The Non-Denial Denial: David Weiss and Prosecutorial Nihilism

Below is my column in The Hill on the long-awaited interview of Special Counsel David Weiss with House investigators. As expected, Weiss refused to answer most of the questions, but seemed perfectly Nietzschean in explaining obvious conflicts between the accounts of whistleblowers and the Attorney General.

Here is the column:

The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said that all things are matters of mere interpretation and “whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.”

One has to understand Nietzsche and his nihilistic rejection of meaning to fully appreciate this week’s interview with special counsel David Weiss. Indeed, Weiss seemed to be channeling pure Nietzsche in arguing that the denials of his request for authority to charge Hunter Biden were not really denials at all. What about the absence of any but a couple of gun charges after five years? Weiss insisted it is just a matter of interpretation.

Weiss appeared before the House Judiciary Committee, which is looking into the handling of the investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged criminal conduct. The one thing that both Republican and Democratic members appear to agree upon is that the Weiss investigation was an unmitigated mess — years of delay and internal dissension over the indictment of the president’s son.

Indeed, after years of denial, some Democratic members and the journalists are now admitting that Hunter Biden clearly broke the law. The Weiss investigation, however, languished for years even as some of us were pointing out that the statute of limitations was about to pass on felonies.

At the same time, Attorney General Merrick Garland steadfastly refused to appoint a special counsel into the expanding corruption scandal involving Hunter and other Biden family members selling influence and access.

Congress was scheduled to hear from Weiss when Garland suddenly made him a special counsel, though the attorney general did not expressly extend his mandate to cover the corruption allegations. That allowed Weiss to delay any appearance. He would bring gun charges against Hunter, but he has inexplicably still not brought the tax charges that he did not previously allow to expire or charges under laws like the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Weiss has shown no signs of movement as evidence has piled up. Most recently, Hunter’s own tax accountant gave incriminating evidence on his former client from claiming the payment of prostitutes as “a business expense” to allegedly misrepresenting payments as “loans.”

As expected, Weiss continued to refuse to answer questions about his lackadaisical approachThat includes obvious questions like why, when whistleblowers said the defense had agreed to an extension of the statute of limitations, Weiss let felonies expire. Those crimes included some of the most serious allegations of influence peddling and corruption facing the Biden family.

There was one area where the “ongoing investigation” mantra would not work. Garland repeatedly testified that Weiss had total authority to pursue any charges in any district. That was directly contradicted by the whistleblowers, who say that Weiss told them that he lacked such authority to pursue charges — a statement that Gary Shapley included in a memo sent to his superiors without any later contradiction or correction.

The account of the whistleblowers, that Weiss was turned down in efforts to bring charges against Hunter in California and Washington, D.C., were confirmed by those U.S. Attorneys — E. Martin Estrada (California) and Matthew Graves (D.C.). They also declined to explain why they refused to assist in prosecuting the son of the president.

Weiss has taken years and has brought only a couple of gun charges. Indeed, his billet could be described accurately as a systematic effort to avoid recognizing an array of evidence of other criminal acts.

The Justice Department was faced with a field littered with influence peddling and corrupt practices, including acts that may implicate the president himself. There are actual photos and videotapes of drug use, prostitution and luxury gifts tied to shady foreign sources. And then there are the millions of dollars of transfers from those foreign sources, and emails both promising access to Joe Biden and threatening his wrath if there are failures to pay.

In his House interview, Weiss continued to insist that he did indeed have full authority to bring any prosecution anywhere. When confronted by the fact that Estrada and Graves refused to cooperate, he admitted that he had asked for a special status to allow him to move forward on the cases under what is called “515 Special Attorney authority.”

However, a house investigator stated the obvious: “But [515 authority] wasn’t granted, right?”

“Yes. We have been over this. It wasn’t granted. They said follow the process. I followed the process…I asked for something, and in that conversation, they didn’t give it to me.”

The investigators then pressed again with the obvious: “When you ask for something and they didn’t give it to you, what is that?”

That is when Weiss went full Nietzsche.

Weiss responded “I’m not — you want me to say it’s a denial, but it’s not. Not when I know that, weeks later, I was specifically told, ‘You can proceed.’”

Weiss insisted that he was asked to “proceed with this process. We’re asking you to go through this process. From my mind, it’s a sequencing event. It’s not a denial in any way, shape or form.”

That is when he added “That’s the way I interpreted it.”

It is that easy. Even a denial is not really a denial. As Nietzsche said, it is all “a function of power and not truth.” For Garland and Weiss, blind justice itself becomes a matter of interpretation.

