MSNBC’s Wallace: “All of the Conspiracy Theorists are Republicans.”

There has been a notable shift toward more and more extreme rhetoric in the media from predicting that democracy will end with this election to “disappearing” journalists and gays to ending all rights for everyone. On Monday, MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace added to this litany with a claim that “as with racists, all of the conspiracy theorists are Republicans.”

After discussing how GOP candidates have stated that they believe that the last election was “stolen,” Wallace added “It is not accurate to say everyone in the Republican Party is a conspiracy theorist but as with racists, all of the conspiracy theorists are Republicans.”

It was a crushingly ironic moment. Wallace has been repeatedly criticized for spreading false news. For example, the “Deadline: White House” host told viewers that they should not take the Hunter Biden laptop seriously: “We shouldn’t look at it as anything other than a Russian disinformation operation.”

Wallace heralded the Mueller investigation while pushing the now debunked Russian collusion claims. However, on the Durham investigation, she told viewers that they could ignore it despite the fact that the report stands uncontradicted:

“Durham’s whole thing is predicated on it’s like a rabbit hole conspiracy that suggests that the Trump-Barr paranoia infected his ability to stand back and evaluate whether the probe yielded guilty convictions of people who would have had nothing to do with any of these questions he looked at.”

Wallace and MSNBC also pushed false claims about Bill Barr clearing Lafayette Park for a Trump “photo op.”

On August 5th, 2019, MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace falsely claimed that Trump had talked about “exterminating Latinos.”

Wallace and MSNBC pushed the false story of border agents whipping migrants in Texas.

Wallace claimed that the lab theory of the Covid 19 was a “conspiracy theory.” It has been embraced by various federal agencies despite being called racist by many experts.

Many on the left now routinely call opposing views as spreaders of disinformation or conspiracy theories. The Biden Administration has funded various groups to blacklist or bar those with opposing views as disinformation, malinformation, or misinformation.  Indeed, new groups are being formed before the election to echo these claims, including one headed by the former “Disinformation Czar.”

258 thoughts on “MSNBC’s Wallace: “All of the Conspiracy Theorists are Republicans.””

  1. You may want to stress that not a single former Soviet satellite state wants to get back to the old status quo and that all the new NATO members pushed into the alliance while there was time. Estonian here and I want to say that we wanted to be part of NATO. They INCLUDED us, accepted us. “Expanded” sounds wrong,

    1. Well that certainly proves that only 75% of conspiracy theorists are Republicans, not all of them. It also directly impacts upon Wallace’s claims.

  2. Ahhhh!
    Our leftists trolls are flailing about, desperately trying to spin Wallace’s fake story and failing in epic fashion!
    When GEB, Iowan2 or HullBobby present facts, they make nonsensical comments and then run away!
    Their desperation is so much fun to watch!

        1. You may want to contact Professor Turley about that not so subtle death threat, wishing you harm, with the cyanide comment. Could be a prosecutable crime, and IP addresses even via VPN can be traced


          1. Estovir,
            He is about as dangerous as a day old kitten.
            Although the kitten would be more useful as a barn cat/mouser.

  3. Some people are just despicable. She has the gall to say that Republicans create conspiracy theories after she spread conspiracy theories like RussiaGate and Covid came from a wet market just to name a couple. Despicable like when the taste of spoiled milk hits the palate. The only cure is a spewing of the offending substance from the mouth with the hope that it is not also ejected through the nose. One never forgets the experience and this woman is a continual reminder of this unforgettable occurrence. They left the milk out for a month at MSNBC but they think that you should still be forced to consume it. Listen up they say. You will drink it and you will like it.

    1. You beat me to it with the word, “despicable.” That is exactly what I was going to say about her, but I had to clean cat pans, and feed all the critters. Plus, grab a cup of iced coffee, fix four sausages, and take my pills for the day.

      Maybe in Nicole’s mind, there is a difference between pushing Hillary’s Russian Collusion Lie, and pushing a conspiracy theory? Because they (MSNBC) knew it was baloney from the start. Therefore, they were liars/propagandists, not conspiracy theorists.

