Obama Administration Gathering Records on Porn Site Usage To Use Against People Viewed As Radical


We have previously discussed how Barack Obama has become the president that Richard Nixon always wanted to be. From his Administration’s comprehensive attack on privacy and civil liberties, investigation of journalists, to his claim of unilateral authority to kill citizens, Obama has created an Imperial Presidency that could haunt this nation for generations. He has succeeded with the silent acquiescence of many liberals and Democrats who have embraced personality over principle in continuing to support his Administration. Now, a new report documents how the National Security Agency under Obama has been gathering records of online sexual activity and evidence of visits to pornographic websites to be used as part of a proposed plan to harm the reputations of people consider radicals. The obvious comparison to Nixon is only dwarfed by the comparison to J. Edgar Hoover, but again the silence is deafening from the Democrats. In the meantime, the so-called “reforms” of the NSA as expected would preserve the massive data-gathering programs of the agency — as guaranteed by such “reformers” as Dianne Feinstein.

Among the targets is at least one person identified as a “U.S. person.”

The program reportedly has already targeted six Muslims deemed radical and subject to such “personal vulnerabilities.” The published NSA document, dated Oct. 3, 2012, details the surveillance to gather dirt on enemies. When combined with the utter lack of congressional oversight and unchecked executive powers, such surveillance quickly becomes insatiable for intelligence officials who can destroy people by revealing embarrassing private details.

The NSA is gathering dirt such as “viewing sexually explicit material online” and “using sexually explicit persuasive language when communicating with inexperienced young girls.” Shawn Turner, director of public affairs for National Intelligence, responded to media requests with little more than a shrug, saying such activities “should not be surprising” since the “the US Government uses all of the lawful tools at our disposal” against people deemed enemies of the state. Of course, it is available at their disposal because of a President with what is increasing viewed as authoritarian appetites and a Congress that has no appetite to fight for abstract principles like privacy.

Bush officials are already applauding Obama for his Administration’s gathering of dirt on targeted individuals. Indeed, advocates of the program are now citing the controversial claim of the President to kill people on his sole authority as a rationale for this new controversial system under a lesser evil rationale. Stewart Baker, former general counsel for the NSA in the Bush administration and someone viewed as a nemesis to civil liberties by many, insisted that “On the whole, it’s fairer and maybe more humane” than vaporizing them.

The published documents refer to one target as attracting the NSA’s ire by arguing that “Non-Muslims are a threat to Islam” and then identified his vulnerability as “online promiscuity.” Another academic dared to write in support of the concept of “offensive jihad” and so the NSA targeted him for his “online promiscuity” and “publishes articles without checking facts.”

Of course, with the rest of the unchecked powers secured by Obama with the support or acquiescence of Democrats and many liberals will be handed over to the next president . . whoever that may be.

69 thoughts on “Obama Administration Gathering Records on Porn Site Usage To Use Against People Viewed As Radical”

  1. B The same way an informed person would expect repubs to oppose what a repub president didn’t oppose. I think most thinking people expect that their representatives will not automatically vote in lockstep with the president.

  2. Why would any informed person expect Democrats to oppose what a Democratic (sic) president doesn’t oppose?

  3. First thing to note is that these people are not “terrists”. They are people who speak out against the USG. The public is told many times over that USGinc. is only doing mass surveillance to get the terrists! Strange how the govt. defines terrist-

    a. a person who criticizes USGinc.
    b. an activist who protests the govt./corporations
    c. an economic entity whose secrets USGinc. would like to know
    d. a leader of an allied nation
    e. anyone, anywhere, anytime

    Besides porn, if you read the actual government document, (it is a USGinc. document which you can verify for yourself), you will see they are keeping track of other activities besides porn. They are searching through bank, phone, medical and internet information. USGinc. is doing this to everyone. This gives USGinc. the ability to threaten anyone they wish. That ability is one essence of totalitarianism.

    JT is correct to point out the special complicity of Democrats and liberals in the creation of a brutal, totalitarian state. They complained bitterly against such activities when a Republican president engaged in them. Around 2007, many people appeared to have rejected a police state, both Republicans and Democrats alike. In fact, Obama campaigned on his munificent wish to roll back the police state.

    Once the munificent one was elected and put the police state on steroids, Democrats and liberals bowed down before him, accepting this on behalf of our nation, criticizing any who dared speak against their leader. We would not have the police state we now have, had such people spoken up–immediately, swiftly, powerfully.

