BLM Founder and Vice-Presidential Candidate Loses Lawsuit Against the LAPD

Black Lives Matter co-founder Melina Abdullah lost a lawsuit against the Los Angeles Police Department on Thursday. Abdullah, the running mate to independent presidential candidate Cornel West, claimed that the police engaged in racial and political harassment by responding to a swatting call at her home. She and West denounced the jury verdict as a miscarriage of justice.

Many of us have been targets of swatting, which is a dangerous prank used by extremists and unhinged individuals to attack those with opposing views. In my one incident, I found the Fairfax Police Department entirely professional and supportive. I understood that they had a duty to investigate the call, even though they believed that it was a swatting incident.

In Addullah’s case, the swatter claimed to have taken hostages in the home. She viewed the response as not just unnecessary but abusive. As an anti-police figure, she said that police were just trying to intimidate her.

Abdullah livestreamed her encounter with the police during which she asks “Do you know who I am?”

Abdullah declared later that “LAPD swatted my home three times.” In a press conference hosted by Brother Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz at the National Press Club, she added “they don’t [get to] get away with that. This lawsuit is in the name of so many that police terrorize and silence.”

Abdullah called the verdict “dispiriting and disappointing and not surprising” in “an unjust system.” She is planning to appeal.

West joined in the condemnation:

“I stand in deep solidarity with my dear sister, comrade and running mate, Dr. Melina Abdullah! I believe this verdict is a major miscarriage of justice! We shall continue to fight for Truth Justice and Love!”

42 thoughts on “BLM Founder and Vice-Presidential Candidate Loses Lawsuit Against the LAPD”

  1. The BLM Marxist/racist scumbags not happy with all the money they stole from the bleeding heart liberals to build and buy new mansions for themselves, hoping to play the victim card and cash in on a lawsuit because police officers have the audacity to arrest black career criminals. They are the ones who should be getting sued.

  2. Hmmmm….smells of a setup! Looking for cash through a lawsuit, because squandered it all (BLM funds), and she didn’t get away with it. Swatting is a Left-wing tactic…I wonder if she called it in herself….

  3. Does not swatting mean that you have arrived in the circus world and now everyone will KNOW WHO YOU ARE !!
    Frankly I would prefer that no one WOULD KNOW WHO I AM!
    More peaceful that way.

  4. If wnba and blm and antifa all went away tomorrow, the world would be a lot less racist, corrupt, marxist, and lame.

    These entities are products of wishful thinking and racism

  5. Turley did not write this. It is a cut and paste job, probably by someone at Fox or NY Post.
    Why would Turley be spending his holiday weekend posting this garbage.

    Here is the evidence of cut and paste, with very minor changes;

    Turley from above:
    Abdullah declared later that “LAPD swatted my home three times.” In a press conference hosted by Brother Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz at the National Press Club, she added “they don’t [get to] get away with that. This lawsuit is in the name of so many that police terrorize and silence.”

    Article from the Washington Informer:
    “LAPD swatted my home three times,” Abdullah said on May 20 when she virtually joined a press conference hosted by Brother Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz at the National Press Club in Northwest. “They don’t [get to] get away with that. This lawsuit is in the name of so many that police terrorize and silence.”

    The Washington Informer is a news outlet devoted to Black civil rights. Note the use of the term “Brother Attorney Malik Zulu” in both posts. The term “Brother” is a term that is commonly used in the Black civil rights movement, and commonly in the Washington Informer, but rarely in other places.

    Also note this odd punctuation in BOTH posts: “They don’t [get to] get away”. The odd use of square parentheses is in both posts.
    There are minor changes in Turley’s version, but the use of “Brother” and the odd punctuation indicate cut and paste.


    I haven’t figured out where the rest of this piece was copied from, but give me time.

    1. @Anonymi

      Since you are parroting yourself, I will too. 😉 You are ridiculous. In case anyone missed it, this fool posted nearly the exact same thing on today’s other post:


      You are ridiculous, and you influence exactly no one on this particular blog. Gaslight somewhere else, we are all annoyed but that’s it – there will be no wearing down here as with the weaklings on college campuses. Most of us are acclimated to dealing with petulant children such as yourself without much thought because we are actual grownups. Sigh. Yawn. 🙄🙄🙄 No, you can’t have the candy bar.’

      And no, Aninny, you really didn’t notice or ‘find’ any such things. 🙄

    2. I would hope that Quote match. Otherwise someone is misquoting.

      If this really floats your boat – go for it.

