Dickinson College Cancels Commencement Address by Michael Smerconish

In another victory for the mobocracy, Dickinson College canceled the commencement address of CNN host Michael Smerconish after liberal and pro-Palestinian students objected. The school decided to forego any speaker rather than risk the ire of radical students and groups. The greatest loss was not to Smerconish but to the college and the students. These graduates could have heard from one of the brightest legal minds in media and a person who has been a powerful and unflagging champion of free speech.

The decision was an unparalleled act of cowardice by President John Jones, who cited “overwhelming opposition” to Smerconish in a recent statement.

Somehow Jones viewed yielding to the mob to be a virtuous act and announced that “with the support of our Board of Trustees, I have decided to rescind the honorary degree and invitation to speak at Commencement.”

That certainly offered clarity to the question and the solution: Jones and the board should resign.

The very touchstone of higher education is a diversity of viewpoints. We have seen a growing orthodoxy on our campuses with little tolerance for dissenting views, particularly when it comes to conservative or libertarian voices. That is most evident in the selection of commencement speakers. It is now routine to invite far left commencement speakers, including at my own university. Speakers like MSNBC host Jen Psaki this year at GW are treated as ideal choices while the selection of more moderate or conservative speakers would trigger protests and cancel campaigns.

Commencements are now an extension of echo chambers on our campuses where faculties have largely purged conservatives from their ranks.

We previously discussed how surveys at universities show a virtual purging of conservative and Republican faculty members.  For example, last year, the Harvard Crimson noted that the university had virtually eliminated Republicans from most departments but that the lack of diversity was not a problem.  Now, a new survey conducted by the Harvard Crimson shows that more than three-quarters of Harvard Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences faculty respondents identify as “liberal” or “very liberal.” Only 2.5% identified as “conservative,” and only 0.4% as “very conservative.”

Likewise, a study by Georgetown University’s Kevin Tobia and MIT’s Eric Martinez found that only nine percent of law school professors identify as conservative at the top 50 law schools. Notably, a 2017 study found 15 percent of faculties were conservative. Another study found that 33 out of 65 departments lacked a single conservative faculty member.

Compare that to a recent Gallup poll stating, “roughly equal proportions of U.S. adults identified as conservative (36%) and moderate (35%) in Gallup polling throughout 2022, while about a quarter identified as liberal (26%).”

Targeting Smerconish is particularly maddening. I have known Michael for many years and I hold him in the highest respect. He remains one of the most intelligent and principled figures in the media. He is also one of the most consistent and committed figures in the media in his defense of the rule of law and constitutional values.

Critics have focused on excerpts from the journalist’s 2004 book “Flying Blind: How Political Correctness Continues to Compromise Airline Safety Post 9/11.” They charge that the book supports “racial profiling.”  Yet, it is possible to disagree with a viewpoint or statement without seeking to cancel the speaker from being heard in a commencement or other event. Figures on the left often have a myriad of troubling past comments, but are routinely invited to speak at commencements.

The truth is that Smerconish is one of the most outspoken civil libertarians in the country and has routinely defended groups stereotyped or targeted simply for their race or national origin.

In a statement on his website, Smerconish explained how his writings have been “grossly distorted.” He added how he wished Jones would have done “the honorable thing” and called to “explain his inability to control the unjustified campus sentiment.”

He is certainly correct, but such integrity is increasingly rare in higher education where administrators and educators have remained silent as their colleagues are targeted, investigated, and sometimes fired for their views. Most Dickinson College professors have remained silent or voiced support for the cancelation in the wake of this decision.

Jones and the Dickinson board took the path of least resistance when confronted by the academic mob. In doing so, they have abandoned the core values that define higher education.

This act of surrender is particularly glaring at a college founded in 1783 by the great Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and champion of individual rights.

It is named for John Dickinson, another founding father who refused to sign the Declaration on Independence in seeking a peaceful resolution with Great Britain. Dickinson was a person of tremendous courage and principle despite his false depiction in the musical 1776.