    2. @thinkitthrough,

      Why wouldn’t she be right? If she engaged in conspiracy theories per your claim she should know as a fellow conspiracy theorist that republicans are also serious conspiracy theorists.

      Takes one to know one as the saying goes.

      Didn’t Fox News recently paid a record settlement over peddling conspiracy theories as fact? Conspiracy theory is sadly synonymous with anything Republican. Thats why it’s easy to attach the label. Because it’s backed by evidence.

      1. @George

        Indeed, it does take one to know one, and that is why it’s so inexplicable that you all still carrying water for the most fascist party the West has seen since the 1930’s is still so tone deaf. Wake up dude, or whatever, I honestly don’t give a sheet, not even a little bit.

        Posted elsewhere, but unless you are generationally wealthier than God and can retreat to a private island, this collapse of society is going to mess with your life, too, just give it time. And see the extent to which your platitudes (*cough*religious doctrines*cough*) hold up to the light of real life, right here, on the ground. You are not someone I would take to war; you would be starving on the ground in two shakes of a dog’s tail. If dollars and connections eventually become useless, I honestly don’t know what someone like you would do, when even relative wealth could no longer protect you; die simpering, through no fault but your own short-sightedness and being diapered by nannies; would be my suspicion. And that is the future for the feral and idiotic kids your ilk have raised and inflicted upon us. They aren’t my blood and I have no issue spanking the sheet out of them, and that is the level of discipline they deserve, in their 20s. Eventually, they will simply die out, and all of their nonsense with them. Try as you might, the forces of nature and the universe writ large are just stronger than you. I know that is tough for your arrogant a** to accept.

        But by all means, keep preaching from your tower, Rapunzel. And if the aforementioned time ever comes, you will still vote democrat because you have been indoctrinated into, ‘Vote blue, no matter who!’. Those of us that actually know how to survive are no longer taking your ilk into consideration. If things ever get really bad, you will experience kindness as a gesture of pity, because you are pathetic, not your acumen.

        1. @james,

          You just made the perfect example of what Wallace was going on about and what I predicted earlier would occur.

          What’s happening in this comment section is the conspiracy theory version of the Kruger-Dunning effect. So many critical of Wallace and her assertion while at the same time peddling the very things she was asserting.

          Then you proceed with invoking a ”collapse” that Wallace explicitly talked about as an example of the conspiracy theories she was asserting are common among republicans. People here are unknowingly proving her point.

  4. These days the difference between a conspiracy theory and what is reported as fact is about three months.

  5. I was told many years ago to never stay in a position so long that you start to believe your own Press Releases. Perhaps the time has come for true Kool-Aid drinker Nicolle Wallace to move on…….

    1. Sky: Don’t be too hard on Nicolle, a former Bush aid and GOP member in good standing until her recent conversion to the other side (so much political sin to atone for). She now rolls with the ‘cool kids,’ attends all the right parties, and finds her work immensely satisfying, intellectually vacuous though it is.

  6. Another case of the newscasters who cry wolf,
    while they themselves are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

  7. Wallace has sold her soul to the devil

    Jamie Raskin had been in office as a Congresscritter only 3 days in Jan 2017, and his first official act was to question the 2016 election results. Watching Joe Biden gavel Sheila Jackson Lee = pure gold

  8. OK, JT. Both sides have a paranoid-zealot fringe that aggrandizes the threat of the opposition. These “fringies” are strident infowarriors who sign up to conspiracy theories — not because they are true, but because they make the other side look bad, and doing that is more important. Loyalty to the faction = loyalty to the fiction.

    The cultural issue swirling around fringe-informatics is how the moderates retain sufficient control over the infospace so that public decisionmaking cannot be “nudged” into blunders by fanatical infowarfare. That happened in 2002, when Ahmad Chalabi and a small group of Shiite Iraqi activists planted fake intel into the CIA about WMDs and Al Qaeda, in order to nudge America into helping topple their arch-enemy Saddam Hussein. It worked in spades. The media didn’t uncover the con until after it was too late.

