The Wolverines Gather For Bernie: How Sanders Has Energized A Movement

With as many as ten thousand gathered at the University of Michigan for the rally leading into Tuesday’s key primary, the gathering was unmistakingly a Sanders rally. There were the “Eat the Rich” teeshirts and the “Make Fascists Afraid Again” signs.  One former Michigan students wore her handmade “Socialist Butterfly” jacket.  Popular lead singer James Grace sang of the “breaking the walls” and  the “American way . . . a burning crucifix and white supremacy.”   However, there was also something not in abundance at Biden rallies: youthful hope.  It was not just the overwhelmingly young audience, but also older voters who seemed to rekindle a passion left long behind by decades of political compromise and concessions.  This is no campaign. This is now a movement and that should worry the hell about the Democratic establishment.

After writing about attacks on Sanders and his “Bernie Bros” by Biden, various supporters suggested that I come to a rally and judge for myself. That opportunity arose on Sunday at Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Before the rally, I met with Arden Shapiro who would help introduce Sanders at the event.  She is the descendent of a Holocaust survivor from Hungary and that Sanders is the only genuine person running for change in society. She and Hazel Gordon, a trans gender Michigan student, viewed the other politicians, including Joe Biden, as all cut from the same corporate cloth and impediments to change.  While they said they would vote against Trump regardless of who is the nominee, it was not a commitment that many would make.

Both Arden and Hazel dismissed the allegations by Biden and said that it is ridiculous to hold any candidate responsible for every single supporter among millions. Arden and Hazel are credits to both the University of Michigan and the Sanders campaign. They see Sanders as a logical step to jolt the establishment and force real change.

Sanders has not found his element. He is the element for these supporters.  I met a young family from Michigan with a young child caring a sign for “Uncle Bernie.”  They simply said that they saw no choice but a radical change.  Like Arden and Hazel they saw people suffering from untreated conditions and locked in cycles of poverty.

However, there was a feeling of reality crashing in from all sides.  Everyone was talking about the full court press by virtually every establishment figure in Michigan to stop Sanders here, once and for all.  It has only deepened the view that “the establishment” arbitrarily used party identification but ultimately worked together against real change.

It was hard not to be elevate by the energy and hope that Sanders (and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez) released in this crowd.  In over 30 years as a professor, I have never seen students so enraged and excited.  Yet, one could not help but feel like a craven cynic at points as the rhetoric soared far beyond any plausible reality. It is not that Sanders cannot win the nomination.  He has gone further than anyone would have imagined for a lifelong Socialist with unbending principles.  However, Sanders himself at points fueled delusions of dynamic changes.  For example, he pledged that on the first day he would unilaterally legalize all marijuana in all fifty states.  Putting aside that this is precisely the type of executive abuse and circumvention of Congress that the Democrats that denounced by Trump, it is also not legally possible.  Even if Sanders could negate all of the federal drug laws, he cannot alone negate the drug laws of 50 states.  Pot may not be a federal crime but it would still be state crime unless Congress preempted all drug laws.  There is a great deal Sanders could do – just not that.  Such finer points were lost in the moment.  Sanders was selling a revolution and this was not the time to raise such points of law. It was like trying to tell Parisians that the backdoor of the Bastille was actually open when they were storming the walls.

That feeling deepened when Ocasio-Cortez reminded the crowd that Jesse Jackson (who endorsed Sanders that day) won the Michigan caucus in 1988.  However, omitted from the thrilling prospect of a progressive repeat was that Jackson crashed and lost on the first ballot to Michael Dukakis.  Yet, Ocasio-Cortez who fired up the crowd was making a secondary and more poignant point.  Jackson was crushed by a unified establishment that “panicked” after Michigan to stop him. She warned that the same forces were fielded against Sanders.  That point was echoed by Sanders himself who mocked Biden and his “billionaire backers.”  Make no mistake about it.  The open effort to stop Sanders has only reaffirmed the view of many of these voters that the Democratic establishment is not a solution to the problem. It is the problem.