Dickinson stood up to tremendous pressures in maintaining his position and wrote “My conduct this day, I expect will give the finishing blow to my once too great and, my integrity considered, now too diminished popularity.” Yet, he would enlist with the patriots and fight in the War for Independence. He was only one of two Framers to do so. Even his political adversary John Adams praised him for his stalwart commitment to principle and refusal to yield to pressure.

Dickinson is a worthy model for those who believe in free speech and the need to protect a diversity of viewpoints. Indeed, he was an early target of a cancel campaign by those who refused to understand the reason for his opposition to the declaration. Now, the college named for Dickinson has become the very thing that he fought to resist in his life.

Michael Smerconish will remain a voice for tolerance and free speech. He is the very embodiment of the ideals that led to the establishment of Dickinson College.

178 thoughts on “Dickinson College Cancels Commencement Address by Michael Smerconish”

  1. “These graduates could have heard from one of the brightest legal minds in media …”

    “one of the brightest legal minds in media” is like saying one of the handsomest people on radio, or one of the tallest midgets in the circus.

  2. 1. The speech of the speaker becomes in part speech of the school when the school invites a commencement speaker and gives them an honorary degree. So the school is allowed to control who gives the speech.

    2. Honesty, integrity, and the ability to critically analyze facts is key to being in academics. The modern conservative movement has rejected the concept of objective facts, so it is natural that their would be far less of them in academics.

    1. So with points 1 and 2, you just said the opposite of the truth.

      As to point 1, it’s false: there is no way the speech of an invited guest becomes the speech of the host. That’s just plain bull crap.

      As to point 2, you’re projecting, pure and simple. You’re describing the modern Left, which is basically the polar opposite of the “modern conservative movement.”

      1. “Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” ― Mark Twain

    2. It is the left not the right that continuously fails “Honesty, integrity, and the ability to critically analyze facts”

      Do I have to list AGAIN the near infinite list of things the left has been not just wrong about, but egregiously stupidly wrong.

      But lets address a relatively simple one – Where has socialism Worked ? Where have the ideas of the left Worked ?

      Honesty, integrity and the ability to critically analyse the facts REQUIRES that when ideas repeatedly fail that you either outright reject them or at the very least attempt to correct their flaws – instead of doubling down.

      The actual causes of inflation are incredibly well know. The free market CAN NOT cause inflation. Given a fixed money supply, rising prices in one area require falling prices elsewhere. There is only so much to spend.

      “Inflation is Always and everywhere a monetary phenomena”
      Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman.

      We have thousands of years of experience with inflation – debase the currency and you get inflation.

      Whether it is the Weimar republic, Zimbabwe, Argentina, Venezuella or the US recently – we know EXACTLY why inflation is rearing its ugly head. The Fed has been “printing money” to pay for the US debt. If it failed to do so – we would have to spend less or borrow at higher interest rates and with more consequences. Instead we have subjected ourselves to the most regressive tax of all – inflation.

      This is just ONE example where the leftist academics are completely full of Schiff where Honesty, integrity and the ability to critically analyse the facts gives us clear if not pleasant answers that those on the left (and too many on the right) ignore.

      Covid is another example. What is it that those on the left got right about Covid ?
      Where is that Honesty, integrity and the ability to critically analyse the facts regarding Covid ?
      Are those on the left even willing to admit error ?

      How do we learn if we are unwilling to learn from our mistakes ?

      I have noted that 1/3 of all research papers fail to reproduce, and another third reproduce but without statistical significance.
      That is NOT new – it has been true for most of the 21st century.
      But the last rport I read was that it is now over 50% of papers do not reproduce how is that
      “Honesty, integrity and the ability to critically analyse the facts”

      Critical analysis of the FACTS leads to the inescable conclusion that academia today is dishonest, lacking in integrity and unable to engage in critical thinking. Mumford wiped the floor with Pelosi in a debate on populism at Oxford a week ago – why ? Because Pelosi was unable to be honest. Mumford was NOT some ivory tower academic, he is just one of many redpilled former leftists.

