New Zealand Court Gives Probation to Man With Violent History Who Broke Into Home of Mother and Chased Her Down the Street

This is something out of Clockwork Orange. Burt Te Manu Tangiata Rikihana, 27, was arrested in December after he forced his way into a home of a woman with a three-year-old child. He chased the mother down the street as she screamed. Despite a previous attempted murder conviction, the court gave him probation and community service which Rikihana correctly called “a joke.”

In February 2002, Rikihana was sentenced to nine years’ jail for attempted murder after he stabbed Paul Robertshaw, 15, as he lay sleeping in bed.

The New Zealand Judge Susan Thomas, however, merely noted that Rikihana had “an unfortunate history.” An unfortunate history? We call it recidivism or habitual offending or at least shocking. She gave Rikihana 24 months’ intensive supervision and 200 hours’ community service on burglary and assault charges.

By the way, Rikihana stabbed the boy with such force that the knife came out his back.

For the full story, click here.

6 thoughts on “New Zealand Court Gives Probation to Man With Violent History Who Broke Into Home of Mother and Chased Her Down the Street”

  1. I think anger and drinking issues are the least of this clown’s worries. Seems to me he has deep psychological issues that should be addressed pronto.

  2. Oh well, at least they are showing consistency in NZ.

    Not only can you not punish children, you can also not punish adults.

    Can’t argue with that.


  3. guys…come ON…why was this (held a knife in two hands and plunged it into his sleeping victim so hard it exited through and out the victims back) cretin on the street?

  4. The very model of a man who needs to be kept from the group.

  5. Out of the main[ed] article. The Judge said:

    However Rikihana was addressing his drinking and anger problems, and was enrolled in a year-long rehabilitation programme.


    This explains it all.

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