Wins in Trademark Challenge Against Glenn Beck

140px-Arguing_with_IdiotsGlenn Beck has lost a bizarre trademark fight with the founder of, Isaac Eiland-Hall. Eiland-Hall created the Internet sensation to mock the style of Beck and Fox News — leading to a challenge over the use of Beck’s name with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

239px-WIPO3WIPO concluded that the site was a legitimate noncommercial use of Beck’s name as part of a political statement. Frederick M. Abbott stated “appears to the panel to be engaged in a parody of the style or methodology that [Eiland-Hall] appears genuinely to believe is employed by [Beck] in the provision of political commentary, and for that reason [Eiland-Hall] can be said to be making a political statement.” Abbott noted on the issue of profit off Beck’s trademark that “[w]hile there is some evidence that at some stage third-party vendors of goods and services critical of [Beck] may have earned some income on sales of t-shirts and bumper stickers embodying political slogans based on click-throughs from [Eiland-Hall’s] Web site, the panel does not believe this is sufficient ‘commercial activity’ to change the balance of interests already addressed.”

The site states that Beck did not rape and murder the girl. It is based on Beck’s signature interview style, such as this interview with Rep. Keith Ellison, the first Muslim representative in Congress.

“And I have to tell you, I have been nervous about this interview because what I feel like saying is, sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies. And I know you’re not. I’m not accusing you of being an enemy. But that’s the way I feel, and I think a lot of Americans will feel that way.”

Eiland-Hall’s lawyer, Marc Randazza, insisted that “[o[nly an abject imbecile could believe that the domain name would have any connection to the complainant.” It is not clear if that was a reference to Beck, but abject imbeciles around the world are likely to object.

For the full story, click here and here.

16 thoughts on “ Wins in Trademark Challenge Against Glenn Beck”

  1. “Liberty president Jerry Falwell Jr. lavished praise on Beck in the school’s student paper, saying that the talk show host is one of the few members of the media who stands for “the principles upon which this nation was founded.”

    They invited him without being cleared of the rape and murder accusation cloud?


  2. Glenn Beck is a mentally disturbed propaganda puppet who can’t keep his sponsors. In fact, he displays symptoms of anti-social personality disorder. Or more accurately, the related construct of dissocial personality disorder. So you’re “truth sayer” has a form of sociopathy (although he appears to be borderline affective) and has signs of narcissism and victim identification/transference as well.


    He’s a gem.

  3. Glenn Beck is telling the TRUTH. That’s one thing you won’t here on A.B.C., (American Bunglers Corporation), N.B.C., (National Broadcasting from Communists) and C.B.S., (Communist Broadcasting System)!!!

  4. I just hope CNN, MSNBC and the other MSM out there start asking the hard questions. There’s clearly controversy swirling around Glenn Beck, I hope it gets reporters and the we hear from Beck on this terrible rumor.

  5. All well and good, but what is being done to Travestity to Humanity (Hannity) and Bill-O-The-Clown?????

    (Nice one TomD.Arch).

  6. Why won’t Beck just release the paperwork that proves he didn’t rape or kill this girl in 1990? What is he hiding? It would be so easy for him to just prove that she’s alive and doing fine, and all this would go away… This is a job for Orly Taitz!

    With all this controversy swirling around the question of whether or not Beck is a murderous pedophile, why does Faux keep him on the the air?

  7. Glenn Beck is living proof that wealth and success are not direct functions of intelligence. Put another way the question is not what Glenn Beck is willing to do, but his price.

  8. I think that Glenn Beck and his ilk should be repeatedly asked if they’re still beating their wives.

  9. Actually, I think this all traces back to Groucho asking, “So, do you still beat your wife?” to a “You Bet Your Life” contestant. Same joke shifted from inquisitive to declarative, larger exaggeration.

  10. At the 2008 Comedy Central Roast of Bob Saget, Gilbert Gottfried started this meme. (The joke “Bob Saget raped and killed a girl in 1990” is at the 1 minute mark.)

  11. “Blind Faithiness

    “Abject imbecile” refers to terminology used by the ‘trademark panel’ and defense in written statements posted on the internet. The phrase was used as an argument by the defense to show that one would have to be an “abject imbecile” to really believe that this particular website is accusing Beck of rape and murder and is not parody.

    But, the question still remains. Did Glenn Beck rape and murder a young girl in 1990??

    He[GB] still isn’t answering……….”

    heh … heh …heh

    Doesn’t Mr. Beck support the “Tea baggers”?

  12. “Abject imbecile” refers to terminology used by the ‘trademark panel’ and defense in written statements posted on the internet. The phrase was used as an argument by the defense to show that one would have to be an “abject imbecile” to really believe that this particular website is accusing Beck of rape and murder and is not parody.

    But, the question still remains. Did Glenn Beck rape and murder a young girl in 1990??

    He[GB] still isn’t answering……….

  13. Word can rape and leave one defiled with a feeling of disbelief of the actualities of the moment. I know, I have been there and have done that too. Words can have two meanings…..

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