Georgia Court Rules Against Teacher Who Lost Job After Posting Facebook Pictures Drinking in Europe

A Georgia teacher, Ashley Payne, has lost her lawsuit seeking damages after she said she was forced out due to a Facebook picture taken of her drinking in Europe. A teacher or parent had filed an anonymous complaint against Payne for photos showing her holding drinks in Europe — not normally a shocking image.

The problem is that Payne resigned under pressure and Barrow County argued that such a voluntary departure forecloses a lawsuit of this kind. While we recently saw a court rule that such voluntary departures did not prevent recovery of benefits when caused by a hostile work environment, Superior Court Judge Chief David Motes found the fact to be dispositive under state law.

Her lawyer has filed an amended complaint in the hopes of reviving the action.

We have seen a disturbing trend of teachers, students, and public employees punished for photos and associations in their private lives. She is not the first to resign only to later regret the decision. Teachers need to stay and fight for their right to have personal and independent lives. The person who filed this complaint was likely a crank, but even if there was greater opposition, Payne should not have yielded to such abuse.

Source: AJC

18 thoughts on “Georgia Court Rules Against Teacher Who Lost Job After Posting Facebook Pictures Drinking in Europe”

  1. Those holier-than-thou complainants better not get photographed taking communion at church or they might lose their jobs, too. This country is clearly circling the drain . . .

  2. My problem is she quit. She should not have quit. She kind of did this to herself…

  3. hano1, October 12, 2011 at 4:51 pm

    This is a problem in every single kids group you might be attached to. I volunteered to teach a childrens riding club and was criticized by having a single beer with dinner after hours during some planning meetings. Another sort of right wing way to degrade people and pidgeonhole them.
    Another sort of right wing way to degrade people in order to control them.

  4. my first thought was “is she even twenty one.”

    maybe she said something once about dinosaurs not fitting on the ark and they’ve been looking for a reason.

  5. This is a problem in every single kids group you might be attached to. I volunteered to teach a childrens riding club and was criticized by having a single beer with dinner after hours during some planning meetings. Another sort of right wing way to degrade people and pidgeonhole them.

    Although these people had no problem at all with junk food and eating massive amounts of sugar, all very addictive and much worse for your health than having a craft beer.

  6. Teachers can’t drink? Say what? My first thought was that this teacher must have been employed by some little “Mt. Zion Christian Day School” type institution…but apparently it is a public school! So really, I am confused!? How is this possible???

  7. rafflaw1, October 12, 2011 at 11:25 am

    This is a travesty! When will Americans wake up and realize that teachers aren’t the problem here? If employers can force out teachers for having a private life, who is next?
    I don’t think teachers are forced out for having a private life….good teachers who *may* not kow tow to the appropriate ‘influences’ mayt tho….
    I’ve a number of teacher friends who I’m told have been told to ‘change’ student grades and tolerte misbehaviors and do other things for ‘certain’ (monied) students to either ‘not make waves’ or because someone isn’t strong enough to stand up to those who think that ‘using’ the system is the same as “I own the system”.

    Lot’s going on out there that shouldn’t be…..I suspect that Lawyers who went into practicing Law for reasons not just $$$$$ are very busy right now….

  8. This is a travesty! When will Americans wake up and realize that teachers aren’t the problem here? If employers can force out teachers for having a private life, who is next?

  9. So, what, teachers can’t go out in public anymore, basically… Because somebody might be offended by their behavior?

  10. what was the problem with the picture? was there a smarmy caption or something? since when is an adult lifting a glass of wine or beer considered anything but neutral in this Country? IWas it used in a promotional commercial during a football game? It was on her own time, not even in this Country….and who owns facebook content? I am really concerned with the aspects of ‘under pressure’ and ‘hostility’. Why are teachers and other workers being subjected to this manner of treatment? Why is it being tolerated at ANY level?

  11. Hmm…Out of the country…..

    Oh the Night the Lights went out in Georgia….Well…..that is supposing they know what the song was written about to begin with….I suppose it could be the state song…

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