What’s the Beef with “Cultivated Meat”? Florida Moves Toward Putting Cattle Before Capitalism

Florida this month may be forcing the question of whether the people prefer cattle or capitalism. A bill in the state would ban lab-grown meat, an effort supported by beef suppliers who want to slow the production and demand for the alternative product. The alleged “ethical and health concerns” remain speculative and unclear. As Adam Smith noted “this is one of those cases in which the imagination is baffled by the facts.”

China’s government is making huge investments into cultivated meat as are companies in other nations. While allowing research to continue, this bill (if replicated) could drain the industry of necessary capital as it seeks to improve products and reach consumers in the United States. The industry has currently attracted billions in investment from venture capitalists.

The Chinese appear delighted and cited the bill as potentially giving them a market advantage.

HB 1071, sponsored by Rep. Danny Alvarez, R-Valrico, would ban and criminalize the sale of cultivated meat. It would make Florida the first state to implement such a law, but other states like Alabama, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, and Iowa have similar proposals.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture have studied the safety of these products and allowed sales in the United States. Alvarez insists that legislators are simply “being proactive.”

The bill appears to have the support of the DeSantis Administration. Florida Department of Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson, insists that “there are a lot of unanswered questions about the safety, ethics, and economic impact of synthetic meat. We support a ban until questions are answered.” For those who are strong market advocates, the move makes DeSantis look like a faux economic conservative who is all hat, no cattle capitalism.

The safety issues have been studied by the agencies and there is now compelling research on some hidden health threats. Beef producers have cited “contamination with heavy metals, microplastics and nanoplastics, allergens such as additives to improve the taste and texture of these products, chemical contaminants, toxic components, antibiotics and prions.” However, many of these risks are either shared with other products or capable of elimination through inspection and permitting.

It is entirely unclear how the replication of cells is “unethical.” However, it is the economic concerns that appear the real reason behind the legislation. The bill has the markings of classic market protectionism. The beef producers want less competition and politicians seem eager to accommodate.

Such protectionist measures rarely work beyond driving up costs for consumers and limiting product access. More importantly, it could put the country far behind China in developing this market.

I admit that my natural default is to allow the market to sort out the tastes and demands of consumers. Government intervention rarely changes market demand. It tends to only shift costs and wealth while the market continues to respond to demand. China will happily fill that demand. I was equally critical recently of the Biden Administration and companies resisting markets and consumer choices.

I am not particularly keen on trying cultivated meat. As my kids will attest, I am hopelessly habit bound and tend to resist such changes. (I just wait for my ties and furniture to come back into style). Yet, capitalism is a particularly hard habit to break given its proven success in generating wealth and progress in this and other countries.

Ronald Coase once observed in his famous hypothetical of a fight between a farmer and rancher that the choice was simply what people favored “cattle or crops.” The people of Florida may soon have to decide between cattle and capitalism.

89 thoughts on “What’s the Beef with “Cultivated Meat”? Florida Moves Toward Putting Cattle Before Capitalism”

  1. Palatability and market demand are best left to consumers.

    Whether the product should be allowed to be sold in the US should be based on whether the product is safe, with a rigorous assessment. There is no denying that China has produced contaminated food, pet food, and toys, repeatedly. There was the melamine scandal where contaminated products sourced from China were used to produce pet food that ended up killing dogs and cats.

    I would never eat lab grown food made in China. Covid was created in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, via gain of function research. Then there was the illegal lab in California where a Chinese-owned company made Covid tests, marked “made in the US”, in a dirty lab that also contained HIV and Ebola samples, vials of blood improperly stored, lab mice in unsanitary conditions, . Now, Americans can’t even trust Covid tests labeled made in the US. Did those test kits go out for distribution? Are there other, similar, back alley illegal labs? Who wants to swab their nose with a Covid test kit, until concerns on the safety of the supply chain are addressed? There is now a new outbreak of pneumonia clusters from China, which insists there is nothing out of the ordinary going on. Again.

    The American government needs to look long and hard at approving the import of Chinese lab-grown meat products. It would make more sense to ban imports from countries with contamination problems, and only allow such products made in the US or by approved allies.

    Cultured meat could be an important technology in space exploration. The food fabricator of sci-fi could become reality one day.

    I still wouldn’t eat it, though.

    1. Karen, what has any of that got to do with the topic, which is an attempt in Florida to ban products made in the USA, not China?

