Fair or Fowl? Chic-fil-A President Describes Company As Run On Biblical Principles And Agenda

Dan Cathy, the president of the fast food chain Chic-fil-A, has come out swinging against his critics who have charged that he has run his company with an anti-gay, religious based agenda. Cathy stated that he is “guilty as charged” and double downed on the issue — promising to continue to run the company according to “Biblical” dictates. I guess you just think of the Last Supper and think how Jesus would prepare your Chick-fil-a deluxe. [Update: The restaurant is now trying to dampen the rising outcry from gay rights groups while not denying any of the statements made by its chief operating officer.]

Cathy told the Baptist Press that he wants to advance the “biblical definition of the family unit” in his business. He stressed “We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives.” This Biblical approach to the $4 billion a year business includes training workers “to focus on values rooted in the Bible.” He insists that “as an organization we can operate on biblical principles.” However, given the response to his interview, the business could be a lot smaller before long.

The question is not just how customers — including many gay and secular citizens — will take to the intermingling of Biblical tenets with their taters. There is also the legal questions that may be raised from these comments. The company is still subject to discrimination law on the state and federal levels. Cathy’s comment could be cited as evidence of a hostile workplace by workers claiming harassment or discrimination. He appears to acknowledge the intentional creation of a culture in the company based on religious dictates.

None of this question his right to donate millions to anti-gay Christian organizations — any more than the controversial charity work of Domino’s Pizza founder and conservative Christian Tom Monaghan. Likewise, the founders of Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream contributed heavily to liberal causes. While some consumers have boycotted Domino’s over his support for conservative Christian causes, this remains an exercise of free speech from Monaghan as it does Cathy. However, Cathy has gone further to say that he expects his workers to reflect his religious-based values. It should be noted, however, that he appears to be primarily speaking of his view of the traditional marriage. Frankly, the politics or values of a chef or an owner do not affect my decision-making on products.

Yet, the comments could become relevant in future legal actions where the culture of the company is put into question. Indeed, with these comments, Cathy could find himself on a deposition list to force him to detail how he enforces these expectations.

At first, I was skeptical that the Bible said much about fast food, but a little research shows that I was wrong.

First, the emphasis on chicken removes the problem under Leviticus 11:1-47:

And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying to them, “Speak to the people of Israel, saying, These are the living things that you may eat among all the animals that are on the earth. Whatever parts the hoof and is cloven-footed and chews the cud, among the animals, you may eat. Nevertheless, among those that chew the cud or part the hoof, you shall not eat these: The camel, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you. And the rock badger, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you. …

He does however need to expand the vegetarian offerings:

Romans 14:1-23

As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him.

Biblical pricing however offers ample room for growth:

Isaiah 55:2

Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy? Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food.

As for those cows telling you to go to Chick-fil-a, they can now add “it’s not just economical, it’s biblical.”

Source: Daily Mail

86 thoughts on “Fair or Fowl? Chic-fil-A President Describes Company As Run On Biblical Principles And Agenda”

  1. There have been allegations of management organized prayer meetings for employees at Chick-fil-A for years. I believe there have been legal actions over them in the past, whether they were settled or went to court.

  2. The way meat is produced here in the US is another cause of inflammation in the body that has been blamed for heart disease and cancer. We almost force feed these meat animals with GMO corn & soy and other unnatural product waste (feeding CAFO pigs factory defected potato chips & oreos) that will kill them over time. So the timing of the slaughter is right before the animal would have major organ damages from the food they are fed.
    Do you know what they do with the mushroom compost after they’re done growing mushrooms? It’s an ingredient in animal feed.

    What do they use the head meat for? Bologna sausage.

  3. I just did some reading on it to find one falsehood, the link they propose that cholesterol is the culprit. Now more positive studies show the link was for trans-fats, oils that are partially hydrogenated to increase shelf life. They should simply say that any food with an artificial shelf life is bad for all humans.

    It is not the consumptions of fats that causes disease, it is the kind of fats people were eating. The doctors telling people to eat margarine instead of real butter was part of the problem. Butter is a good fat, it does not increase inflammation in the human body like bad fats do.

    The way meat is produced here in the US is another cause of inflammation in the body that has been blamed for heart disease and cancer. We almost force feed these meat animals with GMO corn & soy and other unnatural product waste (feeding CAFO pigs factory defected potato chips & oreos) that will kill them over time. So the timing of the slaughter is right before the animal would have major organ damages from the food they are fed.

    Grass fed and free range animals have fats that are much higher in Omega 3 to Omega 6. The bad fats from trans-fats and CAFO meat are all extremely high in Omega 6 compared to Omega 3. Grass fed beef is good for your heart, good for your brain and will help people stay healthy. Doctors in the US misled people for decades about fats and diet.

    The Mediterranean diet is full of Omega 3 fats. Olive oil is a very good source, as is Grapeseed oil and sunflower oil- any cold pressed natural oil is better than the GMO stabilized oils from canola, soy or corn. These fats are poison and should be avoided by people who want to stay healthy- unfortunately they are the most common fats eaten in America. . Doctors do not know enough about nutrition …….it really is these terrible and very common fats that are hurting the health of Americans along with HFCS and all the chemicals from petrol that they allow as preservatives, artificial color & flavor, the chemicals in packaging for longer shelf life, etc.

    the US should simply adopt the EU standards for food and chemicals and body care. All our health care costs would go down. You might not know how bad the food is here now, but to give you an idea, I carry food with me at all times because you never know if you are going to end up in fast food hell with nothing helathy on the menu.