    This likely also happened in 1898. Remember the “Maine”? Also, in 1968 with the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

    Many believe that Antony Blinken and Mike Morrell’s whopper about Hunter’s laptop being Russian hacking tilted the public into electing Joe Biden, after morphing into a vast infowarfare campaign with sympathetic media and tech giants. Realtime deceitful infowarfare for political/policy advantage is of great concern — this gnarly issue is how to blunt it in realtime, or proactively deter it.

    That’s where I want JT to go with this discussion of free speech. Enough kvetching about the problem. And, enough “you counter bad info with good info” naivite. The realtime conundrum is that deceitful infowarfare only has to go unchallenged temporarily — in the first 24 hours, it can pick up a life of its own with sympathetic believers. And public decisions like elections — and going to war — what if the truth is delayed in being exposed? Once irrevocable public decisions have been made, the truth coming out doesn’t matter. So, think about that when you’re about to parrot Justice Harlan’s “antidote” to disinformation.

    And, no, government censorship is NOT the solution to policing the infospace. It must come from the citizens, from the grass roots.

    It’s equally foolish and indifferent to consequences to hide behind, “there’s nothing we can do about it”.

      1. If you “take sides” and only see your opposition as spewing conspiracy theories, and ignore it when activists on your side play loose the truth, what do you think are the chances of ever re-instilling norms of truth-seeking and truth-telling?

        Grow up. It’s going to take circumspect maturity to do anything effective, which means standing back from the fray, and noticing the human frailties (oversimplification, thirst for drama, “us vs. them” tribalism) that support and encourage uptake of false narratives. It will take a systems approach to begin to navigate the problem, which requires dispassionate neutrality, objective analysis, and creative synthesis.

        The starting point is for conservatives to identify fraudulent infowarriors pushing fringe conspiracies on the right: |
        Alex Jones (Sandy Hook murders were a hoax)
        Marjorie T. Greene (QAnon, Pizzagate, space lasers)
        Donald Trump, (Obama not US citizen, Ted Cruz’s father involved in JFK assassination, I won 2020 by a landslide)
        Dinesh D’Souza (2000 mules – cellphone locator analysis proves organized ballot fraud)

        Conservatives have no problem identifying leftist’s conspiracy theories, so no need to give that as an exercise.
        But liberals need to study conspiracy theories originating from the left.

        3rd Party infowarfare campaigns. Not all “axes to grind” are left vs. right in the US. Both camps could benefit from looking for the infowarriors who have a different agenda, and are manipulating media. Some are domestic (e.g., Jussie Smollett), some are foreign (Putin, Xi).

        1. Well, some would say that Alex Jones and RFK Jr. are right about atrazine and endocrine disrupting chemicals in the water turning frogs gay.
          But we are assured, they are crazy conspiracy theorists, there is no “evidence” to support these outrageous lies. LOL.
          Who has the bigger incentive to cover something up by calling it a “conspiracy theory”?
          After all the lies about covid, forced on us by our “authorities”….I tend to believe the “disinformation spreaders” and “conspiracy theorists” far more than “the science” or “the government” or “the fact checkers” or “the media.”
          I will certainly check them out for myself rather than listening to some “authority” assure me there is no truth to the theories, just “trust us,” they say. LOL.
          What we find more often than not these days is an actual “conspiracy.”

    1. Much of the “deceitful infowarfare” comes straight out of Biden’s White House, Biden’s press briefing room, Biden-friendly media, the FBI, and the massive Censorship Industrial Complex being run out of Biden’s government.
      As to “going unchallenged,” Biden is the president who tells whopper lies almost daily, including lies that cause leaders of foreign nations to respond. The media mostly gives Biden a pass, or a gentle mention, like it’s all fine and dandy to have a mentally ill, demented, pathological liar “running the country” since he’s a Democrat — who they “must get reelected.” Both of Biden’s presidential campaigns are based on lies and hoaxes. He continually repeats the lies. Where is the pushback or correction on Biden’s “deceitful infowarfare”?