  2. China’s government is making huge investments into cultivated meat

    News flash: that isn’t “capitalism”.

    And preventing them from selling their communist crap here is not “anti-capitalism”

    1. And what has that got to do with the topic? This communist clown in Florida is trying to suppress capitalism, by banning any local product, and thereby destroying any competition to China.

  3. Nope. I will not eat “immortal” cancer cells. This should be treated with regulation like a pharmesutical product. Even if “they” say eating cancer cells won’t give you cancer, I’m not touching it. God gave us cows and other livestock. Why would we try to grow cancer cells in vats when we can just let a cow wander around on a field for a few years?

  4. I will continue to grow my own food. I will continue to harvest our own delicious chicken eggs.
    I will continue to hunt for wild meats. I will continue to barter. I will NOT comply with ANY federal mass genocide plans on people that I love. Think local folks. Think local.

  5. What I would rather see is a ban on labelling products with “meat” in the title in full or in part if the product is lab made. Then it is a consumer truth in labelling matter. Banning its sale to protect livestock production is fatuous and smacks of the authoritarian.

    1. Your proposed ban is just as authoritarian. The product is meat. It is physically indistinguishable from meat from animals.

      You probably also supported the FDA’s ridiculous attempt to ban the sale of “almond milk”, a name that the product has had for at least 600 years, on the spurious grounds that some stupid consumer would think it came from cows.

  6. I agree we need to wait until several years after being widely distributed. It could be a disaster to the cattle industry earlier, then we find out it’s unhealthy later when it’s too late. By then China will have taken over the meat industry, even if it’s Frankenfood.
    Florida’s citrus industry is hurting, so cattle ranches could replace that acreage. Much better than more sprawling development.

  7. Bioreactors are tough to keep clean (bacteria grow well too) and mammalian cells don’t just divide continuously. “Immortal” cell lines exist but those come from cancer – those grow endlessly. I have not followed this at all, but I will not be lining up for vat burgers. Others can and should be able to be the lab rats that test this. Good luck.

  8. Feed for Meat project is part de movement of a climate change and 0 neto. But that they have the common sense to know that destroying their farm so the government’s emission goals can be met in 2030 instead of 2035 will not change the planet’s climate.

    1- How it started

    This is a long story that comes from before the pandemic to promote Feed for Meat project contributes to the green and digital transition, “Cellular meat farming requires less animals to be kept. As a result, there will be fewer emissions of greenhouse gases such as ammonia and methane and there will be less soil pollution,” the EU.

    The project, the source added, also invests in the development of the breeding ground-based on circular raw materials with the lowest possible environmental impact and supports the development of digital tools.

    2- In Nov 3, 2021, EU Commission stands by €2 million EU grant for synthetic meat

    “Support from the government is a great contribution in bringing cultivated beef to the European market,” Peter Verstrate, Mosa Meat co-founder, commented after the grant was awarded.

    However, the decision has sparked criticism with MEPs from Italy’s right-wing party Lega, which submitted a parliamentary question to the Commission asking for an explanation of the criteria used to finance the project through the REACT-EU programme.

    “It is unacceptable that Brussels is investing millions of euros of European citizens’ money in meat produced in laboratories,” Lega’s MEPs said in a note.

    Contacted by EURACTIV, a Commission source explained that the management of the cohesion policy programmes is shared between the EU and the member states.

    This means that, in line with the shared management principle, the project has been selected by the managing authority – which in this case is the South Netherlands region – appointed by the member state and responsible for projects’ selection and their implementation.

    3- In Jul 11, 2022, A Popular Uprising Against the Elites Has Gone Global

    And now we’re seeing the latest iteration in the Netherlands in the form of a farmer’s protest against new environmental rulings that will ruin them.

    Over 30,000 Dutch farmers have risen in protest against the government in the wake of new nitrogen limits that require farmers to radically curb their nitrogen emissions by up to 70 percent in the next eight years. It would require farmers to use less fertilizer and even to reduce the number of their livestock. While large farming companies have the means to hypothetically meet these goals and can switch to non-nitrogen-based fertilizers, it is impossible for smaller, often family-owned farms. The new environmental regulations are so extreme that they would force many to shutter, including people whose families have been farming for three or four generations. In protest, farmers have been blockading streets and refusing to deliver their products to supermarket chains. It’s been leading to serious shortages of eggs and milk, among other food items.

