Art Dealer Testifies that Hunter Expressly Asked for Buyer Information

More details are emerging from the recent testimony of Hunter Biden’s art dealer, George Bergès. We previously discussed how Bergès confirmed that the accounts of buyers flocking to buy Hunter’s art was false and that most of the art was purchased by his Democratic donor patron, Kevin Morris. Not only did Bergès shatter White House claims of a carefully constructed ethical system to keep Hunter from knowing the identity of purchasers, Bergès testified that Hunter expressly demanded to know the identity.

Various experts objected to the sales as a serious ethical problem of donors using the purchases to assist President Biden and his family.

The media dutifully reported at the time how the White House was grappling with the ethical questions and, according to the Washington Post, “the White House officials have helped craft an agreement.” It was portrayed as unprecedented and unyielding.

The White House continued to swat down questions by citing an ethical plan created for the sales. Andrew Bates, a spokesperson for the White House, said in a statement that “the President has established the highest ethical standards of any administration in American history, and his family’s commitment to rigorous processes like this is a prime example.”

Then White House spokesperson (and now MSNBC host) Jennifer Psaki stated:

“Well, I can tell you that after careful consideration, a system has been established that allows for Hunter Biden to work in his profession within reasonable safeguards […] But all interactions regarding the selling of art and the setting of prices will be handled by a professional gallerist, adhering to the highest industry standards. And any offer out of the normal course would be rejected out of hand. And the gallerist will not share information about buyers or prospective buyers, including their identities, with Hunter Biden or the administration, which provides quite a level of protection and transparency.”

It appears that the plan was not implemented until months after these assurances were made. If true, the White House effort was the ultimate example of closing the barn door after the horse has bolted. The clear message given repeatedly to Congress and the public was that an ethical plan was in place to prevent such knowledge.

Bergès reportedly testified that he had no contacts with the White House and Hunter knew the identity of the purchasers of most of the art. Notably, Bergès was reading these same reports in the news but never objected to the alleged misrepresentation. He admitted that he read of those reports and was confused.

A staffer asked: “When you’re seeing in the press that the White House is putting in certain safeguards regarding an ethics agreement but you’ve had no conversations with [the] White House, I mean, did you ever say to Hunter Biden, ‘Hey, where’s this coming from?’”

Bergès responded: “I might have. I probably did, yeah.” He admitted that he was surprised by the coverage “[b]ecause I hadn’t had any communication with the White House about an agreement.” That, of course, was never reported. Instead, the media dutifully reported how there was this comprehensive ethical plan in place.

What was particularly notable is that, despite the false White House claims and extensive coverage, Hunter appears to have discarded any such limits. Berges testified that artists usually do not know who buys their art.  So not only did Hunter not comply with the agreement with the first, this was a departure from standard operating procedure to let him know about the purchasers: “…I don’t know how it was phrased or—but I remember that there—that that was the difference…That part was different. Normally, the gallerist does not let the artist know who the collectors are…The first one was that I was required to disclose who the buyers were. In the second one, I was required to not disclose the buyers.”

The most important testimony, in my view, is still the massive purchase by Morris. This Democratic donor was introduced to Hunter at a Democratic fundraiser for the first time not long before reportedly giving him millions to pay off his taxes and support his lavish lifestyle. He then reportedly purchased most of the art as the media was reporting how hot Hunter was as a new emerging artist. The claims of walling off the identity of purchasers and the high demand for his art proved to be false.

In a letter to Fox News, Bergès insisted that the knowledge of the sales was due to “friends or by happenstance.”

For his part, Bergès says that he no longer carries Hunter’s art. He did confirm that he previously did speak with President Biden in person and on the phone during the period when he was selling his son’s art.

The media, however, now appears to be, again, largely ignoring the story and what it says about not just the ethical questions but its own prior coverage.

190 thoughts on “Art Dealer Testifies that Hunter Expressly Asked for Buyer Information”

  1. I’m shocked at how openly the media is supporting the Bidens’ corruption. Usually they would refrain because being this open about supporting Democratic corruption would damage their long term credibility. But they seem to have recalculated how much damage they are willing to take to support the team.

  2. The latest reporting on this is that the first contract required Bergès to tell Biden who the buyers were. This is unusual. The second contract forbade that. The second contract was put in place several months after the WH announced the system. Berges said that Hunter knew of 70% of the buyers.

    1. The problem is that while they will point to the second contract as having fixed the problem… there’s always a bit of wink, wink, nudge, nudge going on.

      Art sales is a legal way to launder money.

  3. The ‘list’ gets longer of those who will likely suffer ‘consequences’ for their various roles in, to put it bluntly, ‘protecting Joseph Biden.’ Every President has his ‘protectors,’ no one will argue this is not a bad thing. But …….this presidency, the Biden Administration, has moved the goalposts so far beyond where they have been previously, IF DJT becomes the next POTUS in January of 2025, as they say….all Hell will break lose —Let’s face it, there’s lying, and then there’s LYING, and then there’s this level of unprecedented LYING….

  4. Haley must pull in Second at least in New Hampshire and win in South Carolina or she is done.

    Desantis must win in New Hampshire or he is done.

    Pure politics folks. If Haley cannot win in South Carolina…..a State she was Governor of…..that is the end of the line for her this time.

    A gracious exit and she becomes Trumps Secretary of State.

    DeSantis sticks to his day job as the Florida Governor and is in line for 2028.

    Trump just showed his pick for VP.

    1. This South Carolinian will NEVER vote for that woman. I don’t vote for politicians who bow to the mob.

  5. Doo-Rag Raskin says

    “This is not what contempt is about. Contempt is when you just completely blow it off”

    1. Blow it off
    2. Stand on the senate steps and flaunt it
    3. Go to the contempt hearing and flaunt it some more

    Sorry, Doo-Rag, we dont have a statute that covers Utter Contempt of Congress

  6. “When you’re seeing in the press that the White House is putting in certain safeguards regarding an ethics agreement …”
    “There was no ethics agreement …” Berges, Hunter’s multi million dollar to demoncratic donors art seller.

