Penn State Loses Major Motion in Race Discrimination Case

We previously discussed the lawsuit of Dr. Zack K. De Piero against Penn State over an alleged hostile work environment and racial discrimination linked to antiracism training and material. Judge Wendy Beetlestone just denied a critical motion to dismiss in De Piero v. Penn State with strong language concerning DEI programs.

De Piero brought his case under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. As previously discussed, there were roughly 40 defendant trustees, professors, and administrators named in the complaint below.  This includes Professor Liliana Naydan who was an Associate Professor of English and served as De Piero’s Supervisor and Chair of the English Department and Writing Program Coordinator.

De Piero alleges that he was “individually singled out for ridicule and humiliation” due to his race. He also alleges that he was expected to follow and support the view that “White supremacy exists in the language itself, and therefore, that the English language itself is ‘racist.”

De Piero also alleges that faculty were encouraged to participate in anti-racist workshops and trainings, including one titled “White Teachers are the Problem.”

What is most interesting about the complaint is that it alleges policies that would violate core academic freedom principles from the content of his classes to grading. He alleges that he was told to adopt a race-based grading system. Specifically, he alleges that the failure to grade minorities on par or better than whites would be treated as de facto racist:

“Defendants instructed De Piero that outcomes alone — regardless of the legitimacy of methods of evaluation, mastery of subject matter, or intentions — demonstrate whether a faculty member’s actions are racist or not. Defendants call this “social justice” and “antiracism.” At the core of their ideology, Defendants discriminate twofold on the basis of race. First, Defendants’ bigotry manifests itself in low expectations. They do not expect black or Hispanic students to achieve the same mastery of academic subject matters as other students and therefore insist that deficient performance must be excused. Accurate assessment of abilities, if it happens to show disparate performance among different racial groups, is therefore condemned as “racist.” econd[sic], Defendants’ bigotry manifests itself in overt discrimination against students and faculty who do apply consistent standards, especially white faculty.”

In her denial of Penn State’s motion in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Judge Bettlestone explored the record, including how the DEI Director emailed all employees ‘calling on white people’ to ‘feel terrible’ about their ‘own internalized white supremacy’ and to ‘hold other white people accountable.’” She also noted that the Assistant Vice Provost for Educational Equity “‘led the faculty’ in a breathing exercise in which she instructed the ‘White and non-Black people of color to hold it just a little longer—to feel the pain.’”

The court also recounted how

Defendant Carmen Borges, Associate Director of the AAO, asked to meet with De Piero to discuss his bias report. At that meeting, she responded to De Piero’s concern that he had been made to feel “humiliated, disgraced, harassed, and discriminated against,” by telling him that “[t]here is a problem with the white race” and he should “broaden [his] perspective.” “Until you get it,” she told De Piero, he should continue to attend anti-racism workshops. By November 2021, Borges had resolved De Piero’s initial complaint and had decided that no further action would be taken. She concluded that the “White Teachers are a Problem” training, “while it may be offensive to [him], does not constitute discrimination towards you as an individual and does not rise to a violation of the University’s Non-Discrimination policy.”

In a balanced opinion, Judge Bettlestone stated

“Training on concepts such as ‘white privilege’, “white fragility’, implicit bias, or critical race theory can contribute positively to nuanced, important conversations about how to form a healthy and inclusive working environment [. . . ] But the way these conversations are carried out in the workplace matters: When employers talk about race—any race, [. . .] —with a constant drumbeat of essentialist, deterministic, and negative language, they risk liability under federal law.”

These lawsuits are mounting against universities, which continue to burn through funds to defend these controversial statements.  In other cases, we have seen officials immediately remove statements when they become public. For example, at Johns Hopkins Hospital chief diversity officer Sherita Golden issued an apology after an outcry over her “privilege” list from the Johns Hopkins Medicine’s Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Health Equity program.

The newsletter stated

“Privilege is an unearned benefit given to people who are in a specific social group. Privilege operates on personal, interpersonal, cultural and institutional levels, and it provides advantages and favors to members of dominant groups at the expense of members of other groups…

In the United States, privilege is granted to people who have membership in one or more of these social identity groups: White people, able-bodied people, heterosexuals, cisgender people, males, Christians, middle or owning class people, middle-aged people, and English-speaking people.”

As is sometimes the case, when exposed publicly, officials will often disavow their own program material or statements. This was in a newsletter that the office obviously reviewed, edited, and released. Now, however, Golden insists that it does not capture the views of the office and expressed “deep regret.”