The most important thing that Sanders has is what I found missing in some young Biden supporters: passion.  Not passion for the election. The two students that I spoke to were passionate about defeating Trump. They were just not that passionate about Biden who they described clinically as someone with the organization and broad appeal to win.  After the improvisational jazz of the Sanders students, it sounded like a Gregorian chant.

I left the rally with great affection for these Sanders supporters. We often talk about the need to get students involved. While I disagree with many of Sanders’ proposals, I have always respected him as an individual and agree with him that the establishment has proven either unwilling or incapable of addressing serious problems in our society. Watching this highly diverse crowd join together at this rally was a powerful experience to witness. You do not have to agree with Sanders to find these supporters rejuvenating and inspiring. They are exactly what the Democrats need but exactly what the party is alienating by this unified front against Sanders. As I recently wrote, the Sanders supporters are being treated like barbarians at the gate for the Democratic party. The problem is that they are increasing adopting the same view in their relation to the party.

Here are some of the pictures from the rally:

103 thoughts on “The Wolverines Gather For Bernie: How Sanders Has Energized A Movement”

  1. Passion and getting children involved is all well and good,
    but actively indoctrinating other people’s kids is not getting them involved, it’s an abuse;
    and uniting an unquestioning lack of realism and an absolute ignorance of history with PASSION –
    God help us all.

    For pity’s sake, you’ve got young fascists running around wearing antifacist clothing. That says it all right there.

  2. “addressing serious problems in our society”

    What serious problems does our society have? The only one that I can really think of would be illegal immigration.

  3. Assuming Bernie flames out tomorrow in MI,what are the chances of him leading a third party initiative in November given the number of seriously disenchanted ready to follow him.Something like the Pied Piper syndrome.

    1. “what are the chances of him leading a third party initiative in November”

      It won’t happen.

  4. No, Mr Kurtz, there are plenty of other majors with meaningful careers:
    Health practitioner preparation
    Hospitality business management
    Music education and also performance
    Ag school
    Vet school
    Ed school

    — David B Benson

    1. ed school, where they breed more apparatchiks. blech. a big growing failure

      music education is about the only thing outside of STEM that’s worth a bucket of spit in the “education” field

      what’s a “health practicioner?” you mean nursing school>? ok sure

      hospitality management is just another vague business track major that can be learned just as well ON THE JOB

      music performance. now there’s a joke. the best performers learn by doing. that includes in the realm of serious music, too. they gain precious little by time and money wasted at university unless it’s hooking up with coaches, or just getting performance opportunities at the overly funded school venues

      the main point is liberal arts is a dismal miasma, and there’s plenty of fluff in there which doesnt even rise to that level such as gender studies and other vague bastid cousins of sociology, which if it were practiced with some objectivity might yet be worthwhile, it just generally isnt

      one could go on and on about this, not that anybody getting a check from an overly funded university scheme would agree

      1. what’s a “health practicioner?” you mean nursing school>? ok sure

        Nursing school would be the most common option. There is also pharmacy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, optometry, clinical laboratory sciences, respiratory therapy, &c. The length of the programs vary.

        Cornell’s School of Hotel Administration was founded decades ago.

  5. Of course Sanders has energized millennials. Ask anyone if they want free stuff and the answer would be yes. The problem is that millennials received such a poor public school education that they do not understand that noting is free, or why socialism abuses human rights. You pay for it in taxes, fees, fines, permits, etc.

    It doesn’t matter what the cost is called, you pay for it.

    Bernie Sanders would plow our economy into the ground. He couldn’t make it in the private sector. He was allegedly a terrible carpenter. Instead of learning how to be a better carpenter, he struggled to make ends meet and coveted. Going into politics made him a millionaire.

    Hard work and personal responsibility is a tough sell compared to the guy throwing money out of a van. Aesop’s The Grasshopper and the Ants.

