Times Editorial Board Member Paints Opponents to Trump’s Disqualification as Modern Day Confederates

“Why are you standing with confederates who betrayed this country?” Those words from New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay on MSNBC captured the unhinged coverage of the Colorado Supreme Court’s disqualification of Donald Trump from the 2024 election. While the underlying theory under the 14th Amendment had been previously rejected by jurists in various states (including many Democrats), Gay had a simple take for viewers: anyone raising democratic or constitutional objections are modern day confederates.

Gay was asked on MSNBC’s Morning Joe how she would respond to many of us who have questioned the constitutional basis for using the 14th Amendment to bar Trump from ballots.

Gay responded:

“Why are you standing with confederates who betrayed this country? This is what they’re standing with. It’s the spirit of those confederates rather than the Americans who came together after a long and brutal Civil War that was fought to keep the Union together and clearly saw a threat in ex-confederates running for office. So much so they amended the Constitution to prevent those traitors from running for office.”

It is that simple for the editors of the New York Times: either you support this previously rejected theory to prevent voters from casting their ballots for a candidate or you are a confederate. So those three Democratic appointees on the Colorado Supreme Court were just more confederate fellow travelers.

Gay knows that other states and courts have rejected this theory. She knows that even the majority said that the precedent for the decision was “sparce” and that this was “uncharted territory.” Yet, if you reach the opposing view of most judges who have looked at this question, you are standing not with the Constitution but the confederacy.

The obvious attempt is to intimidate and ostracize those who may have qualms over barring citizens from voting for candidates. It is akin to being called a racist on campus if you oppose diversity policies or standards on academic grounds.

It is only the latest example of how the left is engaging in McCarthy-like tactics to portray advocates for free speech or other constitutional protections as enemies of the state.  Back in the day, it was the Democrats who were denounced for raising such legal objections. Now,  Democratic members and pundits attack witnesses as “Putin lovers” or supporters of “insurrectionists” in opposing censorship. Or confederates for objecting to ballot cleansing.

Indeed the rhetoric used by Gay is strikingly familiar to the defense for censorship on the left. She added on MSNBC that the Colorado decision “should send a message that our electoral system can be used for nefarious purposes against democracy itself. It’s clear. It’s clear as day.”

Thus, it is up to society to protect citizens from the “nefarious” uses of free speech or free elections by cleansing ballots and social media.

Of course, others simply used the opinion to vent on an almost schoolyard level. Rick Wilson of The Lincoln Project, taunted the former president and said that the court “called you out for what you are. You’re a filthy insurrectionist. You’re a losing loser who loses.” That is still weirdly preferable to labeling anyone raising constitutional concerns as standing with “confederate traitors.” Yet, it is remarkable how these critics who have long objected to Trump rhetoric have adopted the same personal and reckless rhetoric.

Gay’s interview should be chilling for anyone who cares about both law and journalism. It shows the righteous rage that fuels the intolerance in our country. It also shows the potential for this insidious theory as more Democratic politicians, like those in California, who are calling for their own officials to find ways to block Trump from ballots.

142 thoughts on “Times Editorial Board Member Paints Opponents to Trump’s Disqualification as Modern Day Confederates”

  1. The real insurrection was the failed attempt to remove President Trump with the Russia Hoax. Every Dem who supported, aided and abetted that failed attempt at a coup is an insurrectionist who should be removed from and/or barred from federal office. I would guess that includes them all.

    1. Spot on, 32 Trillion in debt, taxpayers money to illegals, funding proxy wars, Billions to Israel annually…all reasons for Patriotic Americans to say NO More!

    2. “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

      – Barack Obama

      “We will stop him.”

      – Peter Strzok to FBI paramour Lisa Page

      “[Obama] wants to know everything we’re doing.”

      – Lisa Page to FBI paramour Peter Strzok

      “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before 40.”

      – Peter Strzok to FBI parmour Lisa Page

      “People on the 7th floor to include Director are fired up about this [Trump] server.”

      – Bill Priestap

      The Obama Coup D’etat in America is the most egregious abuse of power and the most prodigious crime in American political history. The co-conspirators are:

      Kevin Clinesmith, Bill Taylor, Eric Ciaramella, Rosenstein, Mueller/Team, Andrew Weissmann,

      James Comey, Christopher Wray, McCabe, Strozk, Page, Laycock, Kadzic, Sally Yates,

      James Baker, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, Priestap, Kortan, Campbell, Sir Richard Dearlove,

      Christopher Steele, Simpson, Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer, Stefan “The Walrus” Halper,

      Azra Turk, Kerry, Hillary, Huma, Mills, Brennan, Gina Haspel, Clapper, Lerner, Farkas, Power,

      Lynch, Rice, Jarrett, Holder, Brazile, Sessions (patsy), Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi, Obama,

      Joe Biden, James E. Boasberg, Emmet Sullivan, Gen. Milley, George Soros, John McCain,

      Marc Elias, Igor Danchenko, Fiona Hill, Charles H. Dolan, Jake Sullivan, Strobe Talbot,

      Cody Shear, Victoria Nuland, Ray “Red Hat” Epps, Don Berlin, Kathy Ruemmler, Rodney Joffe,

      Paul Vixie, L. Jean Camp, Andrew Whitney, Lisa O. Monaco et al.