In the case of Penn State, the school appears set on trying a case that will only increase the costs and negative coverage for the school. It is often the case that administrators lack the courage to challenge DEI programs or material. The alternative of spending potentially millions on litigation and damages can be viewed as rational rather than risking personal backlash for reversing course.




81 thoughts on “Penn State Loses Major Motion in Race Discrimination Case”

  1. Their stubbornness can be explained by The Root Cause of Academic Groupthink
    which explains why organizations tend to stick with incorrect ideas or policies long after their deficiencies are well known:
    In other words, the safest, surest, most common path to success in academia involves telling those already designated experts precisely what they most want to hear: That their own work had been so groundbreaking that the most interesting and exciting path forward is to build upon it.
    Suppose you’re part of the senior faculty of a department committed to the phlogiston theory (i.e., debunked 18th c. chemistry). Two candidates compete for a junior slot. The first presents a marginal tweak on phlogiston citing your own work and that of several colleagues. The second presents groundbreaking proof that phlogiston is wrong.
    Who gets the job? The candidate whose work flatters you and your colleague? Or the candidate who’s shown that you’ve dedicated your career to nonsense? Now ask the question about climate change instead of phlogiston. Then ask it about DEI. The answer is always the same. Experts who’ve staked their careers and prestige on the validity of a theory will always hire, promote, and reward those who burnish that theory.
    The net result is a reinforcement of orthodox thinking and a field committed to moving further along whatever path it was already taking. I’ve termed this phenomenon “incremental outrageousness.” It defines the basic incentive structure of academia—and of our entire credentialed class.

  2. Great Reset Math for Dummies


    This is a small step in the yet to gain traction struggle against the government approved/sponsored society wide slow roll toward American racial genocide. 
    These schools are validating and justifying the targeting and removal of Whites for only one reason and it’s not the reason they purport.  The goal of DEI is to establish 2 distinct demographics in The United States. 
    Those who willingly and enthusiastically working toward the final solution of the “White Problem,” and those who, like the Jews when told boxcars were the way to safety, are willingly and enthusiastically jumping on the 21st Century psy op boxcars to be whisked away to the showers. 
    Not only do Whites participate in their own demise and assist their executioners, they vigorously pat themselves on the back, virtue signal and trample each other to be first in line to fall on their knees in before their soon to be executioners and beg for approval from the pellet droppers.
    The dearly held belief now firmly established in millions of American minds is that the way to stop racism is to conduct racism to the point of eradication of a “designated subhuman racial group.”
    And the ones mostly responsible for the disseminating and drilling into American minds of this belief are the people infesting the educational system, donors to the schools, the media, the silent judicial/law enforcement system, politicos, and parents who hide in their safe spaces and continue to ignore, continue to fund, promulgate and approve of the indoctrination of children in the Art of Round Ups-Kristallnachting-Final Solution Implementation 101 that is creating genocidal monsters out of their spawn.

    “The more we do to you,the less you seem to believe we are doing it.”
    – Joseph Mengele

    For all of you who have ever watched  the documentaries of Nazi Germany with films and pictures of dissenting people being rounded up and beaten in the streets, people of the wrong political parties, being piled into box cars and sent off to the death camps, people who valued freedom over slavery and tyrrany being sorted into slave labor, fertilizer and lampshade categories, people who dared to speak truth being summarily shot or hung in the streets or shot standing over mass graves then falling in and being covered whether dead or not, mountains of decomposing carcasses of people of the wrong race and heritage, of people with disabilities judged unfit to live for their health status or how they looked piled up, being raked through by ghouls and “processed,” lamp shades made of human skin proudly displayed on Nazi officials desks and in their homes with their children running around, giggling, singing and playing by the light of those lamps, photos of young twenty something concentration camp guards laughing and playing and picnicing with their girlfriends while acrid smoke drifted from smoke stacks in the background and wondered in stunned sickened silence
    “How in God’s Holy Name could any country, any society, any human being support, facilitate, participate in and let this happen?”

    Now you know.

  3. DIE is the admission that 60+ years of democrat social engineering has failed. This is also why we have a global ‘flight to opportunity’ racket flooding civilized nations with others. The evil left is admitting there is no way to lift peoples up and instead is now pushing peoples down – ruining their infrastructure and communities.

    If obamma’s spouse runs for POTUS, expect this summer to be a s%!tshow of manufactured racial strife on a scale never before seen.

    “Judge Bettlestone (White Nigerian appointed by obamma) stated: “Training on concepts such as ‘white privilege’, “white fragility’, implicit bias, or critical race theory can contribute positively to nuanced, important conversations about how to form a healthy and inclusive working environment…”” Pure bs. There is zero evidence of that.

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