Jonathan Turley is the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro professor of Public Interest Law at the George Washington University Law School.

134 thoughts on “The Non-Denial Denial: David Weiss and Prosecutorial Nihilism”

  1. Lets be clear – If congress insists – Witnesses are OBLIGATED to answer questions.
    Executive privilege is limited to communications with the president.

    There is no “ongoing investigation priviledge”.
    When a witness says “long standing policy” precludes answering, congress is free to ignore that.
    Even the 5th amendment can be waived by granting a witness immunity.

    There may be a potential cost to congress forcing a witness to testify.
    We saw that with Iran/Contra.
    Congresses investigation and forcing witnesses to testify resulted in several convictions being overturned.

    In this case interfering with an investigation is of zero concern.

    DOJ will not prosecute unless forced to.
    If they do prosecute and there is a conviction,
    President Biden will issue a pardon.

    The purpose of the DOJ investigation is to hide the truth.
    The purpose of the house investigation is to find it.

    The house should start impeachment proceedings against Garland NOW.
    That would strengthen their hand in compelling testimony.

    They should start holding witnesses in contempt.

  2. Dear Prof Turley,

    There’s no reason to drag Nietzsche into this dark nihilist abyss. Special Counsel Weiss will file his report when he is good and ready. And not before .. . come hell or congressional impeachment inquiries.

    ETA: sometime after Biden’s 2nd term . .. to ‘Finish the Job’.

    Them’s the DoJ rules.

    Is there a transcript of this closed door interview w/ SC Weiss? Or must we continue to rely on NBC fact checkers?

    *Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

    1. There’s no reason to drag Nietzsche into this dark nihilist abyss

      The teachings of Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Michel Foucault have permeated and shaped Western Civilization for decades. It would be helpful if folks spent time reading these dated writings to both recognize them and guide our populace in how to respond.

    2. Speaking of monsters, two of the most important cabinet officers are Garland and Mayorkas. Make no mistake about it but Governor Newsom is one, heaven help us if he gets elected into a federal position of power

    3. I guess, dgs, the rule of law ceases to exist in your world. They have already made sure the statute of limitations passed so the guilty can go free while the innocent are threatened and intimidated. Nice world you wish to live in (S).

  3. “Weiss has shown no signs of movement as evidence has piled up.”
    Of course not. Why, pray tell, should he “move” on anything? He knows he’s ‘taken care of’…. all he has to do is ‘hold the line’ ….just a little while longer for his mob boss over at Biden, Inc. His payoffs are coming. Weiss is a ‘made man’ in the Biden mafia. He’s done real good for the Big Guy.

    “As expected, Weiss continued to refuse to answer questions about his lackadaisical approach.” Why would he? No pressure AT ALL to face ANY repurcussions. None. His payoffs are coming. How many millions will his book deal advance be?

    Impeach Merrick Garland for God’s sake. Forget Biden, go after Garland, hard. Steamroll and flatten the guy.

    1. Democrats want Biden to step down so they can put Gavin Newsom in the WH instead, and give Feinstein’s open seat to Kamala.

      So WHY would Republicans move forward with impeaching Biden?
      It makes no sense to do the Dems dirty work.
      Instead they need to impeach Garland, Wray, Mayorkas.

      But what will the Repubs do?
      Impeach Biden, of course.
      They are useless fools, as we all know by now.

      1. I intended send a note to Estovir to not only focus on her speech, but on her explanation of Abraham’s response to the death of Sarah, his wife. It tells a lot about the Jewish people and provides focus on Jewish origins in the area of the Levant.

        I don’t know what the Jesuits believe and if Estovir would like to comment it might be interesting. To me it is a very important passage in the Torah.

        1. Excellent speech.

          To the extent I would criticize, Weis’s emphasis on jews is too strong – not that what happened is not horrible.
          Nor that it is not entitled to hundreds of 2 hour documentaries.

          But the Huge point she makes – one made also by Victor David Hansen recently is the response.

          First, The Nazi’s own behavior demonstrated that they KNEW what they were doing was wrong.

          The members of the Einstatz groups did not write home about how proud they were about executing people all day,
          Hamas did.

          But second and worse still, nowhere in the world did millions come out to protest in favor of the nazi Genocide.

          Barri was best when she was noting this is not about jews. Jews are just the canary in the coal mine.

          This is about a generation that beleives it is acceptable to murder, rape, torture not just its political oponents,
          but their families and children.