      1. Biden’s White House routinely modifies official transcripts of Biden speeches to cover up his gaffes, false statements and other confused ramblings. They rewrite history in real time.

  9. I think it’s very clear that there’s an obvious pattern showing that morally bankrupt Democrats & progressives think nothing of spreading bald-faced lies about Trump and Republicans, they know that by the time they have to offer some kind of retraction that the damage from the lie will have done its job, the ignorant sheeple will believe the lie, and no one will pay a bit of attention to the buried retractions. Paul Joseph Goebbels styled propaganda reigns supreme in the minds of morally bankrupt Democrats and progressives, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” Paul Joseph Goebbels

    This pattern is evident in other things too, like intentional violations of the constitution and weaponizing the justice system to persecute to mention a couple.

    “The political left has shown its pattern of propaganda lies within their narratives so many times that it’s beyond me why anyone would blindly accept any narrative that the political left, their lapdog Pravda-USA media, their woke consumed bureaucracy, or their activist supporters actively push?”
    Steve Witherspoon

    1. That’s quite a bit of projection. Wallace is correct about her assertion. The quick pushback and following attacks speaks volumes about how close to the truth she really is.

      Those who are quick to protest are usually the ones guilty of the accusation.

      1. George wrote, “That’s quite a bit of projection.”

        This looks like pure ad hominem, but me being the fair person I’ll give you one reply to explain (in some detail) exactly how what I wrote was projection.

        George wrote, “Wallace is correct about her assertion.”

        I didn’t mention Wallace at all in my comment, my comment was about Democrats & progressives in general, so it appears that what you’re doing is trying to deflect from what I wrote. By the way; Wallace’s assertion is absolutely absurd and Turley give just a few example of why it’s absurd. If you actually believe Wallace’s assertion then you’re a fool.

        George wrote, “The quick pushback and following attacks speaks volumes about how close to the truth she really is.”

        I does nothing of the sort and only an ignorant partisan hack or an internet troll would present a ridiculously illogical and fact less argument like that.

        George wrote, “Those who are quick to protest are usually the ones guilty of the accusation.”

        Using your own argument then you must be the one projecting and <you are showing just how close to the truth what I wrote was.

        Have a nice day.


      2. “Those who are quick to protest are usually the ones guilty of the accusation.”

        That’s quite a racket.

        Stay silent, you’re guilty of the accusation. Defend yourself, you’re guilty of the accusation.

        Heads, the accuser wins. Tails, the accuser wins.

        Next up: If she floats, she’s a witch. If she sinks, oh well.

  10. How about this for a conspiracy theory:

    Just like in 2020 the campus “protests” are peaceful. When a Jew can’t go to class just BECAUSE HE IS A JEW it is not peaceful. When people wear masks it is not peaceful. When they chant Jews should go to Poland it is not peaceful.

    Columbia is the canary in the coalmine and if they don’t fix it soon it will metastasize and it will kill the host. Other schools have reacted quickly and properly and the riots are over. Columbia is learning over and over again that appeasement doesn’t work with narcissistic radicals.

    Ever notice that there is always one little fascist that seems to be in an orgasmic spasm once they are given the mic to lead the chants? This is the Tic Toc age and we are seeing the results of bad parenting.

    1. “ When a Jew can’t go to class just BECAUSE HE IS A JEW it is not peaceful. When people wear masks it is not peaceful. When they chant Jews should go to Poland it is not peaceful.”

      None involve violence. Therefore they are still peaceful. What you described is more likely an inconvenience. Then you proceed to do exactly what Wallace was saying. You prove her point.

        1. @upstatefarmer,

          How is that not peaceful? The article only talks about ensuring safety. No violence has occurred. It seems more of an intent to deny protesters the exposure they need by using safety as a proxy to keep the media from reporting on the protest that has so far remained peaceful. They don’t seem to like the fact that the reporters are contradicting the claims made by right leaning media that violence is involved. That kind of bad faith characterization is what keeps undermining conservative calls to send national guard troops and police to shut down students free speech rights because they are inconveniently spotlighting the hypocrisy of the Israeli claims.

