North Carolina Woman Wins $9 Million For Alienation of Affection

If Elizabeth Edwards is serious about filing an alienation of affection lawsuit in North Carolina, here, she may want to chat with Cynthia Shackelford who just pulled in a $9 million verdict against her husband’s lover, Anne Lundquist, 49.

That figure includes an impressive $5 million in compensatory damages and $4 million in punitive damages.

She was married to Allan Shackelford, 62, for 33 years — is a lawyer and started having an affair with Anne Lundquist in November 2004 when he was giving legal advice to the North Carolina college where she worked

Cynthia Shackelford hired a detective who photographed the two living together at the family home.

Only six other states( Hawaii, Illinois, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota and Utah) have such an alienation tort, though we have seen a steady stream of such lawsuits, here.

For the full story, click here.

15 thoughts on “North Carolina Woman Wins $9 Million For Alienation of Affection”

  1. Perhaps the lesson to be learned here is a very simple one.

    Finish one relationship before starting another.

    This would apply even if this blokes wife was “such a bad spouse” that she “drove” him into the arms of another woman. No reason for him not to behave with some honour and decency.

  2. I keep subtly offering my spouse to rich widows so that I may sue but no one has fallen for it …. yet.

  3. Should’n old man ‘Shackelford’ be the one to pay for “shacking” up in the family home?

  4. Most jurisdictions have long since abolished the tort of alienation of affection. Personally, I find these archaic actions objectionable because they are insulting to both spouses and unjust to the defendant. First, it takes two to tango, but the operating assumption of alienation is that the affections of one’s spouse can be grabbed and spirited away like apples from a sidewalk vendor. Second, the plaintiff spouse is implicitly acknowledging by virtue of filing suit that he or she was unable to contribute sufficiently to the relationship to preserve it. Third, the defendant is punished for entering a relationship with someone who is not only willing, but frequently anxious, to fill an emotional void in his or her life. Of course, this action is most frequently filed by a woman against another woman, with the man handed the role of the pathetic weakling who possesses absolutely no more ability to resist the wiles of a temptress than a dog a bitch in heat.

  5. It’s easy to blame him… let’s ask a deeper question: what did she do to push him into the other woman’s arms? If she was such a great wife, why was he drawn to another woman? My moneys says she wasn’t the great supporter and lover that she’d like us to believe.

  6. What? Am I understanding right that the cheated-on-spouse sues the mistress directly? What? Suing your spouse for cheating on you makes sense, but if I’m understanding correctly, suing the mistress is just freakin’ nuts?!?!?

    Am I right in inferring that this is some holdover from crazy 18th/19th century concepts that the mistress is somehow to blame for a straying spouse?

  7. Buudha,

    Keep reaching, maybe the mothership will reach out and touch someone…..maybe you…..

  8. Why is this a story? With all the talk we give here about equality and equity why is it that in this day and age that aliens can’t get love too! It’s pure prejudice. I mean has anyone seen that female Vulcan science office on the Enterprise? She’s HOT!

    What’s that? Alienation of affection? Ahh . . . well then.


  9. “The News & Record of Greensboro reports that 49-year-old Anne Lundquist of Aurora, N.Y., didn’t attend the two-day trial in Greensboro earlier this week and wasn’t represented by an attorney.”

    Wow, I would say under the UUJEA she has screwed herself. To collect they have to file the Judgment in her home state and she has to post bond to stop collection. She still has to go to the state of origination and contest the original proceeding(s).

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