Report: Cohen Pitched Book Praising Trump [Updated]

There is a new interesting twist on the tour of Michael Cohen as a redemptive sinner in various congressional committees. For those of us who have been long critics of Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer, he remains an admitted perjurer and disbarred lawyer. That does not mean that everything he says is untrue. However, many of us noted that Cohen’s testimony this week contained elements that directly contradicted media reports. That is includes his insistence that he never wanted a job in the White House where reports indicate that he fought hard for such a position. Another statement was that he changed his view of Trump after the controversial meeting of Trump with Russian President Vladimir Putin where Trump was seen as fawning and blindly deferential. However, as I wrote when Cohen counsel Lanny Davis made this claim, it is ridiculous to suggest that Cohen (after a career as a legal thug) had a change in heart about his work due to a diplomatic controversy in Finland. Now, reports indicate that, long after Helsinki, Cohen was still trying to get people to buy a book praising Trump for his leadership and refuting critics. However, reports indicate that the book deal was scrapped before the Helsinki meeting.

I wrote about the Helsinki claim earlier because it was so vintage Cohen. Rather than admit that he was switching alliances for his own benefit, Cohen tried to portray himself as motivated by his disgust over geopolitics and later racial insensitivity over Charlottesville. The truth would seem obvious. Cohen’s long business-related crimes were discovered and he was facing likely conviction. He immediately sought a deal for himself by offering to incriminate Trump. That does not mean that his evidence is false but his motivation seems clear.

President Trump has tweeted on the story in, writing about the 2008 book proposal: “Wow, just revealed that Michael Cohen wrote a ‘love letter to Trump’ manuscript for a new book that he was pushing. Written and submitted long after Charlottesville and Helsinki, his phony reasons for going rogue. Book is exact opposite of his fake testimony, which now is a lie!”

Trump tweeted that Congress should examine the book proposal; publishers got it just weeks before the FBI raided Cohen's home and office, starting his transformation into a Trump antagonist

Cohen did reassert that Helsinki was his critical moment in turning against the President but the proposal shows Cohen pitching his faith and fealty for Trump. In the book proposal, Cohen contested that Trump is a “liar” or “crazy” or other negative descriptions. He wanted to be paid for a book tentatively entitled “Trump Revolution: From The Tower to The White House, Understanding Donald J. Trump.”

It is in sharp contrast to his testimony that Trump “is a racist, he is a con man and he is a cheat.”

Two members of Congress has called for an investigation in perjury by Cohen before the Oversight Committee.

Regardless of the book timing, I remain skeptical of Cohen’s personal ethical epiphany coming as a result of a diplomatic event thousands of miles away.

69 thoughts on “Report: Cohen Pitched Book Praising Trump [Updated]”

  1. Excerpted from the article on The Daily Mail at RationalWiki:

    The Daily Mail was founded in 1896 by Lord Northcliffe (then plain Alfred Harmsworth), who amassed a newspaper empire which also included The Daily Mirror, The Times, the Sunday Times, The Observer, Sunday Dispatch, and The Evening News; his brother Harold Harmsworth (later Lord Rothermere) gained a controlling interest in 1922 after his death. The paper’s fact-checking ability was first made apparent on 16 April 1912, when it ran the headline “Titanic Sunk. No Lives Lost. Collision with an Iceberg. Largest Ship in the World. 2,358 Lives in Peril. Rush of Liners to the Rescue. All Passengers Taken Off.” Compare this to the New York Herald April 15, 1912 headline, “The Titanic Sinks with 1,800 on Board; Only 675, Mostly Woman and Children, Saved”

    [repeated for emphasis] The paper’s fact-checking ability was first made apparent on 16 April 1912, when it ran the headline “Titanic Sunk. No Lives Lost. Collision with an Iceberg. Largest Ship in the World. 2,358 Lives in Peril. Rush of Liners to the Rescue. All Passengers Taken Off.”