      Are there problems with intellectual honesty on the right ? Absolutely.
      But those are not foundational problems.

      The failures of “Honesty, integrity and the ability to critically analyse the facts” go right to the core of the ideology of the modern left.

      The right – conservatism, is NOT actually an ideology. It is rooted int he FACT that the majority of change FAILS.
      In the real world it takes many tries to do better than we have done in the past.

      When Musk or Bezos offer to fundimentally change the world – they are making an offer, giving you a choice and will profit enormously if they prove right or fail dramatically if they are wrong – regardless you have a choice.

      When president elect Barack Obama promises to fundimentally change the nation – that is FORCE not choice, and while if he proves right we all benefit, if he is wrong – and MOST change proves WRONG, we ALL pay the price.

      This is the most fundimetal flaw in leftist ideologies. The failure to understand how common the failure of new ideas is. And the willingness to impose them on us all by FORCE.

      The reason that leftist – or more generically statist or big governments so universally fail in proportion to their scale is because the failure of change is commonplace, and therefore you will ALWAYS underperform if you impose change by force.

      This is not ideology. it is “Honesty, integrity and the ability to critically analyse the facts”
      and it is completely missing from the modern left.

    3. “Honesty, integrity, and the ability to critically analyze facts is key to being in academics”

      Honesty, integrity, and the ability to critically analyze facts are the key to success in the free markets.
      Academia is far removed from the discipline of free markets.

      If McDonald’s actually cheats you – will you come back ?
      Everything in a free market is done FREELY. You do not have to eat at McD’s, you do not have to buy from Target or Walmart.

      The decision to engage in free exchange only happens when BOTH parties trust each other, and when both offer something the other wants.
      That is pretty much ONLY true in free markets.

      It is why free markets self regulate – once government bars the use of force. And why nothing else does.

    4. 1). Honesty and integrity require that you do not make an offer unless you are willing to keep it even if that becomes difficult.
      \For whatever reasons Dickenson, offered the commencement address and the honorary degree,
      and then when honesty and integrity was required – they FAILED and acted without honor or integrity.

  3. Looks like a large number of progressives have slipped the bonds of their mental health half-way houses today and missed multiple dose of their anti-psychotic medications.
    As a protest to their lunacy I will not use the exclamation sign for the next week. One must adjust to such horrible emergencies.

    1. Thank you so much for responding. I really do appreciate it.
      You MAGA cultists really can’t resist the bait.

      I would be willing to pay good money for all this fun.

    2. Where were you when I was criticizing this multi-exclamation-point moron yesterday?

    3. “Progressives?”



      Please pay attention to the horse’s mouth.

      “The goal of Socialism is Communism.”

      – Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

  4. Here’s what Hamas does to females: binds their arms so they can’t resist, cuts their heels so they can’t run, rapes them, continues to rape them, and surrounds them with the dead bodies of their colleagues:


    The airhead protestors on college campuses should be forced to see this video, along with the many others of how Hamas abuses women . . . not to mention the videos of the general population of Gaza cheering all this on while shouting Allah Akbar or some such garbage.

  5. Actually, Turley, I consider an unparalleled act of cowardice to be sitting by as trumpists seek to intimidate any message they don’t like into submission. Or better yet, sitting by and doing nothing as two open insurrectioists sit on the SCOTUS and are poised to not recuse themselves on the question of presidential immunity.

    1. Deflection. At Dickinson it appears to be the left that has intimidated the expositor of a message they don’t like into submission.. Do you support what Dickinson has done?

      1. Gary, not only did they intimidate a speaker, they canceled a LIBERAL speaker because he isn’t a far left lunatic. I am guess the Smerconish may also be Jewish and we can’t have Jews speaking on campus these days.