    1. I love the whole thing about legalizing pot. Talk about shooting fish in a barrel.

    2. You have missed the point. We are already paying with our taxes. The point is where the money goes. Should it go for more corporate bailouts? Oil and gas subsidies for very profitable corporations? As tax refunds to corporations that don’t pay taxes in the first place? And, of course, more billionaire and millionaire and corporate tax cuts? I prefer medical care for all. Several studies over the years have shown that a single payer system is far cheaper than what we pay in premiums, deductibles, and co-pays. Our military budget is bloated, yet our vets cannot get the care they need while the money goes to supporting endless wars and the corporations that make huge profits through cost plus contracts. It’s time for a radical change.

  6. One of the ironies of the ongoing Democratic primary is that Joe Biden’s campaign is best explained by a movie named Weekend at Bernie’s. Part of what’s supposed to make the movie funny is that you can’t believe no one can tell Bernie is dead. Is everyone blind, or not paying attention, or just too polite to ask the obvious questions?

    That’s how I feel about Joe Biden’s much diminished state. Unlike the title character of the film, of course, Biden is still very much alive and some of his old charm persists, at least intermittently, but there is no point—and considerable risk—in denying he’s lost a few steps. When I’ve watched the debates and then read pundits strain to avoid mentioning just how rambling and incoherent his answers were, or gloss over it all with half-joking references to “gaffes,” it’s exasperating. Biden’s decline is there for all to see, but only his most egregiously bizarre comments get much attention. What should be central to any discussion of Biden’s candidacy is either ignored or reduced to a side matter—it’s not that it’s never covered, but that it doesn’t seem to matter when it is. The press and the Democratic establishment, in other words, are like Larry and Richard in Weekend at Bernie’s, forgetting important things that did happen and remembering things that didn’t

  7. The Democratic Party is anything but democratic AND have been that way since 1909. There is nothing else to say about them. Their leadership can be defined as the Ruling Class of a Classless Society composed of regressive neo aristocrats known as the Establishment and now as The Resistance. There is nothing Constitutional about them including the phony claim of “Our Democracy.”.

    Thus ends the lesson.

  8. The way I look at history, 1968 was a pivotal year. That’s when lifelong Democrat George Wallace left the Democrat Party to run for president as an avowed segregationist and got creamed. After his resounding defeat Democrats had to finally acknowledge that values had changed and there was no longer a viable political market for the explicitly racist politics Democrats had relied on for power since the country’s founding.

    And that meant they had to create a new coalition to be competitive. They chose to appeal to every radical fringe group in society: male hating feminists; flaming homosexuals; militant black nationalists; environmental zealots; Weather Underground domestic terrorists; academic Marxists (and SDS); and anti-war student activists. The only thing all of these radicals had in common was a hatred for traditional morals and values. And especially hatred for white Christians.

    McGovern got creamed with this new coalition in ’72. Obama won with it in a landslide in ’08. In the intervening 36 years, the proverbial Gramscian “long march through the institutions” was completed.

    The historians and “smart people” call it a civil rights revolution. The result is that the former radicals have now amassed political power on par with the mainstream in the Democrat Party. I’m not sure that is the deal the Democrat establishment wanted when they were forced by competitive pressures to abandon their explicitly racist politics and embrace the radicals. I think they wanted to bring the radicals into the fold for their votes, and in return they’d work to gradually change cultural mores on social issues, but I’m not sure they ever wanted to radically change economic policy. They might be willing to accept a modest increase in tax rates of maybe 5% or so, but not much more than that. I say that because to get power, Obama and the Democrats demagogued the “Bush tax cuts for the rich” non-stop ad nauseum during the entire Bush presidency. Yet after Obama got elected they were only able to raise tax rates a couple percentage points on the very richest top 2% of wage earners.

    Oh well. Those billionaire Democrat donors on Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and Hollywood created this Bernie monster because they had so much contempt for traditional morality. Hopefully, their heads will be the first to roll if the new Bernie inspired Robespierres take to the streets after they lose.

    1. Interesting. The Wall Street money have professed to hate Sanders, I sometimes wonder if the Sanders phenomenon was a dreamt up answer to Occupy Wall Street sentiment and it spiraled beyond control.

      Same goes for Trump for that matter. Not around Wall Street sentiment….but he’s certainly been quite a financial boon to the ever increasing centralized media conglomerates.

