New Libyan Leader Pledges To Impose Sharia Law on the Country

After heralding in what President Obama called a new era of “dignity” but abusing and killing a wounded Maummar Gadhafi, the head of the transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil has announced that the new government will be structured on Sharia law — ruling under Islamic values and imposed religious dictates.

Abdul-Jalil insisted that Islamic Sharia law would be the “basic source” of legislation in the country and that the government would not tolerate any law or policy that contradicted Islamic values.

The United States appears to have been successful in bringing forth another country that rejects notions of separation of church (or mosque) and state as well as a country that will by definition disenfranchise religious minorities. Our new allies in Afghanistan and Iraq have not only imposed radical Islamic groups but denied women and minorities basic rights. I am not sure we can afford any more successes in our foreign policies.

Well, at least he did not use the occasion to pledge to fight the United States . . . that takes billions of more dollars and thousands of U.S. lives to achieve.

Source: Telegraph

36 thoughts on “New Libyan Leader Pledges To Impose Sharia Law on the Country”

  1. They have all the right to follow their culture but it should be open and must not apply any thing which will cost them again. When we are talking about any one’s culture, we can’t force any body beyond the culture.

    1. We most certainly CAN force people to change their culture. The US Civil War, the US Revolution, women’s rights. the civil rights movement ALL used FORCE to get change. That is the only way it comes about. Not only that, but we most certainly DO have the right to force such change as the UN Declaration on Human rights makes clear.

  2. hello everyone . im a libyan person i have considered most of the comments above and i believe they’re reasonable enough if they seriously taken as a domestic affairs. nonetheless, it worthy cause to be kept as it is. thanks alot.

  3. Assuming that Libya makes it to reasonably fair and open elections, we’ll see if a heavy-handed or moderated Sharia stands. Their neighbors in Tunisia just went to the polls (with 80% to 90% turnout!). The Islamist party is expected to get the most seats, but not an outright majority, and will thus have to rule in coalition with secular parties:

    As for Turkey, yes, PM Edrogan and his AK Party are semi-islamist (but arguably more populist) – they would like to get more religiously conservative, but they know that the military is still there (the Turkish military have traditionally enforced the limits of secularism by overthrowing governments that strayed too far in to religious rule) and the urban elites won’t stand for rigid Islamism. Also, they are a bit busy overseeing very strong economic growth – the AK Party supports fairly a fairly liberal market economy – not a hallmark of rigid religious parties. In summary: you can still buy a beer in most small, rural towns – the Efes breweries aren’t going to be shut down any time too soon.

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