Death Panel: Obama Delegates Hit List To Panel of Unnamed Officials

I recently ran a couple of columns (here and here) and postings criticizing President Obama’s assertion of the right to kill citizens as a presidential prerogative. It now appears that he has delegated the selection of targets for killings to a panel of unnamed officials who determine which people should be killed without a trial or even a charge. When it comes to citizens like Anwar al-Awlaki, the killings raise serious constitutional problems that are being kept from the courts by the Administration.

The identity of the members of the death panel are secret. There is no public record of their decisions or the basis for the kill order. Indeed, neither the target nor the public will necessarily know that it was this panel that ordered the killing.

While civil libertarians are raising voices of concern over such extrajudicial killings of citizens, the Obama Administration has portrayed “the killing of Awlaki as a demonstration of President Barack Obama’s toughness toward militants who threaten the United States.” It has worked. Even conservatives are cheering the killings of the two citizens. Apparently, death panels in health care are enough to rally thousands in opposition but an actual death panel produces nary a yawn if the targets are hated. The fear is that this is how the rule of law dies — to the cheers and thunderous applause of citizens.

The results of the panel are simply submitted to the President, who retains the authority to countermand their decisions.

Obama has the distinction of putting the first citizen on the list. As noted in the earlier postings, Bush killed a citizen who was riding with a target, but Obama outdid his predecessor again in ordering the killing of a citizen.

Source: Reuters

149 thoughts on “Death Panel: Obama Delegates Hit List To Panel of Unnamed Officials”

  1. raff, that is why I said what I did above about Perry and his ilk.

    While the ultra-right wails about George Soros, the Koch brothers, Art Pope and their ilk pour many more millions into promoting an agenda that, at the bottom of it, is anti-democratic and anti-American. Just read the posts by Roco, Bron and the other RW trolls, both paid and volunteer.

    Obama has a lot of warts on his political butt, but the other side is worse by every metric.

  2. OS,

    I have already said that I would most likely cast a ballot giving it to Obama…by voting against the Other Guy….Unless a viable 3rd party candidate get in and then I do not know….this was why I was shocked when I got labeled a Republican….But hey Shit happens….maybe it was something else…who knows as I do not care….

  3. OS,
    The supreme court appointments are important, but we cannot forget the social issues that the Teapublicans are already attacking.

  4. OS,

    I have stated that I wanted someone else to run but Obama….and there is a fat chance in hell of that happening….So, I said I was looking outside the box….Anyone that was mentioned was denounced by another poster and easily discounted…and in not so friendly of a manner….Then I was accused of being a Republican…but it is ok for another poster to make some remarks about the current president and that’s really ok…they are an Independent…I thought that I was about as independent as they came…But I was labeled a Republican….and because ALL republicans are against Choice, I was against Choice…even thought I had stated many times that I think the Government should stay the hell out if peoples lives,,,,but then I became a women hater that needed to be viewed with askance….Then they said they were in fear…..

    So now we can switch to other poster that got not nearly as a warm reception as I got…..I think they were then attacked for having views which disagreed with the original disturber…and they responded with why must you inject fear in every conversation…So…it is true…if you look at a response to an attack as an attack….then they must be being attacked…It is really simple….

    I already ate today at but Bar B Que today……..

  5. SwM…..

    It is not just Perry, it is all of them. There may not be all that much difference between Obama and the Republican candidates on the economy and war crimes, but right now my concern is the SCOTUS appointment. I try to stay focused on what the future will be well beyond an Obama second term.

  6. OS Posters on this blog have accused me of spreading fear about Rick Perry so I appreciate your comments. Headed to Mi Cocina.

  7. Yes, I knew that about Perry. Look for the next Repub president to nominate an anti-choice, pro-creationist/intelligent design, anti-stem cell research, anti-science ideologue for the next SCOTUS opening. Because that is what their fundie owners want and expect.

    If that does not scare you, nothing will.

  8. AY, at this point, it is about protecting the next SCOTUS nomination. There may or may not be an opening during the next five years, but some are getting older and may retire or pass away. We cannot take a chance on a President Perry (or other Gooper) making that nomination.

  9. OS,

    What do we do…sell our collective conscience….or keep being sold fear….the lesser of two evils….I realize that both party’s do it….so does religion…that is how they keep you in the fold…because you are different than them…as has been said…now Perry is selling the Morman Cult…Fear….Should we as reasonably educated people keep buying into it…or when should we say…enough….

  10. Yes OS,

    Well said….Now what do people like me…and there are others that are disenfranchised with the whole damn system….

  11. Blouise,

    I still do not understand…but, you said…”I was referring to the democrats and their field of candidates vying for the nomination.” I think cover anyone but the Bush or Bush protege….


    okay … you’re naive

    I see many differences but one glaring similarity … they both do whatever the CIA tells them to do.

    And like I said…what are the differences….Bush got us a war….Obama got us two….If we are going one up he is doing one hell of a job…Both have done a game on SS…whether by tacit admission or omission…the end result is the same…

    What good is the Sct…Bush and Obama have basically thumbed their noses and thumbs at them….As you can see…I am not a follower of any cults….

    5a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad
    b : the object of such devotion
    c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion…

    That is why most religions need to be considered a cult and a threat…

  12. I fat-fingered that last comment. “I like ———, but he is too smart to run.

    Should read: “I like Russ Feingold, but he is too smart to run.”

  13. Regarding a primary challenge or third party candidate. I am a very practical person who did not just ride into town on the turnip truck or watermelon wagon. A primary challenge would be a total waste of time, money and energy. What potentially electable Democrat would run against an incumbent Democratic President. I like

    , but he is too smart to run. Kucinich has about as much chance as that famous snowball in hell. The average voter regards him as the Democratic version of Michelle Bachmann; i.e., batshit crazy.

    A third party candidate? During the Clinton years, a third party candidate from the right gave the Presidency to the Democrat. In 2000, a third party candidate from the left gave the Presidency to you-know-who. We see how that worked out. We got Alito and Roberts out of that deal.

    Nader said there was “no difference” between Bush and Gore. Really? I am sure President Gore would have appointed neo-conservative ideologues who would have given us Citizens United anyway. Not!

    Obama is the only game in town right now. Hopefully the right wing will self-immolate. Again, as an acquaintance repeats incessantly, “It’s the Supreme Court, stupid.”

  14. Bda,

    lol … that’s a far better way to put it than Obama is part of the War on Women

    You should condense that into a bumper sticker.

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