“Blatantly Misogynistic”: UC Berkeley Students Declare That They Feel Unsafe After Professor Shares Dating Advice

This week, parents of students at the University of California at Berkeley took the extreme step of hiring private security to protect their children at the school after years of complaints over rising crime and anti-police policies. The university, however, is focused this week on another threat that has led students to object that they no longer feel safe on campus: the dating advice offered by Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Professor Jonathan Shewchuk in response to a query from a student.

Professor Shewchuk is known as a bit of a quirky character at the school, as illustrated by his long maintaining that he identifies as a “Smith & Wesson 460XVR .45 caliber revolver.” He has also suggested pronouns for himself that are a bit unconventional: “death/deathem/deathself.”

None of that has endeared the tenured professor with the far left faculty and students at Berkeley.

Recently, however, this all came to a head after a student asked for advice on both the inability to find a date in the Bay Area and the fears of finding work in computer science. On the dating question, Shewchuk pointed the student to prospects “out of the Bay Area.” He explained that “you’ll be shocked by the stark differences in behavior of women in places where women are plentiful versus their behavior within artillery distance of San Jose and San Francisco.’

That comment was immediately declared offensive and “blatantly misogynistic.”  CS 189 student Rebecca Dang was interviewed and reportedly said that she felt unsafe on campus due to the advice.

The university quickly condemned the comment as “threatening” to students and women. UC Berkeley spokesperson Roqua Montez declared “We want to be absolutely clear that the offensive content of the original post goes against the values and Principles of Community we adhere to at UC Berkeley. The comment was hurtful and threatening to students – particularly women – in his class and beyond.”

Shewchuk removed the posting and apologized to the school.  He has previously won teaching awards at the school. However, many want him fired as a threat to students.

Junior Noemi Chulo has reportedly begun the process of drafting grievances on behalf of Academic Student Employees through the local UAW 4811 against UC Berkeley, as creating a hostile work environment by employing Shewchuk.

Shewchuk’s own teaching assistant Lydia Ignatova denounced him as furthering discrimination against women and nonbinary people in EECS.

I can certainly see why the comment was offensive to many. However, the call to fire the professor stands in sharp contrast to how controversial comments on the left are often handled in higher education, including in the California system.

Radical professors are often lionized on campuses. At the University of California Santa Barbara, professors actually rallied around feminist studies associate professor Mireille Miller-Young, who physically assaulted pro-life advocates and tore down their display. 

We have also seen professors advocating “detonating white people,” denouncing policecalling for Republicans to suffer, strangling police officers, celebrating the death of conservativescalling for the killing of Trump supporters, supporting the murder of conservative protesters, and other outrageous statements. University of Rhode Island professor Erik Loomis defended the murder of a conservative protester and said he saw “nothing wrong” with such acts of violence. The university later elevated Loomis to director of graduate studies of history.

Berkeley has a long history of treating liberal and conservative speakers and academics differently in such controversies. The blog is replete with examples of the intolerance and bias at Berkeley. It has lost major court rulings due to its unconstitutional treatment of conservative speakers.  Nevertheless, student groups at Berkeley have pledged to block pro-Israel speakers for years as threatening to many on campus. Even liberal speakers with pro-Israeli views have been cancelled at Berkeley.

We previously discussed how a Berkeley physicist resigned after faculty and students opposed a presentation by a UChicago physicist due to his questioning the impact of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs. The school has long employed faculty with radical left ideologies, including professors like Professor Zeus Leonardo who has discussed the need “to abolish whiteness.” That is not viewed as making white students feel unsafe. Conservative sites have previously criticized Leonardo for inflammatory statements, including a guest lecture at George Washington University where I teach. At GWU, Leonardo argued that children are born “human” and then are “bullied” into becoming white: “They were born human. Little by little, they have to be abused into becoming white humans. This abuse is sometimes physical … such as being bullied into whiteness. But also it’s psychological and cultural.”

The students on the campus newspaper have defended for violent resistance against the right. That is particularly threatening after conservatives were attacked on campus.  Faculty has joined in declaring that some views are not protected on campus in seeking limits on free speech.

