Hunger Games: White House Edition

turkeys_2013_page_caramel_2turkeys_2013_page_popcorn_2The White House has caught Hunger Game fever with a competition of which Turkey will become the White House Thanksgiving Turkey: Caramel or Popcorn. To assist the President, we have our own poll below on who is the biggest Turkey this year.

The White House however has decided that Obama will not assume the status of President Coriolanus Snow and require one Turkey die. Both will be pardoned but only one will prevail. I vote for Popcorn, but the race is close.

As for our own poll, who should be selected as the greatest Turkey this year in Washington:

Of course, the problem is that we keep all of the Turkeys in Washington who have little to fear from citizens and consumers alike.

24 thoughts on “Hunger Games: White House Edition”

  1. One will be pardoned and the other will be vaporized by a drone.

    What, no Ted Cruz as turkey of the year?

  2. Dredd, I never would expect you to quote Bear Bryant. You are a Renaissance Man.

  3. nick spinelli 1, November 27, 2013 at 11:15 am

    All you duopoly lemmings please take notice, it’s nice to have more than 2 choices, isn’t it!
    You are a duopolymath dood!

    So, I voted twice for every candidate on the list.

    I am like Coach Bear Bryant who was extremely fair … “he treated the whole team, each member, like garbage.”

  4. lottakatz 1, November 27, 2013 at 10:31 am

    You can vote more than once. Not necessarily a good attribute for a poll to have.

    JT is most of the “President Obama” votes. 😉

  5. All you duopoly lemmings please take notice, it’s nice to have more than 2 choices, isn’t it!

  6. Considering the stats, looks can be deceiving but I give dispensation to Popcorn anyway; you just know Caramel is a bada**.

    “Let me have men about me that are fat… Yond Cassius Caramel has a lean and hungry look. He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.”
    ― William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

    My Life As A Turkey: (It’s PBS so there are commercials but it’s a good watch.)

  7. Randyjet for the things people hate this president for, or are disappointed with him about, he has done a lot. Just announced this am housing prices have risen and are now 13% then even last year. The economy has returned and unemployment down (not enough for sure) but just think of Boehner had ever bothered to offer veen one jobs bill. Given the obstructionism this president as faced, unprecedented from what I understand, it is amazing that he has been able to do anything for the country and yet he has.

  8. For those voting for Obama, I have to say that he is the best turkey I have ever had as President. After he was elected, I got my job back because of cash for clunkers, and my wife finally was able to get health insurance thanks to Obama care when they established the pre-existing condition health care plan. The only President who had a more direct effect on my life was LBJ and Vietnam. I MUCH prefer this one. This Obama turkey sure tastes GREAT to me, and millions more once the ACA gets rolling.

  9. I’m surprised. Holder got my vote since this is a law blog and he has been consistently a violator of the Constitution. However, I now realize the poll includes more than just the commenters here. I would like to see Holder’s votes rise as folks here go to the polls.

  10. The only thing that you have to fear, is fear itself.

    –Mitch McConnell when asked by his wife about the gal he had sex with on C Street.

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