Going Full Springer: Scaramucci’s Tirade Sends White House Staff And GOP Members Scrambling For Cover

White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci on Thursday  has left the Trump Administration staggering around Washington with no one clearly in control of the staff and, ironically, an increase in leaks about Scaramucci and fears of the President’s staff.  In the meantime, the crude comments of Scaramucci have undermined any effort of the White House to convey strength after the stinging defeat of the “skinny” health care bill.  With Republicans in open revolt, the Scaramucci controversy conveys a team in disarray and division. This was the worst possible time to go full Jerry Springer.

Scaramucci went nuclear in a telephone call to New Yorker writer Ryan Lizza.  He was calling after Lizza printed another leak.  “Who leaked that to you?” Scaramucci demanded.  He seemed to want something that would have been deeply unethical for Lizza to give: his source.  Scaramucci reportedly said

“I ask these guys not to leak anything, and they can’t help themselves. You’re an American citizen, this is a major catastrophe for the American country. So I’m asking you as an American patriot to give me a sense of who leaked it.”

If that bizarre request was not enough, the conversation appears on the record.  Usually such calls are off the record, but for whatever reason (inexperience or indifference) it does not appear that Scaramucci made the common reservation.  Scaramucci later said “I made a mistake in trusting in a reporter. It won’t happen again.” Really?  It appears he missed the Truman advice of, if you need a friend in Washington, get a dog.  On the list of possible soulmates, reporters (whose job it is to report) are near the very bottom.

Scaramucci later said that he would try to be more restrained in the future: “I sometimes use colorful language. I will refrain in this arena but not give up the passionate fight for ‘s agenda.

Scaramucci threatened a scorched earth police to find the leaker: “What I’m going to do is, I will eliminate everyone in the comms team and we’ll start over.”  He ended up torching himself.

Scaramucci made clear that his scorched earth policy had no limits: “They’ll all be fired by me. I fired one guy the other day. I have three to four people I’ll fire tomorrow. I’ll get to the person who leaked that to you. Reince Priebus – if you want to leak something – he’ll be asked to resign very shortly.”

The irony is that the leak that set off Scaramucci was relatively minor.  There was going to be a dinner with top people.  He clearly blamed and parodied Priebus:  “‘Oh, Bill Shine is coming in. Let me leak the fucking thing and see if I can cock-block these people the way I cock-blocked Scaramucci for six months.’”

What makes this call particularly weird is that it seems like Scaramucci needed a cathartic release but why pick Lizza rather than someone like Sanders or a close cousin back in New York?

That catharsis also turned to Bannon.  He reportedly told Lizza: “I’m not Steve Bannon, I’m not trying to suck my own cock. I’m not trying to build my own brand off the f***ing strength of the president. I’m here to serve the country.”

The result was that a smoldering White House burst into full flames.  Staffers told reporters that they were fearful of going into the office after Scaramucci pledged to “kill’ them.  That fears seems a tad overblown.  Many have called Scaramucci politically suicidal but there is no evidence that he is actually homicidal.

In the end, the episode shows just how untethered this Administration has become.  When you have Republican Senators threatening that suggested actions like the firing of Mueller would be the beginning of the end of the Trump Administration and others bolting on key health care votes after personal contacts from the President, this latest self-inflicted wound could not be more serious. In a town where a President must represent a clear and present threat to those who oppose him in his own party, you have Republicans trying to get a safe blast distance away from Trump and his staff.

209 thoughts on “Going Full Springer: Scaramucci’s Tirade Sends White House Staff And GOP Members Scrambling For Cover”

  1. WASHINGTON, D.C. – On May 17, the day Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller as Special Counsel charged with investigating possible “Russian collusion” with President Trump’s campaign, Julian Assange at WikiLeaks tweeted a WikiLeaks released State Department cable documenting that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered Mueller to deliver a sample of stolen Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) to Russia in 2009.

    Assange’s email signaled an investigation is needed into Mueller and his complex involvement with Russia and Uranium One, the company Bill Clinton promoted with Canadian entrepreneur Frank Giustra while Hillary Clinton served as Obama secretary of state in a criminal saga that ended up with Secretary Clinton voting to give the Russian State Atomic Nuclear Energy Agency, Rosatom, control of approximately 20 percent of all uranium holdings in the United States.

    Mueller’s involvement in the Clintons’ drive to profit from selling 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Vladimir Putin’s Russian government should properly make him the target of a Department of Justice grand jury convened to examine the Clintons’ involvement with Uranium One, thereby disqualifying him from serving as Special Counsel appointed to examine the “no evidence” Democratic meme that the Trump campaign “colluded” with Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton.