None of this means that comments from conservative or libertarian faculty are not worthy of criticism, but the response to such comments appears far more pronounced in controversies involving conservative, libertarian, or contrarian faculty.


194 thoughts on ““Blatantly Misogynistic”: UC Berkeley Students Declare That They Feel Unsafe After Professor Shares Dating Advice”

  1. Only the opportunity to advance leftist culture and ideology matters to many at college.
    This was eagerly turned into a struggle session with the appearance of a likely scapegoat.
    The goalposts will only advance if communism isn’t ripped out root and branch.

  2. The looney lying left gets the vapors so much maybe we should just lock them all in a nut ward with a fainting couch in each cell.

  3. These students will shortly receive degrees. They are coming from the most elite univerrsities in the country – they will shortly take positions of power.

    These students will shortly be the “experts” that get cited when ordinary people are expected to connform to the experts.

    Why exactly should I place value in the oppinion of a Berkeley Graduate who subsequently influential in NIH or CDC or WHO or CAI or NSA,
    who can not even figure out that Prof. ShewKew’s remarks are a pretty accurate expecsssion of the laws of supply and demand.

    I would note that implicit in his remarks was not just that women are more plentiful outside of an engineering college.
    But that dating is less of a minefield if you go somewhere that is not a hair trigger spring loaded, booby trapped minefield.

    The process of couples bonding is not some magically perfect thing where everyone knows exactly what to do.
    It is awkward and clumsy and involves mistakes and learning. If you live somewhere where the slightest mistake will result in being ostracized – you can expect that there will be little bonding.

  4. Before planes, trains and automobiles and sailing vessels the colors and cultures were separated by continents. 😏 Someone wanted to be rid of whiteness no doubt.

  5. Hard to believe that someday you might have to engage one of these students regarding a professional matter or worse yet we may have to depend on them to done a uniform and protect the nation. Strike that last thought.

    1. Margot,
      These are not the kind of people who would enlist in the military.
      No. They will stay home, protest whatever. Claim they are fighting for whatever rights to make themselves and their empty lives have meaning. But we all know they do not have meaning.
      Funny thing is, they will denounce the police, but when something happens they are asking “Where are the police?”

      1. Here I beg to differ. WE made the woke idiots that are slowly taking their place in power in this country.

        We screwed up their eduction. We coddled them – not necescarily – you and I personally,
        but certainly parents and the country as a whole.

        Some posters here – fought in vietnam, many had to make choices about vietnam.
        Our parents fought in Korea or WWII, our grand parents fought in WWI or WWII.

        I recently watched “Masters of the Air” – though that is just one of many many many examples – where people – particularly the young people of the country were called on the fight and dies for something important.

        We do not want WWII ever again. We do not want our children to get into aircraft, fly hundreds of miles to drop bombs on someone elapses children under circumstances where there is about a 400% chance they will die before the end of their duty.

        But they did. The people of that generation Deserve the appellation “the greatest generation”
        But in truth the only unique attribute of that generation is that they were called to fight and die.

        I have no doubt that the current woke generation would do exactly the same under the same circumstances.

        Given a choice I would prefer that my children grew up woke, rather than going off to war to die, or to watch others die often horribly.

        Regardless our woke children are the results of the way we raised them, the schools and colleges they sent them to.
        Mine were cyberchartered and have mostly turned out relatively well. I am proud of the fact that they have actually read the “dead white men” that the modern left rebels against.

        But this generation is entering the world and they are slowly learning the hard way – what we did not teach them as children.

        That is a painful process, but that is how learning works.

        Unfortunately our generation of older non-woke adults is going to have to live in the world that the children whose education we screwed up make.

        Hopefully they will learn quickly.

        Regardless, learning from experience is going to be very painfull – for them, and for us.

        This is one of the places I part company with many on the right here.

        Dennis as an example should read his own posts – he comes off as jealous, green with envy, bitter and rejoicing in the slightest pain of inconvenience he can inflict on those he disagrees with.

        But neither he – nor often many on the right do not seem to grasp that “sometimes the gods punish us by giving us what we ask for”

        On Monday, Trump MAY post a 1/2B bond, ….. or he may not.
        What will NOT happen is Trump will NOT drop out of the race.
        It is possible that a failure to post a bond could have obvious and immediate cascading catastrophic effects on NY.
        More likely the severe negative effects though quite real and large will take longer and be less directly evident.
        Regardless the big loser will be NY.