    But if you thought the Dutch government was going to take that into account and ensure that people can put food on the table, you would be wrong; when offered the choice between food security and acting against “climate change,” the Dutch government decided to pursue the latter.

    What is particularly frustrating is that the government is fully aware that what it is asking farmers to do will drive many of them out of existence. In fact, the government originally planned to move at a slower pace—until a lawsuit brought by environmental groups in 2019 forced an acceleration of the timetable.

    The reaction by members of the agricultural sector has been massive and ongoing since 2019, but the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic allowed the government of Prime Minister Mark Rutte to ban protests in 2020 and 2021. With the reignited demonstrations this year, the authorities have also switched to a more aggressive approach. the Dutch Fishermen’s Union has publicly joined the protests, blocking harbors with fishing crews holding signs that read “Eendracht maakt Kracht”: Unity Creates Strength.

    But while the Dutch people are on the side of the farmers, their elites are behaving much as they did in Canada and the U.S., and not just those in government. Media outlets are refusing to even report the protests, and when they do, they cast the farmers as extremists.

    Why the disconnect? Every reliable poll of European newsrooms from Germany to the Netherlands show that climate change is a much more important topic for journalists than it is for ordinary people. It’s not that average citizens don’t care about climate change, but that they have the common sense to know that destroying their farm so the government’s emission goals can be met in 2030 instead of 2035 will not change the planet’s climate.


    The Great Reset is turning into the Great Rejection 2022 right now around the world in July. The awakening of farmers against the lies of climate change.

    Politics and societyTaking place in the context of the United Nations General Assembly, the fourth Sustainable Development Impact Summit of the World Economic Forum and,


    *There is no “climate emergency.”
    *The hype is based on a scenario someone dreamed up, not actual observations.
    *We are not progressing according to that scenario.
    *The United States does not produce enough CO2 to have a measurable impact even if we reduced our emissions to 0.
    *This is pure madness.

    “Is a gotcha…

    * The goal is not to get farmers to behave in an organic, responsible and ecologically appropriate manner.
    * Far from there.
    * It is to bankrupt farmers so they can take over their land.” ~Russell brand

    * At some point, Western politicians will realize that they were tricked into destroying their energy infrastructure by a group of international #socialists who want to profit from the collapse of democracy. The #UN and #WEF did this.

    * ‘We have to address the situation, people are going to go hungry.’ Farmer Gareth Wyn Jones joins Neil Oliver to discuss this year’s COP27, where much of the agenda is dedicated to proposals including reducing agriculture, worldwide, by 50 per cent.



    1. 5- TO DAY RESULTS 2024

      ‘We Are Getting Poorer’: The Deindustrialization Of Germany Is In Full Swing

      Many German manufacturing and industrial companies are looking to make future investments elsewhere, eliminating jobs and closing plants, thanks in large part to higher energy costs induced by the country’s embrace of green energy. Germany was once widely considered to be the economic powerhouse of Europe, but the years-long trend of decline in its manufacturing sector is now accelerating quickly as high energy costs, red tape and elevated inflation are blunting the sector’s competitive edge, according to Bloomberg News.

      “We are no longer competitive,” German Finance Minister Christian Lindner remarked at a Bloomberg event in February. “We are getting poorer because we have no growth. We are falling behind.”

      The country is aiming to have its energy supply and demand reach “net-zero” emissions by 2050, relying on sources like wind, solar and hydrogen fuels after former Prime Minister Angela Merkel decided in 2011 to eventually shutter the country’s nuclear power plant fleet. Despite the German government’s regulatory and spending blitz to spur the green transition, the country is not on track to meet its climate targets.

      German Farmers Kick Off Massive Protests Against Policy That Could Threaten Their Livelihoods, But not Only Germany, Farmers in Italy, Spain and Poland Protest EU’s Green Agenda and Trade Policies

      Farmers in Italy, Spain and Poland, Brussels, FRANCE, Romania demonstrated Friday as part of ongoing protests against European Union farming policies and to demand measures to combat production cost hikes, reduced profits and unfair competition from non-EU countries.

      Similar protests have taken place across the bloc in recent weeks. Farmers complain that the 27-nation EU’s policies on the environment and other matters are a financial burden and make their products more expensive than non-EU imports.

      The European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, has made some concessions over the last few weeks, including shelving plans to halve the use of pesticides and other dangerous substances. Nonetheless, the protests have spread.

