Texas Principal Allegedly Cancels Cosmetology Class After Spotting A Student Who “Looked Gay”

Various sites are reporting a bizarre and troubling story that the principal of the Beaumont Independent School District’s Taylor Career and Technology Center in Texas shutdown its adult cosmetology class after concluding that one of the male students looked gay. Principal Thomas Amons is being accused of shutting down the whole program because he allegedly knew he could be charged with singling out the one student on the basis of presumed sexual orientation. An instruction. Amons is a deacon at a Baptist church.

Student Kwmane Gray, 22, (left) reportedly caught the eye of Amons. Instructor Cequada Clark is quoted as saying that “[h]e saw [Kwmane Gray] come into the class, and then he came to get me out of there” and told that Amons did not want him in the class. It appears that Amons was shocked at the appearance of a possible gay person in a cosmetology class. Clark says that she refused. After she went public, Clark says that she was fired.

The backlash has caused the district to announce a new cosmetology class.

Source: Dallas Voice

69 thoughts on “Texas Principal Allegedly Cancels Cosmetology Class After Spotting A Student Who “Looked Gay””

  1. Lottakatz,

    Yeah, I’ve always had the perspective that knowledge is fragile and can be misplaced rather quickly.

    I just recently did a lot of IT work for a woman in exchange for her teaching me how use a big weaving loom and set patterns. It’s not easy stuff. Her ability to preconceive the results astounded me.

    We’re a culturally dependent species and the ability to cloth ourselves is one of our major accomplishments against the vagaries of climate. This fact is often overlooked in lieu of other accomplishments, but still remains.

    I know what you mean about the treadle sewing machines. They are superb examples of necessity dictating function and form.

    I’m still pissed though.

  2. Self sufficiency as a desire in the 7th grade? That is amazing. You were a precocious child. I have had a number of older sewing machines including my grandmothers treadle machine and they were amazingly precision mechanical devices. I never got into sewing though, they just kind of came to me and sat around for a while.. i still have two in the basement- an old portable- which is an old Singer- the classic black Singer with gold colored filigree in a dome-shaped wooden case, and a later one (not Singer) that does all kinds of fancy stitchery. Some day I will have a gigantic garage sale….

  3. lottakatz,

    Not buckskin, but double-weave herringbone! Self-sufficiency was my goal, and clothes seemed pretty fundamental to this.

    Sewing machines still fascinate me. The bobbin below and the needle above, intermingling in a dance that never ties a knot yet produces strong binds.

    It’s amazing what we take for granted today. And by the way, I’m still pissed they wouldn’t let me take the class two years in a row.

    So I joined the ROTC and marched around with a wooden rifle. 😉

  4. LOL, GBK a 7th grade boy wanting to know how to make his own cloths? Admit it, you still harbored fantasies of gong off into the frontier, making buckskin cloths and living off the land. I always thought that would be cool but I spent most of my summers on a farm from early childhood and loved it- the lure of the Tennessee hill country and living close to nature took years to wear off.

  5. GBK, you’re right, there was at least one boy that wanted to be in the cosmetology class that I knew and likewise one that wanted to take home ec, the cooking primarily. They were not allowed to do so. That is just so stupid and venal.

  6. lottakatz and bettykath,

    It worked both ways back then. I remember not being allowed to take a clothes making class in seventh grade. Really pissed me off.

    I just thought that being able to make your own clothes might be a good skill to have, (ignoring the complexities of making raw cloth), no matter the crudeness of the results.

    Tried again in the eighth grade and it was still a no go.

  7. Just reread Malisha’s comment. I got it backwards. The part about Shellie, making up stories, etc. was right on. I didn’t like what it suggested about all cosmetologists. And I know Malisha didn’t mean to insult cosmetologists.

  8. ROFL. Malisha made a comment about Shellie that was just a bit off the wall. I responded which led Malisha to tell a copy of great stories. We’re ok. Sorry to get y’all riled up.

    Lotta, My high school days were before yours. I had to lobby the v-p to let me into the mechanical drawing class. No girls allowed. I wouldn’t take no for an answer. The next term there were three girls taking mechanical drawing, me in MD-II and two others in MD-I. Then another female classmate who wanted to be a vet turned up in the ag class that previously was all boys. Didn’t see any boys with the gumption (or maybe the interest) to go into the home ec classes. Today, all the classes seem to be co-ed with the boys learning to cook and sew along with the girls. Probably good skills for the boys to learn, not all women like to cook. And who’s to say that they’ll even find a princess to ride off with them on their white horse.

  9. Malisha

    Great story. The satisfaction of defeating your opponent in the debate and as an added bonus sending him into such a tissy was well worth the effort at the very least.

  10. Malisha, Everybody I knew bought Playboy for the articles, sorry yours didn’t run. 😉

    I recall the debate over weather appearing in Playboy was ‘rebellious and feminist’ for women, LOL, Heff had a great head for business and his timing was perfect.

