Philippino Presidential Frontrunner Jokes About Pledges To Pardon Human Rights Abusers Including Himself

220px-Rodrigo_Duterte_(2009)If you thought Donald Trump was raising eyebrows in a presidential election with his support for torture and killing the families of terrorists, he appears perfectly moderate in comparison to Philippine presidential frontrunner Rodrigo Duterte. Duterte likes to comment on his genitals and recently attracted international criticism for a disgusting joke about his desire to rape a female minister who was savagely killed in 1989. Now he is being quoted as saying that he would pardon himself for mass murder if elected and hand out thousands of pardons to government officials accused of such crimes.

Previously, the Davao City Mayor and Philippine presidential candidate Rodrigo “Digong” Duterte referenced 36-year-old Australian lay minister Jacqueline Hamill, who was held hostage, raped, had her throat slashed and was shot in 1989. He told a crowd “I was angry because she was raped, that’s one thing. But she was so beautiful, the mayor should have been first. What a waste.” It was a tasteless and shocking joke that left most of us dumbfounded that anyone would think such a statement would be even funny. Yet, Détente appears to think that raping a minister before her throat was slit to be enormously funny.

Now, in comments to the Makati Business Club, where he referred to his previously admission of running vigilante death squads that killed over 1,700 people. He promised to pardon soldiers and policemen accused of human rights abuses, pledging “I will issue 1,000 pardons a day.” He then added himself: “Pardon given to Rodrigo Duterte for the crime of multiple murder, signed Rodrigo Duterte.”

What is truly chilling is that this authoritarian figure is actually a lawyer who relishes his nickname “the Punisher” for his extrajudicial actions and punitive measures.

Source: Time

7 thoughts on “Philippino Presidential Frontrunner Jokes About Pledges To Pardon Human Rights Abusers Including Himself”

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  2. A dork is a dork.
    A dork all the way.
    From his first prostitute.
    To a roll in the hay.

  3. Allan Sherman was a musician back in the 60s. He was a satire guy. Some of you (older than 12) may recall some of the lyrics– especially “little David Susskind shut up!” I think that that specific phrase could be thrown at loud mouths like Cruz and Trump and sometimes Hillary and Bernie.

    Shticks And Stones Video:
    Lyrics to Shticks And Stones
    Oh salesmen come and salesmen go
    And my best one is gone I know
    And if he don’t come back to me
    I’ll have to close the factory

    Gimme Jack Cohen and I don’t care
    Gimme Jack Cohen and I don’t care
    Gimme Jack Cohen and I don’t care
    But the best it’s gone away.

    I’m upside down, my head is turning around
    Because I gotta sell the house in Levittown

    Little David Susskind-
    Shut up
    Please don’t talk; please don’t talk
    Little David Susskind-
    Me first
    Then you’ll talk

    I went down to Mt. Sinai – Hospital
    To see my old zaydie there
    And I said, Thanks God
    For the Blue Cross
    And I wish we had the Medicare

    God bless you, Jerry Mendelbaum
    Let nothing you dismay
    This May you had a rotten month
    So what is there to say
    Let’s hope next May is better
    And good things will come your way
    And you won’t have a feeling of dismay
    Next May

    Oh when the paint’ners
    Go marching in
    Oh when the paint’ners
    Go marching in
    Just make sure they put a dropcloth
    When the paint’ners go marching in

    Yasha got a bottle of Geritol
    Geritol, Geritol
    Yasha got a bottle of geritol
    And he knocked a whole in the wall
    That’s all
    No wall

    I gave my love a chicken
    It had no bone
    I gave my love a cherry
    It had no stone
    I gave my love a baby
    And then, you see
    My love got very angry and she said to me

    I didn’t mind the chicken
    Without the bone
    I didn’t mind the cherry
    Without the stone
    But when you give a baby
    It’s just one thing
    You oughta give at least
    An engagement ring

    The Catskill ladies sing this song
    Hoo-hah, Hoo-hah,
    Sitting on the front porch playing Mah-Jongg
    All hoo-hah day

    Oh I’m Melvin Rose of Texas
    And my friends all call me Tex
    When I lived in old New Mexico
    They used to call me Mex

    When I lived in old Kentucky
    They called me Old Kentuck
    I was born in old Shamokin
    Which is why they call me Melvin Rose

    Mammy’s little baby loves matzoh, matzoh
    Mammy’s little baby loves matzoh balls
    Mammy’s little baby wants pots and pots of
    Lots and lots of matzoh balls

    Stole the skillet
    Stole the lead
    Stole a lotta balls
    Made of Pesach bread
    Stole the chicken
    Out of the soup
    Stole the pot
    And made a lot of chicken soup

    Mammy’s little baby loves matzoh, matzoh
    Mammy’s little baby loves matzoh balls
    Mammy’s little baby wants pots and pots of
    Lots and lots of mat-zoh – oh! – balls

  4. Can you pardon yourself? And if you can, could each President pardon themselves and their administration for any and all crimes committed while that President was in office?

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