      The farmer protests, which have occurred in Belgium, France, Germany, Poland, and Romania, have begun to spread, with farmers organisations planning actions this month in Spain. Farmers have also recently risen up in protest in Italy, with hundreds of tractors blocking off traffic near the city of Milan on Wednesday.

      6- Who invests?

      Bill Gates Optimistic About Future of Fake Meats, Plant-Based …
      15 ene 2023
      Gates said he has backed meat alternative brands Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods, and Upside Foods (formerly known as Memphis Meats). However, the billionaire said he was less hopeful about the likelihood of the general public turning to veganism to save the climate.]

      Bill Gates-Backed Lab-Grown Meat Company Receives USDA Approval — Here’s When You Can Expect To Taste This New Protein Delicacy
      July 3, 2023
      UPSIDE Foods, a California-based lab-grown meat company, recently announced that it received approval from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to start commercial production and sales of its cultivated chicken.

      “I’m thrilled to share that cultivated meat will now be available for consumers in the U.S.,” UPSIDE Foods Founder and CEO Dr. Uma Valeti said in a press release. “This approval will fundamentally change how meat makes it to our table. It’s a giant step forward toward a more sustainable future — one that preserves choice and life.”

      UPSIDE Foods is a unicorn — a privately held startup company valued at more than $1 billion. In April 2022, the company closed a $400 million Series C funding round, bringing its valuation to over $1 billion.

      The company is backed by many heavyweight investors, including the Abu Dhabi Growth Fund, business magnate Sir Richard Branson, SoftBank Group Corp. and Microsoft Corp. Co-Founder Bill Gates.

      While high-profile investors are embracing this new technology, traditional agriculture remains relevant.


      ***Per haps Bill Gates July 3, 2023

      For instance, Gates has made significant investments in the agriculture sector. According to a 2022 land report, Gates owns around 275,000 acres of farmland in the U.S.

      When asked about his extensive ownership of farmland in a Reddit Ask Me Anything session earlier this year, Gates said, “I own less than 1/4000 of the farmland in the U.S. I have invested in these farms to make them more productive and create more jobs. There isn’t some grand scheme involved — in fact, all these decisions are made by a professional investment team.”

      Whether you like the idea of lab-grown meat or not, the technology addresses the issue of animal welfare: The production of cultured meat does not require the rearing and slaughtering of animals.

      ****Challenging Mark Zuckerberg: Why Redefining Meat Production is Crucial for Health, Environment, and Animal Welfare.

      Zuckerberg’s Vision: In his post, Zuckerberg writes: “Started raising cattle at Ko’olau Ranch on Kauai, and my goal is to create some of the highest quality beef in the world. The cattle are Wagyu and Angus, and they’ll grow up eating macadamia meal and drinking beer that we grow and produce here on the ranch. We want the whole process to be local and vertically integrated. Each cow eats 5,000-10,000 pounds of food each year, so that’s a lot of acres of macadamia trees “My daughters help plant the mac trees and take care of our different animals. We’re still early in the journey and it’s fun improving on it every season. Of all my projects, this is the most delicious.”

      8- THE NEWS TO DAY

      $$$$$——Microsoft BILL GATES has a plan to use AI to create a “healthy information ecosystem” just in time for the 2024 election.

      A February 5 headline from Microsoft’s own site sends the signal: “Here’s how we’re working with journalists to create the newsrooms of the future with AI.” That’s the intended future: The marriage of Big Tech and Big Journalism, with a hybrid offspring coming soon to a screen near you.

      Highlighting new “partnerships” with various publications and non-profits, Microsoft tells us,

      “We are helping these organizations identify and refine the procedures and policies to use AI responsibly in newsgathering and business practices,” adding that the goal is to “identify ways AI can help create efficient business practices and help build sustainable newsrooms for generations to come.”

      Here’s the translation from the corporate blather-speak: Microsoft, the richest company in the world, is making its move into journalism, or, more precisely, the journalism business. Journalism, for better or worse, requires journalists, those flesh-and-blood cost centers, whereas the journalism business can get by on whatever it can get away with, AI-wise.

      Yet Microsoft charges ahead, unspooling a slew of botwords—“responsible,” “sustainable,” “efficient”—that seem half cyborg. Of course, it’s all a cloak for the woke. Such wokeness should be no surprise, given that AI is being built in places such as Seattle and San Francisco. (This blue-state-origin problem will be endemic until red states figure out how to make their own AI.)