      2. It is an excellent speech. The question now is whether the vocal support for Hamas by progressives is the death knell for CRT, intersectionality and DEI.

      3. Thank you profusely for sharing that link. I was just thinking last night how our generation (I’m 73) has fallen asleep on how the antiestablishment radicals of the 60’s and early 70’s have infiltrated our education system, media, corporations and government. This Jewish lady is so spot on in that we must fight for our freedoms. We are literally watching our country being destroyed and we have a ruling class allowing this to happen not realizing these barbarians will eventually come for them as only the most fanatical are pure enough

    1. Thank you. Excellent Video, Must watch.

      Weiss does an excellent job of making clear that the very real differences between real liberals and conservatives.
      The things that the left and right of most of my life fought bitterly over are of little consequence in comparison to
      the evil of the left today.

      Those here who have been democrats, liberals for their whole lives. Should listen to Bari.

      The left today is NOT the left of Mario Savo and Berkeley in the 60’s
      It is not even close.
      The left today is dangerous, and evil.

      Weis touched on what we should all be able to see.

      The Nazi’s – real Nazi’s hid their genocide. The nazi’s moved from mass executions to
      death camps where their victims did most of the dirty work of murdering their fellow victims.
      The Nazi’s KNEW what they were doing was evil and wrong and were ashamed and hid it.

      Those engaged in barbarous murder in Israel a month ago were gleeful over what they had done.
      They recorded it on video and shared it with the world. They called home and with pride to their
      mothers about murdering dozens of women and children.

      But WORSE STILL, was the response of millions across the world who took to the streets to celebrate
      this mass murder.

      This is not about Jews, this is not about genocide. this is not about israel.

      This is about the EVIL that is the left today.
      The left today is more evil than the Nazi’s.

      When americans learned of the holocaust – millions did not march down the streets of New York Celebrating the Nazi’s.

      In the 60’s when Solzhenitsyn exposed the murderous nature of the Soviet Union our children did not take to the streets
      to praise Stalin for exterminating his own people.

      When the Khmer Rouge butchered 1/3 of the population of Cambodia people recoiled in horror.

      What we see from the left right now, is not just about Israel or the Palestinians.

      It is about the willingness of millions of young people today to cheer on shocking attrocities over politics.

    2. For those on this blog so lacking in understanding, I will explain the above. A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged

      Not by a long-shot. You really fail to understand Bari’s message, predictably.

      Bari Weiss isnt a conservative, a liberal, a progressive or a moderate. She is a Jew. Regardless of whether you think her being a lesbian and committed Jew is not a big deal because gays and lesbians have been ordained Rabbis for decades, it is. Her girlfriend, now wife, converted to Judaism. That anyone would convert, as an intelligent, educated adult, which her wife is both, to any major religion, is a big deal, but as a lesbian even bigger. These two women looked into the dark abyss of our civilization, as Bari stated, and made a conclusion: political ideologies are shallow and inadequate. Andrew Sullivan agrees. Glenn Greenwald does not. Bari chose religion. She chose to put her skin on the line, and her soul. She chose God, YWHW, the rich Jewish Patrimony that I suspect you take for granted given your comments on here. You have never, to my knowledge, ever quoted the Torah nor the Talmud. Bari does. All the time. You reference and quote “conservatives” on this forum because they tickle your bone. God is not about making you comfortable. God should make all of us uncomfortable which is why people ejected God, and chose a golden calf, political ideologies.

      You recently expressed admiration for the articles of Rod Dreher, while knowing nothing about him. He tickled your fancy. He is a tortured soul who has broken every religious precept he formerly used to bludgeon others. He was a fraud much like conservative thinkers. I have stated many times ideologies like yours is the reason why our civilization is such a dark abyss. Without God there is nothing but a dark abyss. Bari now realizes that. However she provides no new revelation to knowledgeable Catholics which are sadly few. Pope John Paul II > 40 years ago stated far more eloquently and scholastically what Bari articulated in the video. Had you been reading and studying regularly your Jewish Patrimony, you would have articulated decades ago what Bari is realizing now. Bari has a long way to go. She has a lot of maturing and growing to do as a Jewish thinker and I have no doubt she will soar as a leader, as a Jewish leader. You say you are a Jew. You labeled my Faith walk as “religiosity”, a pejorative, though I took no insult. I only wish you were more of a devout as a Jew than Bari given you have decades of years ahead of her.

