“I Don’t Need A Lecture”: Pelosi Praises Biden For His Response To Sexual Assault Allegations Despite Biden Not Responding

220px-nancy_pelosiSpeaker Nancy Pelosi went on CNN to praise former Vice President Joe Biden for his response to the sexual assault allegations by former Biden staffer Tara Reade.  Biden however has not personally responded to the allegations and continues to refuse to release his Senate documents being kept under key by the University of Delaware.  We previously disclosed the glaring disconnect in the positions of Democrats like Pelosi in prior demands that women “must be believed” when the allegations were directed by Justice Brett Kavanaugh.  Pelosi also supported Bill Clinton through his various allegations by multiple women ranging from sexual harassment to rape. Update: When confronted on the story, Pelosi snapped “I don’t need a lecture.”

Pelosi told CNN

“Well, I have great sympathy for any women who brings forth an allegation; I’m a big strong supporter of the #MeToo movement. I think it’s made a great contribution to our country and I do support Joe Biden. I’m satisfied with how he has responded, I know him, I was proud to endorse him Monday, very proud to endorse him, so I’m satisfied with that.”

Pelosi was praising Biden for his response as even liberal media outlets are running editorials  and columns calling for Biden to respond rather than continue his silence. More importantly, Pelosi is not calling upon Biden to release his official papers and the media is not pressing her on these points.

Once again, I have always maintained that women need to be heard and taken seriously in raising these allegations.  I have also objected to those who would toss aside due process and simply accept accusations without investigation. Notably, while most are remaining silent and refusing to respond to media inquiries, some Democrats are now adopting that approach for Biden and, rather than saying that Reade must be believed, they are now saying that she must be heard.  Biden supporter Alyssa Milano tweeted out “I hear and see you, Tara.”  She notably did not say “I believe you,” in sharp contrast with the Ford allegation.  During the Kavanaugh hearing, some of us were slammed for not treating the Ford allegations as per se dispositive.  Now Pelosi is adopting the same position that accusers deserve to be heard and taken seriously but not categorically believed.

In the meantime, when Chris Hayes asked for a response from Biden on the sexual assault allegation, MSNBC viewers have called for him to be fired.  There is nothing more jarring in echo journalism than a dissonant note, even when asking for a simple direct response from a politician accused of rape.


131 thoughts on ““I Don’t Need A Lecture”: Pelosi Praises Biden For His Response To Sexual Assault Allegations Despite Biden Not Responding”

  1. What Response? And by the way Pelosi where’s your response to illegally seating the Squats in violation of Constitutional law?

  2. Pelosi relies upon Democrat voters to have instant amnesia. They must not recall that during Kavanaugh’s hearings, women must be believed. There must be some magical truth serum in the X chromosome, so that anyone with a double dose of it must be more truthful. Unless the woman is transgender, and then believing they have that extra X still grants the same advantage.

    She can count on voters not to reason that Biden did not, in fact, respond. As long as she keeps saying he does, voters will repeat her statements as a source.

    We need more critical reasoning in America, but we’re not going to get it from those who relied on a public school indoctrination. People learn how to reason on their own, outside of the classroom, sadly. That applies to universities, as well.

  3. Little Known About Reade’s Career Since 1993

    I just spent some time googling Tara Reade with different search terms in an effort to learn what she has done since her her alleged assault by Joe Biden.

    Surprisingly little has been written regarding Reade’s life these past 27 years. The timeline is vague. Reade married in the 1990’s and lived in the Midwest. But her husband was abusive which led to a failed marriage.

    Reade left her husband and moved west. In California she worked for a State Senator and Animal Rescue non-profits. Then, at some point, she became an ‘actress’ and ‘writer’. Though it is hard to determine if Reade has actually supported herself through acting and writing. Therefore Reade’s level of wealth is difficult to assess.

    One should note that Kavanaugh Accuser, Christine Blassy-Ford is a respected academic married to a professional. The Ford’s, by all accounts, seem to be upper middle class by California standards. There was no sense that Blassy-Ford needed money or attention.

    But Tara Reade comes with many question marks. One senses the possibility Reade might really need attention and money.

      1. David, I’m amazed that Tara Reade could get so much attention while remaining largely under the radar in terms of personal life.

        One would assume by now that anyone could google a news story describing Reade’s life story. But my search for such a story turned up oddly little.

        1. Seth Warner, my amateur opinion is that she is in need of mental health counseling.

          1. DBB – Karen S is back in da house.

            On a different note, there is a fruit with the slang term Gnip. Fact. I thought you would like to know. I googled Gnip and the Caribbean fruit popped up.