  6. Student “protesters” are mindless lemmings being led by the nose by radical leftists. Put them in a time machine and take the to Jonestown and they would be first in line for Kool-Aide. Plug them into the Manson Family and they would be doing Charlie’s bidding.

    Wash, rinse, repeat. Second verse, same as the first. The mob activist, “community organizers” are the one to to watch.

  7. Somewhere along the way between the 1960s and today many of those who assumed leadership positions, whether in academia or politics, brought with them a overpowering fear of certain minorities. Radical blacks promoted the fear by burning our cities and attacking our institutions or even killing us (and each other) if we did not do what they wanted. Why else would the Illinois legislature actually pass a silly, pandering law that now calls criminals (a disproportionately large percentage of whom are black) “justice-impacted individuals”. More recently, academics and politicians have added anti-Semites to the list of people to be feared. This minority also has proven that they can be as destructive and mean as radical blacks if they do not get their way. Of course the success of radical blacks and Jew-haters is possible only because those in academics and politics either agree with the nonsense or they have no backbone. It takes very little awareness to see that there is lawlessness all around and yet very few of our leaders are willing to oppose and stop it. In my opinion, as long as people like President Jones reach down deep in their pockets and feel nothing, it will only get worse.

  8. Michael Smerconish’s response is worth reading in full:


    Here’s an excerpt from toward the end: We are doing our youth, future leaders, and nation a disservice if the civil, deliberative speech of the type I would have delivered at Dickinson is now unwelcome because it is easier to yield to the uninformed than to invest the time necessary to make reasoned decisions. . . . Those members of the college community who pressured to get my speech cancelled are surely celebrating today that their censorship-fueled campaign succeeded. But my guess is that more than a few who remained silent and succumbed to the mob are at least a little bit embarrassed at having done so. Surely, they realize the precedent that’s been set for future commencement speakers? Achievement of the sort that warrants invitation to speak at such a ceremony does not come from a life lived quietly.

    His current effort, called The Mingle Project, is to try and get people to interact more so there’s more understanding, instead of being limited to insulated echo chambers where each person thinks anyone who disagrees is unreasonable. Here’s the trailer:

  9. Thinking more about the story yesterday on O’Donnell, I think we need to expand TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and just start calling it TRUTH Derangement Syndrome – because Democrats have a problem with TRUTH. That is the real source of the insane hatred of Trump. Trump does not affirm the Democrats’ various delusional beliefs.

    I pointed out yesterday how O’Donnell was a textbook example of the effects of Cognitive Dissonance – when the false belief is disconfirmed by Reality, the delusional believer will go to ever more fantastic and silly excuses and actions to protect their false belief. Like alcoholics, when told their problem is that they are drunks, will start blaming everyone and everything but themselves for getting sauced at 11:00 AM every day.

    Dickinson College is that “drunk” – protecting themselves from anyone not confirming their own belief system. They have put their heads under a blanket, and are hollering, “Na na na na na na I can’t hear you!” Over and over and over. . .

  10. Greetings MAGA losers and suckers,

    Your dimwit hero James Comer, of failed Biden impeachment fame, has come up with a new strategy.

    He has proposed new legislation that “would force presidents and vice presidents to disclose their tax filings for the two years before entering the White House, for the years while in office, and for two years afterward” and “compel them, along with close family members such as children, siblings and in-laws, to disclose payments from foreign entities as well as large gifts and loans from family members.”.

    He obviously thinks that with this strategy he will FINALLY be able to get Biden.

    Unsurprisingly, he has substantial Democrat support, because they know Biden has nothing to hide, and that most of these demands have already been met by the Biden family. The bill is co-sponsored by Katie Porter (D) of California.

    There are 2 important points to be made here:

    1. This will apply to Trump if elected.
    2. Dimwit Comer is too stupid to realize Point 1 above.

    Alternatively, if he is not stupid enough to realize this will apply to Trump, then he is tacitly admitting that Trump has no chance of winning.