        Trump just made about $3B on his Truth Social Deal – he has DOUBLED his net worth overnight.
        It will take months before he can capitalize on that. But that alone is an appropriately bitter pill for the Dennis’s of the world to swallow.

        Dennis is desparate to see Trump convicted of a felony.
        My personal assessment is that is not happening. Due process will prevent a trial before the election and afterwards this will all die quickly.

        But lets presume there is a trial.
        The E Jean Carrol civil case moved the needle in Trump’s favor. There is not a presidential campaign in the past decade that would not pay $100M for a 1% gain in the popular vote.

        The allegations in the Carrol case are serious – Carrol alleged that She was Raped.
        Even what the Jury found was serious – they found sexual assault.

        But Trump’s polling went UP.

        Why ? I do not know – though I can guess.
        My Guess is that not only did’nt people beleive carrol or the judge or the jury, not only do they DISBELEIVE, but they have decided that the entire case was WRONG – morally Wrong.

        There is no good reason to believe that would be different in the other cases. Polls still say that Trump will be significantly hurt by a criminal conviction. But if that ACTUALLY is the case – he should have been hurt by the Carrol case.

        No one would have sympathy for Donald Trump loosing a 100M award to E Jean Carroll -0 if they actually beleived he raped her.

        The only possible explanation for Trump’s polls going up is that a SIGNIFICANT majority of people not only do not beleive Carrold, the jury and the judge, but actually believe that the case, the trial itself not merely came to the wrong outcome – but should not have happened.

        The left is making Trump into a Martyr.
        “Pilate: I see no reason! I find no evil! This man is harmless, so why does he upset you? He’s just misguided! Thinks he’s important! But to keep you vultures happy, I shall flog him!

        Crowd : Crucify him! Crucify him! Crucify him”

        The left does not understand that when people say they will not vote for Trump if he is convicted of a felony – that means that he was FAIRLY convicted, by a jury they trust in courts they trust.

        Those like Dennis do not understand that Getting what they want is not going to work as they hope.

        My point is that because the woke generation has not been taught properly in school, they will have to learn the hard way in the school of life.

  6. “I can certainly see why the comment was offensive to many.”

    Absolutely NOT, Shewchuk’s comment was only offensive to people who are desperately seeking to be offended.

      1. Thank you. I like Turley. But the idiotic claim that he is some right wing nut is FALSE.
        He is a SLOWLY being red pilled actual liberal.

        His articles CONSTANTLY have “throw away” phases like this that reflect that he is not even close to being fully red pilled.
        He still CONSTANTLY has unchallenged assumptions in his posts that reflect a liberal bias.

        All of that is OK – he is a work in progress.

        But it is occasionally necescary to point this out to counter the constant nonsense from left wing nuts here that Turely is some right wing Fox Shill.

        He is improving rapidly. He is becoming more libertarian.

        I have noted that increasingly free market arguments make their way into his articles.
        That is definitely at odds with even past liberalism.
        While the liberal lions of the past did NOT support government takeover of everything – either directly or through regulation,
        it was also incredibly rare that they did not default to regulation as the means to resolve some perceived problem.

        The Core of the Nobel prize winning Coase Theorum is that in a free market all problems will solve themselves better than government ever can.

        Regardless, the fact that he is increasingly starting to take free markets seriously is significant.

        I do not think those on the left understand the damage that the Biden administration has done to the left.

        In my lifetime I can not recall a time in which super majorities of people all agreed on some pretty libertarian positions.
        But that is where we are now.

  7. The prof. is only half right. The range of most artillery is about 15miles. SF yes – but SJ is 40miles by the way the crow flies, and would be out of range. Unless, of course, he’s referring to some of Russia’s artillery, which allegedly has a 43 mile range.

    1. I think you misconstrued the meaning. It was akin to saying “within a 15 mile radius of SF or SJ.”

      1. If you are trying to take Shewchuk’s remarks literally rather than seriously – you entirely miss the point.

        And if that has to be explained to you the humor is dead.

