A Sound of Transcendent Beauty and Defiance from the Bomb Shelters of Ukraine

The world has watched in utter disgust at the wanton destruction of Ukraine by Russia. However, in the very midst of the ruins left in the wake of this invasion, the indomitable spirit and beauty of humanity has broken through in the actions of brave Ukrainians. The video below is one of the most beautiful and inspiring moments that I have seen. It is overwhelming and I wanted to share it with anyone who has not seen it.  It shows 94 violinists in 29 countries joining young Ukrainian violinist Illia Bondarenko as he plays in a bunker with the Russian onslaught attacking Kyiv above him.

There are nine other young violinists in bomb shelters in the video and they are joined by some of the greatest violinists in the world from  the London Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo Philharmonic, Oslo Philharmonic, the Hollywood Studios, and other cities. They are playing the Ukrainian folk song Verbovaya Doschechka.

It shows how beauty and humanity can rise even above the bombs and savagery of war.

There is also this beautiful scene of a woman in a bomb shelter playing for her fellow Ukrainians:

74 thoughts on “A Sound of Transcendent Beauty and Defiance from the Bomb Shelters of Ukraine”

  1. We have a government that is afraid to do anything because it is too afraid of provoking Russia.


    1. Russia is afraid of provoking us. That is why it doesn’t go further, and that is why Russia went after Ukraine under Biden and not under Trump. Putin also went after Ukraine under Obama/Biden. Weakness leads our enemies to believe that they can win. The Ukrainian people are spilling blood, which might make China think a second time.

      It is astonishing how much more peaceful the world was under Trump and how much more suffering the American population faces under Biden.

  2. I bet that Mespo was more than happy to give his lunch money to the bully, giving up a little financial liberty for the safety of
    not being giving a black eye, a bloody nose, or a fat lip. Mespo would have all of us live under the same oppressive status quo.

    1. Aninny:

      “I bet that Mespo was more than happy to give his lunch money to the bully, giving up a little financial liberty for the safety of not being giving a black eye, a bloody nose, or a fat lip.”
      Actually, I think I had two dust ups with bullies in the school yard. I left both confrontations with the nickname “Tiger.” I spent my Friday nights and some Saturday afternoons defending slight-framed people from brutish tacklers. Since then I’ve taken on oppressive governments, bullying corporations, unfair insurers with generally good results for little guys. I think my anti-bullying record matches or exceeds yours. Let’s see. Spout away.

  3. The leader of an illegitimate invasion doesn’t get to decide what constitutes a legitimate target. From Ukraine’s perspective (the right perspective), Russian fighter jets and tanks should be legitimate targets.

    So we’re supposed to let our behavior be determined by someone with the power to destroy? That’s no way to live. Germans had machine guns pointed at American soldiers on Normandy, but that didn’t stop the Americans. It seems that any country that is not a NATO country is a de facto santcuary for enemy forces, to do whatever they want to the people and and buildings. Russians are the enemies. We should hit our enemies wherever they are, to weaken them, even if the enemy is in a non-NATO country. This self-imposed restriction not to enter Ukraine is irrational. The charter should be amended to account for this. It’s irrational to let your enemy have a sanctuary. But that’s what Article 5 does. NATO charter should be amended so that enemies are attacked no matter where they are.

    1. You are advocating world war where opposing sides both have nuclear powers.

      NATO countries and other countries are providing many kinds of support: weapons, intel, sanctions, accepting refugees, …
      Escalation to WW3 is not the answer.

  4. All this could have been avoided if we simply agreed that Ukraine should be neutral and demilitarized. This war is something the neocons and neolibs wanted. Our anger should be directed at them, the media cheering it on, and our useful idiot citizenry that falls for this nonsense.

    We are getting mighty close to nuclear war. Maybe after an American or European city gets nuked we´ll ask ourselves why we willingly went down this path. The Russian economy is roughly the size of Spain or Italy…they are not a threat to the world save for their massive nuclear arsenal.