    2. If you are going to write fiction using the Major Lame Stream Media Style is maybe not the best way to go since it’s mostly not very creative mysticism with nothing to back it up as having any connection with objective reality. i suppose it gives them something to calm their well founded fears of should I join the new Second Party now this one is destroyed or should I just move to another country. Two or three choices and dwindling fast

  9. Sanders On “This Week” Claims ‘Establishment’ Stoked Black Voters

    GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: When you joined us last Sunday, you were leading in delegates, look poised for a big lead coming out of Super Tuesday. Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, Michael Bloomberg all still in the race. How surprised were you by Super Tuesday and how do you explain it?

    SANDERS: Well, one of the things that I was kind of not surprised by is the power of establishment to force Amy Klobuchar, who had worked so hard, Pete Buttigieg, who, you know, really worked extremely hard as well, out of the race.

    What was very clear from the media narrative and what the establishment wanted was to make sure that people coalesced around [former vice president Joe] Biden and try to defeat me. So that’s not surprising.
    We are taking on, George, as I think everybody knows, the establishment. We’re taking on the corporate establishment. We’re taking on the political establishment. And what you are seeing now just in the last few weeks is Wall Street, the health-care industry, the billionaire class putting a lot of money into Joe’s campaign.

    Text Edited from: ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos” 3/8/20

    By now it is well-known that Black voters, more than anyone, provided the ‘firewall’ that halted Bernie’s momentum on Super Tuesday. Yet Bernie attributes Biden’s surge on the ‘political and corporate establishment’. How interesting! Until now Blacks were never linked to any political or corporate establishment.

    1. We’re taking on the corporate establishment. We’re taking on the political establishment. And what you are seeing now just in the last few weeks is Wall Street, the health-care industry, the billionaire class putting a lot of money into Joe’s campaign.

      Starts out talking out of one side the mouth and then finishes using the othere side. Tota value? Same old Bullshevik nothing.

    2. blacks have certainly been linked to the Democrat establishment., we all know that. your pretense at ignorance on that point is laughable and incredible. you ironically want to insult bernie for a lack of support among blacks and yet also pretend that they’re not part of the Dem establishment?

      not to say that black people can’t make up their own minds, they are free to support Biden for whatever good reasons they may have, or not. I won’t presume to dictate how they should vote. but to deny their seasoned political leaders are not part of a Dem establishment is deliberately misleading, if thats why you were trying to say

      1. Kurtz, dont Blacks know about the ‘Democratic Plantation’..?? I thought Blacks were all joining the ‘Walkaway Movement’. Though maybe I’ve been watching too much rightwing media.

        1. Democrat plantation are your words not mine

          Walkaway movement is small but they are free to cast their votes as they please

          1. Peter and his handlers believe that blacks should be whipped and beaten back into their plantations where they “belong”…the DNC welfare plantations, arguing “they owe us”.


            The Democrat Plantation

            ….the plantation system of the Democratic Party has gone through five phases, starting with the plantations that used black slaves, leading to today’s plantation system in which minorities are rendered dependent on Democrat policies, using wealth the party takes from American taxpayers.

            The key shift from the slave system of the South to today’s plantation system started with Martin Van Buren, the eighth president of the United States, from 1837 to 1841, and a leader of the New York Democratic Party. “Van Buren figured out that in the South there are slaves, but in the North there are poor penniless immigrants pouring into America: the Irish, the Italians, the Jews, and so on,” D’Souza said.

            According to D’Souza, Van Buren realized that while he couldn’t directly use the slave system elsewhere, he could “create a system in which these immigrants can be completely dependent on the Democratic Party.” The Democratic Party would give them food, job references, and occasional help with finding apartments. In exchange, the immigrants would vote the Democrats into power to enable them to take money from the U.S. Treasury to finance the programs.

            Through this system, D’Souza said, “the northern political machines which dominated the Democratic Party really for more than a century were themselves modeled on the slave plantation, except they didn’t use black slaves—they used newly arriving immigrants.”

