual heft to debate any issue in a public forum.

        1. Bigotry is hatred without reason, schmuck, I got a reason for hating you Christ killer, the Jews persecute and torment the weak and the innocent, oh and schmuck I hate your fzxcking guts.

            1. I hate the blood of those who persecute and torment the weak and the innocent, I have admitted I am a hater, and if need be a will scream it your ugly fzxckiung face, do you understand me you fzxcking jew retard?

  13. I would have thought by now the American Jewish community would have learned from Israel, the only one you can count on protecting you is you. The gentile are no longer safe from the attacks of the barbarian roaming our streets and crossing our border as well. We have elected goniff to represent us who are taking our constitution and liberties from us. This coming election may very well be our last chance to diminish the damage of the past 3 1/2 years?

    1. Why are they barbarians, why aren’t they just like us? Because we are all stupid goyim right kyke?

      1. @Bobby Brownose – Hey low life for the record lm Sicilian Catholic and my family fought from Normandy to Berlin to destroy the likes of you. Get back under your rock!

  14. All the Jews I ever met were good, decent, hard-working people. I don’t understand the hate they receive.

    1. The Jews hate the innocent, and it is a condition of Jew blood. And the Jews know how they are and it explains why for the past 50 years the Jews have been calling everyone under the sun a racist, to obscure the true nature of Jew blood.

      1. Calling people racist…OMG, you poor snowflake, sounds like you need a holy war or whatever the tools sitting in cushy qatari hotels call it while the gazans are slaughtered for a PR “win.”

        hamas, versus neo-cons…let’s hope they both lose quick and disappear forever.

        1. There is an explanation for everything, and reason why the world has been called racist by the Jews is the predatory nature of Jew blood. You know how you are and you are not going to change. So a fight is going to ensue between the predator and those who will to protect the weak and the innocent, the Christians. Good luck schmuck ,you are going to need it.

          1. You can piss on whomever you like, but that doesn’t prove your team is not worthy of the same, in fact it kinda proves it does.

            Class warriors, identitarians, bigots, and whomever tells you what to think, they are all ROT.

            I don’t need luck in a battle against morons like you and them.

              1. We’re all sinners according to someone, your malfunction is that you need to ascribe your shortcomings, failures, and lack of happiness to some group of people. I’m guessing you’re a boring millenial, likely a self-loathing one playing a lame false flag game. But, if i’m wrong, know that is how pathetic you come across.

  15. What TF are these Jew troublemakers doing over here anyways? We gave them their own country to rid ourselves of their hatred for us and our Christ still their unwanted presence persists. Why is that? Does the Shapiro chair know why?

        1. You do know that the death of Chirst was predetermined as part of G-ds plan? If he did not die then there could not have been a resurrection and cleansing of original sin. Whomever did it was just playing their role in the larger plan.

          1. Yes and there is a predatory nature in Jew blood, that makes the Jews then incompatible with civilized human beings. All part of God plan. What are you trying to say retard?

              1. How was he a Jew? Are the personal traits and characteristic of Christ the personal traits and characteristic of your common run of the mill Christ killer? Are they you fzxcking jew retard?

        1. I hate you fzxcking guts you Goddamned Christ killer. Put that in your pipe and smoke it schmuck.

            1. Hating those who persecute and torment the weak and the innocent is love…. love of Christ. But what would you know about Christ, right Christ killer?

              1. Titus 3:2 “To speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people.”

                1. Why did you kill Christ? It is your blood, you blood needs to persecute and torment the weak and the innocent. Your blood hates the innocent Christ killer. Your blood is the problem you fzxcking jew retard.

                  1. 2nd Timothy 2:25. “Correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth,”

                1. Schmuck, you want forgiveness? It is too late God has curse your blood. you are damned beyond all salvation. It is too late baby it is just too late.

                  1. You are in error. Jesus asked for forgiveness for those who persecuted and crucified him. You carry His Word badly.

                    Ephesians 4:29 “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”

                    You are not building up. You are trying to tear down.

                    1. Prairie Rose,
                      Well said.
                      And well done with class and dignity that is above and beyond this loser.

                    2. …and did God grant forgiveness for the Christ killers or has he eternally damned them, tough one right Christ killer?

                    3. If Jesus asked forgiveness, what would God’s answer be?

                      Rabbi Ben Ezra

                    4. Thank you, UpstateFarmer. That is very kind of you to say. The world sure needs more kindness. Peace be with you!

    1. Are you really trying to sound like a college sophomore’s high school sister? Get a grip of yourself, yeah it’s a full moon, but the hysterics are really making you look bad and making your “side” look bad and stupid.

