Can Biden Be Removed Under the 25th Amendment? Don’t Bet on It

Below is my column in The Hill on the applicability of the 25th Amendment to remove President Joe Biden in light of the Special Counsel report detailing his “diminished faculties.” Despite the various calls for using the amendment, it is neither practically likely nor factually warranted on the basis of his report.

Here is the column:

The report on President Joe Biden’s retention and mishandling of classified material hit Washington this week with a thunderclap. Yet the finding of Special Counsel Robert Hur that Biden “willfully retained” such material was not as shocking as Hur’s explanation of why he will not be prosecuting.

Hur noted that, even if he prosecuted Biden, a jury would find him a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” That was followed by a disastrous press conference at the White House, where a cranky president lashed out at the reporters while exhibiting additional signs of confusion.

Now, some are calling for Biden’s removal from the presidency under the 25th Amendment. However, constitutional removal would require more than just memory lapses and “get off my lawn” press conferences.

The Hur report details alarming gaps in Biden’s memory, and what Hur described as the president’s “diminished faculties.” Given the detailed accounts in the report, Biden’s press conference bordered on self-immolation. On Thursday night, Biden insisted that he was still sharp and not diminished mentally…before confusing the presidents of Mexico and Egypt. This followed a week when Biden repeatedly referenced conversations with long-dead world leaders.

The subsequent calls for Biden to be removed under the 25th Amendment are similar to demands made from Democrats and various law professors and pundits during the Trump administration. At the time, figures such as the University of Chicago’s Eric Posner argued that the “conventional understanding” of the amendment should be “enlarged” to include instances where both parties “lose confidence in the president’s ability to govern.”

The various experts and pundits who called for Trump’s removal under the 25th Amendment are notably silent this week, even after his own Justice Department cited his diminished faculties as a reason for not charging him.

Nevertheless, as I wrote with regard to the Trump demands at the time, calls for Biden’s removal ignore the true purpose and standard for removal.

The issue of “disability” of a president was briefly raised in the Constitutional Convention in 1787.  It was a delegate from Biden’s home state of Delaware who asked how they would respond to a disability, “and who is to be the judge of it?” John Dickinson’s question was left unanswered in the final version of the Constitution.

What followed were persistent controversies over succession. This issue came to a head after President Dwight D. Eisenhower suffered a stroke. After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Congress finally addressed the issue in the 25th Amendment. The amendment addresses the orderly succession of power as well as temporary disabilities when presidents must undergo medical treatment or surgeries.

It is Section 4 that allows the removal of a president. One option is what I have called the “mutiny option.” It requires a vice president and a majority of the Cabinet to declare that the president is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,” and notify Congress that the vice president intends to take over. If Vice President Kamala Harris could get eight Cabinet officers to go along with a letter to Congress, her status as the “Acting President” would likely be short-lived. Joe Biden (who yesterday declared, “I’m elderly and know what the hell I’m doing”) would only have to declare to Congress that “no inability exists.” Biden would then resume his powers.

Harris would have to send another declaration with the Cabinet members within four days to the president pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House, rejecting Biden’s claims.

With that second declaration, Congress would have 48 hours to assemble to debate the issue. It would then have 21 days to vote on the removal. However, that would require two-thirds majorities in both houses. If Congress did not vote within 21 days, the president would resume and keep power.

In other words, it is about as likely as François Mitterrand coming forward to say that he faked his death and has indeed been in communication with Biden.

The question on the merits is whether “diminished faculties” constitute an incapacity. While the 25th Amendment was written with physical disabilities in mind, it clearly can apply to mental or cognitive disabilities. Yet if Biden’s decline is viewed as a barrier to prosecution, would it necessarily be a barrier to the presidency?

The answer is complicated. A study in Psychology Today of the first 37 presidents suggests half of them experienced some form of mental illness. They were still able to perform their duties.

Memory problems are not a compelling basis for removal. However, it is a matter of degree. Biden’s cognitive problems are becoming increasingly evident, but the sole question is whether he can carry out the duties of his office. The standard is not whether he can carry out those duties well.

There is a difference between Biden confusing names and actually carrying on conversations with dead people. The latter would clearly be grounds for removal. Of course, it is hard for the public to know the degree of Biden’s decline. The White House staff has clearly shielded Biden from the public and the press for years. Even during the 2020 campaign, many suspected that the staff was hiding Biden’s mental struggles.