            Under this new plantation system, D’Souza said, the Democratic Party conspired to “rip off the taxpayer, or the working man,” in order to finance the programs the party used to buy its votes. Meanwhile, he said, “the immigrant got the short end of the stick, because the immigrants were helpless. They didn’t know what was going on. They just ran into this Tammany machine in New York, for example, and it controlled their lives.”

            Tammany Hall was the Democratic political machine that dominated New York City politics from the early 19th century to the early 20th century, trading patronage for votes, particularly among new immigrants.

            As the Democrat plantation system developed over time, it eventually formed today’s plantation system. D’Souza described this as a “multi-racial plantation, in which the Democrats are essentially trying to reduce every ethnic group to a dependent constituency.”

            The Democrat social welfare programs financed by heavy taxation have largely targeted minority groups, he said, and have led to the often hopeless situations in today’s ghettos, barrios, and Native American reservations. He said, “All these places are very similar—they’re places where people are poor, where education is terrible, where nobody gets ahead, where families are in disarray, where there’s a lot of violence, and where there’s a lot of despair and nihilism, and where the vast, vast majority of people keep voting Democratic.


            1. Beatrix thinks Blacks are so stupid they dont any of this is happening.

  10. You have one phrase that is very telling in your essay, the Bernie folks want to do, I quote:
    “They see Sanders as a logical step to jolt the establishment and force real change.”
    They and Bernie want to FORCE change, that is Fascist/Socialist Dictatorship in a nut shell. And with that FORCING change, most socialist country leaders end up imprisoning or killing people who object. Bernie still will not renounce his support for Castro, the Former Soviet Leadership, Chavez and now Maduro all who “forced change”.

    1. Change is good. Not changing is bad. Ross Douthat just wrote a book stating we are a decadent society because we are stagnant

      From the New York Times columnist and bestselling author of Bad Religion, a powerful portrait of how our turbulent age is defined by dark forces seemingly beyond our control

      Today the Western world seems to be in crisis. But beneath our social media frenzy and reality television politics, the deeper reality is one of drift, repetition, and dead ends. The Decadent Society explains what happens when a rich and powerful society ceases advancing—how the combination of wealth and technological proficiency with economic stagnation, political stalemates, cultural exhaustion, and demographic decline creates a strange kind of “sustainable decadence,” a civilizational languor that could endure for longer than we think.

      Ranging from our grounded space shuttles to our Silicon Valley villains, from our blandly recycled film and television—a new Star Wars saga, another Star Trek series, the fifth Terminator sequel—to the escapism we’re furiously chasing through drug use and virtual reality, Ross Douthat argues that many of today’s discontents and derangements reflect a sense of futility and disappointment—a feeling that the future was not what was promised, that the frontiers have all been closed, and that the paths forward lead only to the grave.

      1. oh America is decadent but it is not stagnant.

        the ferment is mostly happening in technology. it may or not be a net positive effect in the end, but it will be a big effect, each and every new innovation that’s coming, just as the pc, internet, cell phones, etc have all been major game changes, now you have things like AI coming faster and quantum computing that will open up previously foreclosed changes. to say nothing of developments in biology such as CRISPR tech and other things.

        i won’t bother to check and see if Douthat has anything to say about that, from your blurb it appears not.

  11. I like Bernie but unfortunately he is advancing insane policies at this time.

    It’s a pity he can’t come forward with better plans to capitalize on the energy

    also, so many people are profoundly mislead, they misunderstand how many contemporary challenges have emerged, and they have all the wrong instincts for how to rectify things

    like college loans. the reality is universities are expensive social engineering rackets handing out perks to favored cliques. they do not educate, or at least not much, outside of STEM. and there never have been many “jobs” to be had outside of stem for which a 4 year undergraduate degree was good preparation anyhow. so many kids were tracked into undergrad who never could have benefited from it realistically in the first place. This was a decades long, massive failure of the left wing Democrat-bureaucrat dominated educational establishment.

    this has been the insight for quite some time. thankfully it is now catching on

    Trade unionists such as plumbers, electricians, etc knew this truth all along. However, in America, since I don’t know when, they have rarely been well served by their executive leadership.

