Hunter’s Art Dealer Contradicts White House Claims Over Art Sales

Over the last two years, ethicists and public interest groups have raised concerns over the selling of art by Hunter Biden as an avenue for Biden donors and allies to funnel money to the family. In response, then White House Press Secretary (and now MSNBC host) Jen Psaki repeatedly assured the public that there was a special ethical plan in place with the gallery to prevent Hunter from knowing who purchased the art. Yet, according to Georges Bergès, Hunter Biden’s art gallerist, he never spoke to anyone with the White House. Not only did he confirm that the White House never contacted him, but said that Hunter knew who purchased roughly 70% of the value of his art, including Democrat donors Kevin Morris and Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali.

The media dutifully reported at the time how the White House was grappling with the ethical questions and, according to the Washington Post, “the White House officials have helped craft an agreement.”

That appears to be news to Bergès who said that he had no contacts with the White House and Hunter knew the identity of the purchasers of most of the art. Notably, Bergès was reading these same reports in the news but never objected to the alleged misrepresentation. He simply continued to be a conduit for the funds to Hunter.

In the meantime, the White House continued to swat down questions by citing an ethical plan created for the sales. Andrew Bates, a spokesperson for the White House, said in a statement that “the President has established the highest ethical standards of any administration in American history, and his family’s commitment to rigorous processes like this is a prime example.”

Psaki stated:

“Well, I can tell you that after careful consideration, a system has been established that allows for Hunter Biden to work in his profession within reasonable safeguards […] But all interactions regarding the selling of art and the setting of prices will be handled by a professional gallerist, adhering to the highest industry standards. And any offer out of the normal course would be rejected out of hand. And the gallerist will not share information about buyers or prospective buyers, including their identities, with Hunter Biden or the administration, which provides quite a level of protection and transparency.”

The White House can now explain how it implemented this ethical plan without involving the gallery controlling the information and sales.

Some other details are concerning. Bergès admitted that Hunter knew that Naftali was one of the purchasers. However, he also reportedly admitted that he pushed Naftali to buy some of the pieces in 2020 without success. However, two months after Joe Biden became president, Naftali purchased her first piece of Hunter Biden’s artwork and later, in July 2022, President Biden announced Naftali’s appointment to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad.

Likewise, Bergès admitted that most of the art was actually purchased by lawyer Kevin Morris, who has reportedly given Hunter millions to cover unpaid taxes and expenses. So, as media was reporting how Hunter’s art was being eagerly purchased by art lovers, it appears to have been an illusion. It was Morris, and he only paid Bergès’ 40% commission on the $875,000 purchases.

Bergès admits that he has never seen a deal where the purchaser just paid his commission.

The strange arrangement reenforces the view that this was all a sham from the alleged ethics plan to the purchases themselves. Morris, a major Democratic donor, had only briefly met Hunter when he started to pay off his debts and support his lavish lifestyle.

The art sales were portrayed as a way for Hunter to support himself in a new (and successful) emergence as an artist. The Independent gushed how buyers were “floored” by Hunter’s talent and eagerly flocked to the shows.

However, it was largely Morris according to Bergès. So Hunter sent the art to New York and the press played up his success as an artist. Morris then bought most of the art and just paid Bergès his fee. The public was then left with the impression that Hunter was not only a successful artist, but supporting himself.

137 thoughts on “Hunter’s Art Dealer Contradicts White House Claims Over Art Sales”

  1. Former VP Biden’s family are trash, while POTUS Trump’s family are classy, intelligent, patriotic, honest, trustworthy, transparent, ethical, good people.

  2. “Hunter Biden had offered to testify at a public hearing.”

    Try that stunt the next time you get a subpoena. Bring a toothbrush.

  3. “It was Morris, and he only paid Bergès’ 40% commission on the $875,000 purchases. […] So Hunter sent the art to New York and the press played up his success as an artist. Morris then bought most of the art and just paid Bergès his fee. The public was then left with the impression that Hunter was not only a successful artist, but supporting himself.”

    Apart from being creepily-weird, this appears to be “market manipulation” (fraud on the public) the sort of thing the FTC and/or SEC comes down on hard in other circumstances. In the world of art, new artists seldom get rich from sell their are until the art starts to sell and sell big. This looks for all the world like a conspiracy between the artist, the dealer and the buyer to engage in an artificial “prime the pump” scam. Anyone know how the law would treat this in other situtations?

  4. Grown ass men blathering on with whataboutism. What a shameful example of what we have in our government.

    If these congressman defied a lawful subpoena and they are not above the law, why werent they held in contempt?

    So either they didnt violate the law, or the democrats of the 117th congress think congressman are above the law.

    Why are grown men trying to 3rd grade gas light us by claiming people violated the law, but they never sought to make them pay?

    1. You missed the irony that while bemoaning “Grown ass men blathering on with whataboutism” – you then went on to produce your own whataboutism when whining about congressman allegedly defying a lawful subpoena. #Projection

      1. Ummm, not so much, 3rd grader. Pointing out whataboutism is not whataboutism.

        Unless you’re a 3rd grader.

      2. Muchael/lawn boy/turdrunner lays a steaming turd that makes no sense whatsoever. Have another sip, michael

  5. My big question…what does Kevin Morris get out of paying off Hunter’s tax bill and buying up his art?

    1. One way or another the “bill” will be paid. People are good at deception so likely the payoff is convoluted and hard to follow but there none the less. Given how the Dems work it is a debt that will be paid even if it spans administrations.

  6. I appreciate the support for the Republicans on this matter of H.B. & J.B..
    But it is becoming clear that both Sides are protecting K-Street and the Bread & Butter machine that propels Them and fills Their pockets.
    Through omission of K-Street practices and the denying acknowledgement of how K-Street has systemically corrupted Capitol Hill.