    Cosmetology is a real small business opportunity for women. Many hair salons are not hourly wage deals. Someone opens the shop and the hairdressers, manicurists etc. lease a table/chair. Tips can be pretty good. There are downsides to that model but it’s not exactly wage-slavery. If a owner makes everybody mad her/his lessee’s can leave (depending on the lease) and their customers follow them to a new place. I have a great-niece in a tiny Tennessee town saving up to study cosmetology- it would be a BIG step up career wise.

    We had a cosmetology dept in my high-school but males weren’t allowed. It was though more or less integrated by race (in the very early 60’s which was a big deal). The shops you could choose were segregated by sex though. One of my classmates’ mother went to the school board and agitated until they let her daughter join a ‘boys’ shop, the printing shop. That was where the real blue-collar money was. Small steps.

  11. Jill,

    Got a link? HERE was not one for me.

    And many thanks for the 1700 architects….etc.

    They were the ones I was trying to use as an example of real substantial reputable truthers. Thank god for them.

    If they survive and succeed, then this could become something big, or if the powers that be break bad and suppress it, something terrible for our future as people.

    Screw the nation, we have to survive. Not as serfs either.

  12. Nick,

    I think, perhaps oddly, that people are kinder today than we were 50 years ago. BUT, we seem more driven to compete, compete, and fight for that money to eat, to buy the wife a car, etc etc. whatever.

    What reasons do you think we have to be so competitive here. A discussion which leaves space for passing someone’s line, allowing someone space to simply say I hear and understand but I don’t agree. And if you are interested I will tell you why. Not expecting as seems to be the American right, to say your piece without a courteous question BYL first.

    OT, but worth noting: The courteous Joseph Welch, attorney for the Army won handily over Sen. Joseph McCarthy and Roy Cohn in the congressioanal hearings.
    It helped end McCarthy’s career, plus some other crap he did.

    I think Welch’s courtesy and keeping cool in the face of attack was important. Like the Jefferson quote I gave in homage to Hillary: “in face of it all,
    retain your sangfroid, perseverance, and use soothing words.” As I remember it.

  13. ID, Bravo!! Everyone seems to be standing in line to be the most offended. And as we know, people like to “budge”, “cut” in line. So, there are often sharp elbows thrown trying to be “Queen For a Day”. For those not old enough to remember, Queen For a Day was a half hour daytime show from the 60’s where women would compete for the biggest sob story. It was, “My husband died and left me w/ 17 kids” or “I’m a tornado victim and have no trailer to live in”, etc. The winner would get a tiara, cloak and a new fridge or washer/dryer. It was a civilized version of Jerry Springer.

  14. OT but extremely important, in fact, an examination of how we got to where we are: “Colorado Public Television is airing the documentary “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out” in its airtime schedule,
    which premiered on August 28th of this year. The documentary produced by 1700 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth contends that the manner in which the Twin Towers and World Trade Center Seven disappeared on 9/11, as described by the government, is physically impossible. The film is sponsored by, and features on-camera, survivor families of 9/11 victims.

    The film enlists dozens of scientists and credentialed professionals in engineering, architecture, physics, chemistry, metallurgy, demolitions, and other disciplines to go on record with their reasons for believing the official story to be false, who present evidence of controlled demolitions.

    The premiere broadcast was taped by Colorado PBS station KBDI-TV 12 in Denver, which includes an appearance in the CPT 12 studios by special guest Richard Gage, the founder of 1700 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Colorado CPT 12, as the station is widely known, reaches 80% of the state’s population. The documentary has been rebroadcast numerous times due to demand, and is in the fall run-time line-up. It can be watched in full online at the CPT 12 website. It has risen to the “Most Watched” listing of the national PBS website.

    CPT 12 has won numerous awards in public affairs and news broadcasting as well as in the mini-documentary/series category. It’s website message to viewers reads: “Dreamers, seekers, visionaries, explorers and rebels welcome here!”

    Supporters of the film are urging pubic television viewers to ask their local stations to air the documentary.”

    90 minute documentary at Colorado PBS online HERE. (Includes special guest Richard Gage in PBS studios.)

  15. Texas Baptist Deacon? Yew mean one a them that call drinkin’ a blasphemy, but hide their bottle behind tha’ hot water heater? One a them that wax blaspheme about sucking a sausage, but follow the “400-mile rule” of Texas. Wanna suck yer own brand of sausage, be sure yer at least 400 miles from home. Maybe the GOP 400 mile rule, too.

  16. Malisha,

    Not at all.


    I used your reaction to Malisha’s use of cosmetology to illustrate the lies which we all agree is the purpose of cosmetology, to point to the Zimmerman wife’s lies about them etc. That is my understanding of what Malisha said.

    But as I wrote. my criticism was not aimed at a specific person, NOT YOU, but at us all, including myself.

    Let me say I know how well we are trained to react.
    De-training is difficult…

    Perhaps the following will help….and this is for me too. When you trigger, stand up, go away, take a cup of coffee, whatever, and ask yourself what you remember, why you reacted, if you are sure that it was meant so you feel, reflect, cool off and then go back and read again.

    Hope it helps me, and y’all too. I really need it.

  17. Malisha,

    Just read your Playboy story and it was a great one. You realize of course that you shattered the perennial dilemma of “does ones read it for the articles or the pictures?” for in your case one got neither.

    Great story.

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