    “Have you spoken to President Biden?” a House investigator asked at one point.
    “Yes,” Berges answered.

    “Okay. And was that in person or on the phone or both?” the investigator pressed.
    “Both,” he answered.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA zero ethics, total corruption, and absolutely lying about it every step of the way. CRIMINALS.

    1. I like Haley. I think she has a future in the GOP. That does not mean I do not think she made a WRONG political calculation in entering this election.

      I am not sure whether the neoconish positions she has taken are a reflection of who she actually is.
      I saw her as more of a neo-con extra light before.

      But in entering a race with Trump and DeSantis (and Viveck) she needed to find some significant way of distinguishing herself.

      This has posed a problem for ALL Trump challengers. Contra Pundits I do not think DeSantis ran a lousy campaign.
      He merely picked the wrong moment to run. There is no reason to take a Trump impersonator, when you can have Trump.

      There are real differences between Trump, DeSantis, Viveck, and Haley – but the core policies of all 4 were TRUMP policies.

      I am Trump only younger did not work for Viveck. No one hates him. Trump even gave him Kudos last night. He even complimented Haley and DeSantis while encouraging them to bow out now.

      I beleive/Hope that Haley’s neocon positions in this campaign are a reflection of her efforts to find some way to distinguish herself from Trump. I do not give a schiff that she jumped into bed with military contractors in return for millions when she left government.
      I have no problems with taking money that others freely offer you.

      The question for the future – not now, is who is Haley really.
      I strongly suspect that she has burned her chances at a key role in a Trump administration. I suspect that had she stayed out of the campaign she would be the #1 choice as VP. I doubt that is in the cards now. Though I could be wrong. Trump picked Pence to shore up evangelical support. He absolutely positively does not need to do that today – as Iowa proved concretely.

      From the perspective of winning in 2024 Trump’s perfect VP would be young, female, minority, northern, and appealing to neocons.
      Haley ticks almost all those boxes. Remember Reagan picked Bush. I suspect if Haley drops out now she MIGHT still be in the running for VP.

      Though I do not know. I think Trump likes Haley ALOT, but he also values loyality ALOT.

      So that we are clear I think the best thing Trump has done is disempower neocons.
      If Haley is really a neocon – good riddance.

      But Trump not only wants to win this election. He wants to CRUSH this election.

      He has already quelled the claims he would be seeking revenge as he said – he will be too busy from day one “making american great again”.

      I think if Haley gave him 2-3% more popular vote – he would pick her as VP regardless.

      1. I think Haley would be a smart pick, though i think she really is a neo-con.

        My reservation is how that places her in 4 years, because we simply cannot afford a neo-con in the white house.

      2. John, In the past, I had a strong fondness for Haley and even had her send a signed copy of her book to one of my granddaughters.

        One of her problems is that she moved in the wrong direction. Her support is from a billionaire group, which is something to worry about.

        I want your assessment of the video if you heard it. It is excellent, but there are multiple points of view. It coincides with what I know, but Haley might be angling for a VP spot. All candidates have faults, though the most uncomplicated ones to live with are Trump and DeSantis.

        She is a neocon, has an anti-Libertarian streak, and, based on her supporters, she is likely a globalist. It isn’t easy to assess what she is today because she has to differentiate herself from Trump.

        I like stability, and Trump is very much who he was when he was younger than his children. Nickey has changed her position too much.

        Listen to the video.

        1. “She is a neocon,”
          “has an anti-Libertarian streak, and, based on her supporters, she is likely a globalist.”
          ” It isn’t easy to assess what she is today because she has to differentiate herself from Trump.”

          I doubt I am close to her on Policy – if I KNEW who she was.
          That does not mean I can not like her.
          Or respect her accomplishments.
          Or even vote for her – depending on exactly what my choices are.

          But she would not be my first, 2nd, or even 5th choice.
          Would I pick her over Newsom ? Harris ? Warren ? easily.

          Over DeSantis ? Viveck ? Nope.

          If she is angling for VP she drops out NOW. If she goes to NH no matter what the outcome, I do not think Trump will pick her.

          Trump will win – even if he actually loses to here in NH. She MUST know that she has no shot.

          Trump is not as vindictive as those on the left claim. But loyalty matters.
          At the same time he respects honest ambition.

          MAYBE he can still pick her if she bows out now.
          But not if she stays through NH.

          1. “That does not mean I can not like her.
            Or respect her accomplishments.”

            I like and respect her as well. If I felt otherwise I wouldn’t have sent her book to my granddaughter. I do not want her for President.

      3. ” Contra Pundits I do not think DeSantis ran a lousy campaign.”

        John, DeSantis is a true administrator and that is what we need for a President. His main problem is he has no charisma and is dry. However, he is extremely focused, smart, educated and is willing to fight for America. He actually served in the military, something I feel adds an additional dimension.

        I want DeSantis as President, but the timing of 2028 hurts his chances.

        1. S Meyer, I agree with you. DeSantis showed great intelligence, courage and administrative skill in his response to Covid. He has stood up to wokism, in the form of CRT/DEI and transgenderism in schools. He is tough and tough minded. Unfortunately, he has not prevailed against Trump. His best option now is to suspend his campaign and endorse Trump.

          1. Daniel, Trump should run away with the nomination. However, the video I posted to John has an interesting twist because DeSantis’ leaving the process can strengthen Haley and the next place is New Hampshire favorable to her.

        2. DeSantis is not as charasmatic as Trump, But he did not get to be Governor with zero charisma.

          There are many ways he is like Trump. Both joust effectively with hostile reporters.
          I think Both have an incredible grasp of the facts. But Trump still comes off as a common man – despite the platinum spoon he was born with.

          Nor do I think DeSantis is the right man to clean house in DC.

          I respect people who serve.
          But I have found Trump’s dealing with the Military amazing. Trump knows how to make enemies fear what he will do with the most powerful military int he world – without actually using it. That is quite similar to Reagan.