    Even today, Democrats and liberals still accept and support the dismantling of our society and the rule of law because it is done by their leader. This is not only shameful, it has been instrumental in the lack of push back against Obama’s policies. Civil libertarians have not found allies in Democrats or liberals. Our society is disintegrating around us. Yet we still have people who do not care about this because to admit the truth would be to confront a corrupt leader and it would mean to admit that one had been taken in by lies.

    It is time to own up to being taken in by lies. Something is far more important that mistakes any person can make, and that is the desire to have a good, just and lawfully based society.

  4. pete why not? when i made my statement about how the corporation publicly warns you. lets say you accidently hit upon a site that advertises child porn and you immediately sign out of the site. well the technology that the corporation has. allows them to see when you were at that site and they are well known for taking a pic of a child off that site. and photo shopping your picture into the picture so that it looks like you’re actually there having sex with a child… or molesting a child… now think about how they have brain washed humanity. the first thing the people are going to do is flip out. and the lame stream media are going to stoke the fires by constantly posting more and more pics riling the people up even more. and not one time will the people stop and think to themselves are these pictures real? the first thing they are going to say. is impeach, recall, imprision, etc with the help of the lame stream media. and as soon as the person decides to do what their told to do. the story will go away. suddenly we are reading stories about it wasnt such and such,, but a look alike or people misunderstood the pictures.. those who refuse to be broken are publicly destroyed and if they persist in fighting. they are killed.. aka suddenly have heart attacks, commit suicide, or were the victims of a vicious crime and no one is ever caught and if they are caught. they are killed immediately.

    all of barrys so called family pics have been picked apart already and outted as photo shops and the obviousness of the photo shop is so outright. i dont see how anyone could have missed the abnormalities in them. thank GOD there are those of us who do know what to look for.

    lemme give you a few hints..

    why have only some of our past potus or should i say corporation ceos been assassinated ? lincoln, jfk, etc?

    why has only 1-2 of them been impeached ? ex nixon?

    dan quayle, mitt romney, ron paul,

    eliot spitzer, rupert murdoch , mayor scum i mean bloomberg , just as screwulani publicly screwed bratton, he just couldnt personally screw him…

    but look at what happened to screwulanis nect police chief kerik..

  5. just think, somewhere in an nsa building, on a hard drive in a bomb proof concrete building, is a record of how many times bron has loving viewed pictures of ayn rand.


  6. RobinH45
    1, November 28, 2013 at 12:18 am
    and if you try getting out of hand. they publicly warn you.

    i don’t believe i’d use that particular phrase when discussing online porn.

  7. this is how it works!!! the shadow government who actually runs everything does it thru blackmail and bribery!!.. if they cant bribe you then they set you up to be blackmailed. we’ve seen it time and again in movies and tv shows but according to the masses thats only image

    details details… no one makes it anywhere without the say so of the elites. the so called 13 ruling families…

    and if you try getting out of hand. they publicly warn you. ex clinton getting head in the oval office he isnt the first nor was he the last…

    ex eliot spitzer refused to do what he was told after getting into office and look how they set him up….

    then there are others who are pure patsies to get the people to think they are voting against the lesser of 2 evils when all you’re really doing it putting the one in office that was slated to go there in the beginning..

    remember the days when we had 4-6 candidates to pick from and they werent millionaires?

    they kept the people so distracted with false flag attacks and bs that no one can actually pinpoint when the millionaires began taking over the offices. except for eishenhower. we havent had a american president since him. but you’ll never know that if left to them. barry was a no name senator with no credentials who suddenly popped up and became president.. what will it take for the people to understand the truth..

    the twin towers like the titanic were insurance scams…. but try telling that to those who want someone something to hate.. because them looking in the mirrors at themselves doesnt fit into their rose colored world… there is no

    repubkes or demorat.. they are all owned by the same corporations….

  8. Mike Spindell 1, November 27, 2013 at 11:16 am

    I’m grateful that there is evidence to show what I’ve always supposed is happening. The NSA, as Jonathan points out, is merely carrying on in the tradition of J. Edgar Hoover. Hoover became the “man who couldn’t be fired” because he knew too much about the personal indiscretions of those supposedly in power. The NSA Director serves with impunity because he “knows” where all the politicians “bodies” are buried. The NSA is merely the information gatherer for the Corporate Military Intelligence Complex and they run the show where most things are concerned. It’s known as oligarchy.