      You wont listen to me, and thats fine. But dont think I am here to comfort, assuage or tickle your fancy. I am here to challenge others to do what Bari did: look at the deep abyss of our civilization and turn to God who led the Jews out of a dark abyss in Egypt, and the God Son, Jesus Christ, who conquered Death and offers His followers a lasting life beyond the Republican / Democrat, Left/Right ideologies

      1. “You really fail to understand Bari’s message, predictably.”

        You say that because you fail to understand my message or recognize opinions vary without necessarily being wrong. Frequently, you are too black and white.

        The politics of today are becoming progressively more bipolar and seem to divide into progressives and everyone else. I use the term conservative for the rest, though they have many differences.

        The Federalist Society is considered by most to be a conservative organization, but one can argue they are not, depending on how one wishes to define the term.

        As I mentioned, Bari Weiss is left of center and addressed a group predominantly right of center. The adage “A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged” can be used in left-right terms in the same fashion.

        If you cannot deal with abstractions, that is a problem for you to fix. Listen carefully to Bari’s words that say, perhaps in the abstract, she refined her prior position. Abstractly, she was mugged.

        You can listen to the video between Bari and Ben Shapiro, who represent opposite sides but have much agreement. Both are free speech advocates, as am I. I like both. Bari is a Jew, but that fact has little to do with the essence of her talk.

        You look at the wife’s conversion as a big deal. You can call it that, but I don’t see it significant in this discussion. Did you forget the Biblical Ruth, a convert to Judaism? Did you forget David? If you did, you missed a major part of the Bible

        Jews have ideologies. Bari has an ideology. You can classify her any way you want, but she will tell you to your face a story different than you state. I appreciate Bari for her soul, her Judaism, and her abilities.

        As far as myself, I find no need to quote the Torah or the Talmud, though I have, to a limited extent, and even added a few corrections to your dialogues on the Torah. I do not believe in proselytizing, nor do I believe in pushing religion down the throats of others. Religion is personal, and no one needs to wear it on his sleeve.

        “God is not about making you comfortable.”

        You are another one who feels he can define God. From the religious viewpoint, we cannot define God (peshitut, devoid of specificity), but we can provide human terms to permit a view. The Bible enumerated ten traits. Look up the Sefirot to widen your horizons. God represents infinity, while these traits denote the finite. Take note of the balance between these traits, something you lack. It is the combination within the Sefirot that provides infinity.

        “You recently expressed admiration for the articles of Rod Dreher, while knowing nothing about him.”

        Wrong! I said I liked the article I read and knew little about him. Cindy knew much more about him and suggested I read more. You disagree with him, so in your usual black-and-white fashion, you say one should not listen to him.

        “He was a fraud much like conservative thinkers. ”

        Take note of how badly you speak of others. The Torah tells one not to act in that fashion.

        “I have stated many times ideologies like yours are the reason why our civilization is such a dark abyss. ”

        You have not the slightest idea of my ideology or my affinity toward my religion. You are preaching without understanding the souls of others. That is a critical error.

        “Without God there is nothing but a dark abyss. Bari now realizes that. ”

        What do you mean Bari “now realizes that.” She realized that long before and was well-trained in Jewish theology. How dare you say Bari lacked God before! She is a committed Jew with different ideas than Ben Shapiro, another committed Jew. God is in both of their lives, but their ideological lives differ. I will leave it up to them to state their differences.

        I cannot deal further with your characterizations of Bari. The rhetoric is insufferable.

        “You labeled my Faith walk as “religiosity”, a pejorative, though I took no insult.”

        You demonstrate you took it as an insult when it was not, and I am not sure exactly what was said. If I used the word in that fashion, it was improperly used, but I lack memory of the context.

        I do remember something I said that you might be confused about. I was talking about the way people express their religion. As you know, Jews have Kosher laws. Milk and meat, cannot be mixed, but meat is permitted to eat after milk based on an unset time. Of course, if it is a hard cheese, meat should not immediately follow. Different Jews follow the rules and timing differently. That is a way of expressing themselves, though the belief in God can be identical. I referred to myself as not following the strictest rules of Orthodoxy and that my beliefs were unique like every other person. You are afraid of such uniqueness. God looks at this differently than you. He looks for us to improve our path while we recognize every improvement can be called a Mitzvah. You fail to understand God’s basic demands of a Jew.

        “I only wish you were more of a devout as a Jew than Bari given you have decades of years ahead of her.”

        You do not know what it is to be a Jew.

  4. Equal justice, rule of law, constitutionalism, were never supposed to be fluid ideas. Just like men can’t be women and women can’t be men, those three can’t be anything else and still be called equal justice, rule of law and constitutionalism.