    1. Also excerpted from the article linked above:

      It was under the proprietorship of Lord Rothermere that, in 1924, it achieved some notoriety by publishing the Zinoviev letter, a forged document which indicated that British Communists were planning violent revolution. This had a significant influence on the outcome of the general election four days later which resulted in defeat for the Labour Party. This is why some people refer to the rag as the Forgers’ Gazette.

      During the 1930s, the Daily Mail was sympathetic to German and Italian fascism, as Rothermere was friendly with both Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. An article by Rothermere printed in the paper also praised the British Union of Fascists leader Oswald Mosley for “sound, commonsense, Conservative doctrine.” As well as devoting a lot of time to diplomacy with fascists, Lord Rothermere was also occupied in a failed scheme to become King of Hungary, so his son Esmond took an increasing role at the papers in the 1930s.

      [repeated for emphasis] Lord Rothermere was also occupied in a failed scheme to become King of Hungary.

  2. The judge in the R. Stone case wants to know about plans from Stone to release his book very soon, despite her gag order. The court was never told that plans were made to put out his book. But on this page, Stone good, Cohen’s book bad.

    1. Cohen hasn’t written his book yet. He wrote a proposal for a book and submitted it to various publishers, only one of which ever got back to Cohen–or so the story goes, according to Trump, The Daily Mail and Jonathan Turley.

      If Cohen does write a book someday, it won’t be the book that Trump claims proves Cohen’s testimony to Congress to be perjury on account of Cohen’s written proposal for the book Cohen didn’t write supposedly being a “love letter to Trump.”

  3. Yo: Jonathan Turley: You probably d not read comments here but: BS is BS and I need not spull that out in pig latin.

    1. Yo Liberty: Cohen provided no testimony in support of Trump-Russia collusion. Mother lode is collusion and there aint none of that – so what is the fight that you and old Crazy Eyes Late4Yoga want to keep fighting? You all are like desolate Japanese soldiers on distant islands looking to fight the fight long after country’s WWII surrender. Party is over you knuckleheads.

      1. Surely Turley, he’s garbling the news
        He’s shaking our confidence daily
        Surely Turley, we’re down on our knees
        We’re begging you please to come home
        Come on home.

    2. Liberty2

      Cohen has a very long road to catch up with the 8,000 lies told by Donald (in the WH).

      1. Bottom line, no collusion Billy D. Williams. Collusion party is over, now Dumbicrats trying to start new parties.

        1. That’s one of the 8,000 plus lies that Trump has told in office. DNGMW, Trump is expected to tell that lie–repeatedly, like a mantra. It would be bitterly disappointing if Trump did not repeat that lie like a mantra. In the end, Trump’s mantra will become “Conspiracy is not a crime.” Wait. I said it wrong. “Conspiracy ought not to be a crime.” That’s what Trump will really mean.

  4. “Go to the five L4D currently at the top of this page beginning at 5:03 AM” etc.
    That is sure convince everone to drop everything else and read every word of L4B’s daily columns here.😉😒☺😂

    1. Here’s another excerpt from The Daily Mail article to which Truly linked that provides even more useful information about the timeline:

      Deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe and staff secretary Rob Porter would be gone just days later.

      [end excerpt]

      Porter resigned on February 7th, 2018. McCabe was fired on March 16th, 2018. According to The Daily Mail both of those events occurred just days after Cohen wrote and pitched his book proposal. Of course, The Daily Mail also claims that Cohen wrote and pitched his book proposal just days before Dina Powell left the Trump administration on or around February 12th, 2018. Either way, The Helsinki Summit was definitely on July 16th, 2018.

      Maybe they don’t use calendars in The United Kingdom anymore. Or maybe chronology doesn’t matter worth a hill of beans to a newspaper like The Daily Mail. You know what? Maybe The Daily Mail has The Tardus from Dr. Who as well as a really bad case of Tardus Lag.