    1. I disagree with your take on this. Putin is coldly calculating and it would not have been avoided if Ukraine was neutral and demilitarized. Putin most likely wants to extend “his” borders back to post WW2. If there was no western response he would have calculated that NATO would not live up to Article 5 and then tried to grab Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Romania, etc. He doesn’t have an army large enough to accomplish all that but I view Ukraine as a first step. As long as anyone has nuclear warheads there is always the risk that they would be used so the propensity for any city getting ‘nuked’ is always there. All you need is one person to decide they have nothing to lose.

      1. If we signed a treaty with Putin then this definitely would not have happened. Breaking such a treaty would lead to a direct war that Russia knows they could never win. The Russians aren’t dumb. They also know NATO would never fail to live up to Article 5 and you are foolish to think that’s even a possibility- utter nonsense.

        You’re falling for Western propaganda when you think that Putin is some sort of madman in total control of Russia. The Russians have been remarkably restrained in the face of endless provocations and the government is united in its actions…this not about Putin. And our government knows that full well.

        We have known forever that pushing NATO into Ukraine is an existential threat to the entirety of the Russian government yet we brazenly stepped over the red line and refuse to step back. The ONLY conclusion that can be drawn is that we wanted Russia to invade Ukraine so that we can weaken them. This is very similar to what happened in Afghanistan in 1979: read Zbignew Brezinski. We secretly funded the jihadis in 1979 with the specific aim to provoke Russia to invade and draw it into it´s own Vietnam. This truth didn’t come out until the late 90´s…most are still unaware of it.

    2. I blame Russia, specifically, Putin.

      How disgusting that you blame others and do not condemn Putin.

      1. How disgusting that you can not engage in reasoned debate. Keep following the orders coming from the TV set like a good little robot. Stop being a coward and start thinking for yourself.

        1. You aren’t engaging in a reasoned debate when you say things like “Keep following the orders coming from the TV set like a good little robot.”

          I don’t even own a TV, and you had zero evidence on which to base your claim that I’m “following the orders coming from the TV.”

          I AM thinking for myself. I disagree with you. Can you accept that a person thinking for themself can disagree with you? (If not, then you’re arrogant in addition to having difficulty reasoning.)

          You aren’t engaging in reasoned debate when you assert “All this could have been avoided if we simply agreed that Ukraine should be neutral and demilitarized” as if it’s a fact, but provide no evidence for your claim.

          It’s a fact that in your 10:28 AM comment, you did not condemn Putin, even though he is the single person with the most responsibility for starting this war. It is wrong for him to have ordered the invasion of a country that had not attacked Russia. (And yes, the US has also been wrong for the same reason with other countries, and it has cost us in lives, billions, and international relations.)

          1. You obviously haven’t been paying attention to the last 20 years let alone the last 2 months. Russia asked for negotiations to end NATO expansionism onto it´s borders…something top American officials have openly acknowledged is a red line for Russia over the past two decades.

            I condemn Biden and our leaders because they are the ones most responsible for this war. We instigated a coup in Ukraine and then proceeded to arm it while they waged war on the ethnic Russians in the Donbass. Imagine if the Soviets had done the same to us with Mexico. Good lord.

            Keep running with crowd if that makes you feel good.

      2. Blaming Putin, a thug, and an aggressor is only part of the problem. Stupid people forget that American strength deters the Putins of the world. Biden is the other half of the coin that let Putin move forward. Biden not only permitted the war to happen through weakness, graft and feckless policy, but he financed Putin’s war by wrecking our oil economy.

  5. I live in a college town in the Northeast. I watch the college kids walking around glued to their phones, can’t tell time without a phone, can’t count money, can’t read a map. , I listen to clients who complain that when they interview job applicants the person lists all the things they expect the employer to give them, this after no job experience because they have ‘hung out’ during the several years since they graduated, expect $25/hr, and dress for an interview as if they were going to a flea market. I listen to the servers (college age +) in a restaurant complain that they have worked ten hours that week and are too tired, want to make more money, but not work more hours. I listen to clients tell me about offering jobs to people, who accept them, who then never show up or call. I watch the news about Ukraine, the people who are trying their best to survive and fight for their country, and have to think that if this country is ever attacked/invaded we are in real trouble. Probably the only ones willing to defend (outside of the military) are us old codgers who realize that freedom is tenuous, needs to be nurtured, and fought for.
    This video was wonderful and I am very glad that Prof Turley posted it.