  12. Totally agreed, Professor. And as a witness to what’s happening to the Democratic party, however this cycle turns out, what is clear is that old party business as usual just isn’t the future for the Dems. I actually thought one of HRC’s biggest mistakes in ’16 was not putting a progressive on the ticket. I realize she was playing standard vote counting politics by picking Tim Kaine (and all due respect to him) but to ignore what was going on with Bernie was shortsighted, even a bit blind.

    Having said that, Bernie in his first week as ‘frontrunner’ after the Nevada caucus made a handful of bad mistakes. Most kind of related to what his strengths tend to be. Interesting dynamic, that.

    I admire the supporters of Bernie and their resolve. I truly hope it continues on. At the very least it’s decent leverage on the incoming Biden administration and should add big influence on future policy.

    1. Paulie how about you get specific about what exact progressive policies credibly can deliver real social gains for america as a whole? if any?

      1. -universal health care coverage
        -sustainable energy generation policy
        -efforts at keeping old white guys out of woman’s wombs
        -voting rights fairly distributed
        -protecting progressive opinion on the supreme court
        -sane environmental policy

        for starters

        1. And hey, let’s keep it in the day…

          =solid health policy in dealing with epidemics and pandemics
          -and the old stand by…, dems understand what makes markets healthy, repubs understand how to drain the profits in an unhealthy way that topples trends. History tells us this numerically. I’m sure you don’t agree. But whatever.

        2. sorry to disappoint you, this old white guy successfully fertilized a woman’s womb and more than once

          my children may represent some small setbacks for your hoped for dreamed of goal of white racial extinction but I’m sure others will keep trying to advance this uh, what did I ask you for? progressive policies

          yeah that’s a very interesting policy:

          “keep old white man out of wombs”


          any you’re a white guy yourself is the most odd, bizarre, inexplicable thing. you hate your own kind, huh?

          1. you hate your own kind, huh?

            No, he hates you and me, because he fancies himself a visitor from a superior neighborhood.

        3. obamacare was a complicated package of practical approaches to problems in american health care systems

          “universal health care” or single payer plans, which would outlaw private insurance, is a very bad idea, staked out far to the left of obamacare, and you guys are totally nuts for thinking it would be a net improvement. just totally unmoored from proven factual reality.

          certainly that would not be an improevment for all americans. perhaps close to none. certainly not the poor and not the rich, probably, a worsening of care for all, which would be a huge bill, footed by the middle class, that would get screwed the worst. horrible ideas. here is where bernie is failing the worst, actually. sadly a lot of Dem voters believe the false promises which are made in these respects, maybe you too., gullible.

          1. Didn’t say Bernie’s policy, chin. Unrealistic approach to getting to a place where people are largely covered. Surprised you didn’t point out the basic reality that private insurance runs Medicare, a point Bernie never gets pressed on, and aside from cost, the roots of the basic impossibility of his plan..

            I say universal coverage as a tag line for stepping toward coverage for people who don’t have any. You know, just as a way try to quickly answer the answer queries of bitter old white guys on a blog at lunch time.

            I could share my own journey through the jungle that is health insurance but I’d just be mocked further. Besides, according to you, I have to get back to hating myself and my race.

        4. -universal health care coverage
          -sustainable energy generation policy
          -efforts at keeping old white guys out of woman’s wombs
          -voting rights fairly distributed
          -protecting progressive opinion on the supreme court
          -sane environmental polic

          ha ha ha. The term ‘social gains’ doesn’t mean what you fancy it means.

          1. “Universal Health Care” would require you settle on a rationing mechanism. Which means you’d have to think about trade-offs. You haven’t a clue because your mentality is suffused with magical thinking.

          2. “Sustainable energy generation policy”. Thanks for the incantation. Get back to me when you can define what this means.

          3. “Efforts at keeping old white guys out of women’s wombs”. What’s in a woman’s womb is an unborn child, properly protected by the law. Old white guys live here too and participate in the composition and administration of the law, though their ascribed traits are irrelevant to any serious discussion. And again, as formulated, it reveals that ‘progressives’ think in slogans and memes.

