“Don’t Let Them Vaccinate You”: Farrakhan Warns Africans That Dr. Fauci Is Trying To Kill Them

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It is bad enough when you become a political rally cry for the right as a man trying to destroy our economy or instill fear into the nation.  Now, Dr. Anthony Fauci is being called a mass murderer who, with the cabal of Bill and Melinda Gates, are seeking to “depopulate the Earth.” That is hardly the most deranged thing that Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, 87, has uttered, but it may be the most dangerous. Farrakhan is encouraging people to refuse vaccinations, a problem that is already causing world health leaders concerns in Africa.  This is viewed as the new “epicenter” for the pandemic with Africans facing a threat with the need to protect hundreds of millions of Africans.  Health officials will need their cooperation but they have now heard from Farrakhan who has declared that, if they want to live, “Do not take their medication.”

In this Fourth of July remarks, Farrakhan declared that

“They’re making money now, plotting to give seven billion, five-hundred million people a vaccination. Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates and Melinda — you want to depopulate the Earth. What the hell gave you that right? Who are you to sit down with your billion to talk about who can live, and who should die?

… I say to my brothers and sisters in Africa, if they come up with a vaccine, be careful. Don’t let them vaccinate you with their history of treachery through vaccines, through medication.” 

He added “That’s why your world is coming to an end quickly, because you have sentenced billions to death, but God is now sentencing you to the death that you are sentencing to others.”

This could not come at a worst time for Africa which could face a devastating loss of life from this pandemic if officials cannot get cooperation in accepting the developing vaccines.

I grew up in Chicago and watched local and national figures avoid direct confrontations with Farrakhan throughout the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s despite his hateful views. Years of enabling this virulent anti-Semite has allowed him to foster a worldwide following. Now, he is combining his signature conspiracy theories to a world pandemic in a way that could cost millions of lives.  Farrakhan has flourished due to mixed signals from leaders, including appearances with him by leaders like current Minnesota Attorney General (and former Democratic National Committee leader) Keith Ellison. (After anti-Semitic comments in 2018, some of these figures did publicly criticize Farrakhan). Figures like the Rev. Al Sharpton and the Rev. Jesse Jackson have repeatedly appeared with this race-baiting maniac. Indeed, the failure to denounce Farrakhan was previously an attack by Hillary Clinton against Barack Obama.  Yet, both Bill and Hillary Clinton were criticized for appearing at a funeral with Farrakhan.

In truth, few of these leaders can be fairly criticized as supporting Farrakhan’s views and many have criticized such comments.  Indeed, his support is hardly helpful for most politicians, including his statement that he likes what he sees in Donald Trump.  However, he still seems to linger on the edges of our politics and still has defenders among influential figures.  Most recently, CNN’s Jake Tapper was told by actor Ice Cube to “Watch your mouth Jake” after Tapper tweeted that “Farrakhan is a vile anti-LGBTQ anti-Semitic misogynist. Why is a Fox channel airing his propaganda?” Other influential figures have defended Farrakhan.

Figures like Juan Williams have criticized the political use of Farrakhan and his connections to Democratic leaders as a political cudgel.  He correctly points out that many leaders did denounce Farrakhan’s anti-Semitic comments. However, it is also true that Farrakhan is dismissed as a fringe figure when he clearly holds sway with millions of people.  While it is true that he should not be used to unfairly paint others as a sympathizers, he has highlighted his association with many leaders and it is important for society as a whole to continue to denounce his hateful and unhinged rhetoric.

856px-Anthony_S._Fauci,_M.D.,_NIAID_Director_(26759498706)Claiming that Dr. Fauci is the secret leader of a global genocide conspiracy would ordinarily be comical if it were not for the fact that millions of Africans could die from this advice.  Farrakhan is taken seriously by many around the world, even in denouncing Bill and Melinda Gates who have spent fortunes on health and development projects in Africa.

Farrakhan is no joke.  He is not a clown.  His rhetoric has always been dangerous and requires continuing outcry from across our political spectrum. What he is now declaring in Africa is a real threat to the very existence of African communities and culture as they face a horrific pandemic spread.

319 thoughts on ““Don’t Let Them Vaccinate You”: Farrakhan Warns Africans That Dr. Fauci Is Trying To Kill Them”

    1. David,

      You’re way off the wrong thread here… Climate change BS again….

      It’s Summer here, highly likely it’ll be hotter the hell in Oklahoma, with a hint of humidity… just a guess.

      Ball Washers are in short supply!

  1. I’ll explain this. I have a hypothesis. Things are often not about what they seem.

    Louis F. understands demographics is a source of social power.