    The Regime controlling our federal bureaucracy are doing to the law what gender doctors are doing to people. I’ll call it Constitution Dysphoria. Anyone thinking Progressivism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism can be constitutional has this dysphoria.

    We are 100+ years into this dysphoria and we have the scars to prove it.

  5. George Orwell who wrote the book “1984” warning about the tactics of Communist-Authoritarian regimes, Orwell warned about the danger of “Memory Hole” practices. Literally and figuratively “air-brushing” people and events out of history.

    So what happened to DOJ attorneys that violated Ronald Reagan’s torture treaty and Article VI of the U.S. Constitution?

    Subordinate employees at CIA, NSA, FBI and other agencies – employees who refused illegal orders to torture – were destroyed or went to prison. Overturning the World War Two “Nuremberg Defense” precedent, invented by Americans used to convict and execute Nazi war criminals.

    None of the architects at DOJ were held accountable. Most were promoted.

    Republicans fear the so-called “Deep State”, now the tables are turned and some Trump supporters are on the receiving end of this genuine “Deep State”.

    Although Republicans created these unconstitutional practices, Democrats did little to correct these genuine evils. In 2023, we now have evidence that most Americans harmed were completely innocent.

    There is no statute of limitations on war crimes, many are prosecuted 20-40 years later. None of the subordinate officials loyal to their oath of office have been pardoned and made whole again for refusing illegal orders.

    Both political parties simply created an Orwellian “Memory Hole” – a tactic invented by the Communist block nations.

  6. The United States of America is going the way of the do do unless something is done.

    It doesn’t matter one bit who is President anymore, our modern 21st century government/media bureaucracy is there to protect Democrats and persecute Republicans with a few sacrificed token Democrats here and there. A one party rule with Democrats leading the way will soon be openly totalitarian.

    1. Steve,
      Well said.
      The level of contempt they have for the rule of law is disgusting.
      Whomever is the Republican candidate, that is who I am voting for. Even if it is Trump from jail.

      1. That says a lot about you that you would vote for Trump. He loves all the dictators of the world. Calls them smart. He now says he will detain or deport millions of immigrants. Sounds like Germany in 1939. He wants to dispose of the “vermin” that oppose him. Sounds more like Hitler in 1939. He has said he will (will) use the DOJ to punish his enemies. He can’t keep track of who is currently president. His closest advisors from 2017 to 2021 all say he should not be allowed near the White House. Yet you would vote for him? Says a lot about you. So yes, I will call you a racist, fascist A hole to support someone so despicable as trump. Hate Biden all you want. But support for a wanna be racist fascist dictator? That makes you a fascist.

        1. One can admire a foes tactical prowess on the battlefield. To always assume a foe as stupid despite the evidence at hand is arrogance that leads to bad decisions and ultimately defeat.
          You should study Sun Tuz.
          They are illegal immigrants. Get the wording correct. If it were not for Biden’s disastrous failure to secure the Southern border, Trump would not be in this position.
          You can call me whatever you want. Your opinion is of no value to me.
          BTW, I am not white.
          The leftists have demonstrated they are the fascists.

          1. Did I say you were white. Shows your inability to understand basic English. Why are those closes to trump in 2017-2021 saying he should be allowed no where near the White House?

            1. Because he will make Biden schlitz in her diapers, and Im referring to Dokturd Jill. The Big Guy would have a cerebral aneurysm which come to think of it might be a good reason for Trump to visit Biden’s basement and 1600 Penn Ave, SE

        2. “He now says he will detain or deport millions of immigrants.” Do you mean people who have entered the country illegally? It is his legal duty.

  7. Nietzschean or not, David Weiss performed brilliantly for Team Biden slow walking Hunter’s investigation for years. He even managed to get the more serious criminal charges dropped for statute of limitation reasons. You can’t get much better than that right ? And that Weiss was totally comfortable before the House Oversight Committee glassing over any and all facts should surprise no one. I think I can see Dean of Harvard Law School in his future perhaps ?

    1. No we are seeing the definition of Democrat Privilege. All of the arrestees of 1.6 are also white and they are in prison. The guy that accidently killed a black guy on the subway in NY because he was threatening to kill people is white. The guy that was charged by Alvin Bragg with killing the black guy that was robbing his bodega in NY was Hispanic, sometimes called a “white Hispanic” when it helps leftists. DOnald Trump is charged with having classified documents in a secured home, Joe Biden had more documents from when he WAS NOT a president in his unsecured home, his unsecured “Think” tank, and at a university center paid for by China…and he has not been charged.

