“Pronoun Policing”: University of Florida Pushes Back on Offer of Academic Credit for Pronoun Listing

There is an interesting controversy brewing at the University of Florida after Professor Autumn McLellan offered academic credit for those who list their pronouns in class. The University has pushed back that “pronoun policing” is not a valid basis for academic credit.

The controversy arose after conservative groups and sites reported on the offer.

Professor McLellan sent out a notice to class that:

“Guessing or assuming a person’s pronouns can lead to uncomfortable and unwelcoming environments. Displaying your pronouns helps others know how to address you respectfully, even if you feel like your pronouns should be ‘obvious’ to other people.”

McLellan teaches sociology and criminology with stated interests “Collective Action/Social Movements” and “Stratification/Inequality.”

Many faculty and students object to requirements or pressure to use alternative pronouns on political, religious, or biological grounds.

The University itself was quick to push back.

Associate Vice President for Communications Steve Orlando issued a statement that  “Academic credit is to be awarded for academic work, and policing pronouns doesn’t cut it. The administration has made this clear.”

What is also clear to these students is that this is what the professor expects from them.

Granting academic benefits for engaging in designated speech raises a host of concerns. For many students, listing pronouns is an important statement with profound meaning. For some, it is a recognition of tolerance and diversity at the university. For others, it is a concession to a growing orthodoxy over gender identity.

It is not clear whether McLellan has withdrawn the offer. Students were given until Friday, Jan. 19 to update their profile.

N.B.: I have reached out to Professor McLellan for a statement on the controversy.


56 thoughts on ““Pronoun Policing”: University of Florida Pushes Back on Offer of Academic Credit for Pronoun Listing”

  1. The only gendered pronouns in English are the 3rd person singular pronouns. We use these pronouns to talk about people. Nobody possesses the right to his pronouns. This is a free speech issue. We are free to use “she” to talk about Donald Trump. If we do, people will think we are nuts. They will be right.

  2. Gainesville has officially turned into the land of liberal weirdness, too much krypton. UF has always been the mecca home of the lifelong student in quest of morphing into a tenured professor. Where hiding from the rigors of a free market capitalist society in a land of social libtardia else it’s off to the real world and a real job.

  3. Pronouns on a resume are the same as a purple hair, rainbow paraphernalia or facial piercings: the red flag of a future malcontent and trouble maker. Further, today’s grads excel in academia for reasons other than merit.

  4. Nearly 4 in 10 employers avoid hiring recent college grads in favor of older workers

    Earning an undergraduate degree is supposed to help young adults develop the skills needed for the workplace. However, according to a December 2023 survey by Intelligent.com of 800 U.S. managers, directors, and executives who are involved in hiring, recent Gen Z college graduates are struggling with many aspects of professional life making them less desirable to hire.

    Key findings:

    38% of employers avoid hiring recent college graduates in favor of older employees
    1 in 5 employers have had a recent college graduate bring a parent to a job interview
    58% say recent college graduates are unprepared for the workforce
    Nearly half of employers have had to fire a recent college graduate


    1. I had a prospective employee show up for the interview with parent in tow once.
      It was difficult to tell whether I was interviewing the child for the position of assistant, or the parent was interviewing me for the position of nanny.

  5. Why not require every student to be addressed as ‘comrade’? Everyone equal, isn’t that the Leftist dream?

  6. Hey, wait!

    Isn’t it plagiarism, philandering, blasphemy, fraud, welfare, and affirmative action day?

  7. First of all I am totally against pronouns and DEI. But to be fair to this teacher, it is interesting first to see that her rating as a teacher in general is 3.6/5 since “25% of the grade is attendance and she does not allow excuses, and if you are late for 1 minute you are late SKIP CLASS “YOU WON’T PASS”. The academic credit he offered “ES A DAY OF ABSENCE” according to his detractors “Professor McClellan was the least understanding professor I have ever had while at UF. She does not care if you are sick or if you have a reason to be absent, she will penalize you for it anyways.” another says “Projects w/ randomly assigned groups not fair if your team slacks off” and most say “GET READY TO READ”.

    On the other hand, she is Professor “Principles of Sociology”, “Methods of Social Research” “Research Experience I & II”. We do not know in what context the professor, perhaps, wanted to apply an Approaches to Sociological Research in Research Methods.

    There are several research methods sociologists use to collect data or gather information about people. One of them is
    1- Participant observation is the act of observing participants in the research setting.
    – Here the researcher studies the group as a member of the group. Being a participant allows the researcher to observe and gain intimate insights into the ensemble and its members to develop a deep understanding of those involved. The primary challenge of this method is to avoid researcher bias from personal interactions and involvement as a member of the group.
    2- other is Ethnography involves both participant observation and interview research methods.
    – This technique allows the researcher to collect in-depth information about the observations made through formal (structured interview) and informal interactions (participant observation). The researcher is able to receive information about the intentions, motivations, or thoughts of the study participants. This approach reduces researcher bias and ensures focused analysis of social patterns verifiable by personal accounts of others.

    If, for example, she wanted to introduce with a practical study in the class a social analysis on Deviance, Crime, and Social Control, to present a Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance and Crime, with an example within the class group, it is necessary to define a profile of the individual, reasons or motives that may trigger them to commit certain acts, etc. Data is necessary, such as race, ethnicity, gender, sex, sexuality, age, Religion, Education ETC… to know how certain micro groups react within the total group. (Call it a social experiment)

    I am not defending this person, in fact he may be the most “wock” of all, but Sociology is a science that has always been difficult to teach.

    Read all the work done in the CV and analyze the comments on the students’ scores, and make your own conclusions, because we know that there are also students who have destroyed the careers and personal lives of teachers.

    CV.- https://soccrim.clas.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/143/McClellan-CV-2022.pdf
    Autumn McClellan – Overall Quality Rating https://www.ratemyprofessors.com/professor/2544513

      1. we were informed you are a sociopath so of course your head hurts. Let us know when it explodes to throw a party

      2. Mr. Anonymous, I can’t deny how much I laughed with your comment “Opus Magnum”. You are undeniably right that I tried to explain so much that I lost my argument. No wonder your headache! So sorry about that!
        I used to be a communications and PR consultant, and write long explanatory notes in defense of my clients. My mother tongue is Spanish and mistakenly write in Spanish and translate into English.
        I just think that both articles are written in a biased manner, regardless of whether the teacher is Wock/DEI. If we want to win arguments in our cause, we should not behave as the biased corporate press does.

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