          I was really really impressed when Trump backed down at the last minute from Bolton’s efforts to start a War with Iran.

          I am less sure that DeSantis would have done the same.

          I would note that Biden and Trump both were president with essentially the same Military.

          But the bad guys in the world both feared what Trump might do, and Trump knew how to look out for US interests without poking the bear.

          Conversely Biden is obviously weaker, while at the same time actually MORE beligerant.

          Biden’s remark “No one messes with a Biden” in the Huricane in FL was very revealing.
          It is the remark of an insecure Bully.

          WE have Wars all over the world right now, because Biden is weak. Because he needs to prove himself, because he and his staff do not think out the possible consequences of what they are doing.

          Ukraine was SIMPLE – DO NOT POKE THE BEAR. Putin would likely have left Ukraine alone as he did through the Trump administration – so long as there was no talk of joining NATO and no formal security agreement between the west and NATO.

          And Ukraine is NOT in the US interests.

          Containing Iran was absolutely in the US Interests. And under Trump the US quietly did that.
          We starved the Ayahtolahs of oil money and that reduced their ability to export terrorism.

          1. If Trump was in the White House there would be no war in Ukraine and no war in Gaza. I hope we don’t end up in WW3 before Trump is back in the White House.

      4. @John Say,

        I like her too, but I think its wrong to say ‘neo-con’ these days.

        Right now… even if Trump wins… there will be a call for military action in at least half a dozen hot spots thanks to Joe bumbling Biden.

        Joe talked tough then wimped out.
        Trump has to talk tough and carry thru on his word.

        It will take more than a decade to fix the damage caused by Obama and Biden when it comes to foreign policy.


        1. So what do you think Trump is going to do ?

          Trump will FORCE a peace deal. No one will like it. He will get $hit for it. it will basically freeze the status quo, and end the talk of Ukraine joining NATO.

          BTW that is near certain the deal that MUST happen – unless there is a European country that is willing to commit lots of Troops to defend Ukraine. Barring a miracle – Ukraine has become a war of attrition and Ukraine will lose that – at great cost to Russia. But Russia has shown a willingness to endure that cost.
          It is POSSIBLE that Trump may be able to get SOME concessions from Russia in return for getting Russian oil and gas exports back online. Russia does not have the technical expertise to do that without western help.
          But Russia is going to keep Crimea, and keep a land bridge to it.
          BTW it is in global interests to get Russian fossil Fuels back on line.
          And any deal with get Ukraine grain exports back online.
          These two factors ALONE would greatly stabalize the world.

          This is again some of the short sighted nonsense of the Biden administration.

          Trump will return to aiding the Saudis against Yemen. That Houthi’s will be too busy dealing with SA to be a problem.
          They are not a significant power. They are just a danger of the US getting sucked into boots on the ground.
          Biden has pissed off the Saudi’s and his ego will prevent him from addmitting that he was wrong to stop the Saudi’s efforts in Yemen.

          Trump will return to the Sanctions against Iran. To do so effectively the US will have to guarantee oil to Europe. Trump will have to return to “Drill baby, Drill” – but he is doing that anyway.
          Reigning in Iran weakens the Houthi’s, Hamas, Hezbolla – all without firing a shot.
          Though the US may have to take out an Ayahtolah or two, as Trump did with Soliamani.

          Trump will provide military assistance. There will be protests, Trump will ignore them.

          Saudi Arabia:
          Trump will get the Saudis into the Abraham accords.
          I would note there are already informal military ties between Israel and SA.

          The Palestinians cease to be a consequential problem in the Mideast as Israel’s ties to mideastern nations grow stronger.
          The whole HAMAS attack had among its goals disrupting SA joining the Abraham accords.

          The current mess in Israel is just a speed bump to mideast peace. The Big problem is Iran, and the counter to Iran is mostly Saudi’s
          Though Turkey is the other big power.

          Nothing will change regarding China EXCEPT the risk of an attack on Taiwan. Xi knows Biden is weak. That is dangerous.
          Trump built the coalition to isolate China. One of the few mistakes Biden has not made was burning that.

          1. “But Russia is going to keep Crimea, and keep a land bridge to it.”

            A deal will be made, but it will be more difficult because trust and predictability are super important. Biden has destroyed both, so Russia’s argument will be we can’t trust you or your predictability. Another Biden could replace Trump in 2032. However, in the final agreement, Russia will keep Crimea, a land bridge, and Ukraine will remain neutral. Special arrangements will be made for the Russian-speaking areas. Any idea of NATO advancement will be closed down, and NATO will be forced to pull back even if we don’t see it.

            The more difficult issue is separating Russia from China, which the Democrats brought together. If China or Iran took no final actions, Trump will rebuild the military and might have to prove that the US will go to war, much like Grenada. That means, in some aspects, the likelihood of war could increase.

  7. He will plead the fifth and will dance the Potomac two step and parse words and do like Anthony Fauci (surrounded by four attorneys) who “could not recall” over 100 times during one day of testimony.

    In the end, this house of cards will come tumbling down. He will face judgement if not in this life, he certainly will when he stands before our Lord, the one whose judgment we should all dread.

  8. Dennis says “Hunter will not plead the 5th, because he has nothing to hide”

    What he meant, since he clearly knows Hunter has much to hide, is that Hunter has “no reason to hide” it.

    Joe literally had “nothing to hide” when he paraded naked at the pool in front of female Secret Service agents.

    Joe had “nothing to hide” when he paraded his known crack head, law breaking, tax cheat son, all over Washington and around the world.

    Joe had “nothing to hide” in his use of pseudonyms and burner phones while VP

    The Bidens have “no reason to hide”. They can do anything they want.

    And bedwetting sycophants like Dennis will cheer them on.

    1. Either the FBI CHS is lying – in a report to the FBI years ago, before Trump was relevant,
      Or Hunter Biden will have to take the 5th when asked about exchanges with Zolochevsky.