      1. Excerpted from the RationalWiki article on The Daily Mail linked upstream from here:

        In 2018 the announcement that the 13th Doctor in the TV series Doctor Who would be played by a woman, another story the Daily Mail knew would stoke up the rage in their readers, was met with predictable fury. “It’s DOCTOR Who, not Nurse Who”, argued one. The very fact that since its inception in 1963, 55 years earlier, it had starred 12 white male actors in a row, proved that The Doctor was a white male and any attempt to make this time-travelling, shape-shifting extra-terrestrial being from the planet Gallifrey anything other than a white male was PC gone mad. Daily Mail readers then waited with simmering anger for the first episode to be broadcast, and they were not disappointed: several of the other characters were also not white males. Each weekly Daily Mail trigger article about the previous night’s episode was met with hundreds of angry racist and misogynist comments, happily published by the Daily Mail.

        [repeated for emphasis] any attempt to make this time-travelling, shape-shifting extra-terrestrial being from the planet Gallifrey anything other than a white male was PC gone mad.

  5. Russian collusion witch hunt debunked during Cohen congressional testimony so what drives Crazy Eyes Late4Yoga to keep on spewing her delusional nonsense? Inquiring minds want to know.

    1. Welcome back, Ex Yankees Manager. I’ve been missing you.

      What drives L4D is a ravenous appetite for . . . The Truth, The Whole Truth, and a fair bit of comeuppance along with The Truth.

    2. My top priorities for this weekend are to “go back” and read every word of the L4B/ WikiPedia columns.
      That and watching paint dry are equally productive and useful.

      1. It is my sworn duty to spank garblers whenever and wherever I find them.

        And I like it.

        1. While the investigation into L4B’s coven is ongoing and the completion date is uncertain, there appears to be a strong and recurring indications of the presense dominatrix wannabees in that particular coven.
          It is, however, a free country. And I suppose if L4B wants to indulge in those particular fantasies outside of the confines of her coven, there’s nothing that says she can’t do that.
          When L4B talks of L4B in the third person……that is to say always….that alone is evidence of her delusional fantasy that she is brilliant and profound.
          That’s one of the things that makes her daily columns so funny.

          1. When Trump talks of Trump in the third person……that is to say always….that alone is evidence of Trump’s delusional fantasy that Trump is brilliant and profound.

            And I suppose if Trump wants to indulge in those particular fantasies outside of the confines of Trump’s coven, there’s nothing that says Trump can’t do that.

        1. Trump Tweeted a big fat lie. Turley fell for it hook, line and sinker. Because Turley wanted to fall for it. I did you and the rest of this blawg a big favor. In your wildest dreams you would remain utterly incapable of thanking me for the favor I did for you. And. That. Is. Who. You. Really. Are. Ingrate.

          1. Diane, I don’t read most of the cr-p you write so I don’t know what you are talking about. Maybe you want to explain and prove that what Trump tweeted was a lie along with the tweet.

            1. Excerpted from Turley’ original post for this thread which FUBARAllan did not read either:

              President Trump has tweeted on the story in, writing about the 2008 book proposal: “Wow, just revealed that Michael Cohen wrote a ‘love letter to Trump’ manuscript for a new book that he was pushing. Written and submitted long after Charlottesville and Helsinki, his phony reasons for going rogue. Book is exact opposite of his fake testimony, which now is a lie!”

              [end excerpt]

              The Helsinki Summit was July 16th, 2018. According to The Daily Mail story referenced by both Trump and Turley, Cohen wrote and pitched his book proposal “weeks before the FBI raided [Cohen’s] office” on April 9th, 2018, and “just days after” Dina Powell left the Trump administration on or around February 12th, 2018. That means that Cohen wrote and pitched his book proposal five months BEFORE Helsinki and NOT, as Trump claimed, long AFTER Helsinki.

              1. Diane, I read what Turley writes and leave most of yours out. I don’t search for your ties to what Turley wrote, too many flaws in the logical process.

  6. Turley posted a link to The Daily Mail. The Article cites Trump as the source for the story. The first “bullet point” in the excerpt below pretty much says it all. Truly has garbled the timeline once again. Turley’s account is “overdrawn.”