In that sense, the concern over Biden’s fitness is legitimate. However, it will take much more of a showing to establish a case for his removal under the 25th Amendment.

Jonathan Turley is the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at the George Washington University Law School.

341 thoughts on “Can Biden Be Removed Under the 25th Amendment? Don’t Bet on It”

  1. Assigning something as small as a committee would be such a waste of time. Enough people have seen for themselves the cognitive decline of Biden and so has our allies and adversaries. If people still want to vote for him thats fine but the results of him keeping the office would be catastrophic and nearly 80% of Americans know this.

    Even when Obama was in office, we saw how much he aged in the eight years of his presidency. And he was a very active individual who in all appearances looked healthy. And we have seen the same process for presidents who have served eight years looking very different than the man they were during their first campaign for president. It is a job that is mentally demanding and I cannot believe that even a single person could think he could complete office in 2028 much less than this year . It’s very unfortunate that major media organizations try to cover for the president when it is so apparent that his cognitive abilities have declined.

    One final thought, MSNBC tries to compare Biden and Trump regarding their gaffes what they are not saying is that Trump is out each and every day speaking publicly sometimes for hours and makes a few gaffs. While Biden seldom hold a press conference, and when he does, his staff only allows him to take literally three or four or five questions. And he makes gaffs. The number of words spoken by each man on a daily basis, is broadly at each end of the scale so the percentage of gaffs Trump makes per the number of word spoken is far less than the number of gaffs that Biden makes per the number of words spoken.

  2. Interesting article about how Joe’s documents helped Hunter’s career:

    Also an article that answers some questions about the Trump impeachment and what Obama knew and did before the 2016 election (and maybe 2020):
    thanks to Matt Taibbi’s hard work

    1. Of course our intel and fbi started the whole thing. One of the keys to that was still “unable to be found” Intel Operative (Joseph Misfud) paid half a million bucks to target a Trump campaign newbie at an overseas “russian and Italain” education center or some such thing. They had the hot dish sidling up to Papadopoulous at the included bar, she was also under control of Intel, her daddy was the director of the history learning institute or whatever crap it was.

      Another thing that happened was Papadopoulous was given ten grand in cash for some scheme Intel came up with, but Papadopoulous smelled the stink, talked to his lawyer, and the cash was left somewhere in country, so when Papadopoulous flew back under the watchful eye of Intel, they raided him at the US airport and went nutso rifling through everything trying to find the ten grand cash so they could bust him for not declaring it. Now that’s what I call hilarious. Also, sick as **** and points out the totally criminal nature of the Intel apparatus wielded against Trump and campaign associates.

  3. So in other words, if we had a responsible Congress and Cabinet old blabbering angry traitor mob con grifter biden where am I would have been removed a year or two ago, but unfortunately we are stuck with DEMONCRATS.

    We have no idea how long their head hanging in her own crotch SCOTUS freak was brain dead as they kept her on the court – it was so bad she hadn’t been seen for so long most thought she was already dead. So we know what kind of crap the demoncrats are capable of.

  4. This is the sort of crap we are treated to by those tooting their own dollar sign horns and playing their partisan games. Of course we need MORE psychology and pharma drugs since half the potuses were NUTSO.

    ” A study in Psychology Today of the first 37 presidents suggests half of them experienced some form of mental illness.”

    It’s a 2016 article, so very convenient of course, so it only delves into Trump Derangement Syndrome, and leaves Biden entirely alone, declaring Trump’s narcissism a true and present danger.

    Let’s search the same for attacks on Biden…
    None can be found, only excuses.
    “But it is hard to find a psychiatrist or psychologist who has commented on the Democratic nominee in the media. Is psychological comment merely partisanship in professional disguise?

    For years it has been known that psychiatrists tend to vote Democratic. In 1968, for example, President Lyndon Johnson’s pollster noted that doctors were overwhelmingly Republican—“except for psychiatrists.” As of 1964, as Johnson’s men noted, psychiatrists had polled Democratic by a margin of 67% to 33%.

    One can, it is true, find a rare moment where a medical professional discusses Biden. In August of 2020, host Sean Hannity of Fox News expressed concern about the apparent confusion, fatigue, rapid aging, and cognitive changes he said he could see in Biden. Hannity turned to Dr. Marc Siegel, a Fox medical correspondent and clinical professor at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York.

    Siegel, who is an internist rather than a psychiatrist, declined to diagnose Biden’s cognitive status from a distance. ”


    So of course, we have been treated to the USUAL CRAP ONCE AGAIN.