  4. pete,

    if so, they are manned by pakistan men, or rarely muslims from philipines. do you only do one-liners?

    the owner would motivate the business as Christ’s new
    crusade, with his help in, converting the heathens.

  5. Hubert Cumberdale:

    “I was wondering why our Chick-Fil-A was so busy today. They’re normally busy and the drive-thru line extends past the front of the building but today it was almost doubled up.”

    So sad all those people are going to die early from eating that crappy processed food. Diabetes, heart disease and stroke can only increase with the consumption of Big Ag. Enjoy your heart attack, people!

  6. HC Now, if you examine the charitable contributions made by Chick-Fil-A and the programs they support, obviously they aren’t holding onto their possessions. And their adherence to Biblical principles are paying off.”

    Let’s examine the record of Chick=Fil-A on the employees thay pay too little to live on and refuse to provide health insurace, shall we?

    Those low wage workers with no health benefits are using social services, food stamps, the emergency rooms.
    We are subsidizing this oh so moral companies exploitive labor practices. Why should we have to do that? Why don’t they take care of their own?

    They are nothing but bigoted capitalists, exploiting the poor.

  7. ID707,

    I don’t have any dual citizenship. Do have a passport.

  8. ID707,

    Do you have a Swedish passport? I knew a Canadian guy who had dual American citizenship. His passport was Canadian.

  9. Matt Johnson,

    Very good story, perceptive too.

    So not being a Swede I have two advantages.

    One is to become better in feeling and imitating Swedeness so they feel comfortable with me.
    Two, let my Americanness be an excuse for being different. Let them suck on their inferiority but don’t show you know they do, nor lord it over them.

    Thomas Wolfe wrote the book: “You can’t go home again”. True in two ways. Agreed?

    Sharing is based on shared experiences I realize now.
    So don’t expect too much when you have little in common in that way. You did not share a large segment of their life together. You get it of course.

  10. MikeS,

    Please let me retract. First I have no contact with jews except Lena. So discussion with them on anti-semitism is excluded.

    And in the very few occssions where I have touched on the subject with Swedes, the only reaction was apparent embarassment for me for raising a non PC queestion. Racism is not a PC subject either. Possibly the effects of immigratinn is however.

    But at the risk of making a faux pas, it is not forbidden. And between friends, which takes years literally to become, no kidding, such discussions can occur without embarassment.

  11. ID707,

    When I came to Sweden, being Swedish was impossible unless you were very skillful. My spoken words reveal me. My skin does not. Being a “real” swede is reserved for them. And not being a swede perhaps I am not party to bigoted discussions.
    I’ve lived in Wisconsin since 1996. I left where I was born in 1978. Do you know how they look at me when I go back there? They know who I am. No problem. I don’t go back very often, and they know I’m not staying.

    I went back briefly after I got out of the Navy. They basically told me, you’re at the bottom of the totem pole. I said no I’m not. There were some discussions.

    You’re not Swedish.

  12. MikeS,
    First point:
    “My real point though is that there is no nation in the world where there isn’t a presence of bigotry of some sort. I would guess that compared to the U.S. there is less bigotry in Sweden, but your presumption of a country where such matters can be openly discussed, without prejudice, is I think quite overstated.”

    Of course it is overstated. As in all tales overstatement is often necessary to emphasize a difference. Hopefully there is less in Sweden than somewhere else.

    When I came to Sweden, being Swedish was impossible unless you were very skillful. My spoken words reveal me. My skin does not. Being a “real” swede is reserved for them. And not being a swede perhaps I am not party to bigoted discussions.

    But I share with other foreigners this problem.
    As you say, perhaps the Catholics, and Jews are “permanently” non-Swedes. Have no interest in the Catholics, and my contact with Jews I have written already on the desire but lack of success. But admittedly I have not pursued it in any fashion.
    A congenial meeting point must be found. Perhaps the synagogue could give suggestions.

    And going up to someone and suggesting that they share immigrant status with me, which I do, is a task requiring a good ear and an eye for their reaction.

    Doing the same approach with a suspected jew would be less likely to succeed, agreed?

    Jews are prominent in the culture world of Sweden.
    They sponsor two of the best private museums; the Bonnier and Magazin 3.

    So what’s not to like, to borrow a phrase.

    As for the stats, does it give any details, to give a clue if it is general, regional, religious, etc.

    As for protestants—-there aren’t any except very old ladies and a few young families who like the childrens’ activities. The churchs are empty. The locals are used for rites of passage, and less so for every day. They definitely don’t believe in Jesus, except in the case his preachings, which no one studies anymore, happen to be in accord with their own ethics.

    So protestantism has no hold here, with the exception of Skåne where the village effect still effects some, and in the extreme sects of which two are small but well known due to scandals, but not in reknown in any way or in influence.

    I am, as I said, eager to learn, but not an enterprising student. And open to facts, I’ll take your word for them. Their goodness and source you will be responsible for. If it is a jewish source makes it immediately suspect. I don’t ask Monsanto for the effects of RoundUp on crop yield.

    But even jewish sources can be OK as to rankings between nations, with some risk of bias from those reporting.

    Good serious subject for discussion.

    What do you see as the prime driver of anti-semitism? Jesus killing? Success? Separateness and refusal of contact? Hatred of the “other”?
    Requirement (usually) of jewish heritage on the mother’s side. Refusal of convertees? ??????

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