    1. You strip away the Partisan Politics and what do you have left, K-Street, It is the Root of the problem and the Bidens are the By-Product of it, along with Many Many Others. The Trumps too, are a By-Product of Wall Street and Bankers (Goldman Sachs types), of which are a problem of their Own kind.

      The question is: How do We cleanse this from Our government? When there are so many Temptations, Domestic and Foreign, that intercede, intercept, and infest Our System.

      1. “How do We cleanse this from Our government? When there are so many Temptations”

        The first thing one has to do is recognize the difference between private actions and state actions.

        Trump’s deals were made in the private sector under contract laws.
        Biden’s deals with our enemies were for personal gain.

        Hunter earned his money through his father selling secrets to our enemies.
        Don Jr. might have gotten assistance from his father, but it didn’t involve public money or America’s security.

        1. Mr. Meyer, I agree with that, My point is Both Private and State actions were forms of ‘influence’, that intrinsically effected Our governance.
          These ‘Tempataion$’ came in quite large sums, which maybe proportionate to the ‘request’ of Solicitor. It is not an ethical way (with respect to the Public) to conduct Governmental affairs. They ‘intercede’ and corrupt Our sovereignty diluting Our jurisdiction over Our Country’s ambitions.

          1. Influence is a broad word, so I can’t put my finger on what you are trying to say.

            As President, Donald Trump didn’t use his position to enhance his wealth. The reality is Trump lost substantial wealth during his Presidency. As a private businessman, he acted within the law like most builders in the city. The same cannot be said for Joe Biden, who is a crook selling America out to his enemies.

            Trump did not “corrupt Our sovereignty,” he enhanced it.

  7. Just two hours after first son Hunter Biden stormed out of a House contempt of Congress hearing after critic Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) was recognized to speak, the lawmaker’s team was highlighting the clash in a new fundraising note.

    “My message to Hunter is simple: You can run but you can’t hide!” she said in the email. “I am grateful for all of the patriots who stand with me through thick and thin as I battle to hold the ‘Swamp’ accountable. I am relying on that support at this pivotal moment.”

    Afterward, she told reporters, “He looked like an absolute joke. He looked like a fool.”

    She also doubled down on her charge that Biden should face sex trafficking and other charges, and she made that a focus of her fundraising email. In it, she wrote, “The only women Hunter likes to deal with are apparently those he hires for sex. He is clearly terrified of strong conservative women and would rather blatantly thumb his nose at Congress than face my questions at a congressional hearing.”

    Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene is not wrong!!! She said Hunter looked like a fool. he also looked light an addict who still can not deal with reality, a tool.


  8. Reporters swarmed Hunter after he stormed out of the hearing and made his way through the halls of Congress.
    One reporter asked Hunter about putting Joe Biden on speakerphone with his business associates and he snapped.

    “Why did you put your dad on speakerphone if he had nothing to do with your business!? You put him on speaker multiple times to talk to your business partners!” Fox Business reporter Hillary Vaughn asked Hunter as he briskly walked through the hall.

    “Do you have a dad? Does he call you? Do you answer the phone?” Hunter said.

    “Yes,” Hillary Vaughn said. “But why did you need to talk to him during business meetings if he had nothing to do with your business?”

    “You’re dangerous. You’re very dangerous!” Hunter said to Vaughn as he walked away.

    Translation, as Nancy Mace put it, Hunter has no balls.

    Talk about a kick in the crotch by a woman to a Biden. Well played, Rep. Mace!!!!


      The Gateway Pundit article above and Washington Examiner post below are both Tom/Estovir. Yet Tom/Estovir is trolling his own posts with those “lawn boy” “steaming turd” comments.

      Another false flag sequence to make us think To/Estovir is ‘not’ the ‘steaming turd’ poster.

      1. Steaming turd above from turdrunner lawn boy concerned citizen

        Mommy, please come home from the pool hall and make tom/Estovir stop skull fvcking me

  9. 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐩𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐚𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐥 𝐇𝐢𝐥𝐥
    Republicans on Wednesday took the first step toward holding Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress for defying a congressional subpoena. They advanced the charge to a full House vote just hours after the president’s son sparked a momentary political frenzy by appearing in the front row for part of the debate.
    By: Farnoush Amiri ~ Jan 10, 2024


    1. Turdrunner/lawn boy/concerned citizen brings us another steaming turd, like a cat dropping a headless bird on the front stoop

  10. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley are set to debate at 9 p.m. ET on CNN at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa.

    Ramaswamy receives endorsement from Iowa lawmaker who previously backed DeSantis
    BY: Aaron Pellish

    Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy picked up an endorsement from an Iowa state legislator who had previously backed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, according to his campaign.

    Iowa State Rep. Steven Holt formally endorsed Ramaswamy at an event jointly hosted by the candidate’s campaign and grassroots activists protesting the construction of carbon capture pipelines at the Iowa State Capitol in Des Moines on Wednesday, according to a post on social media from Ramaswamy campaign spokesperson Tricia McLaughlin.

    Holt had previously supported DeSantis and attended events organized by the DeSantis campaign as recently as November.
    In December, Holt appeared alongside Ramaswamy at an event focused on the carbon capture pipeline issue.
    Holt’s endorsement marks the second endorsement from an Iowa state legislator for Ramaswamy in the past 24 hours. Iowa Rep. Jeff Shipley endorsed him Tuesday evening at a campaign event in West Des Moines, Iowa.

  11. I am rather surprised that Joe Biden would so blatantly lie about the arrangement to keep the “art” transactions secret from Hunter when the truth would be so easily discovered. It comes off as a veritable thumbing of the nose at the American public – not a good look regardless.

    1. He knew there were pictures of hime with hunters business partners when he made claims he’d never met them.

      You are surprised?

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