      1. Nice list, less to hunt. Head of the snake and all that. These were all bought out for money. They say belief but that’s false because if they had any, it’s long been sold.

    1. What were the American Founders, if not racist?

      When slavery was perceived as untenable, it must have been abrogated through the legal process, and its newly-minted non-citizen victims must have been compassionately repatriated.

      Racism and the freedom of speech, thought, opinion, discretion, distinction, discrimination, etc., are fully constitutional.

      The ‘Great Emancipator’ and the Issue of Race
      Abraham Lincoln’s Program of Black Resettlement

      “If all earthly power were given me,” said Abraham Lincoln in a speech delivered in Peoria, Illinois, on October 16, 1854, “I should not know what to do, as to the existing institution [of slavery]. My first impulse would be to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia, to their own native land.” He asked whether freed blacks should be made “politically and socially our equals?” “My own feelings will not admit of this,” he said, “and [even] if mine would, we well know that those of the great mass of white people will not … We can not, then, make them equals.”5

      One of Lincoln’s most representative public statements on the question of racial relations was given in a speech at Springfield, Illinois, on June 26, 1857.6 In this address, he explained why he opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which would have admitted Kansas into the Union as a slave state:

      “There is a natural disgust in the minds of nearly all white people to the idea of indiscriminate amalgamation of the white and black races … A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of amalgamation, but as an immediate separation is impossible, the next best thing is to keep them apart where they are not already together. If white and black people never get together in Kansas, they will never mix blood in Kansas …”

      Racial separation, Lincoln went on to say, “must be effected by colonization” of the country’s blacks to a foreign land. “The enterprise is a difficult one,” he acknowledged,

      “but “where there is a will there is a way,” and what colonization needs most is a hearty will. Will springs from the two elements of moral sense and self-interest. Let us be brought to believe it is morally right, and, at the same time, favorable to, or, at least, not against, our interest, to transfer the African to his native clime, and we shall find a way to do it, however great the task may be.”

      – Robert Morgan http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v13/v13n5p-4_Morgan.html

  2. Okay, so put me in gray flannel with Massa Lee at the head of the troop. We’ll give them blue coats Hell in a bottle. Ye haw!

  3. I think that most business and industry leaders, and most Republicans have the fear of being blackmailed by the media, tech companies and Deep State government surveillance agencies. After all these years of the massive surveillance of Donald Trump, he still comes up clean. They are forced to make up untrue stories about him. If Donald Trump was on the flight list of those who flew to Epstein’s island, that would have been leaked long ago.

      1. Take moment to think about what the consequences would have been if Trump succeeded and remained in office past Jan 20.

        1. Take a moment to think about what the consequences are and going to be if other states follow the Colorado ruling.
          That actually happened.
          If you have not noticed, Trump is not president. What you propose did not happen. So crying about something that did not happen is a moot point.
          And as anyone with any degree of critical thinking skills knows there was no insurrection, no attempted coup. You are just repeating what your MSM betters are telling you.
          The rest of us know better.
          We also know by their words and their actions the woke leftists in the Democrat party are the fascist party.

        2. One of the worst parts of the Trump era is the inescapable realization of just how many truly awful people walk among us. Always been there under the rocks, now they walk around with red hats like the cult that they are.

  4. The NYT is the most poisonous and insidious news outlet in America. Its editorial board is totalitarian and clearly seeks to undermine the foundations of this country. It is increasingly Anti-Semitic. And unlike the Washington Post which has little influence beyond the salons of Georgetown, the NYT has a pernicious influence over much of other media as well educational institutions. I stopped subscribing to the cancer some 20 years ago when it crossed the Rubicon to becoming a force for evil across all its departments

  5. Voters should decide elections, not the corrupt clowns.

    Have they forgotten the 2nd Amendment?

    It’s where tyranny leads.

    700 million guns in circulation according to the ATF. 100 million plus gun owners.

    The left thinks they can control CHAOS. They think they can win Civil War/Upheaval. With what???

    Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, …….

    1. Indeed. It amazes me how many so-called educated people in “higher education”, legacy media, and their domestic financial supporters are so willfully obtuse, or perhaps woefully ignorant (or both) of how their own country came into being. They will be shocked and horrified when “The People”, (remember them?) strike back, ten-fold or stronger, with the means, motive, and tools guaranteed by the 2nd.