        The remark was a slightly humorous way of saying “get yourself out of this workers paradise, and look for dates somewhere the opposite sex is abundant and not actively seeking to take offense at your very existance”

  8. TO: Berkeley HUMANS

    𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐈𝐬 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 – Song by Natalie Merchant
    [Incidentally on May 30 2024 in the Bay area same Day
    [Natalie in San Fran (@ The Masonic) | Sarah in Berkeley (@ The Greek Theater at UC Berkeley]

    It’s a pity
    It’s a crying shame
    Who pulled you down again?
    How painful it must be
    To bruise so easily inside

    It’s a pity
    It’s a downright crime
    But it happens all the time
    You wanna stay little daddy’s girl
    Wanna hide from the vicious world outside

    But don’t cry
    Know the tears’ll do no good
    So dry your eyes

    Your daddy he’s the iron man
    A battleship wrecked on dry land
    Your mama she’s a bitter bride
    She’ll never be satisfied,
    And you know
    That’s not right

    But don’t cry
    Know the tears’ll do no good
    So dry your eyes

    They told you life is hard
    It’s misery from the start
    It’s dull and slow and painful

    I tell you life is sweet
    In spite of the misery
    There’s so much more
    𝐁𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥

    Who do you believe?
    Who will you listen to
    Who will it be?
    It’s high time that you decide
    In your own mind

    Tried to comfort you
    Tried to tell you to be patient
    They are blind
    They can’t see

    Fortune gonna come some day
    All gonna fade away
    Your daddy the war machine and
    Your mama the long and suffering
    Prisoner of what she can not see

    They told you life is hard
    It’s misery from the start
    It’s dull and slow and painful

    I tell you life is sweet
    In spite of the misery
    There’s so much more
    𝐁𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥

    Who do you believe?
    Who will you listen to
    Who will it be?

    It’s high time you decide
    It’s time you make up your own sweet little mind

    They told you life is long
    Be thankful when it’s done
    Don’t ask for more
    You should 𝐛𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥

    But I tell you life is short
    Be thankful because before you know
    It will be over

    ‘Cause life is sweet
    And life is also very short
    Your life is sweet

    1. Appropriate. Gratitude is notably lacking in spoiled brats who feel entitled because of their sheltered childhood. That’s what we’re seeing here. That kind of entitlement is not sustainable and so it will eventually end, when the new generation gains control and collapses the civilization, ceding it to more brutal power sources. In fact we are now pretty far down the road in that very process.

    1. No, their historical knowledge is limited, and they are simpletons as a consequence. All they know of history is: Hitler was a bad guy, so any American they disagree with is Hitler.

  9. Off topic —- or it WOULD have been off-topic until Turley’s hired trolls discussed this article and suggested that it’s a good idea:

    “California proposes restricting ‘influential’ anonymous online speech”

    “Under SB 1228, authored by State Sen. Steve Padilla, D-Chula Vista, social media companies would be required to verify ‘influential’ users with 25,000 to 100,000 followers through their names, telephone numbers, and email addresses. Social media companies would be required to verify ‘Highly influential’ users with more than 100,000 followers via their government-issued identification.”

    So apparently the idea is that you can only be anonymous if relatively few people pay attention to what you post online. But if you have a message that appeals to people, you have to provide your real name, phone number, email address — thushly requiring you to HAVE a phone and provide that number so that you can be subjected to god knows what kind of harassment and intimidation.

    And, of course, your bank can be contacted, and your employer can be informed of what you post online — and if they don’t approve, your banking and employment can be in jeopardy.

    So much for “free speech.” And this appeals to Turley’s hired trolls, as stated earlier in this comment section.

    1. I don’t know. The paid shills and trolls and cyber-stalkers here – how influential are they??? After I read them for about a week, and went down a couple of rabbit holes, I just started ignoring them for the most part. If they are not paid shills, then they are mentally ill people, caught up in a fantasy land inside their own heads, where blacks are where they are because of racism, and women are victims of a patriarchy, and you can change from male to female on a whim. Or, they can have more justice, if they stop prosecuting crime. They are brain-dead cult members, and no matter what garbage their Cult (the Democrat Party) tells them, they buy into it. So, why would I intentionally read their Cult Talking Points, or try to engage in anything more than occasional banter with them? They are stupid, and sick in the head, and there is no fixing them – outside of involuntary commitment and forced cognitive therapy. And, I would despair of that even working. They are too far gone, like people who have used too many drugs.