            1. @upstatefarmer, the only reason violence occurred at VCU was when police became aggressive. It’s the same thing that happened during the George Floyd protest. The presence of police always triggers the violence.

      1. None involve violence

        That word does not mean what you think it means. . . .

        You may want to brush up on you very limited vocabulary

        1. @Iowan2,

          You may want to brush up on what context is. Your examples made no sense. They were devoid of context. English was not your best subject it seems.

  11. Thanks Wallace, for once again reminding normal Americans just how radical, ignorant, and delusional the left wing activists in the media really are. You are doing your part to help get Trump reelected…again, thank you.

  12. Jonathan: I think Nicolle Wallace got it about right: “All of the Conspiracy Theorists are Republicans”. Just look at Jim Comer’s little impeachment inquiry–full of conspiracy theories about how Hunter Biden made millions from overseas investments and then lined his father’s pockets. Turns out that conspiracy theory blew up in Comer’s face and his investigation is now dead in the water. But there is further proof of other conspiracy theories by the far-right MAGA Republicans. What’s this about?

    As DJT’s Manhattan criminal trial enters it’s third week there is a story in Huffpost (4/29) about one conspiracy theory was debunked. On March 27, just before the DA Bragg case was to go to trial, the far-right One America News Network published a a baseless story claiming Michael Cohen had an affair with Stormy Daniels and Cohen “cooked up” a scheme to extort DJT. The story was based on a single, unverified social media post. The false narrative was that the claim came from Michael Avenatti, Daniel’s former attorney. The OAN story was entitled: “Avenatti Alleged Cohen Daniels Affair since 2006, pre-2016 Trump Extortion Plan”. Turns out the OAN story was FALSE. Avenatti denied the allegations and OAN has agreed to a settlement with Cohen, has retracted the story and made an apology. OAN didn’t want to be sued for defamation. Looks like the OAN false story was an attempt influence a potential jury pool in DJT’s trial.

    Need further proof of conspiracy theories by Republicans? Here’s another case. Since being indicted by DA Bragg DJT has attacked Justice Merchan, his daughter, prosecutors and witnesses. DJT pushed the conspiracy theory that the Justice benefited financially from his daughter’s work with Democratic candidates. All of these claims were FALSE.

    Now, Justice Merchan today found DJT in contempt on 9 of 10 violations of the gag order–and ordered DJT to pay fines totally $9,000. When it comes to conspiracy theories the MAGA Republicans and DJT are up to their ears in them!

    1. Just look at Jim Comer’s little impeachment inquiry–full of conspiracy theories about how Hunter Biden made millions from overseas investments and then lined his father’s pockets.

      All of that is true. Money is tracked along that exact path

      1. iowan2: No, it is not true. Comer has never come up with any proof that Joe Biden benefited financially from his son’s business ventures. Otherwise, there would have been an impeachment vote in the House by now! You are big on conspiracy theories yourself that turn out to be FALSE.

        1. Hunter said he was paying half his income to his dad. 150+ Suspicous Activity Reports.
          The law considers cash to family members is the same as cash to a Principle.
          Dozens of shell companies that have done zero business. Foriegn bank accounts that dont share info with the US
          Far more evidence than anything Trump is charged with.

          1. That evidence showed none of those actions were illegal or criminal. Thats the problem chairman Comer can’t overcome.

    2. DJT pushed the conspiracy theory that the Justice benefited financially from his daughter’s work
      Need a cite for that little nugget.

      1. Dennis, yesterday you never responded to defend your post that a crime is in play. Never explained how a State statute can be applied to a federal office election. Or is that conspiracy a good conspiracy?

          1. liar.

            Dennis you have never explained how a State law that enumerated State and local office elections, can be used against a person running for a Federal office.

            I did the work and went back to what you posted. Even though I knew you were lying, and I was right.
            You never addressed how Colangelo / Bragg is using a state law to shock back to life a dead misdemeanor.
            I cant even see how payments for an NDA catagorized as legal fees, is not the absolute true and accurate conclusion.