  6. What if there was an earthquake in Mongolia? Would Mespo discourage doctors and humanitarian workers from going there because it’s not in Nebraska? Man-made or naturual, a disaster is a disaster is a disaster.

    1. Aninny:

      “What if there was an earthquake in Mongolia? Would Mespo discourage doctors and humanitarian workers from going there because it’s not in Nebraska? Man-made or naturual, a disaster is a disaster is a disaster”
      Right. Earthquakes, typhoons and volcanos all have ICBMs pointed at us. Do you read your junk before you post it? Either you don’t or you’re 13-years-old.

  7. What is it to Mespo if people want to care about Ukraine? Isolationists seem to think they own the military.

    1. Aninny:

      “What is it to Mespo if people want to care about Ukraine? “
      Care all you want. Run into the streets wailing and gnashing your teeth. Rent your garments, don sack cloth and smear ashes on you. Engage in self immolation. I’m all in for that. Don’t ask me to risk me and mine for your little virtue war. It’s no business or interest of ours. As for owning the military, they’re people. We gave that little notion up in 1863. Nobody owns them.

  8. This is one-sided since they (MSM) have cut off the Russians. I do appreciate the thought, though.

    1. Paul:
      Typical propagandist move. Russians don’t have a side or sad stories or play violins. Amazing how easy it is to manipulate the weak-minded into acting against their own self-interest with a cascade of lies.Remember the “martyrs” of Snake Island? They don’t.

    2. What do you mean by “they (MSM) have cut off the Russians”?

      Russia is blocking diverse media in Russia and reporters within Russia are threatened with imprisonment if they report accurately on the war.

  9. The music was beautiful, the attack on the Ukrainian people by the Moscow Madman ugly. Hopefully they will bleed the Moscow Madman enough that he’ll stop and retreat?
    On the other hand we in the US are in conflict as well. An incompetent administration and it’s media lackey, prices at the pump, unregulated borders, food prices moving the direction of fuel, inflation did I mention inflation, crime and punishment out of sync.
    So yes the Ukrainian people are suffering as they did in WWII, the world could have done more early on but hesitated, the violinist beautiful. We can offer prayer and best wishes to the Ukrainian people and hope the Moscow Madman is dealt with at home. But don’t take your eyes off the ball at home. Americans better get into the fray saving the thing’s we have and returning the things we’ve lost.

  10. Brings tears to the eyes. Praying fir their safety and a quick end to this horrible aggression by Putin.

  11. Ralph says:

    “Putin is like a Shark…..he saw Biden elected and knew it was an opportunity for him to advance his agenda of restoring the old defunct USSR.”

    Unfortunately, there are those on Fox News who are advancing Putin’s disinformation campaign:

    “Tucker Carlson Appears to Trash Fox News Colleague Who Debunked Ukraine Bioweapons Conspiracy Theory”


    Ralph says:

    “The Ukraine People are paying in Blood…..what price will Americans have to pay?”

    I agree we should do much more to help the Ukrainians; we should also condemn those opinion hosts in the “Blame America First” crowd.

  12. Brave Men and Women are fighting and dying in defense of their Homeland, innocent people are being murdered in mass, the Country’s Infrastructure is being destroyed…..pushing Three Million people are homeless Refugees who were forced out carrying only what they could in their hands including their Infant Children…..and we see the usual few posting such drivel as you are.

    You should hang your heads in shame as you are disgusting to those who grasp the harm, terror, and destruction being done by the Russian Military at the direct Orders of Vlad Putin.

