It Gets Better . . . Unless You Try To Join My Military or Get Married in My Church

To his credit, President Barack Obama added his voice to “It Gets Better” campaign to try to stem the suicide of gay and lesbian teenagers. Civil libertarians and gay rights advocates might be a bit more responsive if the message was not released the day his Administration successfully got a stay to be able to resume the removals of gays from the military and a week after it appealed a major victory in favor of gay marriage.

“When you’re teased or bullied it can seem like somehow you brought it on yourself … With time you’re going to see that your differences are a source of pride, a source of strength.” Unless of course you mention your sexual orientation to anyone while serving the country. Then the President wants to be sure that no court can stop your discharge or allow you to marry (despite his support for both gay service and marriage, of course).

I find this video a bit more credible:

Source: Guardian

100 thoughts on “It Gets Better . . . Unless You Try To Join My Military or Get Married in My Church”

  1. Bdaman:
    I just started using Firefox recently because IE started loading really slow,and now it seems that what ever problem was going on in IE has been resolved.

  2. Bdaman:

    In IE the post shows right away,its the Firefox on my end that seems to have the problem.

  3. All,

    I’m using Chrome and am experiencing the same delay … but things seem to be awfully slow on other sites as well. I thought it was just my computer and internet connection.

  4. Ok I think it may have to do with an upgrade made recently in firefox. I’ll know shortly.

  5. Also after you post it doesn’t show your comment right away.

    Makes me feel like it goes to a moderator first or somewhere else before it post it.

  6. Bdaman:

    If I use IE my post shows and name ,email address is still in the log in area here,If I use FIREFOX everything is blank and I have to log in again.

    And sometimes I get the webpage is not responding error message,also I find the pages sometime start to roll back to the first post .

  7. Eniobob what browser are you using and do you log into to post.

    Me Mozzilla and no I just put in name and address

  8. I wonder if someone is trying to hijack the site.

    When this first started to be a problem it happened on every wordpress blog I went to. One thing I noticed is the new hovercard option. This may be affecting it. Also I find that if I leave a tab open with JT’s blog and switch to another tab it operates slowly but if I close the tab with JT’s blog I get normal function.
    Last but not least I run Registry Mechanic and use to only get maybe ten problems on a scan then it jumped to mid 40’s and is now pushing into the hundreds. I put in an assist with Spyware Doctor and awaiting a response.

    I know return you back to your wondering.

    P.S. it’s a trial run on limiting free speech brought to you by the Obama Administration.

  9. “Bdaman
    1, October 22, 2010 at 7:30 pm
    I wish this bug would get worked out.

    It auto erases my name and e-mail and takes about five minutes for the comment to show up.”

    Same here,again I thought only I was having that problem.I wonder if someone is trying to hijack the site.

  10. I hope we play the Phillies.

    If not it won’t be to long you’ll be playin the fiddle 🙂

  11. During the past two months, I’ve read several articles about Obama omitting the phrase “by their Creator” when quoting from the Declaration of Independence. Most of these articles have pointed out three examples. I’ve found a few more which I’ll quote from below. I went to and clicked on “Briefing Room”. I searched the site using the words “Inalienable“, “Unalienable“, and “Creator“.

  12. I know what you mean Lottakatz it’s like the claim he’s a Muslim when everyone knows he’s a Christian but he continues to leave the word creator out when reciting the Declaration of Independence.

    Then again you have to realize that one, he’s a politician and they all lie, and two, he’s a liberal and most of those don’t believe in a creator.

  13. SNARK:


    I wish this bug would get worked out. It auto erases my name and e-mail and takes about five minutes for the comment to show up.”


    Maybe when the singularity occurred the Interweb decided it just didn’t want to hear any more birther crap. 🙂

    I saw my original Certificate of Live Birth from Deaconess Hospital (a copy of which was filed with the state) when I was about 9. It was thereafter destroyed or lost. I’m personally glad Missouri went to the short form because the original CoLB had a lot of personal information (with serious cultural implications) on it including medical information about the mother that no one should have privy to except the mother. My CoLB was revelatory and while I was a precocious child it had words and implications that were distressing to me at even a young age. So I asked my mother what it meant. It made her cry.

    Actually, it started out as snark, now I’m just pissed: F**k the nosey-assed birthers. I’ve met few conspiracy theories I can’t get behind but even I’m not that crazy or self-deluded. It’s about racism and an unwillingness to accept cultural and societal change. Scratch a birther and you’ll find a scared racist.

  14. I gotta tell you Bda, those were some of our finest hours.

    Those drawings presented to Secretary of State Colin Powell by CIA Director George Tenet and his Deputy Director John E. McLaughlin were sooo cute.

    Remember Curveball, the taxicab driver who convinced the CIA he was a chemical engineer and knew for certain that the mobile chemical labs existed when in all actuality the labs were nothing more than hydrogen production units used to fill artillery balloons? Man, American intelligence at its finest … Tenet even got a medal for all his good work.

    HenMan is still a believer ’cause he carries his gas mask wherever he goes … his Hazmat suits are color co-ordinated to the seasons. (The man knows fashion.)

  15. Where are the Giants when you need them….maybe in the series I can tell…it would be ever so swell….

  16. Bdaman– How about the mobile chemical weapons labs? Did they find them? I know for certain they existed, because Colin Powell showed authentic cartoon drawings of them to the United Nations. Not to mention the vials of real anthrax- I’m sure glad he didn’t drop those!!

  17. You fell for the WMD trick? Oldest trick in the book.

    There never were any WMD’s in Irag. Saddam destroyed some and shipped the rest to Syria.

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