    3. NEW: OnlyFans creator Farha Khalidi says she was paid by the Biden Administration to spread “political propaganda” & was told to not disclose her videos were ads.

      Everything about Biden is fake.

      Khalidi says the Biden admin reached out to her because they wanted someone with…
      — Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) April 28, 2024

    4. @Dennis,

      That’s a great point. The impeachment inquiry had numerous conspiracy theories for its foundation. Now that the inquiry is essentially abandoned shows how harmful reliance on conspiracy theories can be to those who don’t question the claims and take it them at face value.

    5. So when are we supposed to believe Michael Avenatti and Michael Cohen again? When they are offering lies to go after Trump? Avenatti is asking to be called as a witness for the Trump defense team. Both are proven liars and one is serving time for lying under oath! Then you reference a Huffington Post story, which states OAN being sued for stating an alleged Avenatti claim. You can’t even make this crap up. Last I knee alleged means just that. Probably another extortion scheme from Avenatti, much like Cohen! The trial is a sham and every one including you knows it, and knows Merchan is not an impartial Judge.

  13. At this point in world history, you’re either a conspiracy theorist or a coincidence theorist. And I don’t believe in that many coincidences. MSM has become a sort of fairy tale on demand for those who just need to hear the reassuring lies repeated over and over. Orange man bad. Safe and effective. Get your (9th) booster. Russia Russia Russia. “Joe Biden” is the last bastion of democracy. Lol. They know they’re lies, we know too, and they know we know. And we know they know we know. But we still have to play this game of charades where the government propaganda machine i.e. MSM is the trustworthy source of information and everything else is “dangerous disinformation.” It’s really pretty tiresome.

  14. Should the Romulans attack Earth, and defeat it, and install me as King of America, I would have all the media types, such as Nicole Wallace, rounded up and imprisoned on cattle farms, where their duty each day was to clean stalls and pastures and shovel the bull sh!t up into piles, and then spread it onto fields as fertilizer. The theory being, that their sole talent in life has been shoveling sh!t to the masses.

    1. Floyd,
      Not a bad plan, but you need to compost the BS for two years first.
      Then, let the shoveling commence!
      All hail King Floyd!

  15. ‘Projection’ is a defense mechanism in which we transfer our
    undesirable or uncomfortable feelings and urges onto others.

    Repeat the lies loud and long enough and…

  16. Hilarious. The Final Stage of this mental illness is the “Everything is a PsyOp” narrative. As the hard evidence comes out of the massive corruption in our government, the last resort of these criminals is to declare that nothing can be trusted. The famous CIA limited hangout is always to obscure the evidence with a thousand lies and to say, “We may never know the whole truth,” while redacting names in every document. How many times can you use “conspiracy theory” before the sheeple finally figure it out? We are headed, at some point, for a massive disclosure.

  17. I’m sure denying reality pays several million a year so, of course, she will do it. It’s only the most “sincere” liars who can land such a position. I’m sure she has had planty of practice. Wouldn’t want to be married to such as this, though.

  18. The DNC and their MSM lackeys are spreading the FUD far and wide!
    They make outrageous claims and never bother to explain exactly how their outrageous claims would happen.
    I seem to recall something similar leading up to the 2016 election. Lots of crazy talk and then nothing happened.
    They must be desperate.

    1. They always explain it. The problem is conspiracy theorists are ready with a conspiracy theory to defend their criticism. It’s a vicious cycle of self delusion that makes it impossible to recognize reality. It’s what republicans rely on to maintain political relevance.

  19. It shall avail them naught. They are preaching to a choir of bobble-heads who already agree. It is like falsifying votes, or letting illegals vote, in a blue state: what’s the point? They’re going to win those districts anyway. The overwhelming mass of Americans do not watch MSNBC, or follow looney leftists on “X”; they look at the price on the gas pumps and their grocery store receipts, contemplate losing their gas-powered cars, and see images of shrieking leftists overrunning college campuses. Yet the leftist braintrust invests their time and energy in creating ministries of disinformation and lawfare that just empower the Once and Future President, and will ensure his victory. These lame shenanigans will get them nowhere.

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