    1. LMAO – same place Psychology Today that JT cites:

      “Joe Biden seems to have a much lower functional age than most of his septuagenarian peers. After all, he served as an engaged and valuable vice-president well into his early 70s. Running for president requires a great deal of physical energy and cognitive acuity, for example in debates, when responses to moderator questions and to other candidates must be swift and the possibility of a catastrophic blunder looms large. The campaign is still early, but so far he has been a veritable model of successful aging and right now he remains the leading candidate for the Democratic nomination.

      Let’s not forget that there are also some advantages that come with age and may make for better performance as a candidate and as president. Expertise is the superior skill that comes with long-term experience in a specific field and provides the basis for superior performance and achievements. There is no one in the Democratic field who has expertise in political life and government office that comes anywhere near to Joe Biden.”



    2. Interesting. I twice tried to post a reply to Shakdi’s mention of the Psychology Today article, and both posts disappeared. I expect it is some kind of WordPress glitch, but who really knows?

      1. Grim Squeaker

        The reason the system did not allow one of the comments to post was that the comment contained a prohibited word.

  5. 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧’𝐬 𝐔𝐩𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐄𝐱𝐚𝐦 𝐖𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐞𝐬𝐭: 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
    Following a damning DOJ report which concluded that President Joe Biden is too senile to face charges for mishandling classified information, one might think that proving Biden’s cognitive abilities are of paramount importance.
    By: Tyler Durden ~ Feb 13, 2024

    1. First of all, the gratuitous attack on Biden’s competency is the work product of Hur, a lackey appointed by Trump, NOT the DOJ, which has a rule that when an investigation does not disclose evidence of criminal wrongdoing, the report should simply set forth the reasons why and not trash the reputation of the person investigated. Hur violated this rule. Second, you are misrepresenting the key findings: there is NO evidence of criminal wrongdoing by Biden. Hut’s report does NOT say that but for Biden being allegedly incompetent, he would be prosecuted. And no one appreciates your clever little reference to “Fight Club “ either.

      Biden has said that he stands on his accomplishments, which far exceed anything Trump is capable of. Plus, world leaders respect Biden. The same cannot be said for Trump.

      1. aRE YA NUTS ? The report said Biden willfully broke the law, again, and again, and again, with the highest classification of secret information that could get undercover operatives murdered.

        Then it also said since the deep state is an arm of demoncrats, the all demoncrat jury would vote biden ollie ollie oxen free for being a demented old man who can’t tie his own shoelaces.

        In other words, a big fat lying predictive and never before used excuse was given so joe blow the document theft ho could skate off the hook.

        It’s pretty sick you got the entirely wrong information but then I’m certain the MSM fed your stupid partisan mind full of their crap.

        You’re welcome.

    2. They’ll just grab one of the biggest olives they can find, drop in a glass jar of formaldehyde and put the electrodes to it, take the readings to the MSM and declare joey is aok 100%. All their experts will read the electrodes output chart as impressive and indicative of a steely mind ready to take on 21st century tasks with fervor and acuity.

  6. 𝐒𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐍𝐨𝐬𝐞-𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐥𝐳𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫’𝐬
    A new review advances the hypothesis that nose picking could play a role in increasing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease – and the link is one that experts are now seriously considering.
    By David Nield ~ February 8th 2024

    That explains it, The Bidens are Nose Pickers, can’t keep those Booger Hooks out of other people’s business.
    Mystery Solved

  7. Jon Stewart finally said what we were all thinking about Biden’s age

    “Biden’s lost a step, but Trump regularly says things at rallies that would warrant a wellness check,” Stewart said, referring to one of Trump’s many rally rants.


    Jill should do the right thing, navigate her husband to a better, healthier, supportive life. Melania could adopt her former mud wrestling / porn / modeling role, don her fierce wrestler’s outfit, go mano-a-mano with the Don, toss him across Mar-a-lago campus, and score a TKO.

    One can dream

    1. Jon Stewart’s take-away point for those who do not like Trump is

      “The stakes of this election don’t make Donald Trump’s opponent less subject to scrutiny. It actually makes him more subject to scrutiny. If the barbarians are at the gate, you want Conan standing at the ramparts, not chocolate-chip-cookie guy,”

    1. Apparently the phrases “Trump Cult” and “Cult of Trump” are the new magic words for our trolls. Someone should keep track of the number of its uses up to the election.