      That is not the only place he is taking the 5th. Just one he can not weasle out of easily.

  9. There is so much evidence at this point, people need to literally be hit with a hammer to wake up (and I guess Bidenflation isn’t enough of one). Worse, people on social media with followings that number over 4 digits think they are in the same league as a Hunter or a Beyonce, and you can double that if they are sponsored by advertisers. It’s quite a mess we have created. To the parents of millennials and gen z who thought teaching their kids anything whatsoever at home was beyond their purview -thank, thanks a lot. This is as much on you as anyone. YOUR kids are ANTIFA, YOUR kids are the new vote blue no matter who. And it is not going to be sustainable forever, not even for much longer. The point of reckoning when ‘feelings’ matter more than being able to read or do math or treat others with kindness or think for one’s self is coming very soon. And we all have to live in that world, including you, while we try to sort it out.

    1. As a parent one of the things that was brought home to me, was that mostly humans – including children learn through failure.
      That as parents it is our job to provide the oportunity for our children to attempt things, to learn from their successes and failures – without having to pay an adult price for failure.

      The generation that others have raised that is entering adulthood, having been protected from reality and consequences, is going to pay an adult price for learning that should have been less costly at a much younger age.

      I would further suggest that peoples whose world view is driven by ideology that has evolved into religion that must be taken on faith are incredibly difficult to persuade. At the same time running head on into immutable reality repeatedly often disabuses them of their prior faith and that people who reject one religion as adults often adopt the extreme opposite when they are finally able to reject their false ideology.

      I would not bet on “vote blue no matter who” is an enduring position for young adults. A relevant aphorism is a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged by reality”

      Peter Theil beleives we hit “peak woke” in 2020, and I beleive he is correct. But the downslope is filled with increasing levels of desparation – that inevitably fail to arrest and even accelerate the decline.

      We are seeing accross the country a radical change on immigration, as people are starting to realize that you can beleive illegal immigrants are good people. That does not change the negative impact of massive unchecked illegal immigration, nor does it make the anarchy at our southern border into an asset.

      We have democratic cities accross the country screaming “Please do not force us to live up to our ideals”.
      Reality has a way of disposing of poorly considered ideology.

      There is a great deal of evidence that we are in the midst of a political sea change – a massive national political realignment that occurs less than once a generation.

      I am not “ecstatic” about all aspects of that re-alignment. There is a giant Gulf between MAGA is a significant improvement over the republicanism of the past 30 years and MAGA is a perfect ideal.

      I am hopeful that the backlash against Woke idiocy will NOT be extreme. That the portrayal of the right by the media is a nonsensical caricature.

      We need immigration reform. This country needs about 2M legal immigrants a year – not the 1M we have had for a couple of decades.
      But they need to be legal. We need a much more secure border, We need a far less chaotic immigration process. We need to control immigration so that it is NOT a haphazard political effort to turn southern states blue, but a means to arrest the negative consequences of declining population growth.

      We need criminal justice reform. We should not abandon what we already have – in some places we should expand it.
      But we also need to be looking for ways to do better. The left has pretended that approaches to criminal justice that have had SOME success can entirely replace what we already have – that is complete garbage. SOME of what goes under the label of social justice, restorative justice, etc actually has merit. But it does NOT work all the time on all people, and it is rarely a substitute for traditional justice.
      We should all want fewer people to go to prison, and those who get out to succeed and not return. But that goal is neither easy nor cheap.

      One of the problems with the left is that it is unable to understand that some things are a luxury goods that a nation with a high standard of living can afford and benefit from. That they do not work well and can not be afforded without that high standard of living.

      I recently watched a debate between Chenk Uygar and Tucker Carlson. Both were SHOCKED by the fairly substantial common ground between them. And I was shocked because BOTH were mostly Wrong with respect to their common ground.

      Tucker and Chenk both grasp a very serious threat from big business today. But both failed to grasp that with few exceptions the power that big business has is primarily rented government power. Limit government and you automatically limit the power of big business.

      Minor problems with the DMCA have come close to destroying free speech in this country – and too some extent in the world.

      I support the protection of internet companies from liability for the content they allow to be posted.
      But that protection can not come for free. If you want protection from responsibility for the content you carry then you can not restrict content – beyond barring that content that is actually illegal, and you can not use your protected platform to engage in editorial comment on the posts you host. If you want editorial control of content – then you accept the same conditions that apply to normal publishers of liability for the content you publish.

      You are free to say NO, I will not carry Der Sturmer, or Alex Jones, but when you do so, you do so witht eh same liabilities as traditional publishers.

      Regardless, my point is that I do not see the collapse of society as our young people learn – unfortunately very painfyully lessons they should have learned much younger.

      We WILL be poorer as a country than we would have been but for this woke nonsense.

      I would strongly encourge reading Ayn Rand’s dystopia “Atlas Shrugged”. It is unique among dystopias in that it hypothesiszes the mechanisms of failure of a free society. While it is prescient in that, more interestingly it correctly observes that a free society will strive mightily to power on no matter how heavy the shackles put upon it. We have been playing out Atlas Shrugged in slow motions since the latter half of the 19th century. And still Atlas – Free society has struggled on pulling an ever growing burden of shackles and chains and still managing to not only avoid Rand’s slow failure – but survive and even thrive – though less than we could have. Rand’s engine of the world is more powerful than even she imagined.

      Those of us not on the woke left should understand – the world is NOT coming to an end. The Woke garbage being imposed on us all is bad, it is harmful, but it is not the end of the world. We can and will survive this woke garbage and even thrive – though much less than we might have.

      While those on the left should understand that we are not facing an existential threat to democracy. We are not returning to the 90’s much less to Jim Crow or pre-civil war slavery. Every single threat the Left sees has in the past been many times worse than today. And those times in the past were good times for MOST people. Ending efforts to trans toddlers will not being about the end of society as we know it. Not being called by your prefered pronouns will only ruin your day if YOU choose to let it.