            1. Used to respond to a ping with an ack, but ping…gnip is symmetric and so much nicer.


              1. 👏👏👏. I should have guessed that, reversal…should know, the simplest answers is usually the right answer.

                Sry for the delay, I was doing my nightly reading…this time, Jahbulon, which is apparently a combo of Jehovah, Ba’al, and Osiris. That is quite the combo.

                1. That is some freemason stuff: caveat – not a dude, thus not a freemason, so I guess I will never know…but interesting, nonetheless…

                  I wonder how Manly P. Hall fits into the masons. There is a philosophical reading society here in CA, looks pretty sweet. When CV19 is over, I am going…

                  1. Manly P Hall was a theosophist. Freemasonry antedates theosophy. Both presume to share esoteric knowledge with devotees. Both are inspired by medieval hermeticism to some degree.

                    You can unpack that if you really want to know WW33 but neither the freemasons nor the theosophists are quite what they used to be.

                    1. Mr. Kurtz, that is some fascinating statements. Not sure how or why I became interested in these topics, but nonetheless…🤓…I will look into it.

                  1. Hi Paul – No, I should get on it though, he and I are the same age, btw…random thought…Ill sign up.

                    And the the philosophical research* society in Los Angeles. The hours are short.

                    1. WW33 – you do know he re-edits arcane books into modern English and sells them on Amazon? f you go thru his back channel he has stuff on a lot of the stuff you are interested in. 😉

                    2. Paul – Let me check out his Amazon. He’s a married man, Paul. I know you tried to go there once before…that is not a line to be X. He and I are also probably related genetically through some ancestors. I have a hunch. Although, that can be said about a lot of folks…the Genghis Khan phenomenon, a prolific lover, as some say…

                      I did like his UFO clip, where he slipped in a nod to Operation Paperclip/Nasa.

                      Speaking of Germans, I wonder if he has anything on the Thule Society. He probably does…

                    3. WW33 – I remember the History Channel doing several docos on the Thule Society when they were the Hitler Channel. I am sure there is stuff on YouTube. It is an odd group of psychotic Nazis. 😉

                    4. WW33 dont waste your time with all the lesser garbage.. Skip the doritos snacks and go straight to the rooted cornfield…. go straight to Julius Evola if you want to know about estoricism. Plenty of books in print on amazon. Skip Manly P Hall and you can skip Blavatsky.

                      Read evola’s Revolt against the Modern world and then the book on hermeticism if you are really interested in that. then there is a short monograph on freemasonry by Evola that is very sharp. a faster read the book by Abbe Barruel, which is good, but a different perspective.

                      Rene Gueonon is another at the same level of Julius Evola. Traditionalism.

                      or Frithjof Schuon. perennial-ism. This is all more philosophically sound stuff than Hall and Blavatsky.

    1. “One should note that Kavanaugh Accuser, Christine Blassy-Ford is a respected academic married to a professional. The Ford’s, by all accounts, seem to be upper middle class by California standards.”

      This is who Paint Chips is, a wannabe elitist who thinks degrees and money are what constitute a decent person whose credibility should be valued. Reade has lead a relatively quiet life and Paint Chips can’t find anything bad about her so he judges her based on CLASS. Ford according to him must be right because she had a degree, money and was married to a professional. This is not the thinking process of a normal intelligent person.

    2. So: you don’t know for sure if she’s rich or not, which leads to the obvious conclusion she’s lying–whereas as Mrs. Blassey-Ford is affluent and is therefore much more credible.

      To quote the Dread Pirate Roberts, “Truly you have a dizzying intellect.”

      To turn a phrase: Never get involved in a land war in Asia, and never go in against Seth Warner when death is on the line!

      1. never go in against Seth Warner when death is on the line!

        It is your own darned fault. “Seth” has stated you have been trying to be me not accounting for the fact I cant even be me some of the time, and definitely cant be from Kentucky all the time. Had you been you from Kentucky and not me from Cuba, “Seth” might have recalled that famous quote by Oscar Wilde, “Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken.”

        The least you could have done to have made it worth our while was to have provided a few cases of Maker’s Mark.

        NB: I went to MM when I visited Gethsemane in the 80s. Both were great experiences but other than that, ….Kentucky? Seriously?

        1. Sorry, Estovar: I’m not affluent enough to buy bourbon by the case I guess Seth would consider me a liar.

          (Jim Beam for me, please)

    3. In wikipedia we couldn’t allow you as an editor to put that passage into one of our articles. It’s mealy-mouthed hypocrisy which replaces logical analysis of the issues at play in Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations and Tara Reade’s.