      1. While I agree with you – and you are free to ignore them – each of us gets our own choices, and sometimes ignoring something is best,
        The advice fo Prof. ShewChuck – though actually good, is probably something those so deeply offended should just have ignored.

        There is a right to be offended by anything – or nothing. There is no right to force others to be offended.

        Regardless, sometimes we ignore – sometimes we criticise, sometimes we laugh at, or jeer the bad speech of others.

        It is harder when government puts its thumbs on the scale and we live inside a censorship regime,
        but ultimately even censorship fails. Especially government censorship.

        When you censor – you make what you are censored secret knowledge that some will WANT to get.

        The most dangerous misinformation is that which comes FROM government.

        When government controls speech it can not help but make serious errors in doing so.

        Finally – as John Stuart Mill pointed out 200 years ago – if we do not know what those who disagree think – we have no means of knowing we are right or even the strength of our own arguments.

        1. It is a free country, and we are able to choose how we spend our time. I am old, and I don’t have much time left, so I do not wish to waste too much of it in conversations with people who (IMHO) have severe mental illness. That is why I will take the Watchtower magazine, say thank you, and then shut the door. Same with people like Dennis McIntyre, assuming he is not a paid shill. I truly believe that he is mentally ill, and that if he had lived in an earlier time, he would have been John Brown slaughtering people at Harper’s Ferry, or Daniel M’Naghten, who tried to kill Emma Peel’s great-grandfather.

          But even if not that level of barmy, he is at least a person displaced in time, and not really living in 2024. He is like a screenwriter in the 1960s, still living and writing cowboy shows, from his childhood back in the 1910s. I do not think, when I interact with him, that I am interacting with a real, mentally well-functioning human being. He may be able to tie his own shoes, and bathe and dress himself, and unlike Prince Ruprecht, he does not poke himself in the eye with his fork. But a lot of people in mental-institutions can do those things.

          Where McIntyre fails is in the cognitive role. He can not think, and he apparently votes for Democrats, because it is a family tradition. He simply regurgitates DNC talking points, and even after massive exposure to disconfirming facts, he stays true to the party line. I see him as a cult follower – somebody who would have gone to Jones Town. I have been doing some reading on cognitive dissonance, and it looks like a person has to have a certain level of cognition to even experience the dissonance – enough cranial stuff to recognize that something doesn’t sound right, or fit their belief system. That is where the discomfort comes from.

          But I wonder if a person can push down that feeling for such a long time, that they destroy their cognitive ability – that they destroy their own ability to recognize facts, or even feel discomfort/dissonance anymore. If he is truly 73 years old, I have to wonder if lying to yourself for 40+ years can produce the end result, which is the mostly brain-dead Dennis McIntyre? Whatever, I do not wish to be sadistic, and pick on him for being a mentally-ill idiot. I will continue to ignore his babbling, the same as I would ignore some drunk schizophrenic out there talking to the telephone pole. And if at some time, I am feeling a bit testy, I might throw a small gibe his way.

      2. Floyd, welcome to the world of sanity. Most of us reach that conclusion and take a similar approach after about two weeks of reading their twaddle.

    2. Anonymous speech decouples free expression from responsibility and accountability. It brings out pathologies, such as lying, defamation, doxing, intimidation, and fomenting lawless behavior. Freedom cut loose from responsibility leads to anarchy, distrust, alienation and dysfunction. Compare venues requiring identification and attribution to those unmoderated venues dominated by anonymity. Ask yourself what driving would be like if there were no drivers licenses and vehicle tags (actually, you can Google the early history of automobile driving).

      1. “Anonymous speech decouples free expression from responsibility and accountability.”

        Correct – that is intentional, it is a GOOD thing.

        When you speak anonymously – you can not be sanctioned for your speech.
        At the same time you can not speak with the credibility that comes from any reputation you have established.

        The strength of your arguments must be contained solely within that post.

      2. So you are all for the news being required to never use an anonymous source ?
        Same goes for all the government 3 letter agencies.

