China Releases Mother Who Was Arrested After Protesting the Rape and Force Prostitution Of Daughter

Tang Hui (a pseudonym) is a mother who attracted international support after she was arrested by Chinese authorities for protesting the lack of action after her 11-year-old daughter was kidnapped, raped and forced into prostitution in 2006. Her story is horrific but not unique. The mother reported the kidnapping to police who did nothing even after she discovered her daughter at a strip club. She took her home and continued to protest the failure to punish her rapists who were still walking the streets. The authorities cracked down in response: the mother was convicted and sent to a prison camp.

While the rapists and strip owners remained free, the police alleged that she “blocked cars and the entrances of the buildings and shouted out loud.” She was convicted for acts that “seriously disturbed social order” and “caused extremely bad social influences.” She was given an 18 month sentence without any former trial. She was sent to a labor camp for reeducation while her daughter’s rapists and the strip club owners continue to ply their trade.

After public outcry, she was released early. The reason? To take care of her daughter of course.

Source: Global

27 thoughts on “China Releases Mother Who Was Arrested After Protesting the Rape and Force Prostitution Of Daughter”

  1. idealist707 1, August 15, 2012 at 4:40 am

    Aye, it is clumsy, not easily aimed, etc. But what else does common man have available. Buy NO made in china goods. The retailer, etc will go into chock rapidly. Stop buying Iphones too. Your kids can make their own toys for a while and china is not the only seller, or are they?
    Cut holes in a box and put it upside down on a cat. The cat will try to hit you out of the holes in the box. Don’t be mean to the cat.

  2. idealist707, Bravo!! I think the passion a woman/mother could bring to this noble project would be key.

  3. The list of nations is indeed long.

    The US uses sanctions which is a variant on boycott or trade hinder to influence nations. UN ones are useless.

    Why don’t we do so too?

    Aye, it is clumsy, not easily aimed, etc. But what else does common man have available. Buy NO made in china goods. The retailer, etc will go into chock rapidly. Stop buying Iphones too. Your kids can make their own toys for a while and china is not the only seller, or are they?

    Who here will create the twitter and facebook sites today? Anybody? Come on, here’s your chance to go down in history, without standing in front of the tank in Tian men squesre.

    We might even effect the news coverage and make a domestic issue affecting our government’s foreign policy.

    Opticmists of the world, unite. Or in Swedish “förnenar er.”

    Dead seriousness lies behind my jocularity. Do it please, My talents are insufficient to effectuate, rather to instigate.

  4. It goes on in Mexico too. a young virgin of 12 is the right age there, a huge price for them. It is beyond belief…..

  5. The same stuff goes on in Burma, right now and have for the last 10 years, but the world don’t want to hear, see or speak ! Just like those famous monkeys.

  6. Here is a sensitive topic and some so-called enlightened people spout political horses$&t w/o even a mention of this travesty, w/o an expression of empathy for this GIRL and the millions of women in China living lives like hers.

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