      Today, Microsoft is launching several collaborations with news organizations to adopt generative AI. In a year where billions of people will vote in democratic elections worldwide, journalism is critical to creating healthy information ecosystems, and it is our mission, working with the industry, to ensure that newsrooms can innovate to serve this year and in the future. [emphasis added]


      $$$$$$_____Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram and Threads will no longer recommend political content on their social media platforms, the company announced on Friday. Zuckerberg’s latest move to control the national conversation will include attempting to quiet down the popular Breitbart News Instagram account.

      “If you decide to follow accounts that post political content, we don’t want to get between you and their posts, but we also don’t want to proactively recommend political content from accounts you don’t follow,” Instagram announced in a Friday press release.

      The Meta-owned social media platform suggested that this change is being made because, “We want Instagram and Threads to be a great experience for everyone.”

      Instagram added that the change is also an extension to “our existing approach to how we treat political content.”

      Instagram added that this will not affect how users are shown content from accounts they have chosen to follow.

      “If political content — potentially related to things like laws, elections, or social topics — is posted by an account that is not eligible to be recommended, that account’s content can still reach their followers in Feed and Stories,” Instagram explained.

      The company also noted that professional accounts will be able to “check their eligibility to be recommended based on whether they recently posted political content,” and are encouraged to “edit or remove recent posts, request a review if they disagree with our decision, or stop posting this type of content for a period of time,” if they want to be “eligible” for recommendation again.

      Instagram concluded by stating that users who still want to see political content on their
      recommendations will have to utilize a control on their account that will allow them to see it. The company added that the same control will be rolled out for Facebook at a later date.


      Now you understand who is behind all this and why they don’t want him in the State of Florida. (I have all the links to the news in case you want any more). I also read that it is a Chinese lobby, but I have not gone deeper.

      In life there is money that is not earned!

  9. The federal government lies to the public constantly and government officials continue to profit from its lies. The current Covid vaccine is not a vaccine and never was. It does not produce full immunity like the Rubella and Polio vaccines. When called out, the definition magically changed to be redifined as an immune response. Anthony Fauci lied and justified it as a “Noble lie” Christine Todd Whitman former EPA head admitted she was wrong to tell New Yorkers post-9/11 air was safe. I’m sure the thousands of NY’ers both the living and dead from suffering the ill-effects post 9/11 air are taking great comfort in her admission. Policy and political party agenda routinely takes precedence over public health. BLM suffered no consequences for its destructive activities and trailblazing District Attorneys nationwide have abdicated their responsibilities in the name of social justice leaving victims of crime hopeless and without justice. For anyone to think this cultivated meat will not lead to cancer, meat fraud, corruption and the further squandering of taxpayers dollars, they are simply ignoring history and waiting for it to repeat itself.

  10. We have had hidden downsides of bioengineering fro years. It’s not like we have any examples of surprise adverse effects from M-rna vaccines, or bizarre cancers in stem cell treatment patients.

  11. “Brevity is the soul of wit.”

    – William Shakespeare

    This is a subtle yet profound article written succinctly and briefly at the kindergarten level so that even I might understand it.  I put my color crayons away and paid close attention.  I can totally relate to the part where the Good Professor said, “I just wait for my ties and furniture to come back into style.”  Modernity is dubious at best.  And that’s where the Founders and Framers were:  Brevity.  I challenge anyone to find a passage in the Constitution that even elementary school kids can’t read with comprehension.  The essential question is, “Why do adults obfuscate with absent complexity?” No prosecution of a constitutional right or freedom should be allowed to exceed the length of the pertinent Constitutional Article or Amendment.  

    The Constitution, for those of you in Rio Linda, is quite simply all about maximal individual freedom under severely limited and restricted government.  The Founders extirpated dictatorship with a vengeance—the very same “dictatorship of the proletariat” of communism that some would impose in Florida today.  Individuals in America enjoy all natural and God-given rights, freedoms, privileges, and immunities that existed before government was conceived.  Americans have enumerated rights and freedoms, including the right to private property, the freedom of enterprise, free markets, and the freedom of ingestion.  Congress has the enumerated power to regulate only the value of money, commerce among Nations, States, and Indian tribes, and land and naval Forces.  Please cite any other enumerated power to regulate.

