Nebraska Woman Charged with Manslaughter After Running Over Woman Talking With Boyfriend

10581649_BG110581649_BG2There is an interesting manslaughter case out of Omaha, Nebraska. Courtney L. Antillon (left), 19, insists that she accidentally hit Ana Rodriquez-Delopez-Cardenas, 35, who was talking with her boyfriend, Israel Francisco Gonzalo. Prosecutors insist that it was a jealous rage that prompted Antillon to floor her Mazda. Her counsin, Dianna Dandridge, was also arrested.

Cardenas was actually exchanging insurance information after a minor traffic accident when Antillon plowed into her.

Prosecutors say that Antillon made a u-turn and tried to hit Gonzalo. He was clipped by the Mazda but Cardenas was killed (while her children watched). Antillon fled the scene. Earlier in the day, Antillon and Gonzalo had allegedly fought and Antillon threw Gonzalo out of the house. Newspaper accounts suggest that Cardenas has a troubled history, including a prior diagnosis as bipolar.

At the time, Antillon’s two children were in her car along with her cousin, Dianna Dandridge, who was also arrested. She told investigators she drove away because she needed time to think. She later met with her mother, said goodbye to her children and turned herself in.

She is now charged with manslaughter, 2nd-degree assault, and leaving the scene of an accident. Her cousin, Dandridge, was charged with being an accessory to a felony.

This is not unique. In a prior case, a woman was arrested for running over her boyfriend for not going to church.

For the story, click here.

One thought on “Nebraska Woman Charged with Manslaughter After Running Over Woman Talking With Boyfriend”

  1. I guess this is some bad road rage. Wow, this kinda reminds me of the woman dentist in Texas that not only ran her husbands paramour over once but went round and round the country club circle.

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