    He also knows who is handing out more “reproductive health technology” etc in Africa than anybody: Gates Foundation. Bill & Melinda together are the “Margaret Sanger” of Africa

    And Louis knows that a massive vaccination campaign will spread that alongside the vaccine.
    It could reduce the average family size in Africa down to a replacement level within a few years, quite possibly. If Gates gets it done.
    That will open up a new era of peaceful development in Africa– but it will also slow the growth of the African as a percentage of world population. This will curtail democraphic power.– of a gbroup that respects Louis as a leader, whether white folks like it or not. Hence, Louis is against it.

    I don’t know if my hyothesis or its premises are right or not. But, could be. Well, best not to see the glass as half empty.

  2. I’m no fan of Farrakhan but even a broken clock is right twice a day. Even by the most rational, mainstream standards, nobody should be expected to have a vaccine forced on them, especially one that has been cooked up in record time. It is simply not safe. I was just listening to a leftist German doctor talk about this very subject. This cuts across party lines. Africa has been doing great with Covid, as others have pointed out, because they’ve been using HCQ since the get-go. As Prof. Raoult said, rich countries are not used to dealing with emerging diseases. They take the approach that, oh boy, we have to develop the perfect cure, and they lack the sense of urgency that we saw very clearly in our country. Poor countries are used to emerging diseases and they are used to improvisation using what they have. In this case, they got lucky with HCQ. And if you have a pulse and you haven’t seen Plandemic and at least asked yourself some questions about Fauci then I don’t know what to say. He wrote a paper in 05 on the beneficial effects of HCQ on coronaviruses. Then all of a sudden in 2020 HCQ is a dangerous medication that is going to kill everyone. Meanwhile remdesevir, which is not even FDA approved, has been proven to not improve survival rates, has such bad side effects that many patients have to be taken off it, and of which the long-term side effects are not known, and which is extremely expensive, somehow gets fast tracked. To not even question Fauci’s motives seems extremely naive.

  3. “The proof is you, Allan. Unable to understand science.”

    Hellvis, if what you say were true then you wouldn’t have any difficulty in proving that what I said was wrong. Instead you fill the blog with empty rhetoric. It’s good that your spell checker works or you would be of no use at all.

    1. The day he’d become of use to you would be a real red alarm day for him is my best guess, Allan.

  4. So relieved to see people not drinking the mandated vaccine koolaid here. Please keep questioning and refusing this take over of our bodies. Our bodies, our choice – if we can get to chose whether we abort our children we get to chose whether our DNA is updated by an mRNA or mDNA Moderna vaccine. And John, how about doing some basic research on COVID deaths in Africa before you start wringing your hands over how many people are dying there. Thanks to HCQ and it’s $20 price tag people AREN’T dying of COVID in Africa. Death rates are a 10% of those in Europe and North America. Start by googling the per capita death rates in South Africa, which right now is the leading country in terms of cases.

  5. As much as you would like to discount Farrakan, he is right in what he’s saying. Gates Foundation “Vaccines” have been found to sterilize recipients in Africa or outright killing them. We don’t need a vaccine for Covid. We have HCQ and Z-tab. Big Pharma is determined to make money off of this whether they should or not. Fauci is their shill.

  6. Hey Professor, thanks for your well balanced post on Farrakhan. It comes as a great bookend to your pointing out the irresponsibility of the president, and absolute bungling of CV-19 response…

    Oh wait. My bad. You were just pointing out at what’s going on in the distance as a deflection.

    I stand corrected.

    Not that Farrakhan’s approach isn’t short sighted and false…, it’s more that HE’S NOT THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

  7. I’m really looking forward to participating in the Great Involuntary Experimental Vaccine Study of 2021. Yes sir.

    1. You simple must get you a White Lab Coat if you’re to play their game.

      Or a Pink Sweater like Bill Gates & his pal Mark zSuckerbird at a failed co FB. 😉

      And then we win.

    1. Good morning all. How is it that anyone disagreeing or dissenting publicly or overtly with intents and acts of injuries and destruction or socio-political movements that create disorder/civil unrest are sanctioned, demeaned and even publicly defamed without proper legal process? History tells us that these tactics lead to severe civil issues. Why everyone has to publicly complain instead of discussing and agreeing? Is the Covid19 restrictions making people insane? What causes these tensions to deluge? Whether is right or unacceptable, where are the mature adults to mitigate this social issue… the leaders? If “juveniles” are the new leaders, the Forefathers and The Statue of Liberty may soon walk off the USA! Be well.