      But I do nto find it interesting or compelling.

  6. Swatting needs to be vigorously investigated and suspects held accountable. If the swatting call is determined to have been made across state lines, federal penalties need to apply. It isn’t a joke. It’s a dangerous act.

  7. How are the Ukrainians supposed to win the war if they are not allowed to attack their enemies?

    1. Oh. They are allowed alright.
      Just a whole lot of military aged fighting men, fled the country and are now living well as refugees in other countries while others are doing the fighting and dying.
      But then there is Biden the butcher who needs a stable oil market to keep gas prices from spiking at the pump in an election year. But then when the Ukraine attacks Russia’s oil refineries with drones, Biden the butcher complains and tries to put pressure on them to stop attacking.

  8. Swatting situations or the threat of can be very trying for pioneers and celebrities like Melina Abdullah and Cornel West. A simple solution is at hand: Have Brother Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz draw up a contract with Cornel West, his dear sister Melina Abdullah and all potentially involved police organizations to state that they reject the services of police and thus relieve them of any and all responsibility regarding threats to their persons, property or any entities associated with them.
    Demonstrate your sincerity Melina! Publicly reject any future police involvement in your life!!

  9. Russia wanting to keep the land that it has taken so far would go against the U.N. Charter. Any ceasefire agreement would be invalid.

    1. Interesting perspective, by that logic the UN ceasefire in Korea is illegal because South Korea received an extra 1,500 square miles of territory.

  10. It is helpful for these nut jobs to face the occasional jury of their peers, who are far less likely consumers of their pifflage than your average journalist.

  11. When you point a gun at a burglar and shoot the burglar in the leg, does it escalate the burglary? Does being shot make the burglar double-down and try to burgle even more? No, it most likely ends the burglary.

  12. When you have no position to argue and all else fails shut them down with “RACIST”. By now if you have half a brain and any heart that chestnut should have lost it’s sting long ago.

    1. This areticle isn’t about trump, every argument you make there was what trump yells about. Stop it, trump is a god he would never be racist like he sounds.

  13. Professor, please don’t give any recognition to these fringe nut-jobs like Cornel West and his coterie. Just ignore them.

    1. While that is tempting, we must, also, expose their degenerate goals to the public through discourse. This same tactic of ignoring what the prog//left (that Joe McCarthy was attempting to warn us of) was up to has lead to this communist infestation throughout this nation. Better to sound all the alarm bells about each and every subversive in this nation at every opportunity.

    1. You mean all the people supporting trump that have threatened individuals? How many death threats have trump supporters made against election workers?

  14. Who would you guess Cornell Wilde will be draining votes from in November, Donald Trump or Joe Biden?

  15. When Putin is finally hanged, the execution should be shown all over the world. Champagne bottles will pop.

    1. I can see Dick Cheney, HRC, obama, the Bursema board, and the BCF whooping it up now.

    2. When he passes, be it hanged, assassinated, illness, or old age, yes, there will be celebrations.

      1. UpstateFarmer said: “yes, there will be celebrations.”

        When that happens, might it not be prudent to delay the celebrating until it is clear who his successor will be? Putin can be unscrupulous, but I get the distinct impression that he is very calculating, ergo, not a madman. On the other hand, I have seen past articles alluding to some of the other players in the Kremlin and Russian military hierarchies who seem to be very much unbalanced. Maybe those articles are nothing but propaganda, or maybe they are realistic. I think, with a great enough perceived threat from NATO, Putin would be capable of using nukes, and that is frightening. But I am not anxious to see him replaced with a Russian leader who would use nukes premptively, based on tactical effectiveness alone. That is not beyond the realm of possibility.

        1. Number 6,
          I have seen many MSM claim Putin is a madman, unhinged etc. This is typical propaganda. Look for what one’s enemy not just says, but does. Assess one’s enemy by their upbringing, their education, their prior influences, their occupation. To assume one’s enemy is stupid, dumb, a madman is a folly that could lead to one’s own failure on the battlefield. One can admire one’s enemy display of tactical prowess on the battlefield. Some people really need to read Sun Tuz.
          Now, you bring up a very interesting point, who will succeed Putin? That a question I have asked in the past. I would agree with your assessment.

  16. “Abdullah livestreamed her encounter with the police during which she asks ‘Do you know who I am?’ ”

    That line is from a W.C. Fields movie, where Field’s is trying to impress some woman, and asks her “Do you know who I am?” and the woman responds, “No, but I’m sure someone around her can tell you.” (or something like that)

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