      I found it weird that left wing outlets are now ranting that Electing Trump will result in dictatorial wars.

      Really ? We had 4 years of growing world peace under Trump. We moved away from a role as policemen of the world – something we do very poorly, and as we did so the world did not end and war did not errupt, Trump had the oportunity to go to war with Iran. It was fully expected. It was fully justified, and Trump backed down. Conversely we have had 3 years of Biden and a return of the Neo-Cons. And violence is springing up accross the world.

      The US support of Ukraine is justified, the US support of Israel is justified, the US attacks on the Houthi are justified.

      But most of us understand that they would not have been necescary but for the failures of the Biden administration.

      Oddly even some woke left wing nuts grasp that thousands of Palestinians would likely still be alive if Trump was still president.

      1. “The US support of Ukraine is justified, ” TOTAL BS The USA created the war, overthrew Ukraine in 2014, copped the minksy agreement to build the war army, then lied and whined Russia did us 2016 when only THE USA IS TOTALLY GUILTY 20 BILLION BY 2014 TO OVERTHROW PUTIN, NULAND CONGRESSIONAL OATH TESTIMONY

        “the US support of Israel is justified,” Another pile of crap. The USA needs to shut down the monster bibi

        “the US attacks on the Houthi are justified. ” Same for the decades long war in cahoots with saudis on the same ? TOTAL BS.

        I don’t strongly object to anything else you said and generally totally support it.

        1. They killed and video’d two more hostages today.

          Piss off with that Shakdi.

          This is perfect. Bibi is gonna put that sh*t to rest over there AND Biden is gonna take a serious hit on his far left.

          If it takes a few thousand dead Palestinians to get Biden out of office, so be it. It took millions of deaths worldwide to get him in.

          Joe didnt get his share of the $20M from the Chinese. The balance was paid by them in the form of a virus.

          1. Isrsaeli forcves gunned down 3 of their own, as they came out in undies with white flags waving – GUNNED DOWN THEIR OWN WHO WERE LET GO…

            SO SHOVE IT BUBBA. That’s what COWARDS and CRIMINALS the israeli forces are

            1. I am sure those kids in israeli uniforms were scared to death.
              I’m sure you’d be much braver facing down IED’s, rockets, and 7.62 mm bullets.
              Tell us about your combat experience, big mouth.

              EVERY SINGLE fvcking death of everyone on either side is on the heads of the Oct 7 terrorists.

              Its called cause and effect.

              Reality. You dont get your own.

            2. You run away from facts, and you call others cowards?

              You are a coward and a fool. These young Israelis run to danger despite the threat of being killed. You wouldn’t last a day in the IDF. They would have to sedate you with valium and protect the sheets by making you wear a diaper.

        2. “the US support of Israel is justified,” Another pile of crap. ”

          Shakti, if you weren’t an anti-Semite, you would also be against the US financially supporting Hamas both directly and indirectly, the UN supporting Hamas, European supporters of Hamas, etc., but you are an anti-Semite, so you complain only where Jews might benefit.

          Hopefully, the war will wind down shortly, and Israel will be more aggressive in preventing a resurgence of terrorism. Maybe some Arab nations, with their vast lands and money, will take the Palestinians, but none of those Arab nations want them.

          1. LMAO – I already saw Bibi blabbering to support Hamas. You’ve missed the video clip going around ?
            The plot was to split the west bank and gaza, and it worked.

            Oh, and I’m against Israel supporting Hamas, which they have been doing.
            I’m against the USA supporting your SHHHT WARS.

            I already found out from the river to the sea was the old lukid party mantra from DECADES ago.


            SHOVE IT SON. The truth is OUT, and no amount of screaming anti semite CAN EVER CHANGE IT.

            1. Shakdi, there is nothing I can do if you choose to rant like an idiot instead of discussing things intelligently.

              You refuse history, and you refuse the law. All you spew are things intentionally packaged in odd ways that prove you are an anti-Semite. Every argument you possess has a contrary one based on your contradictory ideas. What you approve regarding one group, you disapprove of if a Jew is involved.

              You can burn your insides out, for Hamas will be defeated, and because of people like you, many innocent Palestinians will suffer and die. They have been doing so for more than 75 years when they could have lived pleasant lives as Gaza’s geographical and physical would have made that happen.

              Since 2005, Gazans could have provided for themselves like their neighbors. Too many of them prefer killing to peace.

          2. Did your criminals make the 20 to 1 kill ratio I predicted on day one ?


            1. Who would guess Shakdi would want to make a fool of himself twice in a row?

              Are you that mathematically ignorant that you don’t understand kill ratios and why Israel should get a commendation for attempting to save civilian lives? Compare this with the kill ratios of all other wars.

              A simple argument destroys everything you say in less than a minute. Israel could have destroyed Hamas in a matter of days if it didn’t protect civilian lives.

              YOU ARE A FOOL.

        3. Shakdic
          Get real.
          Houthi’s fire on ships in the Sea.
          Time to quell their rebellion by taking out their threat(s) to the shipping in the region.

        4. Two things can be true at the same time.

          US Support for Ukraine is justified.
          It is NOT in our national interests,
          And the war is the result of Obama/Biden/Clinton incompetence.,
          We should be working on a deal – we should have almost 2 years ago when that was easier.

          I said nothing about Bibi, nor do I intend to, that is for the Israeli’s to decide.
          US support of Israel has nothing to do with Bibi.

          As to the Houthi’s – this is trivial. Either you let them shutdown the Suez, or someone has got to deal with them.
          Do you want that to be the US and UK ? or The Saudi’s ?
          Also you have to contain Iran – as Trump did and Biden has not – or you have problems all over the mideast.

          Even our Founders found it necescary to take action against pirate nations in the mideast.

          I do not disagree with your assessment that Biden is a Total F#$K up and is responsible for the fighting accross the globe.
          Regardless, the problems will have to be cleaned up by someone.

          Peace is acheivable – Trump proved that.