    2. Fishstick,
      Who benefits from another Trump admin? Taking his first admin as reference, no one.
      Who benefits from another Biden admin? Taking his first three years as reference, Russia, China, Iran, Hamas, the Houthis and the drug/human traffickers cartels along the southern border.
      It is pretty clear by now, all our enemies are all in for another four years of Biden.
      Right now there are anti-conscription protests going on in the Ukraine. Zelensky needs a few hundred thousand to half a million able bodied men. A bill is working its way through their government to lower the conscription age from 27 to 25. Trump is promoting a cease fire and end the war. Biden is promoting more war, death and destruction.
      Who do you think the Ukrainians are all in for? Trump? Or Biden?
      If you are so all in for war, why dont you fly over to the Ukraine and volunteer to enlist? The average is 43 years old for a front line infantry. There are even reports of 50 and 60 year olds fighting. If not you, your children or even grand children?
      It is pretty clear by now, you are all in for death and destruction, as long as someone else is doing the dying for you.

      1. Peddle your pro-Putin BS somewhere else. There will be no peace with Trump in WH and Putin doing whatever he wants.

        1. Poor Fishstick.
          It is not pro-Putin BS.
          It is pro-peace. Pro-say no to WWIII. It is pro-stop the death and destruction.

        2. “Trump in WH and Putin doing whatever he wants.”

          Bush: Putin attacks Georgia
          Obama – Biden: Putin attacks Ukraine (Crimea)
          Biden: Putin attacks Ukraine

          Trump: Putin remains on his side of the border, (peace in the world and peace in the Middle East)

          One judges intelligence based on FishWing’s ability to see the pattern.

    1. Grassely and Johnson have been bull dogs for decades attempting to hold the DoJ to account for their work product.
      The have consistently found facts buried and demanded documentation. The DoJ always slow walks the response in an attempt to moot the results.

  8. There are physicians, medical professionals, and staff, who without doubt have witnessed first-hand and have been told second-hand that Joseph Biden today is NOT the Joe Biden of 2008 who rode to victory with Obama, cognitively-speaking.
    Why not let all of us in on it so we can make an ‘informed election decision’ come this November.

    1. Since the days of our first president, the Office of the Physician to the President has served to preserve the health and fitness of our Nation’s Chief Executive.

      Today, this tradition continues in the challenging environment of leadership in a global community. To meet the challenge, the White House Medical Unit (WHMU) provides worldwide emergency action response and comprehensive medical care to the President, the Vice President, and their families.

      The WHMU ensures the continuity of the Office of the Presidency through seamless integration with the U.S. Secret Service and White House Military Office elements.

      Unparalleled global medical intelligence, detailed medical contingency plans, life-saving interventions, and a critical advisory role in implementation of the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution ensure the safety of the President, and the Presidency, around the clock and around the world.

      The WHMU also provides emergency coverage for more than 1.5 million annual visitors to the White House and guests of the President, as well as national and international Heads-of-State and diplomats.

      The White House Medical Unit (WHMU) is a unit of the White House Military Office and is responsible for the medical needs of White House staff and visitors. The unit also provides medical care to the president, the vice president, their families, and international dignitaries visiting the White House.


      If President Joe Biden gets severely ill from COVID, then he’ll have access to superior medical care including an army of doctors and his own medical suite
      By: Kimberly Leonard ~ Jul 21, 2022

      Nothing to see here, He was a senile serial crook before he got here, he will be a senile serial crook after he’s gone.

  9. I say as a conservative and someone that will vote for any Republican against Biden or any other Democrat that problem with nominating Trump is shown this weekend as Biden is drowning in bad press, is digging a deep hole for himself and the Dems and Trump makes a complete fool of himself and gives Biden a lifeline.

    Trump, who has a winning argument about forcing NATO nations to spend more on defense, says that he basically would encourage Putin to attack a NATO nation because they are in arrears and are deadbeats. I know the Trump toadies will deny he said this, but it truly is the gist of what he said.

    Of course demand Europe spend more. Of course demand that they pay to defend themselves. Yes, embarrass them and even threaten (privately) to make decisions based on their spending. But to say out loud that “hey, if Putin attacks you it is tough cookies since you owe money” is insanely dumb and it is insanely dumb to say it when your opponent is on the ropes.