      Democrats are the most favored class in America. Talk about STRICT SCRUTINY!

  8. The Weiss investigation, however, languished for years even as some of us were pointing out that the statute of limitations was about to pass on felonies.

    State Legislatures have overturned previous laws on their books re: statutes of limitations so that victims could seek judicial relief. SCOTUS ruled in United States v. Wong that the limitations statute in the Federal Tort Claims Act is subject to equitable tolling. Can the statutes regarding Hunter’s behaviors be subject to equitable tolling? Can Congress rescind / extend the statutes re: Hunter’s illegal acts, and extend them much like State Legislatures have done?

    e.g. Equity Trumps Jurisdiction

    The question presented in United States v. Wong1 and its companion case,2 also from the Ninth Circuit, United States v. June, is whether the statute of limitations for claims under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) in 28 U.S.C. § 2401(b) is jurisdictional or subject to equitable tolling. In a 5–4 decision written by Justice Elena Kagan issued on April 22, the Court sided with the plaintiffs and held that the statute allowed equitable tolling.

    United States v. Wong

  9. Weiss: “I’m not — you want me to say it’s a denial, but it’s not.” “From my mind, it’s a sequencing event. It’s not a denial in any way, shape or form.”

    Lewis Carroll:

    “What day of the month is it?” asked the Hatter.

    “The fourth,” said Alice.

    “Two days wrong!” sighed the Hatter. “I told you butter wouldn’t suit the works!” he added looking angrily at the March Hare.

    “It was the best butter,” the March Hare meekly replied.

    “Yes, but some crumbs must have got in as well,” the Hatter grumbled: “you shouldn’t have put it in with the bread-knife.”

    You know you’re in trouble when the Hatter and Hare make more sense.

  10. And this is why Federal District Attorneys should be appointed free of the influence of the senators in their state. This was a “Republican” appointment by Former President Trump but with the consent of the Delaware senators. I suppose that we should have known he was in bed with the powers-that-be in Delaware whether they were republican or democrat. I think that’s why we have seen virtually no movement in this case. Delaware is so small that DA Weiss is probably cousin to half the state, if not more. Probably closer even than “Kissing Cousins”.
    Sort of shows how the rich and powerful tend to skip free of justice.
    I may be wrong but I have seen no part of the Constitution that says that the Senate should have veto power over Federal District Attorneys. I may have missed something there but I do not see it in the enumerated powers of the senate. Seems to me all Federal District Attorney’s should be attack dogs for the executive branch and the president, who is the top law enforcement agent in the country and who only delegates such power to the Attorney General.
    Trump should have fired this District Attorney while still president and replaced him. Yes, yes I know about undue influence but that is the job of the president to enforce the law and he should fire those that do not perform their job.
    It’s the judicial branch that determines guilt or innocence, not the president or the Attorney General. Their duty is to enforce the law and they should be impeached or fired if they fail to do so.

  11. Dual system of Justice. The DoJ spent millions tracking down a person that happened to be in DC on Jan 6. But He is labeled an enemy of the Democrat party. Sentencing first, trial later. Weiss has to be so proud of himself. A DoJ employee, willingly turned into a political operative.

  12. He’s (Weiss) is under the spell of “The Delaware Way”.
    Put the God Mother Jill Tracy Giacoppo-Biden the Queenpin (sic) of the Biden Crime Syndicate on the Stand.
    She raised those Kids, and is the other half of the parental education of Them. She parades Joe with a leash in his mouth.
    A regular Hillary Clinton, shadowed behind Her’ Bill.
    She Knows Its Complicitly, She’s a “Doctor” She’s smart enough to Know-It-All and more than anyone else.
    Put Her on the Stand.

  13. So when Weiss followed the process and was told no in D.C. and LA did he follow the sequencing and ask again for special attorney status? If not why not? If so why was he not given it?

    And why was he not simply given it when he first asked for it?

    And why did he let the statutes of limitations lapse?

    Where is the transcript of this interview?

    This is the first direct statement I’ve seen that Weiss asked for special attorney status and was denied.

    1. While the direct statements have value, one of the reasons that Weiss must testify, is because either Weiss himself was obstructing or someone else was.

  14. Pure BS.

    Americans are being snookered and DOJ is complicit.

    American justice, once the envy of the world has sunk to banana republic levels.

    Thanks Garland.

  15. How they must gnash their teeth a tear their hair out over Hunter’s blindingly stupid laptop debacle.

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