    1. Authoritarianism is also on display when Trump tells police to treat suspects roughly, ignoring the rule of law- people are presumed innocent until found guilty. Many of Turley’s commenters demand Trump be assumed innocent but, when Trump ignores presumption of innocence, the commenters are silent.

      Authoritarianism is also on display as ALEC writes America’s laws. Gordon Lafer’s, “The One Percent Solution: How Corporations are remaking states one at a time”, “Democracy in Chains”, by Nancy MacClean,
      and the research of Princeton Prof. Martin Gillens shows us America is not the land of the free.

      Oligarchs like Bill Gates and the Koch’s have a yoke on the 99%.

    2. And Jill now joins bettykath in a harmonic convergence of wriggling the straps of their straightjackets.

    3. Of course some people would feel more comfotable with hillary as president and the cgi running things. I’ll take my chances with generals…..unless are they members of…..whats the name of that outfit? You know the one hillary spoke at and asked ” what…do I take direction from you”? Help me out I can’t think of the name of that group….

          1. @jae

            I don’t know whether the current membership of the CFR includes the generals you reference, but you may want to watch James Perloff’s expose’ of the organization:

        1. Thanks for the link. On a warm summet’s eve on a train ’bout to no where…….I feel I spent tonight productive.

    1. This “anonymous” comment is not true! President Trump walked in and spent time with the little boy in the Wheelchair! As usual, that portion was not shown on TV. I am so disappointed that the media does things like this trying to discredit the President. I don’t know if the longer version is easy to find. Needless to say, FOX is where I saw it!

    2. The whole video with Trump kneeling to talk to the little boy is on the dailymail.uk website.

      1. A little squeeze or acknowledgement the second time around might have been nice — given the boy’s obvious enthusiasm — but it’s good to know about the first encounter. Thanks, again.

    1. And therein lies the rub.
      Heretofore..bedlam was for patients. Now per the mooch anyone who disagrees with him can be made “crazy”. Gulag? For prebuis?

  2. This was the oval office. The most dignified office in the world. Do I cuss worse than a sailor…yes I do. Do I laugh at jokes yes I do. Would I die for this country …yes I would. But I would not denegrate the presidency of the united states. This “crap” needs to end. Too many good real people have put their life on the line to make america great….let alone great again. Prebuis he’ll take the high ground without a lible case on scarmoochi….but true colors have been revealed. From the office of the president we see how “they” try to paint the opp as “crazy”…..that is an important revelation.

  3. All of these ups and downs, comings and goings, turmoil — remind me of the opening and closing number of Orff’s Carmina Burana:

    “Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi”

  4. Someone please tell me if the name Scaramouchi in Italian means one who scares mice?

  5. @TJ, July 28, 2017 at 10:19 AM

    “Will Scaramucci cleanup (sic) staff mess in the White House? A guy in suit looks just like Scaramucci in this biker bar fight video.”

    @Nick Spinelli , July 28, 2017 at 10:23 AM

    “TJ, A great scene, ‘Now you can’t leave.’ ”

    Yes, there are few things in life more edifying than a barroom brawl between two criminal gangs, with the possible exception of internecine war between front-stabbing and back-stabbing multi-millionaire power-freaks in Washington, DC.

    May a thousand inspirational posters bloom:


  6. Moochie got his wish. Priebus is out and there is no truth to the rumor that a voice behind Moochie’s door was heard singing “Ding Dong, the Leaker’s Gone.”

  7. Let’s see, Kushner and Bannon like the new guy, so that must be good, right. What a disgusting bunch of scumbags.

    1. Time for Wheel of Fortune, definitely Wheel of Fortune. And I know you are an excellent driver.

  8. Reince, The Republican weasel/mole just got the ax. I’m surprised it took this long. Trump is starting to see he is a man w/o a party. I’m surprised it took this long.

    1. Yeah but Trump has Bannon and Kurshner. What could go wrong for America? Soon it will become apparent to even the most obtuse, that it’s Trump or America, not Trump for America.

      1. Kushner is his son-in-law! Trump has known him a long time and respects him. I don’t think he’s going anywhere.

        1. As soon as Bannon leaves, the Hamptons crowd will have total control. Power to the people.

      2. What could go wrong?… Trump’s private army? Betsy DeVos’ brother is Blackwater.

    2. Hi Nick!

      Congratulation on hitting the 40 yr anniversary. We’re getting close here also.