    I know his personality isn’t suited for campaigning nationally but does anyone seriously think that Ron DeSantis would say something so idiotic? Does anyone think that Ted Cruz would? Mark Rubio? Nope, only Trump is this undisciplined, this juvenile, this narcissistic and this uninterested in being thoughtful to wreck his own momentum. IDIOT!!!! It is maddening.

    1. Trump is very wrong about NATO obligations and enforcement. NATO asks members to devote 2% of their gross GDP on their military. There’s no “arrearage” owed to anyone. Trump would have no power to stop the US from honoring its obligation to NATO. Trump said “pay up “ or the US would not only refuse to honor its commitment to defend, but he would literally tell the invader [i.e.Russia] to do “whatever the hell they want.” As usual, Trump doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about , and is trying to project a “tough guy “ image, but is just affirming his ignorance and is saying things Putin wants to hear—-you have to wonder why-so maybe Putin can help him cheat again?

      1. Gigi.
        First -0 Europe is increasing its defense spending. It started that with Obama – who basically said the same thing Trump has – only with words that did not offend the ears of left wing nuts. It increased more under Trump. and is increasing further under Biden.

        BUT it is still falling short of 2%

        Next, the president of the United States is the commander in chief of the US Military. The president gets to decide US military and national security decisions. Congress can declare war or cut off spending. but little else. Does not matter whether the president is Obama, Trump or Biden.

        If Russia tried to invade Europe tomorow there is no US president – not Trump, Not Biden, Not RFK JR, not Bernie Sanders or elizabeth Warran that would not commit US troop[s to defend Europe.

        That said whether you like it or not – Treaties, international agreements, international law do not have a tiny fraction of the binding power than the laws of national governments do.
        While Trump WOULD defend NATO against Russia, he does not have to. It would be immoral not to do so. But if the US chose not to aide NATO, the consequernce would be that other nations would cease to take our committments seriously. In theory NATO could declare war on the US – do you really think they would do that while fighting Russia ?

        But aside from black and white – there are myriads of areas in between. The US existentially committed to defeating Hitler and Tojo. We engaged in total war. We bet the entire country on defeating Hitler and Tojo.

        We did NOT do that in Korea, We did NOT do that in vietnam. We have NOT done that since. We have won some of the subsequent engagements, we have lost some. More importantly though on rare occuasions we have walked away from committments to other countries when those committments were no longer in our national interests.

        When Trump is elected – the message to Europe is clear – The US is revoking its open ended total committment to NATO.
        Our future committment to NATO is like our committment to Taiwan – We will defend Europe – because it is in our interests to do so.
        When it is no longer in our interests – we will be gone. And the europeans had better start preparing for that day.

          1. Hullbibby – But we should explore ways to turn it into something other than an anti Russian alliance. Perhaps we should recognize that all of Europe, including Russia and North America, has a common heritage and common interests. We need to think in terms of Western Civilization rather than Western Europe. It might help to move the governance of NATO further east, maybe to Vienna, where they still have lot of imperial architecture from the past.

            1. It’s not an anti-Russian alliance. The sole time that Article 5 was invoked, it was on behalf of the US after 9/11. It’s not Russia that attacked us.

        1. Do you have reading comprehension problems, or is your head shoved so far up your anus that you can’t see or hear reality.? Look at what Trump said: “pay up” or he would refuse to honor NATO obligations (implying that he has some kind of power and that there is some arrearage owed to someone). First of all, his statement displays his utter lack of understanding about the 2% GDP NATO obligation–there’s no “paying up” owed by any country to anyone. Secondly, Trump (even if he could cheat his way back into power again) would have NO power to refuse aid to a NATO ally (see infra). Obama never said anything even close to the lies and delusions of grandeur expressed by Trump, who is trying to project a “tough guy” Mafi-esque image, but only manages to confirm the fact that he’s uninformed (or is lying once again) and narcissistic. It’s not about “offending the ears of wing nuts”–it’s someone who deigns himself qualified to be the leader of the free world who doesn’t understand America’s obligations as a NATO ally and that he has NO power to deny aid if a NATO ally is attacked. Keeping megalomaniacs like Putin at bay IS in America’s interests. The ONLY reason Trump wants to help Putin is because Putin helped him cheat in 2016, so said a REPUBLICAN Senate Committee that investigated election interference in 2016.

          From “”:

          “Congress Blocks Presidential Power to Withdraw U.S. from NATO Without Approval

          The U.S. Congress has taken a significant step to ensure the stability of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) by passing a law that prevents any U.S. president from unilaterally withdrawing the country from the alliance.