    1. force presidents and vice presidents to disclose their tax filings for the two years before entering the White House
      If true, and considering the source and no link, its90% likely a lie,

      Outside of that, Congress cannot legislate qualifications for the Office of President, Any more than they can legislate what Presidents do with their papers when leaving office

      1. As usual your comments are irrational, incoherent nonsense untethered to reality.

        Here is the link to the actual bill:

        Here is a press release from Comer’s office:

        No need to thank me.

  11. Interesting that in Jone’s own bio states: “In 2003, Jones struck down portions of Shippensburg University’s speech code on the basis that it violated the First Amendment’s free speech guarantee.”

    1. OTOH, he gagged teachers from mentioning the theory of intelligent design, in a decision where he didn’t even make his own factual findings but copied word-for-word from the ACLU’s suggested findings of fact.

      1. Intelligent design is nonsense.
        There is no god.
        Religious belief should be classified as a mental illness.
        The religious indoctrination of children should be classified as criminal child abuse.
        Religions are nothing more than security blankets for dimwitted people who are afraid of the dark.

        1. Maybe you are right. Perhaps God was an Alien, from the Planet Xerxos, or something. Whatever, the teachings from religion to religion pretty much all agree on many points-

          That there is more to the Universe than what we see;
          That there is a way to behave which makes life better for the society;
          That there is some kind of judgement awaiting us after we croak;

          It seems that Science, particularly Astro-Physics related science, is coming at least to the first point.

          1. ***That there is a way to behave which makes life better for the society;***

            This does not require religious belief in any way, shape or form. There is a common theme in religions that belief is absolutely required for morality. That it is not possible to be moral without religious belief.

            This is ridiculous. Moral behavior is not in any way dependent on religious belief.

            This life is all we have. Get used to it. Make the most of it. Be kind to your fellow man. There is no imaginary creator waiting for you in the sky. Don’t waste your time and energy worshiping a non-existent entity. Get on with your life.

            Man created god, not the other way around.

            1. This life is all we have.

              Can you prove that? No, you can’t. You’re just declaring it, but you have no proof.

              1. I invite you to prove that there is something beyond this life.

                I am all ears.

                If you can provide any evidence at all, then I will very happily change my mind.

                  1. Really!
                    You want me prove the non-existence of some imaginary entity.
                    Do you realize how stupid that statement is.

                    I am perfectly happy to acknowledge the existence of a god, if I can see any evidence of that existence.
                    I do not.
                    Until such evidence is available, it is perfectly logical to assume that there is no god.

                    1. Bottom line: you can’t prove it. Go ahead and declare all you want. All you’re doing is declaring, not making an argument, not proving anything. But whether you even realize that . . . is another matter.

                    2. Anon: You won’t find a skygod. We are all little pieces of God.

                    3. The only declaration that I am making is that I see no evidence of the existence of a god, either in my personal life or in the world at large. Until such evidence presents itself, the only logical conclusion I can draw is that the existence of a god is highly improbable. I will concede that I cannot say the existence of a god is impossible, but until I see evidence, I can only assume that such existence is improbable.

                      It is not possible to prove an impossibility as you demand.

                      If I see any evidence, I would be delighted to acknowledge the existence of a god.

                    4. I think I shall find an ant, on an ant hill somewhere, and ask him to prove that humans have landed on the moon.

                  2. I will quote you: “There is no god.” That is from your 1:30 p.m. comment. That is the declaration that I asked you to prove.

                    1. OK, fair enough. I was in a hurry. I should have been more careful and precise.
                      I am happy to restate my declaration with more precision.

                      I see no evidence of the existence of a god, either in my personal life or in the world at large. Until such evidence presents itself, the only logical conclusion I can draw is that the existence of a god is highly improbable. I will concede that I cannot say the existence of a god is impossible, but until I see evidence, I can only assume that such existence is improbable.

                      There, happy now.
                      We are back to square one.
                      Where is the evidence.