      I don’t know why the heck Trump hired Reince in the 1st place unless it was a condition of getting the GOP nomination.

  9. People need have a conversation with themselves about what truly matters.

    1. Life is very short and there’s no time for fussing and fighting my friend.
      I have always thought that it’s a crime.
      So I will ask you once again . . .

  10. 397

    Anthony Scaramucci’s Wife Has Filed For Divorce

    “She liked the nice Wall Street life and their home on Long Island, not the insane world of D.C. She is tired of his naked ambition…”


    Old joke about Boats, Planes & Marriage: If you can fly it, float it or Phk it, Lease It. LOL

    Now we now why Mucci was cursing like a sailor, loney nights instead.

    1. Thanks for the link. The article title, “Who in the media has class”, implying the story shouldn’t be covered, is priceless. The media certainly has more class than the right wing. Right wing spokesman, Rick Berman, would be a joke as arbiter of class, as would, bare-chested Putin riding a horse for publicity photos.
      The photo of Melania, nude, pregnant and swathed in furs, at the base (pun intended) of the stairs to a private jet doesn’t exactly shout class.

  11. Gen. John Kelly will replace Reince Priebus according to Trump friend Roger Stone Jr with Infowars.com

      1. Glenn Thrush is a self-described “hack” who works for the FNYT. Check out his emails to John Podesta where he calls himself a hack for colluding with the Clinton campaign before publishing his articles.

  12. “…this latest self-inflicted wound could not be more serious. In a town where a President must represent a clear and present threat to those who oppose him in his own party…”

    Trump is hopefully getting rid of the anti-Trumpists on his own staff and replacing them with loyalists who know how to fight. More firings are imminent starting with Priebus and hopefully followed by McMaster. Jared and Ivanka have been worse than useless as well. Rather than helping push Trump’s America first agenda, they are pushing the establishment’s agenda. And there are all those Goldman Sachs idiots to get rid of as well. I pray for many more firings.

    Trump’s most serious self inflicted wounds have been due to his hiring of many people who overtly opposed his stated agenda. Firing these very same people would be a very positive sign for his supporters, but what matters is who replaces them: capable loyalists or yet more neo-cons/neo-ilberals. Will Trump remain loyal to his own campaign promises? Will any President ever remain loyal to their own campaign?

    1. Hopefully Trump will fire the one person who is really causing all the trouble here, himself. Trump is his own worst enemy.

    2. Ivan,

      Trump sold us supporters he picks/here great people.

      As a former builder/developer that’s what I always tried to do. Sometimes one will make bad picks.

      Trump hasn’t been doing so well in hiring.

      I liked Flynn not McMaster. But I guess Flynn had some unknown problems. Roger Stone Jr claims McMaster is hated by the Military & they don’t want him back.

      Jared and Ivanka, I don’t hate them, but they don’t belong in the administration. They should go back to NCY & hang out at the parties with their Commie Lib Progressive Nazi friends.

      Sessions I like him & Trump should keep him. I just don’t need Sessions chasing around after 16/17 year old pot smokers wasting his/America’s time on BS. Go after the big international drug dealers & the banks laundering the drug money. I hear Session didn’t want Rob Rosenstein at DOJ, but Reince Priebus, on the word of Trump enemy Demo Rep. Elijah Cummings told Trump to hire him. Geeezus!


      I still don’t see what the issue would be if Trump or Sessions just fired the Bush/Clinton operative Rosenstein.

      Rosenstein should have recused himself also. Mueller covered up the facts behind 911 & other crimes over the years.

      The investigation could continue but it’d be under new supervision.

      1. Funny. People who have no ethical or moral code think others are similar to them. You will never grasp this, but there are prosecutors who work at DOJ who don’t consider themselves to be political entities; they truly believe that their mission has absolutely zero to do with politics in any way. They have no compunction against prosecuting elected official of any persuasion, and conduct themselves accordingly. Your “Bush/Clinton operative” throwaway comment reveals how little you know about the universe that morally upstanding and ethically inspired persons inhabit. But, by all means, keep revealing your lack of grasp here to the other mouth-breathers.

        this is to morally-bankrupt oky

    3. Ivan concedes that Trump doesn’t know, or never learned, how to hire people. After all, Trump has no registered trademark on the phrase, “You’re hired.” Surely this is The Apprentice: Presidential Edition. One wonders who shall be fired last.

  13. The issue here is violation of protocol.

    The “journalist” did not report news.

    The “journalist” created news.

    Scaramucci’s comments were “off the record.”