  8. Yeah John, be careful not to look at the evidence for Farrakhan’s beliefs. The Global Establishment with Gates and Fauci playing a prominent role are extreme environmentalists that want depopulation. Can’t consider that, now can we?

    1. David Benson is the God Emperor of Making Stuff Up and owes me forty-five citations (one from the OED, one from the town ordinances and two from the Old Testament), an equation and the source of a quotation, and his mental health professional certificate after eighty-two weeks, and needs to cite all his work from now on. and is suffering from cementia – This one seems to have lost it’s mooring. Not sure what you are saying No, to.

  9. Paul C Schulte — I recommend seeking help to a variety of people; doesn’t take a license to do so.

    You are seriously uncivil.

    Seek assistance.

    1. David Benson is the God Emperor of Making Stuff Up and owes me forty-five citations (one from the OED, one from the town ordinances and two from the Old Testament), an equation and the source of a quotation, and his mental health professional certificate after eighty-two weeks, and needs to cite all his work from now on. and is suffering from cementia – There is nothing uncivil about demanding citing for the Stuff you Make Up.

  10. Paul C Schulte, no.

    I’m about ready to report you to Jonathan Turley for repeatedly violating the Civility Code.

    Seek help.

    1. David Benson is the God Emperor of Making Stuff Up and owes me forty-five citations (one from the OED, one from the town ordinances and two from the Old Testament), an equation and the source of a quotation, and his mental health professional certificate after eighty-two weeks, and needs to cite all his work from now on. and is suffering from cementia – Please report me and cc me.

  11. Paul C Schulte, not only no, but Hell no!

    I’m about ready to report you to Jonathan Turley for repeatedly violating the Civility Code.

    Seek help.

    1. David Benson is the God Emperor of Making Stuff Up and owes me forty-five citations (one from the OED, one from the town ordinances and two from the Old Testament), an equation and the source of a quotation, and his mental health professional certificate after eighty-two weeks, and needs to cite all his work from now on. and is suffering from cementia – I do not know what your problem is with civility. You accuse me of needing mental health, something you are not licensed to diagnose, and even if you were, are ethically prevented from doing it at long distance. That, I think, is a violation of the Civility Code. I think you need to go back and read the Civility Code. Find a real computer so you can read it in big typeface.

  12. I think Farrakahn got this one right.
    We have that criminal Fauci who illegally funded a bioweapon in China and the other
    criminal Gates running around killing and maiming people all over the earth with his vaccines.

  13. Paul C Schulte, this is a free speech blog. In addition, I have some knowledge of mental health issues. I have previously written about this matter but for you, it seems to go in one ear and out the other.

    Go seek help.

    1. David Benson is the God Emperor of Making Stuff Up and owes me forty-five citations (one from the OED, one from the town ordinances and two from the Old Testament), an equation and the source of a quotation, and his mental health professional certificate after eighty-two weeks, and needs to cite all his work from now on. and is suffering from cementia – if you said something about your supposed expertise, I must have missed. I might have double-clicked on the delete button and deleted your post without seeing it. I do apologize for missing that important missive. If you could send it again, I would appreciate it. Tomorrow is the day I change your banner, so tempus fugits.

    1. David Benson is the God Emperor of Making Stuff Up and owes me forty-five citations (one from the OED, one from the town ordinances and two from the Old Testament), an equation and the source of a quotation, and his mental health professional certificate after eighty-two weeks, and needs to cite all his work from now on. and is suffering from cementia cementia is really settling, David. I know you like to think of yourself as a keyboard warrior, however, you need a bigger keyboard.

  14. Paul C Schulte the Compleat Fool — I am not a mental health professional. You are not competent to judge.

    You violate the blog civility-rule, once again.

    1. David Benson is the God Emperor of Making Stuff Up and owes me forty-five citations (one from the OED, one from the town ordinances and two from the Old Testament), an equation and the source of a quotation, and his mental health professional certificate after eighty-two weeks, and needs to cite all his work from now on. and is suffering from cementia – if you are not a mental health professional, why do you continue to diagnosis the mental fake mental illness of people on this blog?

    1. David Benson is the God Emperor of Making Stuff Up and owes me forty-five citations (one from the OED, one from the town ordinances and two from the Old Testament), an equation and the source of a quotation, and his mental health professional certificate after eighty-two weeks, and needs to cite all his work from now on. and is suffering from cementia I know your cementia has really kicked in tonight, however is there anyone on the blog that you think is both sane and at your intellectual level. Now, this is a three parter and the person has to sane (we are still waiting for your mental health professional certification), must be at your intellectual level AND participate in the blog. An explanation for the first two categories will be required of at least one hundred words. Clean Blue Books are in the back of the room.

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