Members Denounce Decision To Give Al Qaeda Spokesman Real Trial

BinLadenSoninLaw_20130308_045031Congress is again showing its traditional contempt for the rule of law this week with members crying foul that Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, an Al Qaeda spokesman and son-in-law of Usama bin Laden, would be actually given a fair trial. Senators like Lindsey Graham (who just yesterday condemned a fellow Senator for standing against Obama kill list policy) has denounced the decision not to give Abu Ghaith a military tribunal trial where basic constitutional protections are denied to detainees.

Abu Ghaith pleaded not guilty in federal court to charges of conspiracy to kill Americans. Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham and Kelly Ayotte, called the Obama administration’s decision to bring Abu Ghaith to court in New York City “sneaky.” It is now considered “sneaky” to give an accused person a fair trial. Such comments are an on-going embarrassment to this country as was Obama’s decision to continue to play a Caesar-like role in sending some detainees to Gitmo for a trumped up trial and some to a real court of law.

Graham and others continually remind the world of our hypocrisy in the treatment of detainees. We have created two systems of law — one for average people and one for people we hate or fear. It is the very antithesis of the rule of law and has been rightfully condemned around the world. While senators continually refer to who these defendants are, they spend little time discussing who we are and who we have become since 9-11.

As someone who has handled national security and terrorism cases, I can say that the odds remains exceptionally high for conviction in such cases. Before 9-11, a loss of such a case was exceptionally rare. We have a crisis of faith where we have lost our trust in our Constitution and our court system. With each of the tribunal trials, our credibility falls and the enemy succeeds. Terrorism is designed to change the way people act; to cause self-inflicted wounds. The greatest such injury is to turn our back on our core principles of due process and equal treatment. The administration should be commended for trying this man in a real court and should go further to shutdown the tribunal system which have produced few convictions while destroying the credibility of this nation.

Source: Fox

45 thoughts on “Members Denounce Decision To Give Al Qaeda Spokesman Real Trial”

  1. Religions of all faith’s do not see that God’s light as it is recorded is what is Judgment. People no matter how hard they try will not shine light. Mans Judgment has no mercy or forgiveness in it. Mans Judgment does not try to make an enemy into a friend. Mans Judgment is I will get back arresting you jailing you or killing you in one way or the other trying to convince themselves that what they did was not murder like in war or capital punishment. Islam thinks they can step in but they are worse, much worse.
    God’s glory is seen as if it was fire = hell to evil. KJV, 1 John 1;5, God is light. Heb;12:29; a consuming fire. James 1:17, Father of lights, Hell is the glorified face of God Moses could not look at or become ashes. That light makes the earth to have no more sea, and melts elements, and consumes the wicked around city of God Rev, 20. Hell is not a place. No lost no lake of fire. Gods light is good to those that love to do good.

  2. Religions of all faith’s do not see that God’s light as it is recorded is what is Judgment. People no matter how hard they try will not shine light. Mans Judgment has no mercy or forgives in it. Mans Judgment does not try to make an enemy into a friend. Mans Judgment is I will get back arresting you jailing you or killing you in one way or the other trying to convince themselves that what they did was not murder like in war or capital punishment. Islam thinks they can step in but they are worse, much worse.
    God’s glory is seen as if it was fire = hell to evil. KJV, 1 John 1;5, God is light. Heb;12:29; a consuming fire. James 1:17, Father of lights, Hell is the glorified face of God Moses could not look at or become ashes. That light makes the earth to have no more sea, and melts elements, and consumes the wicked around city of God Rev, 20. Hell is not a place. No lost no lake of fire. Gods light is good to those that love to do good.

  3. All need to be taught that there is a final judgment so people don’t think that they can give judgment. To harm another is a form of human judgment.

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  5. Forgiveness saves the soul. People forget that Jesus did what he did to save his soul. Mercy will get mercy. The mercy will not be seeing what hell is. A Hell that religions do not teach. Moses came as close as any human to seeing it and survive. Had God suddenly turned around looking at him the Ten commandments would have never been known. Ash’s can’t carry two tablets of stone off of a mountain..

  6. How would Lindsey Graham of SC liked this one: Arrest the offspring of South Carolinians who seceeded from the United States in 1860. Hold them without bail, trial, and hold them in Cuba. How about in-laws of offspring of South Carolinian secessionists? Justice? Fair Trial?

  7. I can picture Lindsey Graham Cracker saying the word “sneaky”.
    But I do not see what is sneaky about affording someone a trial when you have arrested them and hold them in custody. Would Lindsey like a SC trial? Quantico? Cuba? How about Den Haag? International Court of Criminal Justice?
    My God you are not going to give him a lawyer are you? And a jury?

  8. @arthewhitefox claims “Jailing never solves anything. jailing is the devils way.”

    Are you suggesting we just open wide all the prison doors in the world, give them a bible, and set them on their way?

    Forgiveness does not include taking compete leave of your senses, certainly not to the extent you are willing to put so many other people at risk so you can have your powerless platitudes.

    I understand maybe you want to help. This isn’t it.

