Ex-Judge Apologizes for E-Mail Comparing Obama’s Election to Holocaust

An ex-judge has apologized after the McCain campaign and Republicans denounced her email sent to Jewish voters in Pennsylvania suggesting that presidential candidate Barack Obama taught members of a community group “to commit voter registration fraud.” She also compared a vote for Obama ignoring “the warning signs in the 1930s and 1940s.”

GOP political consultant Bryan Rudnick helped draft it and has been fired for his role in the controversy. He says, however, that “I had authorization from party officials” to send the e-mail.

The e-mail was sent to 75,000 Jewish voters and read “Paid for by the Republican Federal Committee of PA – Victory 2008.” It warned “Fellow Jewish Voters” of the danger of a second Holocaust due to the threats to Israel from its neighbors. It added: “Jewish Americans cannot afford to make the wrong decision on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008. Many of our ancestors ignored the warning signs in the 1930s and 1940s and made a tragic mistake. Let’s not make a similar one this year!”

The e-mail was signed by former state Supreme Court justice Sandra Schultz Newman. What is astonishing is Newman is member of McCain’s task force monitoring election day voting. The email was also signed by real estate developer Mitchell L. Morgan steel industry executive I. Michael Coslov.

Newman was the first woman elected to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and resigned in 2006.
Today, Ms. Newman sent an e-mail apologizing. An apology seems a bit light as a response. Newman should be thrown from any campaign related post and certainly should have nothing to do with monitoring elections. The e-mail was an outrageous act, not some misguided moment of passion.

For the full story, click here.

9 thoughts on “Ex-Judge Apologizes for E-Mail Comparing Obama’s Election to Holocaust”

  1. Sandra Newman should send an email retracting everything she
    said about Obama to ALL 75,000 people that received that horrible EMAIL .
    Martha Cohen Esq

  2. Sandra Schultz Newman attack should come as no surprise. It is precisely in line with the panicky and racist tirades of the McCain campaign. Some of these border on comical — trying Red Scare tactics of the 50s, for example.

    But a comparison to the Nazis is truly revolting. It should be actionable as libel.

  3. Todays headlines:


    Mississippi’s voter rolls stuffed with dead and absent registrants…

    Judge rules Ohio homeless voters may list park benches as addresses…

    Effigy of Palin hanging by noose creates uproar..

    Obama Campaign Accepting Untraceable Donations…

    Obama broke promise on campaign finance..spending over $600,000,000

    ACORN investigated under RICO Act for Voter Fraud.

    Biden lowers tax cut claim to under $150,000 a year…

    Palestinian Hamas Call America for Obama…

    LA TIMES suppreses video of Obama toasting terrorist…

    Pelosi: Congress ‘will be more bipartisan’ with substantial Dem majorities…!

    Obama’s ‘Redistribution’ Constitution; Courts Poised For Takeover By Judicial Left…

    VIDEO: Gun Sales On Rise In FL On Fear Of Obama Presidency…

    All I can say is …….WOW.

  4. Jill, I share your concern as to who approved this action. This seems to be typical of some of the recent attempts by McCain and/or his supporters to do whatever they can to make sure Obama is not elected. Who cares about the truth and the ethics of the lies. Of course, McCain denounced the email, but with the Communist and Socialist and Marxist claims as of late, I would not be surprised if he or his campaign is behind it.

  5. One wonders just how much toothpaste she’ll be able to get back into the tube?

  6. As usual the polls show Jewish Americans favoring Obama at about 75%. While some purported Jewish leaders have been in the Republican pockets for years, most of us realize that the Republicans have never been our friends. Furthermore, Jewish Americans tend to favor policies that bring people together. This is not out of nobility but out of a long collective history of ill-treatment at the hands of those who would use hatred to gain or hold onto power.

  7. This is a very shameful act and I’m glad it was exposed. I would be interested in knowing who the higher-ups who approved it are. There is no basis for these statements but they would certainly be very frightening considering the devestation of the Holocaust.

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