                    2. Yes I’m happy now because you are agreeing with my initial criticism of Judge Jones. How? By indicating that evidence of an intelligent designer is relevant and should be heard and evaluated according to its merits. Accept it or reject it, I don’t care. But people should be able to speak it and hear it. In his ruling Jones ruled it could not even be heard.

                    3. Wishful thinking and belief are not evidence.
                      Evidence must be testable and falsifiable. If these 2 criteria cannot be met, then it is not evidence.

                      As Nobel prize winning physicist, Richard Feynman famously said:

                      “There’s all kinds of myths and pseudoscience all over the place. I may be quite wrong, maybe they do know all these things, but I don’t think I’m wrong. You see, I have the advantage of having found out how hard it is to get to really know something, how careful you have to be about checking the experiments, how easy it is to make mistakes and fool yourself.

                      I know what it means to know something, and therefore I see how they get their information and I can’t believe that they know it. They haven’t done the work necessary, haven’t done the checks necessary, haven’t taken the care necessary. I have a great suspicion that they don’t know, that this stuff is and that they’re intimidating people.”

                      If you guessed that I am a physicist, then you would be correct !!

              2. “‘This life is all we have.'”

                “Can you prove that?”


                Anything “beyond” that is on mystics to prove.

            2. There is a common theme in religions that belief is absolutely required for morality.

              You are an idiot. You are calling direction, for requirement.

              I can direct you how the frame a house. Its not a requirement. But if you have never done it, you are making your own life worse, by ignoring the direction.

              1. What if I don’t want a house.
                How would my life be worse if I don’t want a house.
                You are assuming that life is only worth living if I have a house.
                What if I am perfectly happy and content with my life in the absence of a house.

                I could go on endlessly to refute your logical fallacy, but I have better things to do, like getting on with my life of happiness and contentment.

                1. Its not the House pea brain.

                  Its the process.

                  Faith is a process . . . not a requirement

                  You constantly delve into areas you have not clue about.

                  1. OK. I get your point.
                    It’s the PROCESS OF BUILDING the house that is important.

                    What if I don’t want to BUILD a house.
                    How would my life be worse if I don’t BUILD a house.
                    You are assuming that life is only worth living if I BUILD a house.
                    What if I am perfectly happy and content with my life without BUILDING a house.

        2. Everything you said is nonsense, but I’m not in favor of gagging you – unlike (former Judge) Jones. That’s the point, which you completely missed.

  12. So, Turley is in Chicago today for his big debate on Presidential self-pardons.

    In the last hour or so this piece is posted. Yet another garbage piece about college controversies. We can be fairly certain that someone else posted this. NOT TURLEY. It is fairly likely that he did not even write it.

    Well, you could say that an assistant posted it. Well, who pays the assistant. Turley has not monetized this blog, no subscription, no ads.

    These garbage pieces about college activism fit right in with the constant stories that spew out of Rupert Murdoch’s Fox and NY Post. It was obviously written by one of Murdoch’s minions and posted under Turley’s name. Turley has sold out this blog as part of his big fat contract with Fox, where he appears every 5 minutes of the day.

    The only people who care about this stuff are the MAGA cult.

    Give it a rest with this garbage. Nobody else cares !!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Eleven exclamations points must be a record. It’s also the sign of a deranged mind. Please get some professional mental health before it’s too late.

      1. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        1. From one Anonymous to another. Based on the over the top reply with the exhaustive number of exclamation points, it is an easy and obvious conclusion that you do need a professional to assist with your mental issues. An obsessive and disturbed psyche is generally evidenced by such an over the top reply that achieves nothing but some delusional satisfaction that a reply like the one posted has achieved some degree of discomfort for the targeted individual, Jack Pemberton. The point that is actually made is that Mr. Pemberton was not affected in any way by the bombastic posting of a series of exclamation points. A failed mind is a terrible thing and needs help returning to reality. Seek it, it is out there for you.