      Reade left her husband and moved west. In California she worked for a State Senator and Animal Rescue non-profits. Then, at some point, she became an ‘actress’ and ‘writer’. Though it is hard to determine if Reade has actually supported herself through acting and writing. Therefore Reade’s level of wealth is difficult to assess.One should note that Kavanaugh Accuser, Christine Blassy-Ford is a respected academic married to a professional. The Ford’s, by all accounts, seem to be upper middle class by California standards. There was no sense that Blassy-Ford needed money or attention.

      In a mealy-mouthed manner, you manage to imply that Tara Reade exposed herself to a storm of partisan obloquy for some wholly conjectural payday in the future, or that she’s been compensated in some way now. Crowdfunding of over US$600,000 for Christine Blasey Ford is in the public record. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6218447/Crowdfunding-campaign-support-Christine-Blasey-Ford-raises-half-million-dollars.html

      But keep on making shadow puppets instead of dealing with facts.

    4. One should note that Kavanaugh Accuser, Christine Blassy-Ford is a respected academic married to a professional. The Ford’s, by all accounts, seem to be upper middle class by California standards.

      Actually, she’s a rank-and-file tests-and-measurements psychologist of no special distinction. She’s participated in a great many research projects as someone practiced at data analysis. That’s what she does. She does not design or execute her own projects and has not done so for over 20 years. The institution she works for is a stand-alone professional school which trains clinicians. It’s a private institution without much of a pedigree (founded in 1975).

      It was pretty cute that the ‘statement of support’ circulating a year and a half ago was signed by her husband’s relatives, not hers.

    5. Seth, what an arrogant remark. So are you intimating that Reade is poor and poor women aren’t to be believed?

      This is a typical Democrat functionary type viewpoint

      I have noticed that the Republicans have much become the party of the private sector working class and the Democrats the party of the snobbish and haughty government workers class.

      And this is what their conversations sound like.

      Now in case you didn’t know this, “upper middle class” people are as money motivated as anybody, and certain kinds of women in every social class adore attention. Why else s Kim Kardashian, just to take one example of a woman who is fabulously rich, out there still posting her quasi nude selfies?

      1. The Democrats are not the party of government workers. They are the party of occupational guilds who are commonly (but not universally) found in public bureaucracies. They are the party of the education and social work apparat, the party of the bar (rank-and-file small practitioners excepted), the party of the media-and-entertainment sector, the party of certain ascribed groups (blacks, Puerto Ricans, California chicanos, non-observant Jews), the party of labor meatheads.

      2. Whether she’s money-motivated or not, Occam’s razor says she’s a fabricator. That’s perfectly obvious, but they’re dancing all over the checkerboard to avoid acknowledging that.

  4. Either cancel Biden or shut up with the “we believe all women” stuff you say when a Republican is accused. Those are your only intellectually honest choices. I always seek proof, but you didn’t when your political opponents were accused— so be consistent or be a hypocrite. – Brandon Darby

    1. Thanks for sharing that. The poor conservation of RNA viral genomes results in a scary multiplicity of mutant strains of coronaviruses. Our house cats can harbor the coronavirus which causes feline infectious peritonitis in the same way that SARS_CoV2 can exist in a large part of the human population without symptoms – after crossing over from an animal host in China (could be bats, could be civet cats. t

      There’s never been more than a 95% identity between zoonotic and human forms of what we call SARS_CoV2 (unless threre’s been work I haven’t read yet – I’m not a virologist,.just an interested onlooker.

  5. Pelosi Praises Biden For His Response To Sexual Assault Allegations Despite Biden Not Responding To Sexual Assault Allegations

    Do you all realize this headline could have come from the Babylon Bee?

    1. The Congressional Democratic leaders’ public announcements have been cynical farce since Trump was sworn in.

      Now they’ve gotten into surreal comedy – the Babylon Bee doesn’t have to move as far from reality as the Squad, Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi do on a weekly basis.

  6. Pelosi may not feel she needs lecturing but many in the world feel they need guidance and reason to have hope considering our current milieu. At home we will be praying the Rosary for the month of May as a family with the rest of the Catholic Church. Join us!

    Downloadable publication of Pope’s prayers and homilies now available

    The Dicastery for Communication of the Holy See is making available a downloadable book entitled “Strong in the Face of Tribulation”, containing prayers, supplications and the Pope’s homilies as “a sure support in time of trial”.

    Strong in the Face of Tribulation is available for download free of charge on the website of the Vatican’s publishing house, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, in PDF format. It is currently available in English, Italian, Spanish and French.


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