    Michael Cohen has turned on Trump, but just weeks before the FBI raided the office of the president’s former attorney he pitched a glowing book proposal
    •Cohen wanted to paint Trump in a positive light, starting off the proposal by saying the president is not ‘crazy, dumb, paranoid, in over his head, or a liar’
    •He promised chapters on both first lady Melania Trump and Trump’s children, as well as ‘the unfortunate saga’ of Stormy Daniels
    •Trump tweeted his disgust on Friday, saying Congress must examine the book pitch and suggesting Cohen is now lying in his antagonistic testimony
    •President also hinted that Cohen attorney Lanny Davis, a former Hillary Clinton adviser, is behind a massive deception calculated to harm him
    •The now-disbarred and prison-bound Cohen sent his pitch to potential publishers; Hachette reportedly was willing to pay him $750,000
    •In the proposal, Cohen said his most important job in his role as special counsel to the Trump Organization was ‘looking out for Mr. Trump and his family’
    •Cohen told Congress he would not rule out accepting TV, movie or book deals – he was back in New York Friday, and seen at a local bank
    • revealed the book proposal’s existence exclusively on Thursday

    By Martin Gould and David Martosko, U.s. Political Editor For

    1. Here’s what Turley wrote, “Now, reports indicate that, long after Helsinki, Cohen was still trying to get people to buy a book praising Trump for his leadership and refuting critics.”

      Here’s what the Daily Mail wrote, “. . . just weeks before the FBI raided the office of the president’s former attorney he pitched a glowing book proposal. Cohen sent his pitch to potential publishers; Hachette reportedly was willing to pay him $750,000.”

      The FBI raided Cohen’s off ice on April 9th, 2018. Cohen pitched the book to Hatchette “weeks before the FBI raided the office of the president’s former attorney.” Trump and Putin met at the Helsinki Summit on July 16th, 2018. Cohen pitched the book BEFORE the Helsinki Summit. Turley is PROVEN WRONG.

      1. Go back and notice how the bullet points in the Daily Mail story systematically mislead the reader into “garbling the timeline” by means of deliberately, intentionally, on purpose rearranging the chronological sequence of events. The Daily Mail is a Three-Card Monte dealer. Time to quote the poet laureate of The Sixties:

        I would not feel so all alone,
        Everybody must get stoned.

      2. Here’s another excerpt from The Daily Mail article to which Truly linked in his original post for this thread. There’s more timeline stuff in this excerpt:

        The nearest Cohen came to criticizing Trump at the time was when he admitted he is ‘an exceedingly tough boss,’ adding that could clearly be seen by the ‘revolving door’ at the White House, which by the time of writing had included the departures of national security advisor Michael Flynn, press secretary Sean Spicer, chief of staff Reince Priebus, communications director Anthony Scaramucci; chief strategist Steve Bannon, deputy national security advisor K.T. McFarland, health and human services secretary Tom Price, communications director Omarosa Manigault Newman, FBI director James Comey and – just days before he wrote his proposal – McFarland’s successor Dina Powell.

        [Repeated for emphasis] The . . . ‘revolving door’ at the White House, which by the time of writing had included the departures of . . . just days before he wrote his proposal – McFarland’s successor Dina Powell.

        [end excerpt]

        BTW, other than Turley, the only person in The Daily Mail article who claims that Cohen pitched the book long after Helsinki is Trump.

        1. Excerpted from the Wikipedia entry on Dina Powell:

          On December 8, 2017, it was announced that Powell would be leaving the [Trump] administration in early 2018, subsequently elaborated to be after a delayed vice presidential trip to the Middle East had been initiated.

          On February 12, 2018 it was announced that Powell would be joining the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs within the bounds of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

          [end excerpt]

          A reminder of what The Daily Mail wrote, “The . . . ‘revolving door’ at the White House . . . included the departures of . . . just days before he [Cohen] wrote his proposal [for the book] – McFarland’s successor Dina Powell.”

