Mother Takes Ten-Year-Old Rape Victim To Indian Police Who Promptly Arrest Victim

India flagIndia is dealing with yet another shocking rape case coupled with police abuse. What is most striking about this case is that the police officers abusing the victim were women. A mother brought her 10-year-old daughter to two female officers after she was allegedly raped. The officers responded by putting the girl into jail.

The mother knew the name of the alleged rapist and wanted to file a complaint. Her parents found the girl in a field where she had been dumped after the rape.

The local thug accused by the parents has now fled — helped along no doubt by the hours the police spent incarcerating the victim. The officers have reportedly been suspended. However, the case reveals the continuing cultural barriers that women, and particularly rape victims, face in rape.

Source: Times of India

26 thoughts on “Mother Takes Ten-Year-Old Rape Victim To Indian Police Who Promptly Arrest Victim”


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  2. Going back chronologically into Jesus’ teachings, we find that He requires perseverance, stick-to-it-ivity, of all His followers to be kept in the congregation of Christians. Matthew 24:13. This would appear to eliminate most of the ones who genuinely qualified at the start.
    So in my opinion it is rather difficult to find a real Christian to blame with the crimes of all those called “Christians.”
    Jesus was not the messiah. He was the same thing you are.

  3. Just calling oneself or being called a “Christian” doesn’t make one a Christian. The bulk of “Christian” sects would allege that the Bible is the rule book for Christianity, though you might not think so from what they commonly teach and do.
    So, taking that, what does the New Testament say makes one a Christian?
    The earliest account fo anyone becoming a Christian is recorded in Acts chapter 2. Apparently what was taught by Peter and the other apostles at around 9 a.m. on the Pentecost following Jesus of Nazareth’s execution, resurrection and ascent was good enough for the 3,000 or so people who the author says were “added to the church (ekklesia = assembly, congregation)” that day.
    Following those instructions and example (with sincerity, most would say) gets the candidate started as a Christian.
    I think you would find, if you were in a position to examine the proposition, that most “Christians” haven’t even done what is recorded in Acts 2. So they don’t even come into consideration for blaming “Christians” for the crimes of persons professed to be Christians.
    Going back chronologically into Jesus’ teachings, we find that He requires perseverance, stick-to-it-ivity, of all His followers to be kept in the congregation of Christians. Matthew 24:13. This would appear to eliminate most of the ones who genuinely qualified at the start.
    So in my opinion it is rather difficult to find a real Christian to blame with the crimes of all those called “Christians.”

  4. bobtrent,
    As far as I know, the Christian church gave up the practice of stoning and burning people at the stake for heresy and blasphemy some time back. However, when I read modern Christianists, I start to be concerned about them too. I am not a fan of any kind of extremism.

    It is a truism that almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so, and will follow it by suppressing opposition, subverting all education to seize early the minds of the young, and by killing, locking up, or driving underground all heretics.
    -Lazarus Long, Time Enough for Love

  5. Working Man, that the United State is allied with these barbarians (sorry barbarians I know that insults you) is some of “… the crap that afflic[t]s our country …”

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