          1. See my response to Greg below.

            I just love it when I can get you MAGA cultists to take the bait and come forth with your endless pseudo-intellectual psycho-babble.

            This is so much fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. If there is any garbage being spewed it is by yourself, anonymous. Turkey is and has been consistent in his opinions regarding conservatism and freedom of speech. His critique of administrations who lack the courage to reject giving a minority of students control of universities is spot on, especially since we know many of these groups are being funded by both foreign adversaries and domestic anarchists who clearly hate America and all that it stands for. All to say, enough with your garbage responses.

      1. Just a retired, house-bound, grumpy old geezer.

        One of the few simple pleasures I have left is baiting and taunting MAGA cultists and pseudo-intellectual morons like yourself. By the way, I am a retired physician. I also have a PhD.

        I hope you have a wonderful day. I certainly am when I get idiots like you to respond !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Just for good measure:


        1. I am also a housebound, grump old geezer, so do not blame that for your insane comments. Being housebound, should give you more time to read and think, and become wise – less distractions and all. What you do, is a choice.

          1. You MAGA cultists really can’t resist taking the bait !!!!!!!!!!!!!
            Your constant incoherent psych-babble is a great source of amusement to me.

            Please keep it up, and keep responding to me
            This is so much fun.

            1. Technically, I was not responding to your comment, because it was not worthy of response. What you say seldom is. I was “responding” to you, on a personal level, because you are obviously in distress, on a mental and emotional level. If you can “fix” what is wrong inside you, you will probably be much happier, and also probably act like a horse’s a$$ less often. And, I am also sure that you will babble like a deranged maniac much less.

              1. Thank you so, so much.
                I really do appreciate this response.

                You are simply proving my point. You really can’t resist the bait. This is so much fun.

                  1. Thank you so much.
                    Glad you agree.

                    My work here may be done, but somehow I doubt it.

        2. What a total waste of retirement when one should be enjoying life instead of being miserable, grumpy, dolt-like sycophant, spewing ignorance on the internet. Being house-bound is no excuse for being a miserable human being, it is a conscious choice and if you really think you are baiting and taunting, a good psychiatrist is in order. Seek help before the brain does become nothing more than a pile of mush operating on one or two remaining cells capable of rational thinking.

          1. Wonderful response.
            Thank you so much.

            You are totally incapable of resisting the bait. This speaks to an inherent psychological defect of MAGA cultists.

    3. Dear Anonymous: Turley is serendipitously teaching some of us to improve our critical thinking skills. A couple of days ago, Turley breathlessly proclaimed that there are good reviews for his upcoming book–and, three guesses who Turley claims spoke approvingly of his writing–if you guessed Smerconish, I owe you a drink. So, Smerc praises Turley’s book and Turley claims Smerc is “…one of the brightest legal minds in media and a person who has been an powerful and unflagging champion of free speech” and criticizes the University for cancelling his speech. Your post is spot-on. Another MAGA media talking point is to stir the culture wars, which this post does. Turley has lost all credibility, so it’s fair to question everything he says and writes as MAGA tripe.

      1. Individuals who can get past the radicals on the left and right are usually excoriated by the very ones who foment the constant mistrust, distrust, vitriol, intolerance, cult-like personalities, and all of the other character traits that tend to lead to serious mental and emotional issues when confronted with differing viewpoints. The ones who refuse to engage in reasonable and civil discussions when they do not agree with the disturbed mind’s delusional realities are the very ones who have created and continue to foment the divide and indeed, desire to widen the divide and will not seek out ways to close it in order to return to a semblance of mutual respect and willingness to have a rational and reasonable discussion on divisive topics. A prime example of working together and both sides talking to and listening to the other side was demonstrated by Bill Maher on Gutfeld this week. Maher was able to express his positions and he was treated with respect and with kindness by Gutfeld and the other regulars on his program along with the live audience.

        1. This is a perfect example of the pseudo-intellectual psycho-babble of MAGA cultists.

          An endless word salad, totally devoid of meaning. Long meaningless, incomprehensible run-on sentences about something that no normal person cares about.