          So now we know that just days before February 12th, 2018, at the latest Cohen pitched his book proposal to Hatchette. Remember that The Daily Mail also said that Cohen pitched the book “weeks before the FBI raided” Cohen’s office on April 9th, 2018, which could, in fact, be construed as “weeks after” Dina Powell left the Trump administration.

          1. Thank you late4dinner for demonstrating how Turley twists things always in service to the repugs, as someone said they are not mad that he lied, they are mad because he stopped lying.

            1. Surely Turley does twist things. However . . . In this particular instance, I think that Trump’s Tweet read in conjunction with The Daily Mail’s Three-Card Monte approach to “journalism” systematically led Herr Professor to “garble the timeline.”

              If I were a more generous person than I could ever become, I would neglect to mention Turley’s views on cognitive bias and path dependence. But I just can’t help myself, anymore. Lord help me, I can’t change.

              1. If one looks closely one can see that most of what Diane writes means nothing. Just a bunch of words connected to one another without merit in the larger discussion.

                1. I shut this thread down. This was supposed to have been the big blowout Saturday thread. And I shut this thread down. Show some respect, Sluggo.

                  1. Anyone know what Diane is talking about? Alternatively, are her delusions of grandeur reappearing?

                    1. Trump’s latest Cheat Tweet. Cohen testified to Congress that Trump is a con man and cheat. Trump wasted no time making Cohen’s case that Trump is a con man and a cheat via Trump’s latest Tweet Cheat.

                      You’re under no obligation to remove the bandages from your eyes, Sluggo. However . . . until you do remove the bandages from your eyes, you’ll have a hard time pulling the wool over anybody else’s eyes.

        2. Take another look at the list of names The Daily Mail gives for “the revolving door’ at the Trump White House. Helpful hint; This is exactly how Three-Card Monte dealers do it:

          Michael Flynn, Sean Spicer, Reince Priebus, Anthony Scaramucci; Steve Bannon, K.T. McFarland, Tom Price, Omarosa Manigault Newman, FBI director James Comey and Dina Powell.

          While its true that Flynn was fired first, in February of 2017, it’s a tad misleading to put all seven of the intervening departures in between Flynn and Comey, who was fired on May 9th, 2017. And to follow that up with Dina Powell’s departure in February of 2018.

          1. Here’s the correct sequence going out through the Trump WH revolving door:

            Flynn (Feb. 14th, 2017), McFarland (April 9th, 2017), Comey (May 9th, 2017), Spicer (July 21st, 2017), Priebus (July 27th, 2017), Scaramucci (July 31st, 2017), Bannon (Aug. 18th, 2017), Price (Sept. 29th, 2017), Omarosa (Dec. 13th, 2017), Dina Powell (Feb. 12th, 2018).

  7. If only Donald Trump had stayed a private citizen and continued to run his real estate business he would not have to go through this witch hunt.

    1. If only Putin hadn’t cultivated Trump as a candidate for US president by dangling real estate deals in front of Trump’s nose at the same time that the GRU was hacking and disseminating through Wikileaks thousands of emails damaging to Hillary Clinton, Trump would not have to go through this counter-intelligence/ criminal-conspiracy investigation.

    1. You are neither Michael D. Cohen nor John Kerry. But I get both the “paraphrase” and the “non-sequitur” anyway, I-Bob.

  8. Unemployment is lowest in ever, workers skilled and unskilled are hard to find, and Americans are saving money unheard in years.

    “The job market doesn’t get much better than this. The U.S. economy has added jobs for 100 consecutive months. Unemployment recently touched its lowest level in 49 years. Workers are so scarce that, in many parts of the country, low-skill jobs are being handed out to pretty much anyone willing to take them—and high-skilled workers are in even shorter supply.”

    But the Left are in constant need of being coddled, a crisis always exists with these malcontents and their cries of outrage are…fake

    This one killed his own 5 pets just to get attention.