    Mike – I do not believe Kieth Alexander is following in J. Edgar’s footsteps. If so he would have to have a gay-porn relationship with his #2 man Like J. Edgar had with Clyde Tolson.

    Hoover did not have the backing of the PATRIOT ACT nor any other legal means to conduct his illegal intelligence programs. J. Edgar was the epitomy of LEVERAGE. BTW PA Section 215 expires soon. Let’s see what the POTUS does about renewing it.

    Kieth tendered his resignation last month or so. He is taking his #2 man with him. They will both be gone by Spring 2014. I really don’t think the porn-levarge thing was sanctioned. Snowden’s exposee may or may not be 100% credible. However, I can see this being someone’s “private wet dream” at the Puzzle Palace. Maybe someone in CSS came up with the idea to make some Muslim “whales” look bad. But that’s just bad strategy.

    Why? Becuause Criminal Extremists who claim to be Muslim are willing to modify their moral turpitude to adjust to the operation at hand. They will do all kinds of things we Westerners view as tame (surfing porn websites). It is not illegal to look at porn. It’s only embarrassing to prudes. There aren’t too many of them left today. DO you really think one’s wife would care if hubby was checking out porn?

    I mean there’s checking out and there’s participating in cyber-porn chat rooms. Is that adultery or immorality? Maybe just loose conduct I think. Still not a big issue to put on Kieth’s desk for approval. However, I can see someone like John Obrien et al using it heavily.

    Elliot Spitzer was not honey-potted by USG. That was clearly a Mossad operation. He wouldn’t play ball so he got his come-up-ins. They did the same thing to Mr. Obama’s USSS POTUS security team in South America not too long ago. They set up a honey-pot scenario with prostitutes and some of them (i.e. single young men) got caught up. It looks like the fallout is still falling on that deal as some “secrets” were allegedly stolen by the pros.


  9. Bron; your quote of Ayn Rand proves the adage that even a broken clock is right twice a day.

    Now find the other one.

    Good luck

  10. I guess that’s what is known as “leverage” huh? Well the only people impacted by any such alleged salacious activity (which Google does via your signed in Google-name and keeps a record of your Internet surfing) are people who would be embarrassed by activities like married people or politicians in committed relationships. However, I’m sure it ain’t John Q. Public (or Joe The Plumber) that this is aimed at.

    It would actually be a waste of time to do this as there are multiple people in your home, strangers logging into your open non-locked Wi-Fi hotspot, and sometimes viruses, Trojan horses, or just the idle occasional curiosity of checking out porn sites gets into your cache. This is exactly how they set up some pedophiles through inappropriate pedo-porn in their Internet cache – which is actually no proof of intent. That should be good fodder to you defense attorneys!

    But some of these targets are probably deserving of cyber-leverage being used against them. They are usually “whales” as they say in the Casino parlance. They are not minnows like the rest of us. But I wouldn’t say it’s just the NSA doing this. Since Google is a CIA-inspired invention (via InQTel.com) I would say the cyber-leverage may be coming from a place in Northern Virginia.

    But I have to think back to a couple of years ago in Hartford CT. The FBI busted an Internet pedo-porn ring that was using a residential home in the ghetto section as a huge server farm for a worldwide operation. The dead giveaway was the T3 lines leading to the single-family1,000 sqft house. Criminals always do stupid stuff and think the utility companies wont squeal on them.

    Like major power usage on the level of a commercial operation in a small residential home. The power companies have a great spy-van that looks for thermal hotspots at your house or your pole transformer. This helps them find secret marijuana cultivators. And yes they go straight to DoJ which leads to a FBI or DEA bust.

    Funny thing about how utilities are in bed with USG (US Government). You know those barrel shaped power transformers on the pole just outside your home? Check it for a black spot in the letter O or zero in the logo. Is the black spot aimed at you? Now how do you think the USG agency got that camera up there? They didn’t. They just asked the utility company to install it and hook it to the power line. The signal is either on the cable TV line, phone line or radio.

    You really can’t escape big brother. Going off the grid only works so far and they still can track you. If you have something to hide just do like author Edgar Allen Poe suggested. “Hide in plain sight…”.


  11. “Obama Administration Gathering Records on Porn Site Usage To Use Against People Viewed As Radical”


  12. Oh well……………………some of us tried to warn you and you guys with the power chose instead to blog and go on television for supporters like MSNBC–who do you think works for Obama and the Daley Machine of Irish Mobsters in Chicago? LOL It goes all the way to the UK–Irish and Scotish Rites or purification of the church for Unitarians.

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