          This measure, which highlights Congress’ commitment to NATO, was included in the annual National Defence Appropriations Act passed on December 14 and is expected to be signed by President Joe Biden.

          The bipartisan initiative, led by Democratic Senator Tim Kaine and Republican Senator Marco Rubio, comes in response to former President Donald Trump’s critical stance on NATO during his tenure.”

          Trump spouts his fake “he-man” BS because he knows his fans don’t know any better. It’s pathetic, really.

          1. Today, Trump doubled down on his stupidity, because he just plain can never admit he’s wrong and has to keep bloviating about being a “strong man”. From “Truth Social”: “”When I told the 20 Countries that weren’t paying their fair share that they had to PAY UP, and said without doing that you will not have US Military Protection, the money came rolling in. After so many years of the United States picking up the tab, it was a beautiful sight to see.””

            Uh, I’d like to know WHERE “the money came rolling in” and what “TAB” the US was “picking up”. And, what was the “fair share” 20 countries “weren’t paying”? Other than a relatively small amount paid by members to cover NATO operating expenses, member countries devote 2% of the GDP to their military budget. Obviously, a country’s GDP is a variable amount. They don’t pay any “tab” to anyone, and don’t have any “fair share” owed to NATO or anyone else So, John Say, Edward Mahl, Hillbobby and the other Trump fans, please explain what the hell your hero is talking about.

            Why would anyone vote for a fool like this, who just keeps proving, over and over again, how stupid and empty his “he man” threats are, and why he would even consider standing by and allowing Russia to take over another country? He is an embarrassment to America.

            1. Natasha,
              Trump represented a strong man. Granted MSM aka ARM helped this view by the wild claims that he was a madman with his finger on the button! No one knew what he would do. He went after China with a trade war. Note, Biden’s first round of sanctions against China chip manufacturing was bigger than anything Trump did in his four years in office. Trump arranged the Abraham accords. No new wars started. The world experienced a degree of peace though MSM aka ARM would have you believe he was going to start nuclear war against . . . someone?
              Then we got Biden. He attended a few global meetings and everyone knew of his mental decline. What better time to act than a weak WH admin.
              And that is what Russia, China, Iran, Hamas all did.
              Russia’s Ukraine war was not some three day of fighting and it was over like they thought. It dragged out. The Russian’s lacked the logistical capability. As we all know, amateurs study tactics. Professionals study logistics. Those with TDS know neither and just spout the stupid. Russia quickly got bogged down in a prolonged war they did not want and met with the Ukrainian delegation in Istanbul for a cease fire and a peace agreement. Boris Johnson was sent to squash that agreement on behalf of the Biden admin, the MIC and the neocons. So it was war on, with thousands of Ukrainians and Russians dying for Biden the butcher, the MIC and the neocons.
              Right now there are anti-conscription protests going on in the Ukraine. Zelensky needs a few hundred thousand to half a million able bodied men. A bill is working its way through their government to lower the conscription age from 27 to 25. Trump is promoting a cease fire and end the war. Biden is promoting more war, death and destruction.
              Who do you think the Ukrainians are all in for? Trump? Or Biden?
              The US/West lead countries pushed for sanctions against Russia, which turned out hurt mostly EU countries. Then there was that Nordstream thing. Funny how that worked out. The entire geo-political landscape is changing and the Biden admin foreign policy wants to ignore that.
              We have a saying of when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Well, that is what Russia did, and to their advantage. Not just in the energy sector, but in de-dollarization and moving to a non-West centrist economy and banking system but to a BRICS one outside of the US/West banking system. There are a lot of countries interested in joining. That includes a number of our so-called allies.
              Further indicators and warnings of “Who benefits?” of another four years of a Biden admin, China. As the Ukraine/Russia war drags on, it sucks in more and more US military material and all the stupid money we are throwing at this proxy war. Gives China more and more of an advantage if they were to make a go at Taiwan. The US military has already had an issue with recruitment prior to either Trump or Biden, but it has gotten much worse under Biden with his all new, all woke military. So much so the Army War College wrote an essay about how an all volunteer fighting force may have outlived it’s usefulness and a partial conscription force may be require, aka reinstating the draft. For all those #IStandWithUkraine, and pro-NATO war types, you had damn well enlist for a combat MOS if they reinstate the draft or your children or grandchildren. You want to fight WWIII for Biden, get on the front lines and die for him.
              Who else benefits from another four years of Biden? Iran. Hamas. We know Trump will back Israel, so it is in Iran and Hamas best interest for Biden to win.
              Who else benefits from another four years of Biden? Illegal immigrants and the cartels running the Southern border with human trafficking and illegal drugs. Biden has the power now, always has to stop the flow. Just like the Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump admins did. Yet some how, it is unique with the Biden admin. So expect more crime, human trafficking along the border, and in Democrat ran cities that de-funded the police, have soft on crime DAs and city councils. I read that San Fran mayor polling numbers are so bad, 13%, that she is now backing a Republican amendment to her soft on crime law she got passed for harsher sentencing. Why? Normal people were getting mugged at gun point, car jacked or retail stores were closing due to crime. They want law and order. Imagine that. But something the Biden admin does not endorse. Just look at the crime in DC.
              Why would anyone vote for Biden for all his failures and his desire for more death and destruction?

