Saudi Family Therapist Explains The Islamically Correct Method Of Wife Beating

dmvidpics-2016-04-23-at-16-41-00At times Saudi Arabia and its medieval Sharia system seems a bad parody of itself. That is the case with this video of a leading Saudi family therapist inexplicably sitting on a chair in the middle of the forest discussing calmly the Islamically correct way of beating your wife. What is even more unnerving is this guy, Khaled Al-Saqaby, is not only viewed as sane and learned but is probably viewed as a moderate on the subject.

Al-Saqaby explains with obvious understanding and patience that men will face this problem because women will “undoubtedly” cause problems since many “want to live a life of equality with their husbands.” Silly wives.

He then moves to the methods of necessary discipline, starting with a stern talking to “to remind her of your rights and of her duties according to Allah” and then a decision to “forsake them in bed.” You can move from there to the beatings though he admits it is a “thorny” issue but “Allah willing, we will cross this bridge safely” — which I assume is a reference to the men.

He cautions that “the beating should not be performed with a rod, nor should it be a headband, or a sharp object.” He prefers a “tooth-cleaning twig or with a handkerchief’ to beat a wife and to beat them only until she “feels that she was wrong in the way she treated her husband.”

That is still more restrained than other lectures on Islamically correct wife beating with such limitations as “try not to make her look ugly.”

Source: Metro

22 thoughts on “Saudi Family Therapist Explains The Islamically Correct Method Of Wife Beating”

  1. A sane person can not read the Quran or the Hadith believing it’s teachings and come out of that experience as a sane person. To be able to believe the teachings of Islam you are either ignorant or just plain evil, or both!

  2. “He cautions that “the beating should not be performed with a rod, nor should it be a headband, or a sharp object.” He prefers a “tooth-cleaning twig or with a handkerchief’ to beat a wife and to beat them only until she “feels that she was wrong in the way she treated her husband.”

    I am not convinced that beating one’s wife is the best approach to family discipline.

    But using a toothpick or a handkerchief might well be an advance over the fists that are so often used here in the west – and definitely better than the grabbing of hair and choking practiced by some.

  3. And we should welcome these people here?How much to retrain them?

    Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2016 9:02 PM Subject: [New post] Saudi Family Therapist Explains The Islamically Correct Method Of Wife Beating #yiv9890340482 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv9890340482 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv9890340482 a.yiv9890340482primaryactionlink:link, #yiv9890340482 a.yiv9890340482primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv9890340482 a.yiv9890340482primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv9890340482 a.yiv9890340482primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv9890340482 | jonathanturley posted: “At times Saudi Arabia and its medieval Sharia system seems a bad parody of itself. That is the case with this video of a leading Saudi family therapist inexplicably sitting on a chair in the middle of the forest discussing calmly the Islamically correct ” | |

  4. Really easy of you to attack a towering religious figure who successfully implemented his system which has endured to this day- but how about an honest assessment of your own emerging culture that not merely celebrates but seeks to establish the right of its’ full grown men to, upon a mere whim, lurk around in the same bathroom with someone else’s pre/pubescent daughters? If you cannot see what’s wrong with the latter, you will soon be serving the former.

  5. “And I am sure that I never read any memorable news in a newspaper. If we read of one man robbed, or murdered, or killed by accident, or one house burned, or one vessel wrecked, or one steamboat blown up, or one cow run over on the Western Railroad, or one mad dog killed, or one lot of grasshoppers in the winter, – we need never read of another. One is enough. If you are acquainted with the principle, what do you care for a myriad instances and applications?”–Henry David Thoreau

    This is especially true of any news involving Islam.

  6. Would you expect anything less from the “Religion” of Pieces, founded by the mass murdering pedophile? How many times do I have to ‘splain reality to you folks?

  7. Have we forgotten that the west, specifically MI5 and 6 are 100% culpable for creating and supporting the Saudi dynasty? They are still doing so to this day,,,,

  8. Females are a type of animal species to the Muslim male. They have no rights. I agree with Holmes also.
    “Thighing” of females by old males can begin by age six according to their supreme leader’s own life example. And they can be penetrated by age nine. The issue becomes how much do we care if it goes on within Muslim communities in our own country?

  9. I long for the good old days when you hit them over the head with a club and bring them back to the cave.

  10. @ Justice Holmes: so the real war against women is conducted by businesses or charities who want to treat women as fully adult enough to pay for their own birth control.

  11. Justice Holmes’ comment was too narrow in its implication. Many in the Republican party and its counterpart Democrat party have a worldview that will use any means necessary to implement their progressive ideology. The constitution is a roadblock to their progressive worldview. This combined Big Government party is a constant threat to our unalienable rights, period. The idea of Normalcy Bias might explain why Justice Holmes and many others only see the danger coming from “the other party”. Picture a sheepdog at work; it doesn’t run straight up the middle to keep all the sheep moving in one direction. It veers left and then it veers right. Our progressive government does the same.

  12. As the neocons demand more troops, more money and more involvement. I guess at some point, the neocon hope goes, ‘we will be greeted as liberators’…….

  13. And a follow-up to a prior post Southwest says passenger who overheard college student’s remarks also spoke Arabic

    “A Southwest Airlines passenger who overheard a college student’s conversation also spoke Arabic and perceived the comments to be threatening, according to a new Southwest Airlines statement released Monday afternoon.
    Makhzoomi, an Iraqi refugee and senior at the University of California Berkeley, was removed from an April 6 flight from Los Angeles to Oakland after another passenger told crew she overheard “potentially threatening comments.” “

  14. I agree with much of what Justice Holmes said above. And what he said in the Supreme Court case about three generations of idiots being enough.

  15. Where is the video?
    Beating one’s wife with a handkerchief is less harsh certainly than a wet noodle. What’s the problem?
    Evidently the King has three or four daughters captive in the palace for something like 12 years because he is displeased with their mother, his ex-wife, now living in London. The girls live in luxury, but no dates, no going out, no school, no western movies, no Netflix, no Amazon, no liquor, no driving, no Lifetime Television Network. No chance for marriage and children. Now that is way harsh.

  16. I don’t care what they do in their own country….I don’t like it but it’s their country. What I do care about is the fact that we give these guys billions in cash and weapons and we allow them to freely travel to our country with bags of money. Our president flys there and acts like a supplicant because they don’t like what our congress wants to do. Our relations with these guys need to be changes dramatically…no more $$$$$ no more defending them. No more presidential trips to placate them and tell them how wonderful they are while they are funding terrorism. Boycott Saudi Arabia!

    Sharia law is not funny and those who believe in it are not lovers of democracy or freedom. While Sharia law is the Islamic brand of theocratic “law” we have our own brand slowly developing right her in the USA. It’s almost as if they’ve seen what it can do elsewhere for the power and prestige of those men who use it and and they want to get in on the game…those theocrats are Christians…and run the Republican Party.

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