humorous-029_smallThis week we saw how Keith Griffin argued that he was framed by his cat, which downloaded over 1000 pornographic images on his computer. Now, with this picture, you people may wake up to the menace of feline computer fraud.

We are off to Duck North Carolina for a beach house and I was assured that it has Internet capabilities — so I am hoping that we will not have an interruption in the blog. If not, I will work on converting Conch shells and seaweed into a workable computer and satellite dish.

31 thoughts on “THE SECRET LIFE OF CATS”

  1. Buddha:

    Thank you. That was incredibly interesting. See, speak of the Emperor, and he shall appear ….

  2. Mespo,
    And here I assumed, incorrectly obviously, that your kitchen was already a done deal. Renovations and the best laid plans of mice and man aft gae aglee.

    Patty C,
    My favorite sunsets were seen from Race Point Beach on the Cape past Provincetown. Then again, it being the early 70’s the views were chemically assisted.

  3. mespo727272 1, August 9, 2009 at 11:02 am

    Patty C:

    Kitchen ETA is Monday. Awaiting range hookup and the hood installation which promises to be incredibly difficult judging by the estimate. Unfortunately no beach time planned. My lead paint cases loom on the horizon.

    Oh my god, I’d be be upset, too!

    Let’s sue the bastards for emotional distress, loss of income, AND conjugal relations. We’ll enjoin everybody!

    I’m totally on your side on this one…

  4. Patty C:

    Kitchen ETA is Monday. Awaiting range hookup and the hood installation which promises to be incredibly difficult judging by the estimate. Unfortunately no beach time planned. My lead paint cases loom on the horizon.

  5. Moreover, Prof. T, during your respite absence ALL of the Regulars *promise* to be good little Turlees; the young, old, newbie or ancient mariner amongst us all.

  6. Patty C:

    “Best sunsets I’ve EVER seen in NC.”


    They are pretty special, but I’ll take ‘em from the Sunset Pier Bar in Key West anytime, too!

    So, let’s go there, then…!

    p.s How’s the new kitchen, my friend? I trust you’re getting in some beach time yourself.

    Ya’ll have NC sunset on me, too!

  7. Roland,

    I sympathize. You did the right thing by not refusing the order. That would be crushing your cats self-esteem. My cats are constantly ordering fleas, ticks, worms, mice, birds, insects and catnip toys. It’s costing me a fortune but as you say, what else can you do!

  8. My wife is also a skeptic of the evil mischeif these creature are capable of. Even after this story broke she still refuses to believe that is was the CAT that walked on my laptop and ordered the large “Stuffed Crust” Super Sureme Pizza with extra chees. True it my fault for accepting it, but after the doorbell rang what else could I do.

  9. Patty C:

    “Best sunsets I’ve EVER seen in NC.”


    They are pretty special, but I’ll take ’em from the Sunset Pier Bar in Key West anytime, too!

  10. Best sunsets I’ve EVER seen in NC.
    Enjoy! Have one on me, JT.

    Bon Voyage et Bon Appetite!

  11. From The “Urban Dictionary”

    The definitive pet.
    Cleans self. Knows how to catch it’s food.
    Probably gave humans the idea for a “vaccum.” Is intelligent and curious.
    Likes to lay around alot, sort of like a couch potato. That’s cool though.

    They are usually quiet and know where to use the bathroom, unlike dogs.
    Cats rule, dogs drool. Remember that.”

  12. Don’t forget to grab breakfast at “Sam and Omie’s” at MP 16.

    1. Mespo:

      We are on our way to “Sam and Omie’s. Maybe we will see you there!

      1. Mespo:

        We enjoyed Sam and Omie’s. I had the crab and egg benedict, which was a terrific choice. We split the gravy over biscuits which was my favorite dish. Great tip.


  13. Just keep Gilligan away from the wires. I say that episode and he crashed the transistors and they slowly went back to sea. Have a fun one, enjoy the Beach. Drink some, drink some more and then enjoy yourself. Relax if you can.

  14. Doh! So much for the youtube issue being resolved. lol I shouldn’t have mentioned it.

    I love technology. As long as mankind builds things, we’ll never run out of gremlins.

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