    Trump Derangement Syndrome is off the charts. When a horse was no longer salvageable they were once shot and taken to the glue factory. Thankfully we came to our senses about doing that to such valuable animals

    This group however isnt even worth the lead in a slug



    Police: Michigan gay-rights activist set fire to own home in fabricated hate crime

    “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett staged a racist and homophobic attack because he was unhappy about his salary and wanted to promote his career, Chicago’s police superintendent said Thursday. The AP details key moments in the story. (Feb. 20) AP

    When Nikki Joly’s Jackson home burned down in 2017, some believed the fire was a hate crime against the transgender, gay-rights activist who had fought for a local anti-discrimination ordinance.

    But now, instead of a victim, the 54-year-old is accused of being the perpetrator.

    The Michigan case is gaining national attention as the American public draws parallels to the situation involving Jussie Smollett, where the supposed victim in a hate crime became the accused. Authorities concluded the attack on Smollett was a hoax.

    “Real hate crimes are on the rise,” Graham Cassano, associate professor of sociology at Oakland University, said Monday. “But as these crimes increase and become publicized, it’s not surprising to me that people would take the opportunity to use this to their advantage and fabricate hate crimes.”

    Authorities are accusing Joly, who was named Citizen of the Year by the Jackson Citizen Patriot last year, of setting fire to his own home and killing his pets, two dogs and three cats. He has been charged with first-degree arson.

      1. Excerpted from the article linked above:

        Italy’s railway had entered a state of disrepair after World War I, but there had been a number of improvements that made the rail system run better. Mussolini liked to say he was responsible for those improvements. However, those improvements took place before Mussolini stepped into power. He couldn’t really take credit for them, although that didn’t stop him. More to the point, the trains didn’t always run on time, either.

        [end excerpt]

        Draw your own analogy between the Trump economy and the Italian rail system. While you’re at it, draw your own analogy between the Italian rail system after World War I and the US economy at the end of The Bush administration.

      2. Il Duce was a fascist, on your side of the aisle. Trump has followed the Constitution and though the press has constantly tried to destroy him he hasn’t closed them down like the fascists do to any form of conservative speech. You might not like the Il Duce type of fascist based on your own ideology but you are brother and sister.

  9. Another Former Trump Employee Trying To Cash-In



    Lynne Patton, a longtime Trump family aide turned federal housing bureaucrat, has long reveled in the limelight and has asked permission to star in a reality TV show while serving as a HUD official.

    In an Oct. 18, 2018, memo to officials at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Patton sought ethical and legal guidance on potentially participating in a “docuseries” about black Republicans, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post.

    Among the 10 questions Patton asked:

    Would HUD object to her attending events or non-HUD related meetings at the White House if she took a two-month unpaid leave of absence for filming?

    Would she be allowed to refer to herself as a current member of the Trump administration?
    Would she be permitted to attend Trump 2020 campaign rallies? And, if so, who would be allowed to cover her travel expenses?

    And would she be permitted to have dinner with HUD Secretary Ben Carson or his family during their personal time? What about the Trump family? Or other high-ranking officials like Kellyanne Conway?

    The show, by producers of “The Real Housewives of Potomac” and “Shahs of Sunset,” would center on a group of powerful black women such as Patton, Trump campaign adviser Katrina Pierson and conservative commentator Candace Owens.

    “We would like to follow their day-to-day, capturing who they are at home, at work, and above all, understanding their political views and their strong sisterhood,” read a pitch from Truly Original, the New York-based production company specializing in unscripted content.
    Patton told The Post that the show’s concept had piqued her interest because producers had compared it to Showtime’s “The Circus,” a documentary series about Trump-era politics — “not as a table-flipping reality show.”

    “Black Republicans are not an anomaly. Not only do we suffer the same societal hurdles that face any black man or black woman every single day, we also have the additional albatross of being conservative,” Patton said. “Nothing proves this point more than the partisan reaction to my committee appearance this week. God forbid a black Republican is in the room based upon her own merit and can think for herself. But it’s a scarlet letter I wear with pride.”

    Leslie Oren, spokeswoman for Truly Original, said the show is being conceived as a “serious” documentary series. It is still in development and has yet to be pitched.

    Patton basically wants to be recognized as a Federal Official while taking an official leave to appear in a reality series about Black Republican women.

