Washington Hit With Snow Storm Days Before Start Of Spring

IMG_0442Father Winter gave Washington a parting gift just days before the first day of Spring. I told this picture with my iPhone in my backyard this morning. Under the snow is my Chicago Bears tree face outside the window in the kitchen.

It is still snowing and we have around 4 inches. The kids have snared another day off from school and GW is on a delayed schedule. Today is the Public Interest Bake Off so I am preparing my Turley Torts Torte for sale today. (I have no idea what those Contracts Professors do).

14 thoughts on “Washington Hit With Snow Storm Days Before Start Of Spring”

  1. RWL

    Actually, Miami Beach was my new bride’s choice, but I convinced her to go to New York City. We walked so much she got blisters on her feet and I’m still hearing about it. I think that was the last decision I was put in charge of.

  2. What Raff said! LOL!


    Wow! Did you have a better honeymoon after the storm (in Hawaii? Caymen Islands? or did you go with the flow and go on an Alaskan Cruise?)?

  3. We got married in Northeast Ohio on March 20, 1971 (43 years this Thursday). The snow started falling as guests arrived at the church around 4:30. By the time we left the reception around 9:00 there was a full blown blizzard in play.

  4. ” …my Chicago Bears tree face”


    Tree face? That tree moves about as well as Jay Cutler. Letting the Redskins beat you, come on?

    BTW, the contract guys generally bring lots of dough.

  5. Rafflaw, we Midwesterners laugh in the face of winter…HA!

    Although, after this winter it’s more like… heh, enough already.

  6. Well… Even hell is entitled to snow…. But is this the official snow job….in Washington….

  7. That tree looks like it’s from the Wizard of Oz, those ones who threw apples. If that is a Jay Cutler tree, all are safe from getting hit.

  8. Bruce

    global change, maybe were headed for another ice age

    Those librul scientists should have left the Earth flat … this global stuff where Alaska is warmer than Georgia is confusing to simple minded folk.

    Heck, on a recent day it was 120 degrees hot in aussie land, but it was snowy and cold out on Highway 61.

    We gotta get deniers in the Senate and make the Earth flat and simple again.

    Dood … just sayin’ …

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