Pakistani Judge Rules that Kidnapped Girls Who Were Converted to Islam Cannot be Returned to Family — Including One Married Off at 13

Pakistani Judge Mian Muhammad Naeem has reportedly ruled that two Christian girls who were kidnapped and then converted to Islam cannot be returned to their family, including Saba Younas, aged 13, who was forced to marry the son of one of the kidnappers. Naeem ruled that the girls “have converted in a legitimate manner to Islam” and therefore cannot be “restored to their family of origin”.

The family says that Saba Younas, aged 13, and her sister Anila were kidnapped last June 26 in the village of Chowk Munda, in the Punjab, when they were visiting their uncle, Khalid Raheel. He filed a report that a Muslim fruit vendor named Muhammad Arif Bajwa kidnapped the girls, and then handed them gave them to a friend, Falak Sher Gill. Gill proceeded to marry off Sada to his son.

The recurrence of such child marriages continues to shock the civilized world. This is only the latest such outrage, click here.
Kidnapping of girls is a common practice in this area and both women and girls continue to be treated as virtual chattel.

“Judges” like Naeem further demonstrate the abuses that occur in the absence of a separation of church and state. Sharia is more a religious code than an form of “law.” Like the “law of the Vatican, it is a code of enforced religious values. Both Jews and Christians have followed such religious courts. However, they should be confined to the voluntary mediation or adjudication of individuals, not imposed through state authority as in many Middle Eastern nations from Saudi Arabia to Iran to Pakistan.

For the full story, click here.

26 thoughts on “Pakistani Judge Rules that Kidnapped Girls Who Were Converted to Islam Cannot be Returned to Family — Including One Married Off at 13”

  1. I am on this blog to read intelligent responses. Honesty doesn’t count if it’s racist, bigoted, or moronic. Just because marta h says that Islam had a first or second Prophet around 1300 AD or bartlebee says that the US has 400 000 000 citizens, they are either lying, too lazy to research the truth, and/or stupid. With the last two, they may still be honest, but completely wrong.

    BTW, you are one of the few decent people I have come across on this blog. You seem to want to learn as well as educate others. Most are monkeys that just spout the same propaganda and if anyone tries to educate them with the facts, they refuse to believe or do any research to confirm or disprove what is being said.

    I find that I’m only on most of the US blogs to try and educate people, particularly against all the lies perpetrated by both Zionist and plain ignorant/lazy media about Islam. So it is refreshing to meet an intelligent person such as yourself. Yours are among the few opinions I look forward to seeing because even when we disagree, you make intelligent and polite comments.

    Thank you once again for setting an example to others, including myself.

  2. zakimar,

    I just don’t understand why you keep posting to this blog. You seem to refuse to hear anything people are saying. That’s not being very honorable. If you don’t want to read honest responses to what you write, then why post? Many of us have criticised every religion for those parts of each religion that have been cruel or hateful. Many of us have also recognized the good in each religion when that goodness was being acted upon. I’m asking you to do the same.

  3. zakimar
    1, July 23, 2008 at 9:11 pm

    Islam has only Five Pillars: Believing that there is only one God, and that Muhammad was his final Messenger; Prayer five times per day; Pilgrimage to Mecca once in a life time for those that can make the journey; fasting from sunrise to sunset during the month of Ramadan; and giving 1/40 of your annual wealth to charity every year

    1 40th?



    Christians are getting robbed then on that tithe thingy.

  4. There are imbeciles in every country, regardless if they are a judge, priest or President. Why not criticize the person instead of all the people? Islam has only Five Pillars: Believing that there is only one God, and that Muhammad was his final Messenger; Prayer five times per day; Pilgrimage to Mecca once in a life time for those that can make the journey; fasting from sunrise to sunset during the month of Ramadan; and giving 1/40 of your annual wealth to charity every year. What is stated in the Koran is the Word of God; everything else is the word of man. I don’t know anyone who ever married before the age of 20, regardless of their religion.

    So since you hate Islam save your breath as we can see through your propaganda – why don’t you spread that lie about 72 virgins started by Barbara Walters (a Zionist Jew) on 20/20? I didn’t see ANY criticism of Christianity when those “good old Christian boys” killed people in Oklahoma City or when yet another priest molests a young boy. Also there was no criticism of Jews when Ariel Sharon, a notorious war criminal was elected in Israel. Why don’t you do us a favor and emulate Jesus and let Muslims worry about who they are going to emulate. I haven’t seen one camel in the parking lot of any mosque I’ve passed lately so obviously most Muslims don’t follow everything the Prophet did, just as I don’t see you turning the other cheek so I guess you don’t follow Jesus that much either.

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