    The NATO Powers must do everything they can to help Ukraine destroy the Russian Invaders….and see to the end of Putin’s reign of terror…..no matter what it takes.

    Those of us that are not able to join in the fight should do whatever we can to provide aid to the People of Ukraine….the Refugees and those staying behind.

    Aggression such as this must not be allowed to stand….half measures and reluctance to take action is not the way to win this fight.

    Putin is like a Shark…..he saw Biden elected and knew it was an opportunity for him to advance his agenda of restoring the old defunct USSR.

    Elections have consequences and the Invasion of Ukraine is one of them.

    Bumbling Old Joe has shown himself to be incapable of leading this Nation during hard times and his feckless Vice President confirmed her incompetence at every turn.

    Now…we must pay the Piper…..as the Leftist Agenda pushed by the Democrats has run up on the Rocks of Reality.

    The Ukraine People are paying in Blood…..what price will Americans have to pay?

    1. Ralph:
      “No matter what it takes”? Exactly how many Americans have to die to ease your conscience? I’m looking for a number here. Or is all of us enough? What a sanctimonious moralizer you are and so very tolerant of risking your fellow Americans’ lives in your morality play. Sorry Euripides, Greek tragedies end up with everybody dead. I’ll pass like most sane men.

      1. mespo – it is Spanish tragedies where everyone dies, like Hamlet. Oedipus survives for 3 plays. 😉

        1. Damn I’m busted and that’s true but Euripides sounded better. Nobody knows de Vega!

            1. Very prolific. Over 2000. I read a translation of his “A Dog in the Manger.” Never forgot it.

              1. mespo – the 500 are extant. I was required to read a couple in grad school. Not my taste. Good playwright though.

      2. Mespo….how many people have to die before your Conscience is offended?

        Do you even have a Conscience?

        May we assume you are among that Forty Percent that would flee rather than defend this Nation?

        1. Your math is about as good as your analysis. You want me to die for a foreign country. I only wanna die for mine. Think about your priorities, Ralph. Warped.

  13. I was over at some friends’ home and the wife had the corporate news on. Each of the first five stories was about Ukraine. The war in Ukraine, the brave people in Ukraine, the stalemate in Ukraine and on and on. If you didn’t know better you’d think Ukraine is somewhere between Iowa and Arkansas and really our war. I guess our masters want it to be and given our general hysteria it might be. It’s is galling however to see how well propaganda works on the “ virtuous” weak-minded. Proof yet again that PT Barnum was the greatest psychologist in history.

    1. So mespo727272 you believe our world is safer with a murderous dictator holding hos thumb on a nuclear button? You have coprolite for brains.

      1. JF:
        “So mespo727272 you believe our world is safer with a murderous dictator holding hos thumb on a nuclear button? You have coprolite for brains.”
        No, I find the world a safer place when we and the dictator both have our thumbs on the nuclear buttons. Grow up, girl. The world is a dangerous place and you don’t get to decide who is in it and what they do. You just get to decide your response. I’m surprised no one ever explained reality to you.

    1. Right, cause like Orange Man, everything and everyone in Russia is bad. Since you’re so virtuous send me all your Stolli vodka.

  14. Yes, very beautiful, the sound, the concept, and the collaboration. The YouTube description text is also worth reading.

    1. Tucker had a different point of view. It’s allowed — even beneficial unless you’re a hive-minder. Deal with it without calling names and making you look like a Soviet goon.

      1. Medpo says:

        “Deal with it without calling names and making you look like a Soviet goon.”

        1. I did not call Carlson a name like your calling me a “goon.”

        2. I simply noted that Carlson’s “Blame America First” point of view is being exploited by Russian media to Putin’s advantage.

        3. I pointed out that Turley has had nothing to say about that fact.

        4. I condemn Turley for his silence in the face of it.

        1. You called Tucker “Pro-Putin” though he consistently calls the Russian leader out as a bad actor. So let’s just settle for calling you a liar instead of a name-caller. I was trying to be nice but you can’t help some people.