    The State of Florida has no power to deny constitutional rights, freedoms, privileges, or immunities.  The American people in Florida enjoy the natural, God-given, and constitutional freedom of ingestion and the right to private property.  The people of Florida enjoy immunity from regulation that was not enumerated and was omitted by the Constitution.  The people of Florida retain the right to self-regulate through private industry and to litigate under the 7th Amendment.  The people of Florida retain the sole right to “claim and exercise” dominion over their private property, understanding the superiority of laws prohibiting bodily injury and property damage.  The people of Florida abide by the American thesis of freedom and self-reliance.  

    Americans in Florida may produce any product they choose, including victuals and fare, under the superiority and protection of the 5th Amendment right to private property and by the voluntary self-regulation of particular industry.  

    Americans in Florida may ingest any substance they choose, including victuals and fare.

    Americans in Florida may pursue legal recourse for injury and damages in the constitutional system of courts and justice. 

    The Department of Agriculture is unconstitutional as it imposes regulation and exercises power without any enumerated power or constitutional basis. 

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is unconstitutional as it imposes regulation and exercises power without any enumerated power or constitutional basis. 

    “[Private property is] that dominion which one man claims and exercises over the external things of the world, in exclusion of every other individual.”

    – James Madison

  12. Nothing new in Florida. You cannot buy a lobed Tomato in the store; it has to be round and smooth. No garden grown or micro farm produce allowed. If you are not bonded, you MUST pay cash to any agricultural supplier you buy from. No checks, no credit card accepted. Lots of spare cash there to pay out to “Farmhands”….

    1. Rubbish! You can buy heirloom tomatoes with lobes all over the state.
      Since you start out with a fallacy Im taking the ret of your post as equally fatuous.

      Show your work

  13. Maybe Florida should follow Maine’s example and amend its constitution to make food choice a fundamental right.

  14. Any conservatives who are associated with this should be ashamed of themselves.

    Those who produce factory meat must produce a product that is safe, cheap, and palatable enough that consumers will buy it.

    If and when they do so – they will succeed. No laws necessary.

  15. It’s Crony Capitalism.
    No different than Democrats being funded by the CCP and declaring that Climate Change is the world’s greatest problem, so that the US buys all its solar panels and wind turbines from China. Democrats need to concentrate on solving the small problems first. Things like crime in our cities, the education of US children, and securing our borders. When they prove that they can do that, the big problems will then become smaller with the help of GOD.

  16. Remember that Woke Kindergarten story here from a few days ago? Well, there is an UPDATE!

    “A California teacher who publicly criticized his school district’s investment in a “Woke Kindergarten” program was placed on administrative leave Thursday, the teacher said.

    Hayward Unified School District teacher Tiger Craven-Neeley told the San Francisco Chronicle he was asked to hand over his keys and laptop and not return to his classroom at Glassbrook Elementary until further notice.

    School officials told the teacher he was being placed on paid leave over “allegations of unprofessional conduct,” but gave no other reason, Craven-Neeley told the paper.”

    There is more at this link:


  17. The essence of capitalism is to let the market decide – not the government – and on this Florida is wrong despite all the lobbying by cattlemen; (In a sense couldn’t you compare these cattle lobbyists to the big pharma lobbyists that got so many of the unsuspecting to take those jabs with government prompting). Let this fake meat compete in the market without any prompting from government one way or the other and if it can or can’t compete against the real thing, the problem will resolve itself. THIS IS NOT THE CASE FOR GOVERNMENT NANNY STATE INTERFERENCE. And as an aside I think the entire fake meat concept is bogus and a sop to the environuts and those convinced that we are not omnivores but in a free enterprise economy there is no reason to stop the near meat industry since it does appear to harm the young, the infirmed or the elderly at this time – “caveat emptor”.

  18. Florida use to be an agricultural based State, cows, cabbage, potatoes , sugar cane, corn and more. It was beautiful now it’s just urban sprawl and concrete. Please do not come here, we don’t want you.

      1. The First people were exterminated several dozen millenia ago. Amrican Indians are the 3rd great migration into North america, whiping out those who preceded them .

        This is typical of left wing nuts – Do we have to go back and readjudicate Cain and Able ?

        For over 300,000 years – 99.99% of human existance, humans have been primative tribal, genocidal, and violent. For much of that time life expectance was only to mid 20’s.

        The most advanced groups in the western hemisphere in 1492 were not to the level of the egyptians, violent and practiced human sacrifice.
        North american natives – the most recent of 3 waves of migration from Asia having exterminated their predecessors were living in stone age conditions. When the Pilgrims landed in plymouth local tribes sought to ally with them to kill their neighbors.

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