Irish Politician Calls Obama A War Criminal And Hypocrite In Parliament

220px-Clare_DalyPresident_Barack_ObamaMany civil libertarians around the world have rallied to support Clare Daly, Irish Parliament member of the United Left Alliance representing Dublin, after she challenged the prime minister and the reception given to President Barack Obama who she called a war criminal. The video of the speech is below. Daly called Obama the “hypocrite of the century” for lecturing children on peace while expanding drone attacks and funding civil wars around the world. Many in the United States particularly took note of her attack on the type of cult of personality surrounding Obama that seems detached from his horrendous record on civil liberties, privacy, and international law.

Daly noted that it is not just the government but the media fueling this cult of personality — spending endless time on what the Obamas were ordering for lunch rather than discussing his authoritarian policies. She is the former Socialist Party Teachta Dála (TD) for the Dublin North constituency but resigned from the Socialist Party and joined the United Left Alliance TD.

Daly is being attacked as immature and radical in her comments.

What do you think?

267 thoughts on “Irish Politician Calls Obama A War Criminal And Hypocrite In Parliament”

  1. You know there are lots of good poster on this site….. One just has to have tolerance of te Carrie Nations of the world…. Just A Teacher…. We’re all teachers to some degree…. But most of all, we are students all the time…. I don’t care where you’re at… What you’re doing…. And who’s there…. Everyone can teach you something…,.. Not all are capable of learning…. That requires an open mind….

  2. Well if there is any “news” outlet less credible than InfoWars, that would have to be be WND.

  3. I feel sorry for the children of ‘Barry the fairy’… if they are indeed his children. The Obamas may be a CIA manufactured family. I hear the word in Chicago of the gay community is that Michelle is a ‘beard’ – woman posing as the wife of a homosexual.

  4. The World’s Biggest Liar and Hypocrite War Criminal Obama promised to shut down the Guantánamo Bay Detention Facility during his first presidential campaign.

  5. It is time for Nuremberg on the Potomac War Crimes Trials.

    U.S. Nazi Government = Murderous Thieves, Drug Traffickers, War Criminals, Terrorists

    And all those who have tried to provide cover for Bush / Obama and their murderers have blood on their hands.

  6. achievement /əˈtʃiːvm(ə)nt/

    1: a thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage:to reach this stage is a great achievement

    2: [mass noun] the process or fact of achieving something:

    arrogant: /ˈarəg(ə)nt/


    having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities:

    Such as thinking you’re so important that you’re above the law and can assume powers of office that the Constitution does not grant.

    Achievement and arrogance are not mutually exclusive. Also disappointment has squat to do with calling a criminal out for being a criminal. That onus is on him. If Hairboy or McCain had gotten elected instead and performed to the same low quality, I’d be calling them out on it too and I wouldn’t vote for either of those clowns if they were the only people running.

    Obama’s actions vis a vis civil rights and the Constitution are simply as indefensible as those of Bush/Cheney.

  7. sotb,

    “What should we do about our Defense Industry? Let them fail? I would allow Carlyle Group* fail but they where smart enuf’ to go overseas and join up with BaE (UK). (*HW Bush MIC company).”

    We shouldn’t base our foreign policy on keeping them in fat contracts and fully employed. If the go out of business? Screw ’em. We currently spend a hugely disproportionate amount of money on defense compared to other countries for wars that are unnecessary and against “terrorism” which is about as likely to result in your death as your own furniture. In 2011, we spent 739 billion dollars on “defense”. Our next nearest competitor? China spent 89.8 billion dollars. Our defense budget that year was more than the next top 10 spenders combined by almost 250 billion dollars. And yet, somehow, we can’t afford to rebuild our infrastructure or fund social programs. Hmmmm. But those defense companies sure are making out like bandits and the pols whose campaigns they fund never seem to suffer from a lack of ad dollars.

    “What money in politics?”

    Are you asleep? is a good place to start if you want to see how money unbalances the electoral and legislative processes. Our “campaign finance system” is little more than formalized graft.

    “Two-tiered justice system— I can’t debate with you on this as it sounds like an opinion rather than an alleged fact.”

    How about the fact that Bush and Cheney got away with treason and political nobody whistleblowers like Manning and Snowden get crucified for starters. The principles of the 14th Amendment mean no man is above the law. Even the President. The Nixonian meme “It’s not illegal if the President does it” – one you seem to buy into with gusto – is legal gibberish by the terms of the Constitution and ethical garbage if you value democracy and egalitarianism.

    Yeah, I’ve got an opinion, but it’s based on fact.

  8. SwM,

    Henman had sincere difficulty with the lessor of two evils argument.

    The truly funny thing about all this is that neither you or I supported Obama first time around and thus experienced no shock when he failed to meet expectations. Everybody else is moaning and groaning about how he let them down … Not you and me ’cause we didn’t have any down to be let from.

    As to being arrogant … Well, let’s be honest about it … He’s a black man who made it to the top of the heap … Twice … and at a time when the country was being flushed down the financial toilet … call it arrogant … I call it achievement.

    1. What triviality and gibberish in these past personal conversation exchanges. After such an uplifting post, I guess that shows why America is stuck with con artists for leaders?

  9. Justateacher,

    I greatly enjoy your posts … Often startle my husband by yelling “YES!”

  10. SOTB,

    The link in your post at 2:00 … Sent me to TOP SECRET, Redacted!

  11. @Dante – A Gulf Stream and 2 C130’s at Shannon Airport? That was probably the USSS POTUS Protection advance team that show 2 weeks before the POTUS to secure the route. Then when he arrives his tank-like limo and other cars are on C130’s. She is so stupid.

    GW Bush arrived at Heathrow with his entourage of C130’s and guess what he had aboard? PM Tony Blair no f***king way!!! This is what he tried to bring in-country:

    WTF did he expect to use this on in London??!!!

  12. Justateacher, Thank you. You are the best poster to show up here in years.

  13. Gene H. 1, July 23, 2013 at 2:35 pm

    “All in all what is his true agenda as you see it?”

    Protecting the MIC gravy train, the money in politics, perpetuating a two-tiered justice system, expanding the imperial unitary executive and avoiding punishment of pols for their crimes (but especially when both parties have engaged ins said crimes). In short, he’s the worst kind of oligarch/plutocrat/kleptocrat and a boot licking fascist.

    You asked.

    What should we do about our Defense Industry? Let them fail? I would allow Carlyle Group* fail but they where smart enuf’ to go overseas and join up with BaE (UK). (*HW Bush MIC company).

    What money in politics?

    Two-tiered justice system— I can’t debate with you on this as it sounds like an opinion rather than an alleged fact.

    Expansion: give me some examples…

    No the worst was the last guy and possibly his dad…
    Just to set the record straight on Michelle’s spending habits. Everyone realizes they were multimillionaires BEFORE he got elected POTUS? What they do with their personal money is totally their business. But if they spend taxpayer money on personal things then that’s more OUR business then. And Mrs. Marcos spent most of her money on shoes. Michelle hasn’t. The last guy had plenty of problems with shoes though…

  14. ‘Obama hypocrite of century’: Full interview with controversial Irish MP Clare Daly

    1. By the words I hear the hypocrites are against Obama with a steady stream of accusations. There is nothing good in an accusation. Why give them them to destroy a person?

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