California Teacher Arrested for TWI (Teaching While Intoxicated)

Teacher Tonya Neff, 40, of Toro Canyon Middle School is the subject of a curious charge: teaching while drunk. She is accused of taking prescription drugs and alcohol before teaching.

Coachella Valley school district Superintendent Ricardo Medina says there was never a threat to Neff’s seventh-grade students. Neff has been placed on leave.

For the full story, click here.

36 thoughts on “California Teacher Arrested for TWI (Teaching While Intoxicated)”

  1. ECookie,

    As you are aware, Buddha’s have lots of Roll’s, ever seen one sit? Done Lops to.

  2. Please note that this:

    “As a former teacher, I can assure you that people who don’t want to be educated don’t get educated, no matter how many mind-deadening classes the state forces them to sit through.”

    comports with this:

    “You have the option of not reading my posts if they are soooo offensive to your Catholic sensibilities. The interesting thing about lessons is that they are like all free speech: you are free to ignore them.”

    A statement I made on another thread.

    To ignore something is a choice. Choices have consequences. Stupid people make a stupid society. Garbage in, garbage out. So let’s seek that lowest common denominator as a cogent social policy. That’s always easier than working to build civilization: pass the buck. So please, regale us of tales of how every single solitary lesson a person learns in life is voluntary no matter how obstinate and that only the voluntary ones ever EVER have a positive result. No one is so fortunate. If they were, there would be no such thing as regret. Regret is the disappoint of suffering caused by a lesson not learned beforehand.

  3. So let’s outlaw compulsory education. Let’s see how well you like it when the clerks at stores can’t read and basic addition and subtraction – already a dying skill – are gone. What are you going to do? Barter? How are you going to count up the chickens? Is the receipt going to be a stick figure drawing? Perhaps done on a cave wall?

    This is like saying that if we legalize marijuana, everyone is going to get high. The fact is that people don’t need to be forced to get an education. They don’t need to be forced to provide an education to their children. It’s a natural desire.

    As a former teacher, I can assure you that people who don’t want to be educated don’t get educated, no matter how many mind-deadening classes the state forces them to sit through.

    Education should be available to all who want it, but compulsory education is just one of the many profound problems with our education system.

  4. Amazing. I had drunk teachers from sixth grade onwards. We all knew who they were and they, in many cases, were some of the better teachers I have. I’m not saying showing up to work wasted is a great thing, but:

    1. I doubt I could do their job without being smashed.
    2. The district has over-reacted, more than a little.

  5. Learning is what kept and keeps the lions from eating us when we lived under the trees and in caves, Tootie. Why do you want the lions to eat our young? Ending compulsory education means making education optional.

    com·pul·so·ry\kəm-ˈpəls-rē, -ˈpəl-sə-\, adj.,

    1 : mandatory, enforced (compulsory retirement)
    2 : coercive, compelling (compulsory measures)

    Even if you want to latch on to the word “coercive” since teabaggers seem to feel threatened by anything they cannot understand instead of figuring it out with logic and reason, are you seriously suggesting that forcing your children to learn survival skills and the skills required to not only continue civilization, but expand our reach and knowledge until we can reach the stars is somehow a bad thing?

    My what an interesting perception of proper parenting.

    I bet there are some fat lions around your village.

    I’d think Christians would be very adverse to this concept considering their history with Romans and lions.

  6. Tootie,

    “Civilization is screeching to a halt.” Typed a person sitting in a well lit, structurally sound building, which probably has more books than most humans ever saw, with indoor plumbing, electricity, and most likely within easy commute of public libraries and hospitals, while accessing the largest collection of information every assembled.

  7. Kaz

    I remember back in the day, my schools deputy head teacher got arrested for drink driving on school property. Aah, the good old days


    Back in the day our “Driving ” instructor used to have us stop at the liquor store so he could “run an errand”. He was also a football coach.

  8. How about this story about a Cal State Professor?

    “A California State University, East Bay professor charged with possession of child pornography and child exploitation in San Francisco is facing additional charges in Missouri.