          US strength does not always require US boots on the ground.

  10. Anyone notice we havent been getting daily updates from Dennis the pedophile on his favorite prosecutor, the brilliant Fani Willis?

    Why is that, Dennis?

    1. I heard today that Fani is defending her boyfriend’s “credentials”. I bet she is.

      She claims this is all about race. She paid Wade $100/hr more than the other 2 prosecutors. Because he is black? Or because of the size of his dick?

      Wade’s wife has subpoenaed Fani.

      And Dennis is in the corner, sucking his thumb.

      1. My inital reaction to the Roman motion was this is really bad. The more I learn the worse this gets.

        It is virtually certain that Fanni and her paramour will be removed from this case.
        That Fanni’s entire office will be conflicted out.

        There is a strong possibility that Fanni will be disbarred, and may even face criminal charges.
        This is not even close to OK.

        While the romantic relationship is a problem. Hiring someone unqualified outside normal channels and then getting perqs/kickbacks from them is a massive ethical problem and likely a criminal one. And none of that has anything to do with Trump.
        The romantic aspects only make the conflict and crime clearer.

        There is virtually no chance this case is tried now prior to the election. There is a substantial possibility that the new prosecutors just drops it. There are very few prosecutors – even among democrats who were willing to crawl way out on this limb.

        We also have massive evidence now of the Biden WH and the J6 committee involvement in the GA prosecution.

        To be clear – that is PERFECTLY legal. The problem is that it makes PERFECTLY clear that Trump’s conduct with Zelensky which he was impeached for is also PERFECTLY legal AND that Trump’s conduct with respect to the Election is ALSO PERFECTLY LEGAL.

        If Biden can involve himself in state investigations of a political opponent Trump can do so with foreign investigations.
        If Biden’s presidential role includes inquiry into state criminal investigations, then Trump’s presidential role includes inquiry into state handling of Federal elections.

        Further if Biden has immunity from prosecution for involving himself in State prosecutions and investigations, then Trump has immunity for involving himself in the state administration of federal elections.

        Separately this has swing open the barn doors to House investigations of politicized DOJ conduct – and now Politicized WH conduct.

        Nothing is more damaging to political prosecutions of your enemies than to be caught doing what you are prosecuting them for.

        1. @John Say…
          We also have massive evidence now of the Biden WH and the J6 committee involvement in the GA prosecution.

          Uhm I am not so sure.

          Normally I think you’re right. But there’s this thing called election interference.
          And w the WH getting engaged.. the charges become politically motivated.

        2. “We also have massive evidence now of the Biden WH [. . .] involvement in the GA prosecution.

          “To be clear – that is PERFECTLY legal.”

          No it is *not*.

          At minimum, it is the “Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law.” Worse, it is manifestly unconstitutional.

    2. @Anon,
      Maybe Denise didn’t get her talking points yet?

      Look, Fani is in serious trouble.
      She’s on paper as to having paid her lawyer friend more money that they paid an expert RICO prosecutor.
      Even if there’s no affair, there is an ethical issue being raised. (I’ll leave the affair issue to the lawyer’s soon to be ex-wife’s attorneys)

      So this opens the door to some more questions…
      If she steps aside / resigns… the lawyer currently in charge goes away.

      Does the state of GA still move forward with the case?
      Or does it fold because on the flip side to all of this… the fraud that did occur in GA and the lax controls that allowed it to happen are now coming to light.

      IMHO this has blown up in their face and its going to fade away.
      SDNY’s suit will be tossed on appeal. Even if Engoron says Trump owes $1.00, Trump will appeal and win on appeal. If it goes to SCOTUS… it will look worse for SDNY. (Not that Engoron or James care)


      1. You can remove Trump and the affair from this entirely.
        You can even remove the fact that her hire is utterly unqualified.

        The fatal problem is that she is receiving kickbacks from a hire in the form of perqs.

        That is a potentially carreer ending move that has a high risk of criminal prosecution.

        Add the affair – and it just becomes all the worse and all the more obviously unethical.

        The Left rants about Justice Thomas – take the allegations regarding Thomas and add Thomas actively directing cases to benefit his benefactor and you are STILL short of the mess that Willis has created.

        Those on the left aparently have to see REAL corruption before they recognize it.

  11. Reported in The Hill today: Virginia election officials admit 2020 election integrity problems:

    “Election officials in Virginia’s Prince William County have acknowledged roughly 4,000 votes were misreported in former President Trump’s favor during the 2020 presidential election, when President Joe Biden went on to win the state.

    A release from the county’s Office of Elections announced Trump incorrectly received 2,327 extra votes, while Biden was shorted 1,648 votes.”

    1. Comes now Gigi, as anonymous, with the same steaming turd she clogged the gutter with yesterday. Good job, gigi

        1. While Turley voices his displeasure at the media for largely ignoring a John Solomon report in his website “Just the News,” one of the Professor’s most prolific defenders on this website eloquently calls today’s report in The Hill posted above “a steaming turd.”

          So Mr. or Mrs. Prolific Turley Defender, feel free to present your evidence which disputes the Virginia election officials findings that Trump incorrectly received 2,327 extra votes, while Biden was shorted 1,648 votes.

          1. Thats why its a steaming turd, Gigi the liar. Because its useless, just like you. Also its insulting that you think the people here are dumb enough to be distracted by your nonsense.

            Why didnt you take credit for the steaming turd you laid, gigi.

    2. I am highly skeptical of new 2020 election claims after the 2022 election – no matter who they are from. Why ?
      Because most places destroyed election records for 2020 immediately Prior to the 2022 election.

      So how can Prince William country demonstrate anything more than a year after records were destroyed ?

      But lets assume this is correct.

      2020 (and 2022) were total complete lawless disasters. Does it matter which way County X reports their errors went ?

      What matters is that the results are not trustworthy and the REQUIRED lawful elections and subsequent inquiry did NOT occur when it should have.

      Finally – I though questioning ballots was a crime ?