        “It brings out pathologies, such as lying, defamation, doxing, intimidation, and fomenting lawless behavior. Freedom cut loose from responsibility leads to anarchy, distrust, alienation and dysfunction. ”

        Sounds good to me, so long as it’s not just We The People that are required to adhere to your great new ultimatum.
        Of course, you’ll never apply it to those in charge.

      3. pbinCA said: “Anonymous speech … brings out pathologies, such as lying, defamation, doxing, intimidation, and fomenting lawless behavior.”

        That depends on how the permitted posters are parsed, and how moderation rules are formulated and applied. I’ll give you an example counter to your premise: Bruce Schneier’s “Schneier on Security” blog. Their is no verification of user identification, or even of a valid email address (although such an address is required for posting). Comments are almost invariably civil, and tend to be well-reasoned. I don’t particularly like the blog, as Schneier is an incurable statist, and is, or was, a probable CIA asset, and his followers tend to be from a similar mold, but it certainly serves to put the lie to the inevitability of your characterization.

  10. I must be missing something here…how is advising students to expand their pool of dating prospects a “safety threat” to the “wee weed up” snowflakes? Expanding one’s dating pool is always excellent dating advice and is a very benign statement to have incited such hysterics…are you sure this isn’t Satire?

  11. The following Article is an interesting commentary (perhaps a rebuttal) in respect to UC Berkeley’s Feminist History.
    Have We Come A Long Way, Baby?

    𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
    These days we hear a lot about the concept of the “male power fantasy,” usually in reference to accusations of “toxic masculinity.” In other words, feminists and woke activists argue that the male power fantasy is a social construct that makes men aggressive, and masculine aggression is supposedly the cause of most of society’s ills.
    By: Brandon Smith ~ March 22, 2024

  12. The professor offered advice when asked

    The Professor accurately explain, s different communities have different cultures.

    This is basic social science. Props to the Engineer with a wide knowledge base

    ONLY academia can reach this level of raw stupidity.

  13. time to end Federal Aid to colleges, including backing student loans.
    Colleges has become a joke. Let people who ACTUALLY want an education pay for it!
    Let Democrats fund their OWN FAILURES!

  14. Apparently the goal of elite universities is to turn out a cadre of hypersensitive sissies.

    And they are succeeding.

    1. Young,
      The old saying of birds of a feather, flock together, right?
      So, based off recent studies finds woke thinking tends to lead to depression.
      Trying to imagine a bunch of wokeists, dating and maybe even marrying each other to continue to lead depressed lives together.
      Wont that be a great demographic group to be around!
      I see a bright future in mental health care!
      And buy Big Pharma stock!

      Meanwhile, all us normal people will have sound, happy lives, filled with friends and family.

      1. Upstate: “recent studies finds woke thinking tends to lead to depression.”
        I recall seeing something like that. Somehow it doesn’t surprise me. Often wokeness seems more like psychosis than depression in that it is detached from obvious reality.

      2. “Trying to imagine a bunch of wokeists, dating and maybe even marrying each other to continue to lead depressed lives together.”
        What we actually see – and the literal observations that triggered this columns is that “woke” actively interferes with dating, marriage and a shared life.

        Professor Shewchuk is in trouble for CORRECTLY saying that if you are looking for a relationship – maybe you should look outside3 wokestan where tiny violations of unknowable rules could get you publicly pilloried and shamed for life – if not jailed.

        The professors remarks are dangerous because they are true – if you are looking for a relationship, it is best not to do so in a minefield.

  15. “out of the Bay Area.”

    When asked why he robs banks, the infamous thief Willie Sutton replied: “Because that’s where the money is.”

    When you are looking for a *woman*, you go to where they are — say Tennessee or Texas. If success is your goal, you don’t look to where they are not.

    If you find those facts “threatening,” then you have a challenging relationship with reality.

      1. Sam said: “Oops. Forgot to sign in.”

        I have seen several such referenceS to “signing in”, which to me implies a site registration process. I am uncertain whether I would want to register in that way or not, but I have looked, and I can find no evidence of such a process anywhere on this site. Or were you referring to tagging a post with email and name, then saving that information for the remainder of the browser session?

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