Just What The Doctor Ordered: Iceland Considers Prescription-Only Cigarettes

Iceland is considering a measure that could prove a real drag for smokers — prescription-only cigarettes. It is the latest effort to make smoking as unpleasant and inconvenient as possible.

We previously saw how the United States is now moving to grotesque pictures on cigarettes to harass smokers. Next we will require smokers to be beaten with large Salmon and stand in ice water while they smoke.

The parliament in Reykjavik may allow only pharmacies to dispense cigarettes — a valid medical certificate. What is the protocol for that diagnosis? Thorarinn Gudnason, president of the Icelandic Society of Cardiology, says that smokers will eventually be listed and treated as addicts.

Source: Guardian

14 thoughts on “Just What The Doctor Ordered: Iceland Considers Prescription-Only Cigarettes”

  1. Боже мой! Я живу в России и у нас полиция не понимает почему я возмущаюсь на курение соседа. Дым от его сигареты идет прямо in my flat. Куда бежать? Я задыхаюсь от дыма. Очень хочу в Исландию. Только меня там не ждут. Остановите Землю я сойду с этой f.. планеты!!!!
    Sorri? i speak russia.

  2. buddha

    they force you to smoke a whole school of salmon

    plus women are sexy with that hole in their throat

  3. LK,

    That’s a classic skit. I saw a show once where Michael Palin went around to the various locations that they shot on Flying Circus and he went back to the canal where they shot that one. In retrospect, he was a bit amazed at how high the fall was.

  4. YouTube isn’t working too well for me lately and the yahoo embed doesn’t work either, I’ll give it another try:

  5. What if one likes being beaten with a large salmon while standing in ice water?

    Do you get to eat the salmon afterwards?

    Inquiring smoking bears want to know . . .

  6. frank
    1, July 6, 2011 at 9:14 am
    The internal memos dug up during the investigation here found the tobacco companies calling their product a ‘drug delivery system’ with nicotine being the drug they wanted to maximize. By their own admission they were selling drugs & should be regulated by the FDA. Of course, given that there is no medical benefit from nicotine, that would pretty much shut them down completely.
    Gingerbaker is correct…nicotine has many effects in the body that could be utilized with potential +results. What I don’t understand is how this information has been forgotten. My mother, who died from health problems related to smoking, had been prescribed cigarettes as a young girl to strengthen her lungs against her asthma. That was a long time ago and before the cartels were actively hiding information that the other elements were as harmful as they are. There are other delivery systems. The problem is the addiction element is probably not worth the potential positive result, in most circumstances. I hope this movement takes root here in the US, closely followed by ETOH, which is also a drug with dangerous effects.

  7. “…given that there is no medical benefit from nicotine…”

    Actually, nicotine has substantial medical benefit. It is calming, relaxing and yet sharpens mental acuity. It stimulates the dopaminergic pleasure and reward system and acts as an antidepressant. It is a marvelous drug.

    It has the worst delivery system in history is the problem.

  8. We are talking about a group who is fine with laws mandating genetic mapping and testing of their entire population for research purposes.

  9. The internal memos dug up during the investigation here found the tobacco companies calling their product a ‘drug delivery system’ with nicotine being the drug they wanted to maximize. By their own admission they were selling drugs & should be regulated by the FDA. Of course, given that there is no medical benefit from nicotine, that would pretty much shut them down completely.

  10. When cigaretts are outawed, only outlaws will have cigaretts. 🙂

  11. Well with all of the additives that they put in tobacco….call me surprised…I read an article that they put one in just to reach the pleasure zone in the brain where it is more difficult to quit that heroin….

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