              1. I really have a busy life and would like to not have to spend so much time correcting misinformation ,so I’ll just address one point: the “Abraham Accords”—which was nothing but an agreement formalizing trade between between Israel and Bahrain and the UAE, both of which were already trading with Israel. There was never going to be war between Israel and these countries. Trump and his media enablers try to puff it up into some “peace in the Middle East“ treaty that prevented war in the Middle East, but Israel wasn’t going to go to war with either of these countries . And stop calling me Natasha.

                1. Ms. Gigi, the Abraham accords did have a measure of peace set forth in the details. Allowing for a more equitable trade dealings. Which serves as a step in the right direction.

                  I traveled to Israel and Turkey last year and learned an American passport stamped with an Israel visa will prevent one from entering certain middle eastern countries. There was a provision in the accords to allow more open travel from Israel.

                  We all know the process or more accurately that peace in that part of the world is less likely than we hope. And if you believe in the Bible it is all together impossible. But small steps can help. Trade brings in a certain amount of dependence. It also requires businesses to agree on matters of commerce that will benefit both sides.

                  My last point is the strong ideology of Afghanistan and other Muslim Nations. The attraction of modern goods also requires the learning of how to use those goods. And that takes education, not for a few but for many including women. If the demand for these goods increases so does the need for more people to operate those products. And just maybe with emphasis on maybe, those Nations will see a more equitable society as a benefit for all their people. And watching other countries set aside disputes maybe they can too in hopes of modern farming practices, modern medicine and so on. But some of those Nations would rather see Israel and her people gone from the face of the earth than to live as neighbors.

      2. Absolutely a Trump presidency will be very different from a Biden presidency with respect to NATO and Europe.

        HOWEVER the critical difference is merely that Trump will move FASTER.

        The diminished US interest in Europe and the Mideast is NOT something that started with Trump. Nor something that ended with Trump.

        The only question is how fast the change will be. And even under Trump – the US is not abandoning Europe to the wolves immediately – or ever. We are merely making clear that the US commitment to NATO is no longer open ended, and no longer a committeemen to total war.

      3. Gigi, everything is not about Trump.
        Telling NATO that the US is slowly going to scale back its committment – started before Trump and continues under Biden.
        It is doing so because the age of the NeoCon is over.

        The US has by far the most powerful military in the world. Despite that fact we are no longer able to afford the cost of being the worlds policemen.

        From WWII to the present the US provided Two functions.

        The US military used force to stop the spread of communism and to stabilize conflicts across the world.

        The US military – primarily the US navy secured free trade across the world.

        Decisions made – some as far back as the Reagan administration have slowly diminished our ability to protect free trade.

        We are currently having enormous difficulty keeping the Persian Gulf and the Suez Canal open. And we are having difficulty against a tiny country in the midst of a civil war against half a nation of terrorists.

        That is Biden failing – not Trump. While Biden’s immediate failures in the mideast are the result of bad policies from the start.
        We were still arriving at this point eventually regardless.

        The US is getting major assistance east.

        1. John Say,
          I would only question the ability for Trump and any US president to alter the course of things that have been put in motion. De-dollarization, BRICS+ and their alternative banking system, the SCO, the trouble in the Mid-East are all things I think too big with too much momentum to alter their course and diminish the US/Western lead uni-polar world while a new muliti-polar world emerges.
          The BRICS have been looking to form their own banking system. They saw an opportunity with a weak Biden admin and took that opportunity to task.

          1. UF – Our debt, and future spending obligations, will drag us down, no matter who is elected. We may survive longer under Trump.