          1. Mespo,

            Perhaps, pro-Putin is a bit misstated; blame America First is more like it:

            “Tucker Carlson goes full blame-America on Russia’s Ukraine invasion”


            The article concludes about Carlson:

            “there must be a way to blame the Biden administration for this situation, apparently, even if it means shifting the blame away from Putin and implicitly arguing for his appeasement.”

            For all his outrage over Russia’s unjustified invasion, Turley has no stomach to criticize one of his own, Carlson, for dishonesty asking:

            “Why in the world would the United States intentionally seek war with Russia? How could we possibly benefit from that war?”

            1. As the anti-American warriors of today ready themselves to send others to battle they forget that they and their leader created the crisis and fund Putin’s war.

    2. “How Russia Is Using Tucker Carlson in its Propaganda”

      Some of you have a fantastic ability to use evasion to concoct a smear campaign.

      The fact is there are biolabs in Ukraine (about 12 of them, at least one a Level-3). The fact is that the U.S. helped to fund and operate those labs.

      Evading those facts, as the Biden administration is doing, does not vanquish those facts.

      That Putin is using those facts for propaganda value is not an excuse to evade those facts (or to not report them). That Putin might get his tyrannical hands on those labs is a cause for great concern.

      The important question now is: Why didn’t the Biden administration destroy those labs, at the first indication of a Russian invasion?

      1. Sam,

        “Russia’s bioweapon conspiracy theory finds support in US”


        “Like any effective conspiracy theory, the Russian claim relies on some truths: Ukraine does maintain a network of biological labs dedicated to research into pathogens, and those labs have received funding and research support from the US. But the labs are owned and operated by Ukraine, and the work is not secret. It is part of an initiative called the Biological Threat Reduction Program, which aims to reduce the likelihood of deadly outbreaks, whether natural or man made.”

      2. You haven’t provided evidence of the Biden Admin “evading facts.”

        Russia is lying and claiming that the Ukrainian labs are developing bioweapons. THAT is the lie promulgated by Tucker Carlson that Jeff is referring to. Shame on you for being unwilling to call Carlson out for promoting Russian disinformation.

        Russia is even going further in its lies: “the Kremlin’s latest claim is that the U.S. has trained an army of migratory birds to carry bioweapons developed by the Ukrainian army, and that said birds are preparing to fly into Russia and deploy those bioweapons. This message wasn’t seeded on some fringe message board by a conspiracy theory-addled extremist: It was boosted by Major General Igor Konashenkov, the chief spokesman for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, who was speaking on camera Thursday about this outrageous (and entirely fictional) plot.” (quoting a Vice News article).

        Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, in testimony under oath to the Senate Intelligence Committee: “We do not assess that Ukraine is pursuing either biological weapons or nuclear weapons.”

        The State Dept. to Fox News: “The US Department of Defense does not own or operate biological laboratories in Ukraine. Under Secretary Nuland was referring to Ukrainian diagnostic and biodefense laboratories during her testimony, which are not biological weapons facilities. These institutions counter biological threats throughout the country.”

        Contemporaneous reporting about that level-3 lab from 2010: “U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar applauded the opening of the Interim Central Reference Laboratory in Odessa, Ukraine, this week, announcing that it will be instrumental in researching dangerous pathogens used by bioterrorists. The level-3 bio-safety lab, which is the first built under the expanded authority of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program, will be used to study anthrax, tularemia and Q fever as well as other dangerous pathogens. ‘The continuing cooperation of Nunn-Lugar partners has improved safety for all people against weapons of mass destruction and potential terrorist use, in addition to advancements in the prevention of pandemics and public health consequences,’ Lugar said.”

        The US hasn’t “trained an army of migratory birds to carry bioweapons developed by the Ukrainian army.”

        You ask “Why didn’t the Biden administration destroy those labs, at the first indication of a Russian invasion?” How about: we don’t go around destroying labs in an allied country. The decision of whether to destroy the labs belongs to Ukraine, not the US.

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