  16. Yes, the school has major Jewish donors like Robert Kraft. They are getting a lot of pressure from the Jewish lobby and House Republicans. That is why the University President is arresting peaceful Palestinian protesters. The NYPD confirmed the arrested students were peaceful.

    If the school had major Palestinian donors then it would be a different story from Columbia. But money talks.

    1. Try “protesting” (yelling kill a certain group etc) at your work place and see how it goes. Try making outrageous demands at your workplace as you set up a campsite there. Try walking out of work and then blocking access to the workplace for Muslims or gays or women and tell me how your day is going.

      As Bari Weiss said yesterday, “Try demanding that blacks go back to Africa” or demanding that gays not be allowed on campus or that Gaza needs to be turned over to Israel (my addition) and see how it goes.

      1. I know Trump has said of Ilhan Omar that she should go back to Africa, and now Elise Stefanik is desperately trying to been Trump’s Veep.

    2. LOL.
      Free clue.
      When you call for the death and destruction of others… you’re no longer a peaceful protest.
      Its also a violation of the student code of conduct and more.

      ‘Palestinians’ are a fiction created by Arafat.
      Replace that w a historically accurate term ‘Arab Nazi Descendant’.

      If you learned world history from the post WW I period and on… you’d understand that reference.


  17. Shafik appears to have capitulated to the mob. In the middle of last week she called in the NYPD to clear the encampment. It has now reappeared. Her response? Go virtual for a day and then introduce hybrid teaching for the remainder of the year. The demonstrators have won, or so it seems.

    Meanwhile Yale and NYU yesterday relied on the police to clear out their trespassers. Will they stay the course?

  18. Wow – as Columbia’s President calls in the NYPD to arrest and Columbia to suspend peaceful pro-Palestinian and anti-war protesters, Mr. Free Speech Turley grasps at straws to try to make the pro-Israel guy wi th a sketchy story a victim of the Columbia President.

    We have known for a long time that Mr. Free Speech guy is actually not a free speech guy, but really an advocate for certain ideological views.

    1. Wow, the Jew haters are up early today. Lester, try demanding that gays, Muslims, trans or women stay off of campus and see how it goes.

      1. You deserve to be hated Christ killer, the Jews persecute and torment the weak and the innocent. And I hate you fzxcking guts, you diseased disgusting filthy Jew. Do you understand me you fzxcking Jew retard?

  19. Professor Turley,

    While I agree denying Davidai access may be an extreme measure, it is inaccurate to say that Davidai has not been accused of any threatening conduct himself (note you typed Shafik and “he” but I assume you meant Davidai).


    He is currently under investigation for harassing Palestinian students on his social media account.

    Also he has requested a police escort of 10 cops to be with him on campus at all times, so he personally doesn’t feel safe and is this forcing the administration’s hand.

    This, this is not like the London example at all. Please do your research before posts like this.

    1. We are all going to have to make a choice in this life, do we stand with Christ or against, the Shapiro chair has made his decision.

    2. So “harassing” on social media is the same as hitting a Jew with a flagpole, screaming to kill Jews in their faces, taking over an area of campus, demanding that Jews not be safe going to class?

      1. Why TF are you over in Israel with your own kind were you belong? We gave you, your own country to rid ourselves of your hated for us once and for all? What TF are you doing here you fzxcking Jew retard? Get, you dumbfzxcking Jew.

        1. Bobby Browneye is a coward who posts his bigoted ignorance under what he thinks is a veil of anonymity.

          His posts and his data have been forwarded. He will soon find out that he is not anonymous.

    3. Professor Turley is ignoring the intent behind Davidai. He’s intent on antagonizing the pro-Palestinian protesters on campus. Turley also neglects the fact that the campus established a counter protest zone where Davidai can express his views. The students are doing everything Turley often suggests when protesting at university campuses. They keep it outside. Now there are calls to suspend and expel students because they are exercising their free speech rights.

      Turley also neglected to point out that Davidai made a speech outside the campus holding a rally of counter protesters. The confrontational nature of Davidai’s march toward the campus and intent to inject himself in the protest was not going to be a peaceful outcome. Davidai’s deactivation of his credentials is reasonable since his intent was to antagonize the protesters.

      The university is responsible for the safety of everyone and Davidai was intent on confrontation. He’s not being denied access because he’s a Jew. He’s being denied access because he’s intent on causing trouble.

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