      1. Actually, it is exclamation points ad infinitum !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Mr. Turley, I don’t know why folks do not see how intolerant the Left is. They have no shame in eating one of their own.
    The Left’s adherents have to walk a very fine line and if a person steps one toe off of that line they are attacked. Sen John Fetterman is a recent example of this with his support for Israel.

  14. Please note the great principle Turley didn’t say SHXT when Ariz and USC canceled speeches by two Muslims women bc Jews on campus didn’t like them. Even though those 2 women weren’t even given the opportunity to show their speeches or discussed beforehand. At USC, Jewish groups saw the young lady “old ig posts” and decided she wasn’t good enough for them. Just like the YT MAN, Michael, the two women past words were used against them. But unlike the YT MAN Michael, the YT MAN Jonathan didn’t bitssxch, moan, cried, screamed or posted an article saying those MUSLIMS women views should have been heard. One thing Jonathan saves me from remembering is that US CONSITUTION was written by YT MEN for YT MEN.

      1. Greg said: “No one reported this. Is it even true?”

        Yes, it is true. USC cancelled the commencement speech by its valedictorian, Asna Tabassum, because pro-Israel groups had protested her pro-Palestinian sympathies. The college also cancelled planned speeches by two outsiders for similar reasons. And. while I don’t recall seeing the headlines, judging by the results of a DDG search (“USC cancels speeches by Muslim women 2024”), it apparently was reported rather widely. However. the contention that Turley never mentioned it is utter hogwash. He reported it in his 4/6/2024 column on USC graduation cancellations:
        Problem Solved? USC Cancels Graduation to Avoid Pro-Palestinian Protesters
        Could he have put greater emphasis on the fact that the censorship of free speech by USC was cutting in both directions on the Israel-Palestine issue? Possibly, but that is hindsight, and I don’t believe that is for me to say.

        1. /|\ This was Number 6 /|\ Thought I entered email & name as usual – dunno what happened…

  15. time to END Federal Aid to Colleges, including the backing of student loans!
    Also end Federal Aid and loan backing to Cities, States and Non-profits
    Defund Democrats!

  16. Let me offer an insight. Some may find it offensive or even deeply insulting. But it is true. Having spent the past 73 years on this planet living as a woman, in the body & mind of a woman, and more importantly in the CULTURE of women … I can say pretty definitively that America right now (academia, politics, medicine, and local government) is suffering from TOO MANY WOMEN IN POWER. The female culture is one of vague generalities, “happy” thoughts, “nice” thoughts, and a great deal of moral weakness. Not assigning a cause here, women may or may not be born that way, but the female CULTURE encourages those behaviors. “Go along to get along”. And I’m not saying male culture is perfect. It has its own faults. But the wokeism & corruption we are seeing everywhere we look … these traits flow directly from the characteristics of female culture. As a woman raised by my father (mother died) and having pursued mostly male interests & career path, I have had the opportunity to live both sides of the great divide, and endeavor to speak the truth as I see it. And there it is. GET MEN BACK INTO PUBLIC LIFE!

    1. You are exactly right. To some degree, I think females have to have irrationality available in their play book, as a survival technique for them and their young. That is also why morality is a slippery concept for most of them. It is hardwired into their DNA, and back when we were half-monkeys, wandering around the savannah hunting and gathering, things like hypergamy worked well. In a modern, technological society, where it takes 20+ years to raise a child – not so much.

      Women should not be allowed to vote. It isn’t fair, but it is necessary for a successful society.

  17. None of everything hurting our nation or Americans personally would occur or exist but for American apathy propagandized by the media.

  18. There a sign on campus indicating that Dickinson College was founded “to prepare an engaged citizenry able to meet the leadership needs of the new nation.” I received a great education there in the 1980s, but it’s certainly not living up to this standard today. Unless you are trying to create a generation of red guards.

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