    2. Hullbobby, while you have more credibility hear than some, Like Ronald Reagan when I hear someone tell me “the gist” of what Trump said, all I have to say is “hear we go again”

      Overtime I have developed a personal rule regarding claims of what Trump said, Absent a quote, AND a link to video or transcript of the full comment in context, I assume that anyone saying “Trump said X” is lying, and I rarely am wrong.

      But addressing the issue of Europe/NATO this war should demonstrate to everyone very effectively – there is no good reason anymore for the US to be taking the lead in funding or directing NATO.

      That is not a bad thing. That is not meant to be perjorative to Europeans – absolutely they need to pay more of the cost of their own defense.
      In fact they need to pay ALL of the cost of their defense.

      The Ukraine war did NOT go as Russia expected. It exposed the fact that Russia is a paper tiger. That any two consequential EU countries can defend themselves successfully against Russia – so long as the US keeps Russia’s nukes off the table. That is our role in NATO today.

      At the same time – UKraine can not defeat Russia alone. It CAN stop Russia and acheive a stalemate – one that Russia probably will win brutally as this turns into a war of attrition. US technology is incredibly helpful. It makes possible the 3:1 or 5:1 casualty rates that keep Ukraine int he fight.
      But it is NOT sufficient to push Russia out of Ukraine and that was actually foreseeable.

      There is only ONE path to defeating Russia in Ukraine and that is for Europe to commit troops – to put boots on the ground.
      That is a European decision, not a US decision, We should not commit Troops to Ukraine.

      If Europe is not willing to commit to provide soldiers, then Ukraine and Russia with Europe must strike a peace deal, and the sooner the better.

      Is Putin dangerous and evil ? Certainly. But he is NOT a US problem. Russia but for nukes is no longer a global superpower.
      It is the job of Europe to decide what they are going to do about it.

      What I am discussing goes BEYOND just Ukraine/Russia. It is also time for Europe to step up in the mideast.

      The US is a net exporter of energy today. And we could be even more so. But even if we were not – we can get the energy we need from Canada, Mexico, Brazil. The US no longer has a compelling interest in mideast energy. That means the mideast is a European problem not an american one.

      While I am not talking about abandoning the mideast or Europe in the way that Biden did in Afghanistan. At the same time, it is time for the US to tell europe – you can stand on your own. You can take responsibility for your own energy policy, your own trade policy. Your own national security policy. The US is your friend. We will prevent Russia from using either nukes or Natural gas to blackmail you.
      But we expect that Europe will take responsibility for its own defense. And take responsibility for securing its own energy.

      I have ZERO problem if Trump told americans and Europeans that under Trump it is EUROPES that will be expected to prove the MEN to secure Europe from Russia, and it is EUROPE that is responsible for securing its own energy. That means they can not allow either Russia or OPEC to blackmail them.

  10. Nikki Haley on Trump’s condemning the absence of her husband, who is serving in Africa with the SC National Guard: “Why is there silence from the Republican Party?” “Like, where is everybody? … Where are the Republicans in defense of our men and women in uniform that sacrifice for us and protect our country?”

    Mitt Romney on Trump’s saying “I would encourage [Russia] to do whatever the hell they want” with NATO countries: “Now, I know that the shock jocks and online instigators have riled up many in the far reaches of my party. But if your position is being cheered by Vladimir Putin, it’s time to reconsider your position.”

    The GOP has become the cult of Trump, they can’t even condemn him when he’s obviously wrong.

    1. Who gives a f—k about meaningless sh-t like that when the Senate is literally bankrupting America? They just stole $60 billion more of our money and sent it to a bunch of corrupt oligarchs and arms dealers. They committed an insurrection against America. They are an existential threat to you and your family. And you want us to care about Trump saying something that hurt someone’s wittle feewings? I’m voting for whoever will stop the rape and murder of America without regard to some effete liberal snob like you. If that’s Trump then so be it. So gfy

    2. Did Trump know that Haley’s husband was deployed overseas? And did Putin really cheer Trump’s statement? Trump’s critics need to be careful in their own remarks.

      1. Why would Trump criticize Haley’s husband’s absence in the first place? Should people condemn Melania’s absence?

        As for whether he knew, if he didn’t, he should have. It’s public knowledge, and only an idiot condemns something without knowing the explanation.

        As for Putin cheering Trump’s statement, you do understand that it’s a metaphor, right? Putin likes anything that sows discord in the west or weakens the alliance.

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