BLM Founder and Vice-Presidential Candidate Loses Lawsuit Against the LAPD

Black Lives Matter co-founder Melina Abdullah lost a lawsuit against the Los Angeles Police Department on Thursday. Abdullah, the running mate to independent presidential candidate Cornel West, claimed that the police engaged in racial and political harassment by responding to a swatting call at her home. She and West denounced the jury verdict as a miscarriage of justice.

Many of us have been targets of swatting, which is a dangerous prank used by extremists and unhinged individuals to attack those with opposing views. In my one incident, I found the Fairfax Police Department entirely professional and supportive. I understood that they had a duty to investigate the call, even though they believed that it was a swatting incident.

In Addullah’s case, the swatter claimed to have taken hostages in the home. She viewed the response as not just unnecessary but abusive. As an anti-police figure, she said that police were just trying to intimidate her.

Abdullah livestreamed her encounter with the police during which she asks “Do you know who I am?”

Abdullah declared later that “LAPD swatted my home three times.” In a press conference hosted by Brother Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz at the National Press Club, she added “they don’t [get to] get away with that. This lawsuit is in the name of so many that police terrorize and silence.”

Abdullah called the verdict “dispiriting and disappointing and not surprising” in “an unjust system.” She is planning to appeal.

West joined in the condemnation:

“I stand in deep solidarity with my dear sister, comrade and running mate, Dr. Melina Abdullah! I believe this verdict is a major miscarriage of justice! We shall continue to fight for Truth Justice and Love!”

42 thoughts on “BLM Founder and Vice-Presidential Candidate Loses Lawsuit Against the LAPD”

  1. Let me get this straight: a legitimate call was made to the LAPD alleging a crime was in progress —- hostages taken at the address of an LA resident. The response was in accordance with laws and procedures.
    The lawsuit didn’t have a great chance of success and Melinda had to know that, but filed it anyway. It was a crapshoot: if she won her case, there’d be no end to the claims of systemic racism in the LA police force. But she lost, so there are claims of systemic racism within in the LA police force.

    I think it might be a good idea to sit down with their attorney Mr. Shabazz and his clients and put ink to an arrangement in which Melina agrees to have her address ( and name ) put on a master list of residents who don’t want LAPD to respond to ‘swatting’ calls.

    Saves a lot of time and money all the way round —

  2. They got it down pat. They say the word racist and it draws the leftist like moths to a flame. They understand that these moths bring suitcases of money with them. Racists! Oh boy here they come with more bags of cash! It makes no never mind if we build our mansions with it. Just say the magic word racist. It works every time. They understand very well that the moths have no brains and will return to the flame time and time again.

  3. Is the LAPD harrassing Melina Abdullah ?

    I doubt it, but it is possible.

    SWATTing is incredibly dangerous.

    It is generally a bad idea to send a SWAT team – even for an otherwise legitimate arrest.

    SWAT should only be deployed for SERIOUS Violence in progress,

    In most repeat SWATTing incidents – the police tend to be far less agressive after the first report.

    But the whole thing is dangerous – if the Police do Not respond agressively after several hoaxes – that could just be setting them up for actual violence.

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