San Diego Priest Triggers Controversy Over Criticism of Obama and Church Control of Publications

070925abbottSan Diego Catholics are protesting a decision by San Diego Bishop Robert Brom to ask Pastor Richard Perozich to tone it down after he ran a rabid article entitled “100 Days or End of Days?” in the parish bulletin of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Escondido. Fr. Perozich appears to believe that Obama will be unleashing such things as “homogenital sex.”

Fr. Perozich believes that with Obama “evil has acceded to power.”
Supporters like Allyson Smith wote:

In his essay, Father Perozich, an exemplary shepherd, courageously and rightfully warned his flock of our nation’s dire fate under the pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, pro-euthanasia, pro-socialist, pro-death administration of Barack Obama. Father Perozich truthfully wrote, ‘Abominations will be forced on us by the new government, such as which our founders never had intended, and certainly opposed to the Christian life: abortion on demand, homogenital sex, lust in all its forms, euthanasia, oppression of opportunity and entrepreneurs, silencing of faith and free speech among many.’ Furthermore, in his essay, Father Perozich ‘named names’ of powerful United States so-called ‘Catholic’ senators Edward Kennedy and Nancy Pelosi (who was verbally ‘spanked’ by Pope Benedict today for her pro-abortion views). God bless and thank him for that! Father Perozich is absolutely correct in his assessment of our evil new government. We need many more courageous priests like him who do not care about human respect but instead preach the truth ‘in season and out.’”

Fr. Perozich appears to support the campaign to get the Bishop to back down.

Fr. Perozich has previously written columns that caused controversy, such as this 2007 essay on “The Wages of Sin is Death.” It is another diatribe against homosexuality and tied directly to the payment of damages to victims of sexual abuse:

What bothers me is my enemy’s glee over its continuing victories over me in injustice. The injustices include an outrageous $1.6 million settlement to victims of sexual abuse. They also include the San Diego City Council’s participation in an organized effort by practicing homosexuals to use Council influence to destroy marriage and give rights to sexual perversion. In part it is also a movement to silence the Catholic Church in its mission of mercy and truth by the promotion in Congress of a bill which would penalize as a hate crime criticism of sexuality outside the marriage of a man and a woman, and force us to hire sexually immature people with gender identity disorders as if they were normal.

It is an interesting (and recurring conflict) of church authority over free speech. The use of the church bulletin gives the Bishop particular authority to demand a change in tone and message. However, the Church reserves the right to punish priests for any public expression that undermines the Church’s role or purpose. It is certainly not a matter of first amendment rights given the private character of the controversy and the absence of government involvement. Priests take a vow of obedience to the Church and must comply with such commands.

For the full story, click here.

31 thoughts on “San Diego Priest Triggers Controversy Over Criticism of Obama and Church Control of Publications”

  1. Fr. Perozich was correct on everything 100%. Our world is so perverse you proven everything he said to be correct with your comments.

    “If the special interest groups have their way, it will spell the end of days for the American nation as we have known it since 1776. Abominations will be forced on us by the new government, such as which our founders never had intended, and certainly opposed to the Christian life: abortion on demand, homogenital sex, lust in all its forms, euthanasia, oppression of opportunity and entrepreneurs, silencing of faith and free speech among many.”

    Abomination is being force now on ALL christians by the government. The faith IS being silence. I bet all of you feel pretty stupid now for throwing stones at Fr. Perozich when everything he wrote about in 2009 is now coming true and is true. We need more priest like Fr. Perozich! especially in our times.

    PS Thank you with all your negative words. You are making him a saint faster then you know. Everythone of you who have negative words for Fr. Perozich I thank you for confirming that when a priest is being persecuted by perverse people he must be doing God’s work. Thanks 🙂

    “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first.
    John 15:18

  2. Pingback: Busted.
  3. Bron,

    Come on man, you’re an engineer! You know when plugs aren’t compatible you have to devise a reach, er, um, work around.

  4. I will try and answer the question of Homogenital sex as delicately as possible.

    to wit Homo meaning same and genital meaning primary sex organ, in men the penis, which I assume he is talking about. So there you have it 2 peni having sex or maybe just some sword fighting in the locker room.

    I hope that has answered this question.

    but on second thought can peni have sex with each other?

  5. This priest is off the charts with his insanity. I still haven’t gotten an answer to the question of what exactly is “homogenital Sex”?? Is that sex in the bathroom with Sen. Larry Craig? Is that sex with yourself in a closet? Lotta was right. This new term is a tough nut to crack. (I couldn’t resist that one). CCD, as another former altar boy, I can’t imagine what this so-called Christian is talking about.

  6. CCD:

    That attacks on the Dems could be construed as engaging in partisan political activity, but usually such a charge involves endorsing one candidate over another. Since the good padre likely speaks only for himself, I suspect such a charge is mere pipe dream.

    I love the irony in your statement that he drives the fishes into the gill nets with that “muck.” We all know what happens to them after that, don’t we?

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