    Forty-seven-year-old Kenneth Kyle was charged there Wednesday with statutory rape and sodomy. Federal investigators say a 20-year-old St. Louis woman allowed him to victimize her 13-month-old daughter.”

    That right. His victim is 13 months old! And the Baby’s mother provided the child!

  9. Buddha:

    Also, I didn’t say outlaw education, you did.

    I said don’t make it compulsory. I don’t know why are person who thinks he or she is so smart would make such an error.

    It must have something to do with a character flaw.

  10. Buddha,

    Oh yes, everyone hates their kids and wouldn’t want them educated unless they were forced to. Only you care more about those kiddies than their parents.

    My, but aren’t you more superior and compassionate than us baboons down here rooting in the mud waiting for you to tell us how to be smart enough to take your money at the local burger-doodle drive-through.

    Yes, you’ve got that one figured it out, parents won’t get their kids educated unless at gunpoint authorized by our superiors. You must have learned that at a non-compulsory college where you got your awesome education?

    Note: civilization IS coming to a screeching halt AFTER a hundred years or so of “public education”, much of it being compulsory.

    Which is my larger point.

    Which you missed.

    Which isn’t surprising.

  11. I think that this is the point that I am trying to make. Who was in exact harm? She was at the Nurses station/office. Calling the Cops seems like you give the kids another excuse to want to take a teacher out, remember when Ms. Neff was hauled off. It seems like more trouble is brewing for the school district….

  12. Outlaw education.

    Tootie-kins, your ignorance is only surpassed by your seeming pride in it since you keep espousing this kind of retrograde teabagger nonsense.

    Stupid is as stupid does. So let’s outlaw compulsory education. Let’s see how well you like it when the clerks at stores can’t read and basic addition and subtraction – already a dying skill – are gone. What are you going to do? Barter? How are you going to count up the chickens? Is the receipt going to be a stick figure drawing? Perhaps done on a cave wall?

    Yeah, outlawing compulsory education is a good idea.

    If you want civilization of any sort to come to a screeching halt.

  13. How, exactly, is this a crime if she wasn’t operating a vehicle? Were the kids in any danger by her slurred speech and inability to write legibly on the board? Where they in any physical danger from a days missed lesson?

    A workplace violation perhaps worthy of suspension or firing, but a chargeable offense? Calling the cops?

    suspicion of being under the influence of alcohol combined with prescription drugs while teaching, a sheriff’s sergeant said.

    Tanya Neff, 40, was taken into custody around 1 p.m. at Toro Canyon Middle School, 86150 Avenue 66, said Sgt. Mike Tapp of the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department.”

    That smells less like booze and more like idiotic overreaction. Being drunk while not driving and not making an ass of yourself in public isn’t a crime nor is taking a prescription medication.

    Yank her from class, have someone drive her home, put her on suspension, but who in the Hell is benefiting from having the damn cops involved in this nonsense? No one. Not even the cops. They should (and do) have better things to do.

  14. AY,

    You know we can’t sort things out on our own. We need help of those who know better, “the officials”. We should just color in our coloring books on the curb until the all-knowing ones arrive. During this time, it is important not to swallow your own tongue or inadvertently eat rat poison from our garage. 😉

  15. If you had to teach kids you could not punish, who all day long threatened to sue you if you looked at them cross-wise, who hardly listen to a word you say about the utterly boring clap-trap and propaganda you have to utter while you deny them recess or physical actively (in order to drive the males nuts and make them misbehave) while you deny them access to fresh air, and put them under the blaze of florescent lights (my theory is that only insane people don’t experience the harshness of their emissions), you’d be more drunk and drugged than this woman.

    That said: outlaw compulsory education. It is not for a free people in pursuit of liberty.

  16. I read the article and this concerns me that the school officials called the police. That is BS, so what was the reaction on the children the detriment to the education?

  17. TUI, Teaching Under the Influence. Hmm, I had a great teacher in High School that was mean as all get out, she was a drunk and you could tell ir and smell it on her, however, I learned a lot about Civic’s from her. She demanded and expected you to actually learn.

  18. I remember back in the day, my schools deputy head teacher got arrested for drink driving on school property. Aah, the good old days

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