    1. It is more than setting them free giving them a KJV bible. They must know that to give good now will reap an eternal reward latter. Teach that good builds a strong foundation by doing to others what you want done to you. Teaching that eternity is as real as the expanse of the universe around them.
      Teach that to shoot a gun spiritually backfires on the soul that is not seen. Teach them that that is the reason Jesus did not use a weapon to save his body. That is because Jesus was protecting his soul. Teach that we to save our soul must do likewise. To do so inherit a gift greater than they can imagine. The consequence of condemning accusing st3ealing doing what Jesus would not do will result in the opposite to eternal life. Teach that hell is not eternal suffering like religions taught. It is eternal soul death just before seeing a gift that Satan will rush toward for the first time committing suicide to try and get it. That is in Revelation 20. Teach that doing good now by God’s grace with a humble spirit will ensure that you will be in the city watching the people that refused to be like Jesus is in his forgiving childlike spirit that judges himself seeking peace with all men showing mercy not giving evil for evil preserving the unseen soul for better things that this earth could never give. We are responsible for our ultimate destiny by what we do,.

    2. Forgiveness saves the soul. People forget that Jesus did what he did to save his soul. Mercy will get mercy. The mercy will not be seeing what hell is. A Hell that religions do not teach. Moses came as close as any human to seeing it and surviving. Had God suddenly turned around looking at him the Ten commandments would have never been known. Ash’s can’t carry two tablets of stone off of a mountain..

  9. “The administration should be commended for trying this man in a real court and should go further to shutdown the tribunal system which have produced few convictions while destroying the credibility of this nation.”

    Well said Jonathan. He should be given a “fair” trial just like Osama Bin Laden was. Oh wait……. Osama was just assassinated when he could just as easily have been captured in his compound in Pakistan and brought to trial in the US.

    At the end of the day I doubt it will matter one iota whether Abu Ghaith is tried in the civil court or before some military court because the result will almost certainly be very similar. What is really surprising is that this guy was not simply dealt the same treatment as Osama Bin Laden which no one seemed to object to. In fact it was all big smiles and huge congratulations all around at the news of Obama’s demise especially from the nobel peace prize winner.

    Short memories.

    Why all the huffing and puffing now over Abu Ghaith when Bin laden was simply executed gleefully in an apparent planned assassination?

    1. Exactly. Devils think killing is the answer. When will people learn that killing is not an answer for anything? That is not the way Jesus thinks. That is the way the people thought against him. We must get away from that way of thinking. Mercy, and compassion will take its place. That will save the soul. People will see that saving more souls.

  10. Yo JT: Please address what the international rules of law require here. Talk about what we enacted in the Nuremberg Trials of Germans and other Nazis Folks: Google: The Judges Trial at Nuremberg. There is a good book written by one of the prosecutors named Whitney Harris and the book is called Tyranny On Trial.
    Some more precise us of words is important here. A “detainee” is a person detained. A “defendant” is one accused of a crime. The detainee may be a defendant and when he is convicted he is a convict. The twain dont always meet.

  11. and Elaine the media I heard, and some of the congresspeople, are trying to make it that this is a situation that should give us great fear, that this guy is in NYC, trying to stir up a frenzy against him, which will also help keep people wanting the drones available to kill the ‘bad guys’, whomever they might be, esp if they are in the US

    1. Because we die to God all of us are bad guys. To kill or even want to kill kills the soul. Jesus came to save it. People need to think in the reverse of what peoiple used to think. In other words to shoot a gun to kill calling it good will back fire on the soul. We have to have spiritual eyes to see what is not seen to save the soul in Gods kingdom that to us is not seen.

  12. What does that verse say? Is there any other interpretation? Had people be like Jesus is there would have not been trillions, and trillions of dollars spent on killing people. Killing never soles anything, but bull headed people do it anyway. Jails are a tool of the devil. Why do people like using the tool of the devil? Jesus says overcome evil with good. What have people consistently done. The enemy is right saying the USA is evil. Unfortunately they learned to be evil beholding us. Having them behold good for-real will help them to change to be good too. Those that do not change will see Gods glory as hell. Religion thinks of I caught you. That is what they did to Jesus. None are special. It is what God told me to do. I see some pastors attacked by devils defending them too. .I defend whoever by whatever name. I am only following the commands of my Lord and savor.

  13. rafflaw, should every single enemy combatant that was captured in Afghanistan, Iraq, or other places in the Middle East over the past 10 years (that would be many many thousands of prisoners) have been transfered to New York for trial? If not, why is this one so special?

    1. What does that verse say? Is there any other interpretation? Had people be like Jesus is there would have not been trillions,and trillions of dollars spent on killing people. Killing never soles anything, but bull headed people do it anyway.Jails are a t0ool of the devil. Why do p3eople like using the tool of the devil. Jesus says overcome evil with good. What have people consistently done. The enemy is right saying the USDA is evil.Unfortunately they learned toi be evil beholding us. Having them behold good for-real will help them to change to be good too. Those that do not change will see Gods glory as hell. Religion thinks of I caught you. That is what they did to Jesus. Non are special. It is what God told me to do. I see some pastors attacked by devils defending them too. .I defend whoever by whatever name. I am only following the commands of my Lord and savor.

  14. nick, We seem to be in a slow period for movies. I am going to be busy with lots of visiting family and travel so I don’t mind so much

  15. Blouise,

    I think you misunderstand the circumstances of the Boston Massacre Trial.

    The Court was “His Majesty’s Superior Court of Judicature” and everyone involved were subject of His Majesty.

    It was not a trial of them vs. us. We were all the same in 1770. It would have been the same if today three members of the U.S. Military went into Boston and shot a bunch of people. Those soldiers would be tried in the Court of the state in which they did the killing.

  16. Lindsey Graham is supposed to be a lawyer. He should know better. Or perhaps he does not trust the legal system.

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