Saudi Arabia to Allow Women To Argue Limited Cases and Execute Minor Legal Procedures

While we often follow the painful stories of mistreatment and discrimination against women in Saudi Arabia, there is a story today that shows some progress. The Kingdom is about to release a law that would allow women to argue limited cases in court and even perform some simple legal procedures without a male guardian.

The women, however, will be limited to family-related cases, including divorce and child custody.

The law would also allow women to use notaries without a male guardian or companion — so they would be allowed to simply show their id without having to bring their little brother or father with them.

Of course, any women arguing family law cases will still have to be driven to court since women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia.

For the story, click here.

One thought on “Saudi Arabia to Allow Women To Argue Limited Cases and Execute Minor Legal Procedures”

  1. They better be careful. They better hope based upon the title of this that it is family based matter. I was unsure if the winner or the loser based upon the title is named gets, executed.

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