  12. Turley has a bad case of HDS. Hunter is a private citizen. It does not matter a lick if he does or does not know who bought his paintings.

    1. It does not matter a lick if he does or does not know who bought his paintings.

      Sammy, your projection is noted. If you were trying to sound as unenlightened as humanly possible, congratulations, you hit the mark. Do you know how many “private citizens” have a secret service detail? How many get transported on Marine One? Fly internationally on Airforce One and Airforce Two? Receive lavish gifts and millions of dollars from foreign entities for playing matchmaker with their father? Have the DOJ/FBI/IRS preventing investigations into their multiple shell companies and money laundering to run out the clock on the statute of limitations?

      There’s nothing deranged about demanding to know why this particular “private citizen” has the full force of the federal government protecting him for his obvious criminal activity. Especially in contrast to the full force of federal and state governments pulling out the stops to convict a “private citizen” for actions no other private citizen has ever been prosecuted for.

  13. Dennis McIntyre, of Rusk, TX, is a bald faced liar and an unconvicted pedophile. You can however, find his mugshot in the Cherokee County registry where he was arrested for child pornography.

    1. “They now reluctantly admit their original subpoenas were invalid so they have now issued a new subpoena for Hunter to testify.”

      Here is just one example of Dennis the pedophile’s bald faced lies.

      Regardless of what you think of the first subpoena, the letter from comer CLEARLY shows that Comer admits no such thing. Exactly the opposite, he goes into excruciating detail about why the subpoenas are both valid and enforceable. So that is lie number one.

      And because he is a pathological serial liar, Dennis goes on to lie about the existence of this second subpoena. There have not “now issued a second subpoena”

      Of course, he probably got his news from his typical sources. I found a couple that claimed a new subpoena had been issued, when it has not.

      Dennis is a dick sucking liar and cant help himself, just like pedo joe.

  14. Jonathan: I can’t add much to the comment by Anonymous (1/16@9:48am) regarding George Berges’s behind closed door testimony. The big Q is how you gained access to Berges’s testimony that has yet to be publicly released? I think it’s similar to what happened in the Devin Archer closed door interview. It was cherry picked by Comer to provide a false narrative and you ran with it. And that is what is going on here. When the Dems released the full transcript of Archer’s testimony it painted an entirely different picture. Archer unequivocally stated that Joe Biden was not involved in his son’s business activities and never financially benefitted from them. I think this is what we will find out when the full transcript of Berges’ interview is finally released.

    Irrespective of Berges’s interview he has publicly stated he had no contact with the WH re Hunter’s art sales and what Hunter learned about the purchaser’s of his art work was through public reporting. Whatever selective leaks you had access to of Berges’s deposition, it doesn’t show any official “corruption” by Joe Biden. No evidence Biden received any of the proceeds from Hunter’s art sales.

    If Kevin Morris, a Dem donor, bought Hunter’s art work so what? Hunter has never held public office. He is a private citizen as is Morris. Hunter is entitled to sell his work to anyone willing to pay the asking price. There is no evidence Joe Biden financially benefitted from Morris’s purchase of Hunter’s art work. Without that there is no official “corruption”!

    Of course, Berges’ testimony might have been obviated had Hunter been allowed to testify in an open hearing so we could hear from the horse’s mouth. Comer and Jim Jordan have egg on their faces. They now reluctantly admit their original subpoenas were invalid so they have now issued a new subpoena for Hunter to testify. Abbe Lowell has told
    Comer his client is prepared to testify behind closed doors. Maybe then we will learn the real facts about his art sales and other important issues.

    The Q is whether Hunter Biden’s deposition will be selectively leaked so you can spin it to fit the false narrative you and Comer are pushing!

    1. It’s a well established precedent that paying a family member is the same as paying an office holder.

      1. No, it isn’t. Otherwise all of the payments to Trump’s kids while he was in office were the same as paying Trump.

        1. That would be true if they were being paid for political access.

          But they weren’t. They were being paid for hotel rooms, and condo’s. And they were being paid market prices.

    2. “Archer unequivocally stated that Joe Biden was not involved in his son’s business activities and never financially benefitted from them.”

      Dennis the big fat liar strikes again

      He claimed to “not know” about hunters businesses.

      How the fvck would Archer know how/when/whether Joe ever benefitted?

      He never said any such thing. And you are a liar.

    3. Dennis is back to lying and taking things out of context. Archer’s testimony was awful for Biden. I know that he has difficulty reading the testimony because it stings, so he converts it to something more palatable. Archer’s testimony showed Joe Biden to be a crook, but that alone doesn’t prove it. What is proving it is the mounting evidence against Biden.

      Comer releases full transcripts. The J6 lied about what they found, and Democrats continue to hide information. As the news comes out, it crucifies Biden, proves Trump innocent and shows what liars Democrats are.

      I take note that Dennis offers no quotes along with links to prove his point. Why? Because most of what he says is made up of thin air.

      No one admitted the initial subpoenas were false, and there is good reason not to reissue them. You are lying again, Dennis. Hunter Biden is guilty, and you can’t take it. You were proven wrong on almost everything you said in the past, and you are wrong again in the present.

      Dennis McIntyre = Liar = Dennis McInLiar

      1. S.Meyer: You can’t have it both ways. You say Devon Archer’s testimony “showed Joe Biden to be a crook, but that alone doesn’t prove it”. Which is it? Have you read the entire transcript of Archer’s testimony? Where does it say Archer indicated Biden is a “crook”. Cite the relevant part. Oh, but you add there is “mounting evidence against Biden”. What exactly is that evidence? Come on, don’t be shy. Show us your evidence. The facts is there is no such evidence!

        As to the Hunter subpoenas neither Comer nor Jordan has admitted they are invalid. Then why have they agreed to a new subpoena? It’s an admission that the original subpoenas were unenforceable. Comer and Jordan know they could not get a contempt citation from the full House based on invalid subpoenas!

