“One Less Lonely Girl”: Justin Bieber’s “Atta Girl” To Anne Frank

200px-Anne_Frank200px-Believe_Tour_13,_2012Finally, Anne Frank can find true peace.  Last week, pop singer Justin Bieber visited the Anne Frank house while in the area for a concert.  On the guestbook, he wrote “Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber.’”  Bieber’s “atta girl” strangely did not go over well with most people, except of course “believers” (his name for his screeching clinging prepubescent girl followers). Bieber spared the museum a rendition of his “One Less Lonely Girl.”

No he is not too self-absorbed.

He appeared at the house in Arnhem with an army of friends and guards.

If only Anne knew that Bieber would come to her house, it might have given her something to live for like covering her small crawlspace with Bieber posters. His profound songs include such lyrics as “If I was your boyfriend, I’d never let you go; I can take you places you ain’t never been before” [like outside without homicidal Nazis and anti-Semites chasing her].

Then there is “One Less Lonely Girl”:

I’m coming for you, one less lonely girl [x3]
There’s gonna be one less lonely girl
(I’m coming for you)
I’m gonna put you first
(I’m coming for you)
I’ll show you what you’re worth
That’s what I’m gonna do
If you let me inside of your world
There’ll be one less lonely girl

With that type of deep lyrical meaning, Anne Frank’s diary no doubt pales in comparison.

I am not sure what could be next but he could be planning to thrill those nuns at the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta by leaving a note for that Belieber, Mother Teresa. Once you are beatified, you can be bieberified.

Source: Scotsman

18 thoughts on ““One Less Lonely Girl”: Justin Bieber’s “Atta Girl” To Anne Frank”

    1. Bettykath, but Beiber, Kardashian so much “sexier”. I have heard ‘freal news’ for more then a 3 4 minute paragraph from the major news stations in a long time. (And ABC news helped cement that when they had I don’t know how many minutes this morning with the dancing with the stars showing how upset they were about what had happened in Boston, yep, that’s real important news and newssource.

  1. Ann Frank:

    Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.

  2. He’s a kid. He makes mistakes. His thing is music, not history. Maybe the feedback will help him.

  3. Getting the same bad advise and permissions Lohan did (and is), looks like.

  4. From here on out if a parent(s) name their kid Justin there will be something wrong with the parent(s). Justin is up there with Jared and Josh is a close second. After the shootings Adam is in bad light.

  5. raf,

    I agree. I first heard this story late last night and that was my initial reaction. He needs to apologize for the insensitivity and then move on.

  6. This kid is uninformed and insensitive, but he is still a kid in my mind. In his stupid way that was supposed to be a complement.

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