Russian Judge Sentences Pussy Riot Members For Two Years For 40 Seconds of “Hooliganism”

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church has called Vladimir Putin and his return to power “a miracle of God.” Orthodox priests try to kiss Putin’s hand like a demigod when he visits religious sites. Well that “miracle” continued today as prosecutors secured a conviction of three members of the provocative punk band Pussy Riot guilty of hooliganism for a forty second protest in a Russian church protesting the alliance of Putin and the Church. Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, 23; Maria Alekhina, 24; and Yekaterina Samutsevich, 29, faced a maximum seven years in prison and Putin government sought three years in jail. They got two years. That is one years for every twenty seconds of protest in Putin’s New Russia.

Everything about the case is deeply troubling for civil liberties. Not only is the Putin government pandering to the Church by pursuing the long prosecution over a brief protest but the sentence is absurd. Judge Marina Syrova emphasized that the crime involved offending religious believers — part of a trend of prosecuting people for blasphemy or insult to religion. We have been following anti-blasphemy laws around the world, including the increase in prosecutions in the West and the support of the Obama Administration for the prosecution of some anti-religious speech under the controversial Brandenburg standard. Syrova declared “The girls’ actions were sacrilegious, blasphemous and broke the church’s rules.” Notably, Syrova has reportedly only once given a not guilty verdict in 179 cases.

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Hundreds are protesting the sentence but there remains relatively little response to the erosion of basic civil liberties under Putin or his unholy alliance with the Russian Orthodox Church. The Putin government appears to relish the international outcry as further showing the Church that Putin is the defender of the faith. Recently when Madonna proclaimed support for the group in Russia, a senior Putin official denounced her as a “whore.” Dmitry Rogozin, a deputy prime minister, went on Twitter to say “With age, every former whore tries to lecture everyone on morality.” Clearly, that is the job of Vladimir Putin — faux archeologist, former KGB agent, demigod, and defender of the faith.

28 thoughts on “Russian Judge Sentences Pussy Riot Members For Two Years For 40 Seconds of “Hooliganism””

  1. Anybody who wants to hire Vladi Putin as their PR agent, dress up and get in line, hot stuff.

  2. itchBay did not make it. and that typo should have been fabbs, not favvs.

    Here is the rest which has value, looking always for consequences other than simple venting.

    “You realize my fellow members that we are either doing useful masturbation to relieve our frustration at being suppressed; OR we are exercising our wings of rebellion before flying into the face of the enemy.”

  3. Oddly I saw ass used here yesterday. In its pemorative meaning also.. Wonder how that happened and if my use will pass the test? I used as*ed when referring latest to a swedish lawyer with whorish tendencies. (ie he pretends orgasms for pay).

  4. The Word Press is presumably the vehicle which the Turley blog employs to censor words which we attempt to express herein. In reading some of the comments above I am amazed that word shit is acceptable. Dogshit is acceptable. Yet I have to put my own name into pig latin in order to get past the censors. Then the title of this post gets by the censors. Pussy is ok?
    Mr. Turley, this is America– land of the free, home of the brave, free speech, free press. Sprechen zee Deutsch? Lets pick on these dumb Russians for trampling on free speech of the Pussy Galore tribe and then not let me employ the itchinBay word in my own name. Word Press my arse.

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