        1. No its not an admission Dennis. That is your juvenile take on it.

          Legislative purpose = valid subpoena. Every day, every time.

          And you know this, but you cant help pissing your pants and lying about it, parroting what you were told.

          Zero credibility seems to be your goal.

        2. “S.Meyer: You can’t have it both ways. You say Devon Archer’s testimony “showed Joe Biden to be a crook, but that alone doesn’t prove it”. Which is it?”

          Dennis, are you really that dense? Do you not know anything? There is a difference between evidence and reasonable proof. Evidence is additive. Archer’s evidence was revealing, and combined with other evidence, leads toward beyond reasonable doubt.

          One lie by Biden could be thought of as a mistake. Another one makes one pause but still realizes it could be a mistake. As the lies mount up, the likelihood of an error falls, and people start recognizing guilt on the part of Biden.

          You are a strange guy. When slim evidence is found against Trump one time, you conclude guilt. When he proves the evidence wrong, you still conclude guilt. That is why you are untrustworthy and dense.

          You can read Archer’s testimony yourself and tell us where Archer lied. You can’t, and you won’t. You will explain away comments by Archer as innocent mistakes by Biden no matter the frequency and confirmation by other sources. I am not obliged to rehash Archer’s testimony to a known liar.

          “It’s an admission that the original subpoenas were unenforceable. ”

          You jump to conclusions so fast it is almost impossible to follow what you say. Your conclusions are almost always wrong, something you never admit. You are a laughingstock because you contradict yourself continuously while contradicting the facts.

    4. What part of Devon Archers Testimoney proved false when you had the full transcript ?

      How did Solomon learn of the testimony ? Because someone at the hearing told him.

      The doors are closed to the public and cameras.
      But the testimony is not actually secret. If anything related to Hunter is actually classified – Joe is in Deep Schiff.

      Congressmen – democrats and republicans are free to tell reporters what they heard.
      If what they say is proven a lie by transcripts they will rightly burn there credibility.

      I would note that BOTH republicans and Democrats have good reason to leak this – and to leak it to Solomon.

      Democrats get to mittigagte the damages by prereleasing something damaging as a leak, and republicans can try to control two news cycles.
      Solomon is not going to reveal sources, and democrats often plant stories in right wing outlets specifically because those like you will disregard them.

      1. So Lowell and Hunter put the country and the House through a ringer for nothing ?

        I expect that Hunter is willing to testify now, because the DOJ would really look bad not prosecuting.

        The house needs to Find Hunter in contempt.
        If Comer wishes he can reissue the subpeona and we can all go through the political theater of Hunter coming to the house to take the 5th.

        1. @John Say,
          There’s already reports that the House Committee resent a new subpoena.
          So if he still refuses, he’s in contempt of both, but its the second one.

          The larger issue… he will most likely take the 5th on everything.
          Now while his statements won’t be used against him… (he has none)
          He won’t be able to contradict the other evidence that has been accumulated.


  15. “The first one was that I was required to disclose who the buyers were. In the second one, I was required to not disclose the buyers.” Note how Turley is admitting everything he claims in this article is a bald face lie. When Hunter first negotiated an agreement with Berges, the first agreement required Berges to inform Hunter who the buyers were. Then the whitehouse found out about the potential sales, and implemented the safeguards. Hence the 2nd agreement forbidding Berges from informing Hunter who the buyers were. Turley is an egregiously dishonorable scumbag.

    1. Steaming turd ^^^^

      Lawn boy getting a little heated, typical for this time of day in his drinking cycle.

  16. “that the accounts of buyers flocking to buy Hunter’s art was false” Contrary to Turley’s deliberate and intentional lie, there were never any accounts of buyers flocking to buy Hunter’s artwork. So far, all of the media accounts are either about how scandalous Hunter’s rt sales are (from the professional liars such as turley,) or how unseemly it is from the honest press. And when is Turley going to stop dishonorably hiding the fact tat as trump’s lawyer, he is ethically obligated to tell the stupidest lies imaginable to assist his clients legal situation.

  17. And … at this point we are holding our breaths for the DOJ to take action on the biden crime family?

    1. When there is a shred of evidence to support your accusation as the law requires. So far, besides the uncorroborated statement of a fugitive from the law, there is still no evidence that Joe has broken any laws, or Hunter engaged in any corruption. Yes, there is evidence that Hunter committed the crimes he has been indicted for, but that’s it so far.

      1. Please, there are detox centers and programs for those still suffering from TDS – seek help before it is too late. A life of denying reality can cause so much stress….

        1. Whimsicalmama,
          Clearly by their denial of reality, their inability to question their MSM masters even when being lied to, I do not think it is a mental affliction but more like a cult behavior.
          They need an intervention to get out of the cult.
          Sadly, if Trump wins in 2024, I fear it will break them.

      2. Anonymous – there is a great deal of evidence, There is FBI reports on communications with Hunter in front of a CHS outlining bribery.
        There is massive amounts of “money for nothing”
        There is a gigantic pattern of lies.
        There is a complex and deliberate effort to conceal.
        Did I mention lies before ?
        And Lies ?
        You do understand that Ho was already convicted of Bribery on much the same evidence.
        We know who he was convicted of bribing.

        There is a giant steaming pile of evidence.

        No one can force you to beleive it, but it is still very real.
        The evidence required by the law for investiggation was met in 2015 if not earlier.

        What is it that you think Uncorroborated means ?

        If three people are in a room – and two conspire to commit a crime. It is highly unlikely eitehr of the two co-conspirators will admit to the conspiract.

        But we can corroborate the testimony against other facts – can we prove the meeting took place ? That those allegedly present were?
        That the acts discussed took place ?
        Are there records of the acts, and or the elements of the conspiracy – such as money transfers ?
        and on and on.

        These are the way that we corroborate things, and the evidence against the Biden’s is well ocrroborated

      3. I didnt realize Bobulinski is a fugitive. Or did u mean Zlochevski? Or marc Holtzman? Or James Gilliar?

        Who is this fugitive?

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