          4. “Voting rights fairly distributed”. I.e. a definition of suffrage which extends it to felons, aliens and juveniles and procedures of elections administration that allow for rampant impersonation, double-voting, and absentee ballot fraud.

          5. “Protecting progressive opinion on the Supreme Court” – i.e. promoting Laurence Tribe’s conception of constitutional jurisprudence, wherein any public policy contrary to gentry liberal prejudices is ‘unconstitutional’. You just need enough verbal trumpery, which law professors will supply for you.

          6. “Sane environmental policy”, formulated by people who haven’t a clue about the costs and benefits of various policy instruments.

          Note, in this personal, Gainesville is pretending to be about 55 years old, rather than his usual persona wherein he poses as 75 years old. (He was in fact born in 1945). Being puerile at 55 isn’t more defensible than being puerile at 75.

          1. 1. So what. Being covered is infinitely better than not being covered.
            2. Sustainable energy doesn’t require combustion. Without subsidy there is no way a system that has to generate the energy it collects and distributes can match a system that just collects and distributes. Part of this requires breaking up and rebuilding the distribution system.
            3. Ah, you’re a charmer! And you mumble to yourself about inane things. Bottom line, you need to listen for the pop around the public health issue of, well, keeping your filthy mits and depraved mind out of wombs that aren’t yours.
            4. Your paranoia actually matches your gullibility. Impressive feat.
            5. Please don’t sully any post with the word trumpery. It makes me laugh so hard I get hiccups.
            6. Rather environmental policy in line with science in conjunction with creating the economic engine to pull policy out of the barbarian ages.

            Born 1960. No effing idea who ‘Gainesville’ is …but clearly he must be an awesome guy because he’s clearly gotten way up your butt.

    2. At the very least it’s decent leverage on the incoming Biden administration
      There will be no Biden administration. Biden is the only candidate Trump can definitely beat. Sure Biden may get the popular vote but he will lose the electoral vote worse than Clinton did.

      1. Agreed on, like 2/3’s of this…

        Biden won’t lose the electoral vote worse than HRC. He’ll get at least one of the states she didn’t. Probably PA, He may get a bigger popular vote than she did and still lose though. I could see him winning by 5 million and still losing.

        To me, things boil down to who he picks as VP. HRC played insider vote counting with Tim Kaine, completely failing at recognizing the progressive influence in the party. And she didn’t excite enough black voters, so she did her best to depress voter turnout. And it was a low turnout election. Trump won with less votes than Romney lost with. Biden has some things going for him that HRC didn’t…all depends on how he plays his VP pick.

        But mainly, I wrote about “leveraging” the incoming Biden administration to send one of the KKK twins into conniptions because I totally love doing that. it makes me happy.

      2. And in all fairness, no predictions from me as to which candidate Trump could beat vs. who he couldn’t. Example: Bernie comes out of Nevada as ‘front runner’ of the the Dems and promptly makes 3 bonehead mistakes in the week following and gets spanked on super tuesday…

        It’s in these weird gaps that ‘who can beat who’ gets played out. Bernie has skated on this for awhile….the Bernie could’ve beaten Trump trope was popular in ’16. How? I happen to believe Trump’s style of campaigning would’ve been more successful against Bernie than it was against Clinton. And then there’s the fact Hillary beat Bernie by more than Obama beat her. Something over 3 million votes.

        Doe this mean Bernie would’ve definitely lost? No. Just means that no one knows til the game gets played.

  13. In 30 years of service, Bernard Sanders has personally sponsored 7 bills in the House and the Senate, 2 of which re-named post offices in his district.

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    Also, these claim Anonymous although I am logged in as
    David B Benson.

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    David B Benson.

  16. Ok, by being “logged in to my WordPress account” I can actually see the ‘Post Comment’ button. Otherwise this format covers up everything from the first “Notify …’ to the end of the form.

    1. Ho Hum, historically. The young supported JFK, also, but historically they rally, and historically they do not vote! I hope to be surprised, but I am placing no bets, as the track records is pretty long odds against winning. Sad.

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