    1. No, George, they weren’t. That was what most commentators found amazing. Moochie never said “off the record”. Just like the orange blob, if he looks bad, it must be the fault of the fake news media.

      1. No, Gnat, it is not debatable that Scaramucci’s comments were off the record and the nature of the comments makes that obvious.

        The “journalist” created a spectacle by reporting vulgar comments which were obviously not intended for public consumption. He perpetrated a cheap trick “gotcha” on Scaramucci.

        To wit,

        Politico –

        “Scaramucci requested that one part be off the record, and we respected that. The rest was on the record. Today [Thursday], Ryan and Scaramucci had another conversation and Scaramucci was clear and agreed that the conversation was on the record.”

        Scaramucci directly requested “that one part” be off the record and it is self-evident, to people who are not irrational, incoherent and hysterical, that the vulgar portions were never intended to be on the record. The “journalist” violated protocol and a basic sense of human decency which should generate a deleterious effect on his career.

        The same “cheap trick” violation of protocol was perpetrated in the “Billy Bush” episode but the voters saw right through.

        This is the behavior of an unscrupulous self-promoting mudslinger.

        By the way, the American birthrate is in a “death spiral.” Don’t you have something more compelling to do with your affirmative-action-assisted time?

        1. Perhaps newspapers should leave out expletives completely, or do the first letter and ………?

          Are newspapers part of improving society? I’m sure the n….. is never allowed in a newspaper. By cleaning up the newspaper’s words would be a help.

          I hear the “f” bomb, turn and see an 8year old. We don’t use that language. Is it not possible to have conversations without these offensive words?

        2. Will merit-based hiring be on the record or off the record? Will merit-based hiring restore the American birthrate to its post-war peak? If not, then which might do the trick better: a revival of journalistic ethics or a new golden age of vulgar language?

          1. The eugenics movement is alive and well. We are being poisoned by the glyphosate being dumped on our farmlands, effectively killing the soil, and the crops grown there are infused with it; our children are being injected with amounts of aluminum, mercury, fetal tissue, and all kinds of things that are way beyond the recommended amounts for ingestion by 300 lb adults; poison (fluoride) in our water, poison in our other drinks (refined sugar, aspertame), the loosing of patented viruses on populations, cancer-causing environmental disasters including the use of chemo therapy which kills more people than the cancer itself (while the naturalpaths who see other ways are being killed, starvation in Africa when there is more than enough food to feed everyone, the civil wars started/armed by outsiders, the drug epidemics (cocaine from the golden triangle of Asia in the 70s, heroin today from Afghanistan, opiods from the pharmaceutical companies; the attempts to limit medical care until it is life threatening. The really big picture is a movement by the secret elites to eliminate much of the populations of the world or to render them defenseless in preparation for a revival of a feudal system. Greed is a terrible thing. It’s destroying the Earth and the people on it, except for those in pristine areas being served by the few who are well recompensed for being toadies.

            1. And again, bettykath wriggles the straps of her straightjacket.

            2. Bettykath,

              I agree with you a 100% & have been working on these issues for a very long.

              And that’s why millions us support sites like Infowars, Natualnews & other like minded sites.

          2. Merit-based hiring and matriculation are corollaries of freedom and free enterprise without governmental interference (i.e. “the blessings of liberty’).

            Affirmative action is the racist/sexist imposition of communistic dictatorship, oh, and unconstitutional.

            Women are the misogynists who hate the female body. Nature or “God” assigned the funciton of perpetuation of the race/species to women, who have failed and placed the American birthrate in a “death spiral.” Without babies there will be no people. Without people the women’s vote will be moot. The American population is now imported. In 100 years, there won’t be an American left in America. Enough incoherence and hysteria. Repeal the 19th Amendment before it is too late.

            1. Did the almighty Lord God, Yahweh or the highway, assign men to be judges of merit in their own as well as any woman’s case? Or might it really be The Constitution, itself, that compels the propagation of the species?
              Can that same U. S. Constitution both prevent the establishment of a state religion and establish Judaism as the state religion? Does the American birthrate include or exclude non-White non-Anglo-Saxon non-Protestants? Did the free enterprise system develop before, during or after the ratification of The Constitution of the United States of America? Are The Fifth Amendment, the interstate commerce clause, the power to mint coin and the guarantee of common law rights sufficient Constitutional warrant for the establishment of a system of free enterprise? Is George a witting or an unwitting disciple of Oswald Spengler? Do Spenglerites engage in something other than incoherent hysteria?

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