  6. The New York Times and Harvard University are both trying their hardest to self-destruct and become obsolete.

    1. Secession was and is not prohibited, and it is fully constitutional.

      Many States had secession in their Constitutions.

      Secession would have been ultimately reversed by the Confederacy for its own benefit, resulting in reunification, which is similarly not prohibited and fully constitutional.

  7. Colorado or any other State(s) that care to join in the same ruling, it does not matter. (Because)
    People are going to vote for Donald Trump:
    1. As a Write-In Candidate
    2. Local County Election Commissioners will put the Name on the Ballot (Local Authority Override due to Civic pressure). This is similar to Local Sheriffs overriding enforcement of Federal Gun control legislation.
    3. It doesn’t matter to most people if Donald Trump is convicted and wearing an Orange Jumpsuit. They will Vote for him regardless.

    𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐛𝐚𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐠𝐮𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐰𝐬
    By Ariane de Vogue and Devan Cole ~ Fri October 20, 2023

    This action in Colorado will be the ‘beginning of the end’ of the Electoral College. If the Candidate is not tabulated in areas that the ban occurred and the calculus for the Electoral College corrupt. – Then there is going to be a Law Suite that will end the Electoral College.

  8. The gall of these people! Do they even understand the concept of democracy?

    Hint: It does NOT mean adherence to the strict ideas of the modern Democrat(ic) Party. It existed long before that, yet it is something these “defenders of democracy” always rail against. If they really believed in democracy, they would want the courts to be out of the decision-making process of who wins elections.

    In the immortal words of Dick Armey: “There is nothing democratic about the Democrat Party.”

  9. Mara Gay is a perfect example of who the “reporters”, editorial board members and opinion makers are in our newsrooms today. Young, indoctrinated, historically illiterate and closed-minded.

    Gay is the same person who said on MSNBC that being in Long Island (I believe it was LI) and seeing all of the pick-up trucks with American flags was worrisome.

    Gay is also the Einstein that said Bloomberg should just give every American a million dollars since it would only cost him 300 million dollars which was less than he was spending on his campaign.

    This is who is working ON THE EDITORIAL BOARD of our most influential “news”paper, this is who is helping drive the conversation about America and our political and cultural ways.

    It is little girl syndrome that the universities are foisting upon us. Tic Toc, Facebook, Instagram and whatever other places the young and dumb visit daily are brainwashing our young idiots to think socialism and communism is better than capitalism, that Hamas is preferable to Israel and that creates such ingenious groups as “Gays for Palestine”.

    Check out the press room at KJP’s next “briefing” and see all of the fawning and naïve young and/or weak players doing the administrations bidding.

  10. Guess they forgot the Confederates were essentially the forebears of dems. This is getting really, really old. 🙄🙄

    1. This ignorance she demonstrates is just another reason to not purchase a print or online copy of, or subscription to, the NYT.

      1. Even if you have a bird or potty training puppy there is no reason to buy Leftist cellulose rags like the NYT or Wash Post.

  11. Is there a single Democrat left who is capable of logical thought, or are they all emotionally driven juveniles? I’d like to see some evidence, because so far I haven’t seen any.

    1. Not even a ganglion attached to logical thought—-or any thought at all. Dimunists are brainless, TDS-infected sickos. Need any more examples than the 1000s we have seen in the last 6 years?

  12. The only people who believe what they read in the prog/left media are “the prog/left” and they are so ignorant of their own ignorance that they could never discern the fact from fiction so what would it matter what they read – they will follow their ideology where ever it may lead them.

  13. It’ sad to see the NY Times go into decline like it has, I think DEI hiring is part of the problem. When a company gets obsessed with DEI hiring the end result is all only left wing Democrats get jobs. That’s the problem with the Times, too many left wing Democrats are editors and reporters. The paper would be so much better if they balanced this by hiring conservative and Republicans too. I no longer read the Times because all you get now is left wing propaganda from the paper, so much so the paper runs false or made up stories. The Times also covers up news that makes democrats look bad (see the Times refusal to shed light on the corruption of Joe Biden and his family.

    1. DEI versus “balanced this by hiring conservative and Republicans”

      Ever notice how “inclusion” always means its opposite? See also the Boston Mayor’s “inclusive” Christmas party.

  14. Remember Spartacus “Russia Russia Russia”, he could be a “Russian operative”, now it’s the Confederacy has risen again. The Baba Yaga must be kept alive for the weak minded base.

  15. “Colorado Supreme Court’s disqualification of Donald Trump . . .” (JT)

    Now is the time to say: Voter suppression.

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