Can You Guess What This Person Was Charged With?

UnknownIf you said Flamingo homicide, there is a job waiting for you with the security staff of Busch Gardens. Joseph Corrao, 45, is a brute with a long and violent criminal history who recently went to Busch Gardens with his mother and three children. He then proceeded to grab Pinky, a favorite Chilean flamingo and threw her to the ground. He tore her foot almost completely off and she was eventually euthanized.

Pinky was a great draw at Busch Gardens and even danced the flamenco on television. That ended with the visit by Corrao around 7 pm. He first picked up a different flamingo, but then picked up Pinky and threw her to the ground. Pinky was almost 20 years old.

Corrao is a real piece of work. He has been previously arrested on drug charges, charges of hit and run, child abuse, contributing to the delinquency of a child, driving under the influence, DUI with serious bodily injury and burglary. He is now charged with felony animal cruelty. This latest charge occurred almost on the anniversary after his release from prison for shooting two chained dogs with a shotgun. He said that the dogs killed a pet rabbit of his daughter.

If this was all not bad enough, Corrao posted on Facebook the day before to say how excited he was about going to a Tampa Bay Rays game with his sons in a box with free booze, adding “i will be tepsy tonight.”

Chilean flamingos are relatively rare and live to the age of 50 or so.

35 thoughts on “Can You Guess What This Person Was Charged With?”

  1. @Jim22

    Same here. The whole country is playing the Emperor’s New Clothes, where most of the cast is swearing the Emperor looks great! And only the haters say he is nekkid!

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  2. Squeeky,

    Thanks, I usually think about things and try to boil them down to a root cause. It’s amazing the fruit (most of the time bad) that can come from a simple concept. I am also amazed how usually when one presents a simple idea as a root cause how much rejection you receive. This only shows how much buy-in there is to the fruit and how many people really do not want to think about the real issue. Guns have to be the easiest and most perfect example of this. Guns weren’t a problem when I went to school evidenced by the full gun racks in the pickups in the parking lot.

  3. @jim22

    You said, “I’ve said it before, the real core issues of why this country is going down hill is we have lost our right to discriminate and to pass judgement.”

    Quote of the year! All problems now are “structural.” If you have 4 illegitimate kids while on welfare, you aren’t poor because you have 4 illegitimate kids while on welfare. . . No, it’s a structural issue of Entrenched Racism, or White Privilege! Something is wrong with the system, not something wrong with you.

    I am reading The Liberal Mind by Kenneth Minoque, which explains the role of “ideology” in the liberal mindset. And how we got to this “structuralism”. It’s good, but I wish he had written it in English.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  4. @Jim22

    There was a case here where a veterinarian abused animals and even killed some. He was forced to undergo anger management counseling, no jail time, not sure if there were fines. At any rate, he is still practicing!
    This is a non partisan issue for me – it’s all about demanding accountability.

  5. It would have been a great story if he had fallen in the Gorrila exhibit. Picture him trying to pull the leg of a Silver Back.

  6. Autumn – “SC is a Republican state so don’t blame it on the Dems though. Both the Dems and Rebugs are to blame.”

    I disagree. Most of the time, these idiots do, do some jail time. It’s when they get out, is the real problem.We as a society instead of handing these jerks their earned scarlet letter, we steal property from other law abiding citizens and then hand it to them. Most of those policies are coming from the libtards.

    I’ve said it before, the real core issues of why this country is going down hill is we have lost our right to discriminate and to pass judgement.

  7. Consider who his next victim might be if he is not incarcerated for a very long time?

  8. I suspect we are becoming so morally enlightened that there will be no zoos within about a generation. Zoos are cruel. Humans putting animals on display so other humans can gawk at them is sick. Providing the animals with their food, clean water, shelter, and veterinarians to keep them healthy really is perverse. Better to end zoos and let the animals be free in nature where they belong.

    That way they can be eaten.

    Either they will be stalked, killed and eaten by a stronger or more cleaver animal, or if they avoid that fate then microscopic organisms will feast on their rotting corpse after their biological system breaks down and they can no longer provide for themselves. Better to be eaten than live a pampered life under human protection so humans can look at them. After all, one deranged man out of probably hundreds of thousands of visitors over 20 years did something mean to a bird.

    Unlock the zoos! Let the wildlife be eaten!

    1. Scott – if it makes you feel better, every so often one of the residents gets loose.

  9. Social security disability? What’s the secret to get it because my neighbor that is diagnosed with depression and has Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) was denied her claim and yet Mr. Sweetness here is receiving it.

  10. @Jim22

    re: “What I never understand about people like this is how they survive financially with the record that they have. Just one of those incidents would most likely result in me losing my job, then house followed by wife.”

    Excellent observation IMO. Shows how broken our system is – those at the very top and the very bottom of society seem to have a “get out of jail” free card. And some states don’t even prosecute folks who abuse animals like South Carolina.

    SC is a Republican state so don’t blame it on the Dems though. Both the Dems and Rebugs are to blame.

  11. What I never understand about people like this is how they survive financially with the record that they have. Just one of those incidents would most likely result in me losing my job, then house followed by wife. The only answer I can think is that the libtards have made a system of safety nets where someone like this can exist among us. A guy like this should be living on a bench somewhere, not going to Busch Gardens or box seats at a Rays game. Thanks Dems.

  12. One comforting thought: Odds are, someone — perhaps the government — will do this guy in. Unfortunately, it probably won’t be soon enough, or slowly and painfully enough. But eventually. How he’s made it this far is amazing.

  13. If you don’t have anything nice to say about a person…
    Oh, the hell with it. What a dick.

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