Stacked Up Traffic In China: Driver Avoids The Cost Of Driving Trucks Individually By Stacking Them

160517113224-china-three-trucks-2-exlarge-169Anyone who has been China returns with hair-raising stories of people driving on the sidewalks and trucks careening around with massively overloaded beds. However, even for China, this truck driver had people shocked after he tried to save money in transporting trucks separately and instead stacked them on top of each other.

The Chinese highway patrol in the northern province of Shanxi stopped the driver and hit him with a $30 (200 yuan) fine and a one-point penalty on his driving license. That actually seems fairly light given the obvious danger of this moronic act.

I would have thought that they could have tripled the fine at a minimum for driving reckless: one for each truck.

Source: CNN

5 thoughts on “Stacked Up Traffic In China: Driver Avoids The Cost Of Driving Trucks Individually By Stacking Them”

  1. Wtf…a tow hauling a tow.
    …have you not watched the history channel lately?. Big deal. Its on after or before modern marvels.

  2. I’ve seen a truck on a truck around here. Perfectly legal.

    Three seems overdoing it although I opine it is safe enough. After all, he had a fanny flag.

  3. What happened to “all the tea in China”? One never hears that phrase anymore.

  4. In China they like to stack things on the backs of bikes or scooters. I give him 1 point for creativity.

  5. This driver was inspired by his old UNIX days:

    $ telnet localhost ChARGEN
    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is ‘^]’.

    “CAR” Generator

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