    1. Above is edited from: “How A HUD Official Turned The Michael Cohen Hearing Into A Reality TV Audition”


    2. Racist Peter “Hang the ****gga” Hill: “Patton basically wants to be recognized as a Federal Official while taking an official leave to appear in a reality series about Black Republican women.”

      There you have it. The Left going after people of color because they are against them having their right to personal choice. Its a wonder Peter H didnt advocate, true to Democrat roots, to beat, whip and chain this female Black, on the Southern Plantation of rich whitey Virginia Governor Ralph Northam…who seems to be doing his racist stint yet again

      “First lady Pam Northam under fire for handing out piece of cotton during tour of Executive Mansion slave quarters”

      Democrats have always beaten down Blacks and always will just like Peter Hill

      Memo to David Brock: your troll is costing you and Soros money

  10. My head spins with the literally daily passel of lies from Trump. So what if Cohen was trying to make a buck? He has admitted he lied, but he also has copies of cancelled checks, a paper trail and recordings proving that Trump lies constantly, that he colluded with Russia to cheat to “win the victory”, that he cooks the books and cheats. Did you see where Trump had one set of books for Forbes, when he wanted to be listed as one of the wealthiest people in the world, and another set for the IRS? Cohen has copies of each, which he turned over to the House Committee. Nice try, though.

    1. “My head spins with the literally daily passel of lies…”

      Given your experience pushing the Kraken Hillary on Americans for decades, surely your Medussa heads can spare a few neurons….not that you ever had any in a prior life

  11. “…Michael Cohen as a redemptive sinner in various congressional committees.”

    I just about tossed my lunch when I read the words “redemptive sinner” and “Congressional”

    Jesus must be coming soon. How else to explain all of these apocalyptical events in Washington DC? or is it apocryphal?


  12. The most challenging thing about lying is remembering what you’ve said.

  13. If Cohen wasn’t a willing liar, Trump wouldn’t have hired him, and that is the more important issue. One is the President. The other is an ultimate nobody who has first hand knowledge of that president and some supporting evidence of his accusations, and most are also in character for the accused Individual #1. Known liars and other accomplices are common important witnesses in prosecutions. We don’t have to believe them – or Cohen – without verification, which is the next step for the rational.

    1. “If Cohen wasn’t a willing liar, Trump wouldn’t have hired him”

      Anon, Trump hired cunning not a liar. You might have the latter but certainly not the former.

  14. I thought the turning point, the actual epiphany for Cohen when Trump directed him to go out and threaten somebody for the 501st time.
    Cohen says he went along with 500 intimidation marching orders, but I think he turned on Trump because the 501 times was just way too many.

  15. News flash! What Cohen says is what’s convenient for whatever angle he’s working right at this moment.

    1. That’s not quite true for Jello wrestlers. But it’s probably true enough for the audience at a Jello wrestling match.

      [Cue up that video clip of the food fight from Animal House]

  16. Go to and type “Michael Cohen introduces Trump in Cleveland”

    1. Go to the five L4D posts currently at the top of this page beginning at 5:03 AM and concluding at 6:00 AM and read all about how the con man Trump and The Daily Mail pulled the wool over Professor Turley’s eyes, again.

      Cohen pitched the book to Hatchette no later than days before February 12th of 2018 when Dina Powell left the Trump administration. Trump met with Putin at the Helsinki Summit on July 16th of 2018. The Helsinki Summit was five months after Cohen pitched the book to Hatchette. And that means that Cohen pitched the book to Hatchette five months BEFORE the Helsinki Summit. And that’s a FACT.

      1. The Spokesperson for The Coven has issued the following statement:

        The L4D statement above is an inference deduced from alleged facts reported in The Daily Mail story cited in Turley’s original post for this thread as cross-referenced to known facts in the timeline of departures from the Trump White House. If any of the alleged facts reported in The Daily Mail story are unsound, then the inference that L4D has drawn from those alleged facts might also be unsound.

        But The Coven doesn’t think so.

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